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The Kitchen

April 8

Paula’s Kitchen…
The kitchen pantry was always full of epic snacks and when Paula was there she was always interested in what was going on in your life… not just the surface stuff but really interested.  When she asked you how you were doing… that conversation could easily morph into something more meaningful or insightful than you originally planned. Our friends loved going over to The Sivils house because Paula always made you feel at home (most of the time unless we did something really really dumb… which happened).  I am sure she just shook her head wondering how we came up with some of the stuff we did that just happened….like when Danny decided to change out his car stereo in his Monte Carlo… that didn’t go so well and I don’t know how many months he drove us around with his dashboard in the back seat…. The annual pond cleaning…. That was so exhausting…The year (sophomore) I missed the most ….was when our parents decided we were not allowed to hang out together… looking back that was probably a good idea.  Maybe one of our parents saw into the future… who knows but they were definitely on to something.  Paula’s laugh was awesome… and she loved to laugh and I believe we all entertained her with our stories or ideas. Who has two drummers and drum sets in a family?   She loved her boys so much and she was so proud of them… she raised two great men! She empowered them to own themselves and their ideas as she did with their friends around the kitchen table. I am so sorry about the passing of Paula but so grateful to have had her in my life when I did. Her joy, laughter and genius of listening will be in my heart forever.  She was the classic friend’s cool mom who you could always count on to hear your story and assure you that any problem you had.. at the end of the day you would be ok.  My respect and gratitude to Paula is eternal. Jamie.. your tribute was beautiful and spot on and thank you for giving us all a space to share our love for Paula, you, Danny and your kids.  ❤️

BTW…the cool jean jacket Danny is wearing in the family picture is mine and I have not seen it for 40 years……..

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