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May 16
May 16
Hey mom boy do I miss you i always worry ill forget your voice. Life has changed so much I only wish you were here. Happy Belated Mothers day out family has grown a little. Lil Steven has a baby boy named steven he is the cutest lil thing your son steven is a grandpa you would of been so happy. Tara met a really nice doctor there in engaged I know that would of made you happy. Wish you could of met Camden you would of loved him he is amazing and knows of you through picture I know you know Kelly and Jimmy are her across the street from me. We just need Steven and family and we will all be together I miss you as I'm sure you know. You have my Bobby beans uo there with you and a big piece of my heart. Its so hard to go on without him But I di for Ronnie and Tara and all my grandkids. Love and miss you so much. Kisses and hugs Kim
April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023
Hey mom. Havent been here in a while tomorrow will always be a sad day for me. Its 11 long years and still miss you like crazy wish I could have one more day love you always mom
December 22, 2022
December 22, 2022
Thinking of you and missing you so much things are so different without you and my Bobby beans I truly hope that we will be reunited when I go miss you two so dam much. Merry Christmas in heaven love you always
August 11, 2022
August 11, 2022
Hello mom was thinking of you today  I miss you so much. My life has changed so much since your gone it just keeps getting harder and harder life is so unfair I can’t believe how long it’s been since I heard your voice  My heart is forever broken my baby is with you please watch over him I need you to watch over me love ya so much mom
May 2, 2022
May 2, 2022
It’s going to be another Mother’s Day without you. But you have my boy missing you both so very much love ya
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
Hello Mom I can’t believe your gone 10 years feels like a lifetime so much has happened I needed you a million times I miss you so much
April 16, 2022
April 16, 2022
Happy Easter in heaven mom know it will be a little brighter for you with Rob with you 10 long years without you please look over my Robert I miss him so much
March 13, 2022
March 13, 2022
Hey mom Thinking of you today really missing you. It’s hard to believe you almost gone 10 years it really feels like a lifetime my life is a mess down here I’ve never needed you more then I do now my heart is broken and so very heavy. I miss you and my Robert so much I feel like my heart is bleeding. I love you so much love always and forever. Kim
February 23, 2022
February 23, 2022
Hey mom I know your happy you have my son my heart is shattered broken I will never be the same how can I  My heart is up there with you and Rob. So unfair but I know you got each other and that helps a little I pray you two are looking out for all of us down here I miss you so much and need you more then ever my life is a mess Please come to me in my dreams I need it so bad. Love ya always mom. Til we meet again
October 7, 2021
October 7, 2021
Happy 79th birthday mom you got a special gift this year you got my baby Robert so. Now you have your 2 best friends and your grandson to celebrate with although my heart is completely broken I know your day with be special up in Heaven I love ya mom til the end of time
April 14, 2021
April 14, 2021
Another year mom without you I miss you so much  It just doesnt get easier my heart hurts just as much today as it did 9 years ago i love and miss you like crazy  Please come to me in my dreams  i miss your voice and beautiful face every year that passes is one year closer til I will be with you again.  Til hen RIP mom love you always
December 22, 2020
December 22, 2020
Merry Christmas mom i wish you were here as much as I love Christmas it will never be the same without you I miss singing to you it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas that will always be our song I love you mom and you are missed so very much please visit me so I know your ok miss and love you so much Merry Christmas love ya always kim
October 8, 2020
October 8, 2020
Happy birthday Mom I know Im a day late it still not easy I still miss you more then anything Wish I could have one more day It breaks my heart that you have missed so much camden loves you says you come visit him  you would of truly loved him he is one in a million Adrianns misses you too I hope you had a great birthday with your friends Aunt Marie and Pat I love you mom til we meet again please help me be the grandma you were and look over me as i know you have been
October 8, 2020
October 8, 2020
Happy birthday Mom I know Im a day late it still not easy I still miss you more then anything Wish I could have one more day It breaks my heart that you have missed so much camden loves you says you come visit him  you would of truly loved him he is one in a million Adrianns misses you too I hope you had a great birthday with your friends Aunt Marie and Pat I love you mom til we meet again please help me be the grandma you were and look over me as i know you have been
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
Good morning Mom I hate this day I miss you more then anything  My life will never be the same The hurt never goes away there is never a day that I don’t think of you it just doesn’t get easier You were the best mother ever I wish so much for one more day to hug you So many times I need you I love you ❤️ so much please continue to watch over me
April 14, 2019
April 14, 2019
Mom , I can’t believe it’s been 7 years it feels like a lifetime I miss you so much holidays are so lonely without you today is one of the hardest days for me I hate the month of April I still wish and hope that I wake up and it is only a horrible nightmare I long for one more day to hold you and tell you how much I love you how much I need you  I love and miss you more then. Anything Until we meet again I will forever miss you
April 15, 2018
April 15, 2018
YESTERDAY Date is one of the worse days for me I miss you so much mom life will never be the same so much has happened since you left I hope you are looking down on us we need you watching over all of us each year makes me that much closer to seeing you again I love you mom
December 20, 2017
December 20, 2017
Another Christmas without you Mom IM so lost without you 6 CHRISTMASES I do anything for just one more day I love you so much and miss you so very much the day god took you home he took a big part of my heart my life will never be the same merry Christmas mom love you always
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
I love you and miss you more then ever they say it gets easier but for me it dont there is not a day that goes by that i dont think of you my heart hurts you were truly The wings beneath my heart mom you have missed so much Tara's baby Camden you would of adored him it breaks my heart he will never get to meet you we can only share memories and pictures. I love and miss you so much mom please look over me I need you R.I.P. momma until we meet again

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