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June 24
June 24
I'm the same age as Paul.
We attended Achimota School together around class 3 and 4.
We were around 7 years old.

Paul was one of my closest friends or should I say my best friend for 2 or 3 years. I spent a lot of time with him on the play ground.

I moved out of the country and never saw him again.

I never forgot about Paul. I did not use social media much but I tried searching for him on Facebook sometimes. But no luck. Maybe he doesn't have Facebook I thought.

It's now 2024 and I was talking to someone about my good friend Paul that I haven't seen in over 25 years. So I joined Facebook again to look for him. This time I was lucky. Shocked and excited, I sent a friend request.

The next day, I realized that he had passed away. It must be fake news I thought. Upon some research, it was true.

The first day was fine. I was sad but I put on a brave face. The second day I broke down.

I would start crying at random times of the day.
Every time an image of the him smiling comes to my head I would break down in tears.

I am weeping right now as I type this message. I feel soo empty like a hologram. The tears keep running down my face.

I am not a religious person but if you are up there in heaven just know that I miss you soo much and never forgot about you. I wish I could have said goodbye and I cherish our friendship.

To say that Paul was an amazing person is not an exaggeration.
He was so kind, so intelligent, well spoken and had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

He always blessed us with his smile. He was always positive.

In an evil world where bad, negative people are celebrated, you inspire me to become a better and more positive person.

Paul's character is rare. One in a million. You were a true role model.

Why you had to go so young, I don't know but I will always remember you.

Rest in peace.
March 26
7 years without your presence and your existence will never be a memory to me. I feel you with me everyday and I think about you so much like you’re right here with me. Keep having the best time in heaven, Nana. I hope you and God hear our prayers and feel our hearts whenever March comes around. I miss you everyday, words can never suffice. ❤️
March 26
Thank you for being an important part of my life. Keep resting, my beautiful brother. I love you so much ❤️
November 5, 2023
November 5, 2023

Happy Birthday In Heaven my dear❤️. I’m glad I was part of your journey on earth. There was never a dull moment with you…. I still cherish the love you had for me and the kids in my heart… Keep resting well my dear… you are sorely missed!!!
November 5, 2023
November 5, 2023
Dear Paul,

Though I never had the opportunity to meet you in person, I've had the privilege of getting to know your little brother, Ernest.

The stories he shares about you are truly inspiring and speak volumes about the remarkable person you were.

Ernest's admiration for you is evident, and I can see the positive impact you had on his life. Your memory lives on through the stories and love he continues to share.

I look forward to the day when we can all gather in heaven and celebrate your incredible life, giving each other high fives and sharing in the joy of your company.

Warm regards from earth,
November 5, 2023
November 5, 2023
I find it so hard to believe that I’ve managed to go on without you for 6 whole years. In my mind, you’re still a call away in a new part of the world, but I can’t seem to reach out to you anymore, and today of all days, it’s doing a number on me. I miss you infinitely, words can’t possibly describe. A lot of things are in motion in my life at the moment, and I am thankful that you’re working hand in hand with God to take care of me. To take care of us. If only it were possible to hear you and to see you through it all.
I miss you, big brother. Happy birthday, big brother. Please live it up with the angels today. Your name will never leave my mind, and your days will never leave my heart.
November 5, 2023
November 5, 2023
6 years. Officially the longest I've gone without talking to someone I care about this much. You'd think I'd be "over it" by now or it's "easier as the years pass". Ha!
You took a piece of my heart with you
and you'll forever occupy the rest of it.
Happy Birthday in heaven, my beautiful brother.
I miss you immensely.
I wish you were here so bad!
I love you so much!
March 25, 2023
March 25, 2023
It never gets easier thinking about you not being here with me. The most pivotal years of my life are fast approaching, and sometimes, all I can do is to take a beat and imagine you seeing me being formed into a person you can be proud of. That is what brings me joy, but the joy is laced with pain because I can’t come to hug you. I can’t come to bombard you with questions. I can’t come to hear you crack a joke that will take the scariness of life away. You’re my light forever, and 6 years later, that light will never dim. I miss you so much, much more than these words can quite possibly express. I miss you. So much.
March 25, 2023
March 25, 2023
You never really left, you know, I still feel like you’re around…Keep watching over us ❤️
March 25, 2023
March 25, 2023
I can't believe it's been 6years already. Didn't even think I could do 3 days without you. I still miss you everyday, my beautiful brother.
When I say I miss you, I don't just mean that I miss having you here physically.
I mean I miss your influence on my life.
I miss how you think, process and react to information.
I miss how supportive you would have been in difficult times and how proud and excited you would've been about my (little) achievements.
I miss your hilarious and snark comments and your infectious laugh.
I miss how much progress you would've made in life if you were here and how proud I would've been of you.
I miss your opinions and how your brain works.
I miss my life with you in it.
I love you forever, my Nana.
November 5, 2022
November 5, 2022
Happy 33rd my brother. I wish you were still here. I miss you so much ❤️
November 5, 2022
November 5, 2022
November 5, 2022
November 5, 2022

The few memories we shared together still bring a smile to my face every time. Continue to watch over us ❤️
November 5, 2022
November 5, 2022
My brother in heaven. The coolest person to be related to. The biggest blessing unto so many people. Happy birthday, Nana. There have been so many times I sit and wonder how you’re faring with God in Heaven, how much fun you must be having singing and dancing with the angels. It stings to know that you’re not with us for us to celebrate the incredible years you spent on Earth, but it makes me smile imagining you living it up in heaven. Thank you for working with God to bless our family and to see each and everyone of us through. I feel you with me more and more each and every day. The love I have for you is as infinite as it gets. Thank you for inspiring me. Thank you for putting the craziest dreams and ambitions in my head. Thank you for your presence that will never ever leave us no matter how hard we try. You mean the entire world to me, to us, and I hope you feel all the love we have for you as you celebrate another year in heaven. Live it up as always, keep being the light. I miss you so badly, but today is a joyous day for you. The memories I have of you will never die. Happy birthday, my king.
March 25, 2022
March 25, 2022
I can't believe I've survived 5 years without you when I highly doubted I could do even 2 weeks without your presence. I thank God for constantly providing us with the strength to carry on. I miss you so much, Angel brother. You live in my heart forever. I love you.
March 25, 2022
March 25, 2022
“Death comes, and makes a man his prey,
A man whose powers are yet unspent;
Like one on gathering flowers intent,
Whose thoughts are turned another way.

Begin betimes to practise good,

Lest fate surprise thee unawares
Amid thy round of schemes and cares;
To-morrow’s task to-day conclude.*

* Eccles. IX, 10; XII, 1.


Unfortunately , you had to leave with all the power and strength you carried! It’s already 5years… I sit and wonder a lot and think through about how the last five years would have been if you were in it.

Indeed God knows best.

Keep resting in Power champ!
Love always… Irene
November 5, 2021
November 5, 2021
It's still so unreal to me that you aren't here anymore. Unbelievably, insanely unreal. Everything is different since you left and I always do this thing where I try to imagine what you'd say, do or what joke you'll make to make us laugh and feel better in every difficult situation. I feel your absence everyday. I still don't know how to deal with the absence of the most present person in my life. I love you so much, Nana. I literally hear your voice say "bibiaa b3y3 fine" every now and then. I miss you painfully. I don't know what I wouldn't do to have one more day with you. Happy Birthday, angel. Keep making the angels laugh.❤️️
November 5, 2021
November 5, 2021
Another November that always wrecks me is here. Not a second goes by without your name popping into my head. I always ask myself how different everything would be if you were here, and it always hurts to realize that you aren’t physically. I miss you always. So much is happening, and I wish you were here to tell it all to. Happy birthday my king. I know you’re watching over us from heaven above, and I hope all we do makes you proud. I miss you, and I love you beyond words could ever express. Happy birthday brother
November 5, 2021
November 5, 2021

It still doesn’t feel real that you’re gone until I see your name on my contacts list or I see a picture of you…..
In the short time we knew each other you became a brother and I will forever cherish our conversations and moments together. I miss you Paul, thank you for the memories ❤️ Happy birthday 
March 25, 2021
March 25, 2021
Nana ... if I used to think about u 10times a day , now I think about u 3 times more , all that goes thru my mind is how things would have been better if I had u , ur concern , ur support ... like just knowing that in whatever situation I’m in, Iv got u by my side in every way I can ever imagine... I need u more everyday , I miss u more everyday.... I seem to be falling apart bro ... ma y3 mr3.... but I know ur gonna throw in a word to the Big Man ur up there with ... and all will be well.. Charley keep faring well ... keep looking out for us .. keep prepping our condo up der for us .. we definitely meeting again ... I love u forever ... 4 years on

March 25, 2021
March 25, 2021

It’s been 4 years without you.

I’m glad I was able to spend the last days of your life on earth with you and showing you how much I love you. I cherish those moments very much. You were a loving soul and made sure you shine wherever you found yourself and tried to make peace where it mattered. Your absence has indeed created a vacuum.

May God continue to keep you safely till we meet again.

Love always.... Irene
March 25, 2021
March 25, 2021
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you're gone, it's so unreal. I miss you Paul and you will never be forgotten.
March 25, 2021
March 25, 2021

My Angel Paul.
It's so different down here without you.
4 years is quite some time and I'm convinced you're well adjusted in your new environment and job.
You're one of the smartest people I know so that's not even a question.
I know I say almost everyday that I wish you were here, but the past year's been one of those ones when I wish you were here the most.
So much would be different if you were here
So much would be better and a lot easier to bear if you were here.
I miss you so much my angel.
Keep watching over us Nana.
I love you brother.
March 22, 2021
March 22, 2021
As if dealing with your loss wasn't enough, Joan also passed just last week and now I have to deal with losing 2 great people in my life...all in the month of March. The pain is just too much to bear sometimes, but what small comfort I have is that I got to know you guys, you were Great Guys! I'm sure you 2 will have good times in heaven. Rest well Rol, I miss you everyday.
March 21, 2021
March 21, 2021
Another year, another moment that I just don't want to accept that you've finally left. My birthday is tomorrow, and as much as I want you to, I sincerely wish you came through. With your jokes to keep me laughing and your advice to see me through the years. I honestly miss you endlessly, big brother, now more than ever. 4 years later and the pain is still there. I'll never stop saying this: I miss you. Now, always and for all eternity.
November 5, 2020
November 5, 2020
You really were my favourite person in the world. It's really difficult without you. I can never forget you. You're the most beautiful, most selfless, most positive person I know. I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with your physical absence. Baby steps, but that's still better than nothing. I love you Nana. I always will.
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
I never thought I, of all people, would last this long without hearing your voice or seeing your face. God knows how my heart drops every single time I walk into Mummy's room and I see your picture. To be honest with you, it's far from easy on my side. So much has happened with me since you left, I've grown in so many ways, not perfect ways to say the least, but I've learnt so much in this maze called life, and I'm sure that is more than what you want. It's very easy to put on a straight face, be all tough, and take each day as it is, but it's beyond painful what goes on in my head, most especially when I think of you. Which is every day of my entire life. It's hard, Nana. Your departure has put me through so much, you cannot begin to comprehend. I'll never stop saying how much I miss you, I'll never stop crying my eyes out whenever I'm alone and even the vaguest memory comes to mind. I still won't accept that all that's left of you are memories. I miss you, and I can't help but imagine how you'd react to everything going on if you were here with us....with me........
March 25, 2020
March 25, 2020
Yhhhh... so around this time 3 years ago .. mummy called me to turn around n com back to the hospital.. I was already at East Legon melcom, I turned n drove back to Ssnit osu, climbing the stairs I heard someone wailing (never tot dat cud be my moms) , got up der n der she was sitting in the bare floor crying, walked past her n met dad facing a wall.. heart beat faster.. walked straight to ur ward, where u had just in like 20mins spoken to me, I’d just helped u to the washroom..
I opened the door and u were in my blue n white striped polo shirt, .... I called u , I pushed u , I shook u... nana u didn’t respond... u were gone .. hardest moment of my life... I was frozen.. looking at them tag u.. wheeling u myself to the morgue ... hmmmm... Nana Rest In Peace ok.. I’m sorry u had to go.. everyone wishes u were still with us.. everything would have been much better but they say GOD KNOWS BEST .. Heaven needed u.. more than we did.. iv never loved u less.. I never will.. my brother Paul.. RIP
March 25, 2020
March 25, 2020
Isaiah 40:31
Paul liked this verse so much that he actually lived it. I was so inspired watching him wait upon the Lord and put all his hope in Him and I loved the verse too when I saw how things started working out for him so unexpectedly, so beautifully.
On our ride back home from dropping Nana off at the airport to begin the miracle job he got offered so miraculously, I put this verse on my status on WhatsApp. It was there forever! (Probably still is).
I never thought it would be the verse engraved on your tomb some 3 years later.
This world really isn't our home.
I miss you so much my brother, my angel.
Keep making the Angels laugh
Keep watching over us❤
March 25, 2020
March 25, 2020

Many people come into our lives! Some leave, others stay, some impact and some don’t. Knowing you and encountering you was one the best feelings in the world. I learned a lot from you! One of such was to not take a lot of things (troubles or worries) too seriously but to take it to God. You always say bibiara b3y3 fine In any circumstance as a word of encouragement and a word of hope! I believe though that God’s will always prevails!!! And so during that time you were sick and I could hear myself saying bibiara b3y3 fine to you, God needed you back and so his will prevailed over our will to have u stay longer here with us on earth.

You are and will always be in my memories cos though I didn’t know you for long being your sister was a responsibility I’ll always take up again anytime. I miss you very much!

You are always loved, never forgotten and forever missed!
March 1, 2020
March 1, 2020
Another year, another March. March is always a very difficult month for me, personally, and how can it not be? I am trying, for all of us, to be okay for you, because we both know that's what you want, but these are trying times and I don't feel like I can anymore. I'll never stop saying it: I miss you. Badly. Everything would have been amazing if you were here with us, with me. I'm stepping into a new chapter in my life in a couple of days, bro. God has been good. I wish you were here to see all of it. I love you bro. And I miss you too much, it's actually very painful. I miss you. More than words can say.
January 26, 2020
January 26, 2020
20 years. In just a matter of months I'll officially be 20 years. Never have I wished for your presence more bro. Who's going to help me out in these excruciating moments of life? I'm so used to your comments and your energy. I'm still struggling with your absence and I cannot understand how I'm plunging into a new decade without you. I have so many questions. I miss you. Too much.
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
MerryChristmas Nana... I’ve typed so many things and deleted.. I miss u , I love u
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
So lately I've been thinking about you and how amazing everything is with you.
Christmas, birthdays, even valentine's day -because the last valentine's present I got was from you, then you left a month and 11 days afterwards.
I was thinking about the difference between irreplaceable things (or people) and things (or people) that I don't want to replace. You're number one in both categories.
Your position as my older brother, the role you played, your general, overall vibe is not possible to replace because (unfortunately for the world), there's just one of you and you were so amazingly perfect at playing this very unique part of being you. I don't think I'll ever stop saying how blessed I am that you were (and still are) a part of my life. You're unimaginably irreplaceable!

Then there's how I don't even want to try to think of replacing you even if it was possible. I'll hold on to your stuff so dearly because there's no way I'm ever going to decide to let go of them even if I had that as an option. Yes, I already said it's impossible to replace you but even if it was, I'd never choose that option because I'd rather have memories, pictures and little things to remind me of you every day than try to forget you. You're too important to be forgotten.
Merry Christmas Nana. I know how much you love these holidays. I miss you more than words can ever express.
November 5, 2019
November 5, 2019
Wooow Paul, it’s been 2 years already & it still hurts like yesterday. I never really heard you talk much back in Uni although we sat in the same class for 4 years. I remember how you always called me “madam”. It’s sad such a gentle soul had to leave so soon. Continue to rest in the Lord’s bossom,Wanrol. You are loved
November 5, 2019
November 5, 2019
Hello one paulos. Its your birthday today but u are no where to be found. As difficult as it may be, we are of the believe and firm conviction that you are with our maker. May you continue to rest peacefully in the bossom of our maker. Till we meet again paulos. Adieu. Repose en paix
November 5, 2019
November 5, 2019
Hi king. It's your birthday and I can truly say I miss the energy that your birthday brings, especially when you were here with us. It's harder for me cause I always feel like I'm fine, but a memory of yours pops into my mind and I crumble. I cannot imagine how much fun you would have on Earth, so it literally blows my mind how much fun you'd be having right now with God in heaven. I miss you insanely. You have absolutely no idea. But I'll always keep remembering you and keep loving you. Happy birthday King Rol. I love you and I'll never stop missing you.
November 5, 2019
November 5, 2019
Hey Nana
It's been quite a while since I saw/ heard from you. I hope all is well with you up there.
It's been pretty insane down here. Absolutely crazy tbh. But we're trying, hard as it is.
I decided to make this less about myself this time as it's your birthday and all. I decided to update you and just basically check up on you.
It would be an understatement to say that I miss you but it'll be pretty selfish to assume that you don't miss me too (probably even more, if that's possible).
There are so many things that are happening with me that I'd like to keep you updated on. One of the most important is that I'm still trying really hard to do the thing that we started. I'm not saying it's easy oh. It isn't. Not even a little bit, but God is really helping me through and He's provided (and is still providing) some human beings to assist and it's beyond amazing!
Also you have no idea how much I've grown and how much I've learnt over these past few years. Sometimes I even surprise myself. I'm not saying that I'm doing everything right though. It's a jungle down here but I'm trying to stay alive and that's already a lot.
Basically, God has been really good and I really appreciate the part He's playing in my life.
I appreciate the part that you played too. You did an amazing job and I probably didn't say this enough (or at all) but you're really a huge example for me and there's so much I'm still learning from the life you lived. I'm really glad you were a part of my life and you played a very beautiful role in it.
I love you
I miss you (even though these words have almost lost their meaning)
Happy Birthday my love
October 1, 2019
October 1, 2019
I didn't get the chance to physically meet you, but from the testimonials written here and the way your sister Gifty celebrates the legacy you left behind, I believe you are a beautiful soul, your positive impact still resonates here :), I believe you're resting with our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and my prayer is that we'll meet there to fellowship when our journey on this realm is over. Continue to rest in God's glory brother
September 26, 2019
September 26, 2019
Didn't know you that much, but feel the pain your brother goes through; rest thee well brother!
September 25, 2019
September 25, 2019
It's been crazy these past couple years. You know everything that's happening because I keep telling you about it. It's difficult to move into the next stages of my life without you. You always had our backs. It's hard, because I know you'd be so proud of your the accomplishments of your little brothers. I miss you. Every single day.
March 25, 2019
March 25, 2019
I wish I could send you real flowers. That's what we've come to..Hmm. I can't believe it's been 2years already. Two whole years without you, two of the longest, most painful years of my life! Two years of actively trying to figure out how to deal with your physical absence while acting like I'm all good with intermittent explosions of bottled up emotions. It's been hard! Hard is even an understatement. Happy 2nd anniversary in heaven Nana. Time doesn't change how much pain is in my heart. If anything at all, it only makes it worse. But we'll live through it. God has got us. I miss you painfully. I love you dearly my brother ❤
March 22, 2019
March 22, 2019
Today's my birthday again, and still you're not with me. To call and make me laugh. To push me through the crucial bits and pieces of my life. It's devastating. But one thing I know for a fact is that you wouldn't want me to be sad and moody. Yes, your physical form is absent from my life, which KILLS me till this very day, but I know your spirit still lives with us and encourages us. I miss you.
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Even though I never met you but one way or the other, God brought me into contact with your family (Gifty and Mummy in particular). I must admit, I really wish I had the chance to meet you. You’ve left a very big gap that I believe no one can fill especially in the life of my lovely sister Gifty but in all these, we say GOD KNOWS BEST. You are not here but the legacy you’ve left will forever live on.
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas my love.
I miss you today, more than I did last year and I didn't even think that was possible.
I love you today, oh how I wish you would stay, your "absence" is still incomprehensible
November 6, 2018
November 6, 2018
You have no idea how honoured and blessed and flattered I am when I post your picture (all the ones we have are getting old, we need heavenly updates) and people say we look alike. I see it as such a huge complement, because who wouldn't love to look like such an angel as yourself? I just wish you were here to see these comments and laugh with me. It's getting more difficult as time goes by, not seeing you, but remembering you. I miss you and love you so much. Yesterday was your BIRTHDAY, but we celebrate you all year round. Happy birthday, my iconic brother!
November 5, 2018
November 5, 2018
You’d have been 29 today,but unfortunately you’re not here with us. We’d still celebrate you nonetheless because we can never forget you. You’re a brother and a friend. Happy birthday to you bro,continue resting in peace. ❤️
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