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Share a special moment from Paul's life.

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6 months on

September 26, 2017

Six months ago, I woke up really early and really really sad. It was a Sunday morning and I was so so sad. I hadn't heard from home so as had become my daily ritual, I called Mummy to ask how my Nana was. She lied. She said you were fine. But I was still so sad. I was crying and I didn't know why. My heart was so heavy and uncomfortable. Until the person they'd sent to deliver the most painful message I've ever received came to me. He was already crying. He never met you Nana, but he was crying. I didn't/couldn't/can't/won't believe it.I cried like a baby! My eyes were red and swollen. We'd been praying for you Nana. That Sunday we were fasting. I still didn't eat, I couldn't. Eat for what? What did I need food for? I dressed up and went to church like I'd never done before. You didn't need to look at me twice to know that something wasn't right. I sat like a zombie throughout service. I still couldn't hold back the tears  (and you know how I hate for people to see me cry). I was broken! Frank spoke to me that day like he never had. He reassured me, gave me hope again. No one knows the whole story even to this day. I don't know how I slept that night. People tried to make me feel better but no one could do the only thing I wanted, bring you back. I know you wanted to come by in the summer. Summer has ended, it was too hot even. It's Autumn now, cool and windy I'm still looking forward to that visit. I still cry. I miss you so much. Call and ask about the weather again. Come back if you can. I love you my brother, my Angel, my rol-model

Hardest times of my life

September 25, 2017

6 months ago , on the 25th I was more than optimistic, I couldn’t even see u as I’ll, I kept telling everyone and smiling “can’t u see he’s getting better”, I had no doubt in my head , everything in me was super hopeful.. when I accompanied u to the washroom u said “ I’ll tell u something when I’m much better”...

U thanked me n said to go n rest , we’ll see each other in the morning..I didn’t get home n mummy Called me to come back, I still didn’t ever think u had left me..

Till I climbed the stairs n saw our mother sitting on the floor screaming you name...

Damn ..

Couldn’t move , couldn’t talk, couldn’t think...

Oh God , my kid brother , I came in to speak to u but u didn’t answer.

I dunno how I drove home dat night...

Things are not the same Nana.. nothing can be the same without u Paul..

I hv said n I’ll say again that if I can switch places with u, I will die for u to live.

Wherever u are , Frank loves u, I think about u everyday.. I still cry..

Come back if u can

We miss you Nana

September 22, 2017

I still cannot believe this. Maybe I never will. I can't accept it either. Some thoughts and memories come to mind sometimes that I just don't know how to deal with. I miss you so much, so badly, so deeply, so painfully. But sometimes I wonder how it is for you. We all miss you but you're just one person, how is it for you, the one person, to miss each one of us? (I probably made zero sense here. It makes so much sense in my head though). Sometimes I stop myself from posting on here, but not posting doesn't take away the feeling, the thoughts or the memories. There's so much to tell you. I miss our WhatsApp and Skype calls. I miss your face, your voice, your sense of humour, your love and your many abilities. God really blessed us with you and I know He won't stop blessing you. You're missed sorely!❤❤❤

Little King's Visit in Virginia

September 18, 2017

So 3days after I put to birth, you were in D.C. and decided you have to come see your babies. Lory brought u home in about 4hrs after your arrival. You remember when your held him Nd said he was so small like a shawama... :-) .... You bought him the clothes he wore to his first doctors appointment. Hmmm... You were in his life for just 1year and 1month... hmmmm. How I wish he knew you longer than that. God truly knows best! We miss u very much!


September 15, 2017


To live is Christ, to die is gain (Philippians 1:21).

For if we live, we live to the Lord and if we die, we die to the Lord. Whether we live or we die, we are the Lords (Romans 14:8).

These words of scripture perfectly describe our brother and friend, Paul Aboagye-Mensah. His service to the church of God was indeed worthy of emulation. He was usually the first to be present for our Monday and Saturday youth services and once he saw another member walk through the door, he would turn, smile, wait till the person got a bit closer and he would get up from his chair, stretch forth his hands to offer a handshake and say in his low pitch, shaky voice “you are welcome”.

He had such a gentle and respectful disposition so much as to make a number of people quite shy of him. He had a great sense of humour whenever he wanted to strike a conversation with a youth member he hardly spoke to. He would usually walk up to the singers in church after a beautiful ministration and say “mpakyew me p3 s3 me to ndwom no bi” in his shaky voice while touching the area of his throat. He always said please to everyone, whether old or young, leader or member whenever he had to ask something of them even to the point of saying, “please how are you”?

There was not a time that he denied the ministry of his service; from carrying of chairs to designing of flyers for carol service. He never missed Tuesday evening prayer meetings. His commitment to the things of God was phenomenal. He always made our bible discussions very memorable as he shared very profound thoughts on topics discussed. Even before he travelled, he donated books from his library to the Youth Ministry and always asked if there was anything he could do to support the ministry. He was a practical Christian whose walk with God was very conspicuous.

In your light we found light. You were a true example to the youth, especially to those you did shepherd. Your faith and service to Jesus Christ your Saviour was remarkable. We cannot but thank God for allowing us to meet you; to encounter a true example of Christ Jesus in Word, in Faith and in conduct.

The righteous perish and no man lays it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. He shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness. Isaiah 57:1-2.

Rest peacefully in the Bosom of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ until we meet again. 

I took this picture

September 12, 2017

Just after we'd finished renovating the living room  during one of his 2 week breaks from Doha, on his way out one day, he sat in the sofa and said "yi me nfoni baako". He laughed at me so much because he said all the pictures were blurry and I have "awosoawoso)" lol. Then he saw this one and said "m3fa no saa". I miss you my comedian. 

Midas touch

September 11, 2017

I remember when paul sent this to our family whatsapp 

group, we were all so proud of our paul 

September 11, 2017


I love you O Lord, my strength. (Psalm 18:1). Your last favourite verse.

In life we loved you dearly

In death we love you still

In our hearts you hold a place

That no one could ever fill

This is not to say farewell, this is to say see you soon. When and how, you certainly know better than we do. Heaven inducted a new Angel on the 25th of March, while earth wailed and mourned the loss of an Angel. But you see, Angels aren’t meant to live on earth. This one was just sent into our lives to make it so much better and put smiles on all our faces. Now he’s gone home. And from up above, his job is going to be much easier because now there are so many ways to continue his mission in our lives from the bosom of Our Father. Nana lives on.

How proud we all were to post his exotic, international pictures, and how happy we all were when he came home for a few weeks. He would share himself evenly for his family and friends so that no one ever felt cheated. The wisdom he imparted was unlike his age. The alternating depth and humour of his conversations was just marvellous. He loves dearly, he speaks wisely, he thinks deeply, he laughs heartily. Nana lives

All our questions, we’re saving up, better have our answers when we meet you up there, that is if we’ll even remember to ask amidst the overwhelming joy and laughter. Nana’s life on earth was beautiful. He was successful in representing us on almost every continent of the world. He lived many people’s dream on earth and now lives our dream in heaven. “2017 is our year he said”, it really is. Little did we know that the business plans you had for this year were not for an earthly business but for a Heavenly one. Safe journey our brother, we love you. Continue to supervise the building of our mansions, our real estate in heaven as we on earth strive to join you up there.

Our brother, our soldier, our hero, our backbone, our advisor. We’re ever so grateful that the Lord chose you for us. You are sorely missed. See you soon Bro. Nana. Wo ne Nyame ntena.

We were privileged to hear these last words from you, “Everybody! We have won the battle. We have won the match.” Therefore we know we’re victorious. Till we meet again Bro. Nana. “Thank you everyone. And thank you Jesus. Thank you so so so much!”, he said. What better memories could we be left with. Thank you for staying a while with us. Thank you for making our lives better. God bless your soul. Till we meet again Uncle Paul®.

Laugh as we always laughed

At the little jokes we enjoyed together

Play ,smile, think of me

Let my name be ever the household word

That it always was

Let it be spoken without effect

Without a trace of a shadow on it.

A section of death nothing at all by H. C. Holland. 

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