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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Patricia Cooke, 88, born on December 16, 1928 and passed away on January 9, 2017.

December 16, 2022
December 16, 2022
Happy Birthday Grandma Pat! Missing you over the holiday season. This will be the 5th Christmas without you.
Love you,
January 9, 2022
January 9, 2022
5 years later and we miss your loving presence always
December 16, 2021
December 16, 2021
Dear Grandma Pat -
I miss you more than words could ever say. You led the family, and in the vacuum of leadership, nothing has gone the way it should have. I wish I could have done more to stop your son from auctioning off all of your furniture and belongings on the back porch, just as he said he would. He will never be with you … however, I will see you again and laugh at his petty attitude toward you. Angry because he couldn’t be 1/10th the person you’ll always be.
Love always,
December 16, 2019
December 16, 2019
Happy Birthday Grandma Pat! You’d be 91 today...we miss you.
January 28, 2017
January 28, 2017
Although I only knew Pat for a short period of time, I did have the privilege of assisting with her care during the last few months of her life. Despite the level of pain she was in, she carried through with a strong determination and good sense of humor. There were several times on occasion I remember her making me laugh with her dry wit. One particular day while helping her change clothes she was remarking on the fact that I was "doing it wrong". This of course should come as no surprise to anyone considering how she was known for doing everything a certain way. During our discourse she commented by saying "don't forget, I'm older than you" to which I responded, "yes you are, just like you were yesterday and the day before." Her way of talking made it very easy to be candid with her as she was perfectly frank with everyone. There was no fakeness about her in any way which is one of the traits I truly appreciated about her.

She had extreme trust and faith in Chris's capabilities. Whenever she seemed to be in doubt about the future, reassurances that her grandson was taking care of the necessary arrangements seemed to calm her down instantly. Pat never wanted to be a burden and with the exception of apologizing she would say things along the lines of "I know this is a mess and it's a shame you have to deal with it" implying of course that she was fully aware of her situation.

Pat held the utmost dedication towards playing the organ for church and related events such as weddings. Every morning when she awoke she would comment on the fact that she was running late for church and they would need to find a replacement for her because of her physical condition. Hearing how much she missed it in her voice was quite touching.

Even though she was not my grandmother by blood, she gave off a good-hearted and finicky persona which was very endearing. A few times there was a need to remain close by her side to monitor for any major changes. At this point we had spent a decent amount of time together to where I felt quite comfortable asking if I could lie in the bed next to her. She had no objections and twice I fell asleep beside her and awoke with a calm and peaceful feeling. Pat had the ability to evoke a sense of composed acceptance in the fact that she was very no-nonsense and accepted the curve balls life threw at her with grace and ease. May her soul rest in peace.
January 28, 2017
January 28, 2017
Bob and I have alot of fond memories of Pat and Oscar. Bob worked for Cooke Sales for 35 yrs plus counting the time we both worked at the lake. They were wonderful people. When Pat needed the lodge cleaned for something she was having there. She would call andwe would make sure everything was in tip top shape. Flowers planted and yard all mowed. Every Sunday Oscar and her would come out to the lake cooked out and enjoyed there drinks Pat loved her wine. They would sometimes invite us to join them. Would really enjoy ourselves. She never treated us employees but friends. We will always treasure her and Oscar's friendships. We have missed Oscar alot and we will also miss Pat. Rest In Peace Pat and you and Oscar are together again. I will never forget you.
January 25, 2017
January 25, 2017
A lifetime of fond memories. Pat was a great mother-in-law and Grandmother to our sons. Lots of Christmas's with Pat and Oscar fun times building a fort for the guys to play in. Pat made everyone in the family warm knitted throws and Cyndi cherishes her beautiful lap robes. Gone but never forgotten. Rest In Peace mother.
January 24, 2017
January 24, 2017
We will always miss you, Grandma "Pat".

"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living." Cicero
January 24, 2017
January 24, 2017
Gone but never forgotten. We'll miss you Grandma Pat!!
January 24, 2017
January 24, 2017
I will cherish the memories I have of Elmdale Rd and The Lake! Although you are gone, you will never be forgotten in our hearts and our memories!

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December 16, 2022
December 16, 2022
Happy Birthday Grandma Pat! Missing you over the holiday season. This will be the 5th Christmas without you.
Love you,
January 9, 2022
January 9, 2022
5 years later and we miss your loving presence always
December 16, 2021
December 16, 2021
Dear Grandma Pat -
I miss you more than words could ever say. You led the family, and in the vacuum of leadership, nothing has gone the way it should have. I wish I could have done more to stop your son from auctioning off all of your furniture and belongings on the back porch, just as he said he would. He will never be with you … however, I will see you again and laugh at his petty attitude toward you. Angry because he couldn’t be 1/10th the person you’ll always be.
Love always,
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