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March 24
March 24
Dear Papa, on this 7th anniversary, I want to remind you that we miss you terribly and hope you and my husband are bonding well in heaven. Your advocacy for us is sorely missed, and we need you now more than ever. Thank you for all that you have done, and please continue to advocate for us from above.
August 9, 2023
August 9, 2023
Beautiful memories of you are always in my thought. Happy birthday.
March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023
Hello papa,
Happy sixth anniversary. I cannot believe it is six years since I have not been at home. Your burial was the last time I visited home.
Papa, I did not forget your anniversary on the 24th of March. Strengths failed me. I never wished to live and see you bury John, but I hope you were here to talk to me now because I still feel like I have no one to talk to.
The unfathomable tragedy of your nephew’s death, my husband, Engineer John Ogbonnia Eni, has rendered me speechless and helpless. I am confused about dealing with the complexities of things. Grieving both of you gives me chills and makes me sad. It is even harder to bear the pain of taking John home.
My loneliness is not limited to missing two of You, but I am trying to move on with the unforgettable marks you all left behind.
If you meet my husband, tell him I love him and take good care of him.
I Love you. Papa enjoy your anniversary.
Your daughter-in-law,
Ada Echemicable.
March 24, 2022
March 24, 2022
Papa, your spirit continues to shine and let us know that you are happy. Keep resting; your memories are still with us. You will never be forgotten.
August 8, 2021
August 8, 2021
You are evergreen in our hearts. Happy 88th birthday in Heaven.
March 26, 2021
March 26, 2021
Continue to Rest In Peace papa, you will never be forgotten.
August 8, 2020
August 8, 2020
Papa, every year of your death is entirely different as I wander through my emotions. Thinking of you comes and go as new things happen in the family. My husband is working very hard to fulfil your wishes for him, but it is hard to bear the broken heart syndrome of your death and not being able to see his handwork physically.
I still believe that your conscious spirit continues to work. Help us overcome the pandemic attack of Covid 19. Keep us safe.
As the Lord lives, Your memories will not depart from me, and I will always remember you in forevermissed. Happy Birthday in Heaven on your 87th anniversary.
Oke Nna Dim.
Your daughter-in-law,
Ada Echemicable.

March 24, 2020
March 24, 2020
Papa Hi, How are you doing? Happy 3rd Anniversary.
I still have the belief that whoever that has a brother in heaven does not go to hell, and you know what that means. Because there you are in heaven, there is a little bit of the Heaven in or various homes. There is a pandemic outbreak on earth, Covid 19. If your spirit leaves, hear our cry and protect your family. I remember you today, and we miss you, and we remain your family root.
Once again, happy Anniversary in Heaven.
Your daughter-in-law,
Ada Echemicable.
August 9, 2019
August 9, 2019
Happy birthday in heaven papa, you gave yourself and my husband to me and I will continue to love you all till the days of my life. Your memory is still with us. I am just missing your jokes. My husband is trying but yours boosted my glee and my endurance that I cannot laugh quite often on the phone . RIP
Ada Echemicable.
March 25, 2019
March 25, 2019
My father in-law,
Today marks your second anniversary in Heaven and I know you are guided by the hevealy angels. My family will love you to the rest of our life. I miss your jokes and everything about you. Hugs and kisses today and every day.
Your daughter in-law
Ada Echemicable.
March 24, 2018
March 24, 2018
Tribute to my loving and caring father-in-law, Pa James Ogbonnia Enya, (aka Breadman or papa Cameroon). Your love was an indication and part of my overall marital happiness. I did not know you were too fond of me until my children and I spent time with you during my dad’s burial. You poured your heart into my dearest husband, you told him how much I cared for you and how grateful you were to have me as a daughter-in-law. I miss your jokes and laughter.  My smiles are lost going through your forevermissed website. As a father-in-law and a father figure, your absence left a deep wound in my heart. It is sad to feel that you are no more with us on earth, but your love and peaceful memories are still our guides. Your death brought peace, warmth, closure and prosperity to the family. My prayer is for anyone that comes to the family embraces your love and fit well into the family. Open your eyes and watch your children as each an every one of them proceeds to the adventures of marital and successful lives. Give them the wisdom to be selective, to take good care of their wives and their wives will take good care of them. I pray for God’s divine blessings upon Dominique and Tony. Let God give them the grace as first sons of yours to carry the mantle of leadership very well. Join the family together for obscenities disintegrate when generations are united together through a family love. Your endless love will continue to bind us together as a family. My father-in-law, my heart is broken that you missed the new occurrences in Enya’s family- We had a new princess, your granddaughter, Benjamin graduated from University. Martin blooming in business, Jeffery and Paul moving forward to the responsibility of family life and my honourable doc for years and years of a struggle getting to the real moment of walking closer to his graduation of being a doctor. I know you see all of them in your absence. I wish you lived to witness all these things. These are moments that would have made you proud. I repeat let your spirit be our guide. One day I believe we will rejoice with you when God calls us home.
Rest In Perfect Peace
Your Daughter-in-law,
Beatricx Ngozi Alu Eni.
Nee Echemicable.
September 18, 2017
September 18, 2017
I am still not convinced that you are gone until I see your grave. I am still finding it difficult to believe that you are no more. You left a legacy and my son named after you will always remind me of you. Go well Papa.
June 23, 2017
June 23, 2017
Tribute to my uncle and a father figure.
   Uncle, words cannot express how much you mean to me. After my parents death, life was not easy for me. At a tender age, l prayed so hard for you to take me out of the village. When you came and told me that I will go with you to Cameroon, my heart was full of joy. Honestly speaking, it was like you read my heart and God heard my prayers.
    Uncle, you rescued me from a life of poverty and you helped to shape me to the kind of man I wanted to be. Throughout my life with you, I respected you. You never doubted, complained nor disappointed me.I have not met any man as hard working as you were. I took the mantle from you and channeled myself to America. When you conducted a send forth at Cameroon, Ozizza and Amaizu Amangbala central school, St Anthony by then, it was a thing of joy and a good moment to every members of the family. Since then, the distance was not felt as you always called to check on me.
   Though circumstances did not warrant me to come for your burial, but I love you so much with the bottom of my heart. I will send my Angel to come and represent me.
Honestly speaking, I will miss your funny conversations and the laughter you always bring each time I talk with you.
I am grateful for the role you played in my life. Thanks to the almighty God for all your accomplishments, thank God that you raised me as your own, and to Him be the glory, who put you in my life.
Thank you for being there for me at the time of my life.
My great uncle and ever father figure,
Goodbye till we meet to part no more.
Your lovely nephew,
John Ogbonnia Eni.
Ogbo Eni Mgbo.
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
Tribute to my beloved father
  When I think about the demise of my father I feel it is like an illusion because the things which my father always does for me have left a mark of remembrance in my heart.
  My father always guide,correct and always give me good counsel every time I do something wrongly. He always show me my mistakes and give me a good advise so that I will not repeat the mistake.
  My father was a man who always try to provide the needs of his children with the little he had. When I ask him for something he will try his best to provide it for me.
  I will forever miss him and will forever remember his words of advice in my heart. Good night my beloved father
                                 RAPHEAL ENYA.
May 13, 2017
May 13, 2017
Dear Grandpa,
I am sad to have heard about your death.
Though you are dead, I thank God for the privilege He gave me to see you again. I hoped to visit you many times, but nature took its course to take your life. You are gone, but you will never be forgotten. I lost you, but I did not lose you as a model of my daddy's life.
I hope you find eternal peace and salvation you deserve.
Rest In Peace till we meet again.
Daniel Chibuike Ogbonnia Eni
May 13, 2017
May 13, 2017
Dear Grandpa, distance prevented you from being part of our daily life, but I enjoyed the little moment we spent as a family together. I got excited whenever you raised your hand to say hi- your American style you said. Your jokes make me laugh each time I remember them. I looked forward visiting you again, but I didn't know you will be gone so soon.
Thanks for the quality of love and life you gave to my dad. You will always be my special hero. I will get to say Hi again someday in heaven.
Goodbye, Grandpa.
Deziree Chizubem Ogeri Eni.
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
I have multiple words to use to describe my late grandpa James Enya he was a devoted, caring, and faithful man. He is known to me as my grandpa who helped raise my father into what he is today. My dear grandpa presented my father with so many opportunities that if not him me and my siblings wouldn't be where we are today. I am thankful for the time spent with him since my last trip to Nigeria. He may be gone but, never forgotten. My condolences go out to the family may he rest in peace. We must celebrate my dear grandpa's life and continue his legacy for he was one in a million. -Destiny Ijeoma Elum Eni
May 4, 2017
May 4, 2017
Time they say, heals all wounds, but this wound has left a scar, which even time could never take away
Death leaves a heartache no drug can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Grieving is allowing me to feel all the emotion and pain of my loss, anger, the loneliness, the despair; sometimes I feel like I can't stop crying , but I will because crying will help heal me. for me grief has been a process of allowing myself to feel the depth of my pain and than finding a way to get those emotion outside of my body.
I don't know where to begins, all I keep thinking is how I wish I had that "one more" opportunity to see Dad, to hear his voice, see him smile or even crack a joke. l had so much hope of starting something new, finally having a son/father relationship. now I can't because he is gone. I miss him so much and I know he is no longer in pain. Dad you live in my heart. mat you be at peace!!!
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
What a life well spent!!! Papa you lived an honourable life worthy of emulation by all. You impacted your generation, community, siblings, children, grand children and great grand children. You were never discriminative, every one was your child and thus deserved your support financially, morally and otherwise. Your empowerment and care is not to be quantified. You never wanted to hear that am sick and if I am you would order that a special meal be prepared for me and you would watch me eat and get well. You would share ideas and relate with people not minding their age with respect. Your sense of humour was extraordinary. I thought I would see you again! I already miss your smile and intergrity!! Your gone too soon!!! You will forever be remembered!!!! Your legacy will be lived!!!!! Rest in perfect peace dearest grand dad!!!!!!
April 25, 2017
April 25, 2017
My dear beloved Dad
Despite the pain that lingers in the core of my being,
I’ve got to try and let go.
Father I wish you well;

As the tears roll down and as I seek PEACE to stop the PAIN,
I pray for God to grant you peace as well.
Time’s precious, it’s ever changing and waits for no one.
Rest well my beloved Dad, rest well.
Au revoir mon pere, au revoir;
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
A poem for papa

A special dad is hard to find,
You dad I 'm keeping in my mind,
I wished you could have stayed forever,
But I will never forget you oh not ever. If dreams weren't dreams and dreams came
I wouldn't be here I'd be with you.
Distance is one thing that keeps us apart,
But dad you will always remain in my heart. A special smile, a special face, a special
someone I can't replace,
I love you and I always will,
You filled a space that no one will ever replace.
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Poem for papa

I never got a chance to say goodbye
And now when I think of you all I do is cry
You left a message upon my heart
One with which I shall never part The things you taught me the world will never
And now thanks to you I can finally grow
You taught me strength, you taught me
You taught me love and gave me knowledge You made me smile when the tears poured
You helped me to turn my life around
We hurt each other it is true
But for the rest of my life I will always love you
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
This tribute was added by UDUMA OKORO on 22 april 2017....

Tribute to a king I once knew... Pa I call u a king because that's what you really are. In your life time you made impossible things to be possible, you touched so many lifes positively. I call you a king because you have all the qualities of a king. To cut the whole story short, pa we all love you but God love you most. So may you enjoying your staying with God. And may your perfect soul rest in perfect peace. Once more, I love you.
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
A page-full of words cannot describe the legacy of Pa James Enya. Having not known him in person, I can attest to what personality he was by mere looking at the life his son, my friend, Benji Enya mirrors. After all, don't the IBO tribe believe in the phrase,...*ome ka nna ya?* And so I say this: am not here to mourn but rather to celebrate. Yes, to celebrate an individual who has impacted positively on the lives of many, a man who has left a huge footprint in the sands of time. Pa James Enya lived a meaningful life characterized by series of daily acts of decency and kindness which add up to something great over the course of his lifetime. Therefore I urge the Enya family to take solace in the knowledge that Pa James Enya played his part well in a life so short.
What is dead may never die
Adieu Pa Enya
Sleep tight.
April 21, 2017
April 21, 2017
He is gone but remains young in you and yours!!!
A man who I think the world needed a little more of. Pa Ogbonnia Enya James wasn't a man I can attest to knowing all that well if not for his kindness. I couldn't tell you his birthday, how young he was, where he went to school. He was just Vincent, Benji, David, Martin and Paul Enya’s Dad. Those cool, laid-back GSSA mates of mine with great senses of care and humor that made you feel at home when you were alive.
We all know that we have a limited time on earth; it's almost cliche to speak about the fact. But when someone who you believed in, respected, and knew personally dies it's a real knock on the head. It's strange though. I'm never upset in person by these things. If anything, I'm almost emotionless about them. I don't cry at weddings, I don't cry at funerals,but I do cry alone though. This i did for my Dad and have done for you!
In my town, you were so rich but you hated pride. You had all it would take to climb to the mountain tops and make the loudest noise,but you hated to blow your trumpets. I learnt a little from you; to let my achievements and success make the noise than my talks.
Now to David,Vincent(My senior students back then in GSSA); Paul, Martin (My classmates); Benjamin and Godfrey(My Junior students) hear me so loud: Your Dad was the greatest man of his time to have procured education and livelihood to you guys. He was the bravest to have fought and achieved like no or few men in Afikpo. He may actually be gone but his seeds are alive in you all. Please, take heart. May God give you and the entire family the fortitude to bear the demise of your Dad. RIP Pa James until we meet to pathways no more!!!
April 21, 2017
April 21, 2017
A tribute to our loving Father It was 5am, the darkest hour of the darkest night of our life, March the 24th, 2017. Our father whom we always looked up as the strongest and the wisest, our hero gasping for his next breath. The sound of his laboured breathing gradually subsided and the hospital room became quiet. I along with our mother helplessly watched him pass away. We have no words to express the moment. It was unbearable.
With the passage of time his wonderful character seems to evolve in my eyes, especially as a caring father sensitive even to the tiniest of our needs and desires. To the world he was more then just a sincere and honest person, the integration of straight forwardness with his well meaning personality earned him the utmost regard in society.
Dad you will never be forgotten. His soft and consistent counseling filled with affection has touched us deeply, molding and shaping the developmental years of our life without curbing our inherent inclinations.
Dad you will never be forgotten. “Thanks for the care and love you have bestowed, the understanding and support you have extended for whatever best we could achieve.”
He was a loving husband who meant the whole world to my mother.
A very affectionate father, grandfather, he has been and will always remain a beacon of light for us, guiding us through the treacherous passage of life.
He was a man of principles throughout his career; he stood tall for the righteous cause and never bowed to unscrupulous pressure. We feel privileged, blessed and much honoured to have him as our father.
Words cannot heal the pain of losing someone so dear. May the good memories hold deep in our heart. He was an adorable person. May God give us the strength to overcome the pain of this great loss. God has ended his suffering that is the only consolation that we can hope for. May God grant him the best place in Heaven, where eternal peace reigns....Amen. “What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” I take comfort in your memories for they will indeed be a part of me forever.
Your parting has left an empty space, your time seemed all too brief, which left us bewildered and in grief. God wanted you.
Dad, I always thought that time is a big healer but somehow with each passing day I miss you even more! I just want you to know that we all are taking very good care of Mum. May God give her the strength to cherish alone the memorable moments you two shared together for so long.
Dad, you will always be remembered as a loving & affectionate father. I will forever cherish your memories and hope for our ever loving mother to see through this difficult time of parting. Today she will miss you ever so more and hope that you are watching
The tide recedes but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand, the sun goes down but its gentle warmth still lingers on the land the music stops but it echoes on & on in sweet refrains for every joy that passes, something beautiful remains. As you passed on, you left us with so many good memories that will never depart from us
Dad you are remembered by each passing day in our hearts and soul for you we pray. Looking back to the days we woke up and to the days you spent with us sometimes as I remember you, I begin to cry, wishing that you would have never died. I remembered how you used to shout at us whenever we did something wrong, you will always want to correct us and you never afraid to say the truth even though it will hurt us.
Most at times your shouting will end up with funny jokes and we will miss this shout and jokes. I could remembered the day I passed out of NYSC we were all having diner on the dining table together. You still gave us funny jokes “if you know you didn’t wash your hands before eating remember not to washed it after eating.

Is it the numerous advised you gave to us. Every morning after prayers you will call any one that did something wrongly and you will calmly advised he/her. We will miss you so much.
Dad I love you so much but God have a reason for you to leave us now 

Its hard to say Adieu
Enya Martin O
April 19, 2017
April 19, 2017
When it rains, it pours".
Papa, I am touched beyond words asking if my house is a cemetery? Do I need to lay in the ashes of all these deaths? Having experienced loss after loss of fatalities, yours just came like a tsunami wave. When I saw you on the video breathing with your accessory muscles while in the hospital, I also felt the rhythm of your heartbeats. It brought puddles of tears in my eyes.
 I cannot imagine so much loss in such a short moment of time. 2014-2017 are traumatic years for me, and it is just too much for me to bear these bereavement overloads. Honestly speaking, I am physically and passionately exhausted experiencing such a profound sorrow of one loss to another. I pray to God to keep me emotionally safe because the brainwork of all these deaths pains me to the core.
Papa, it is sober to lose you when I am in most need of your support. Your death and my daddy's death has impacted me in such a way that I did not expect, and I ponder why God called both of you home. I miss you, love you and feel depredated that I have no father to talk to as of now, but I raise my shoulders high looking unto God for more hope, love and less worry. As a father figure to my husband, you have been by my side bringing aspirations, joy, and healing.
Papa, several times, you laid pointed emphasis to bring my son home for you to see again. I am glad that I saw the joy in your heart when I fulfilled the promise. You made my children, and I feel wanted in the family. The miracle of your love to my husband and kids became a platform and a bonus for me to love you more. When you spoke to my husband after our last visit to Nigeria, you puzzled that I cared a great deal for you, but that's who I am. My life phenomenon is welded in family love. The same love I have for my dad I share with you as a father-in-law, and I promised to always be there for you. Your care and support during our stay with you on my daddy's burial made a lifelong impact on the whole extended family. Your old and funny jokes of holding me accountable for my husband's absence always ring hollow to my ears. I appreciated your lovely interactions and every laughter that we shared together. I am consoled that my children were afforded the kudos to close the distant gap and spend time with you and their cousins. I felt recovered watching the mouthwatering presence of quality time bonding together.The early morning prayer at five am every day except Sundays inspired me knowing how humble you and your households were to our God Almighty. I draw my consolation that you knew God before your death.
Papa, I witnessed your meritorious traits, boldness, fascinations, enthusiasm and commitment to poverty cutback. You took the ball, and ran with it. Your high experience and art of bread making met an official hallmark and satisfied the explanation of ancient gastronomic delights of the BREADMAN l know when I married my husband. You worked so hard to raise your beautiful and handsome children; you did well in Real Estate. Establishments were your center of life and trademarks, I believe you passed this talents to your kids. I am so grateful for the tremendous legacy and fabulous memories you left for us. Your qualities will contribute significantly to make us whole bonded and extended family. Your establishments and website are picturesque keepsakes that will be treasured now and for generations to come. Thank you for your prayers, concern, and care that you rendered to my lovely husband. You were the light of his life. May your memory lead us to everlasting happiness. May you find peace in the Lord as you rest in the bosom of His hand.
Adieu my father-in-law,
Adieu the Breadman,
Ome ihe Ochi, larue nk'oma.
Your daughter-in-law,
Beatricx Ngozi Alu Eni.
Nee Echem.

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