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April 13
Aunt Paula was an inspiration for me. When I was a girl, i wanted to be like her. My original college major and career path was inspired by her. She had an energy that was contagious and a love for helping others. Thank you Aunt Paula for words of wisdom you shared with a young girl seeking her own path.
April 9
April 9
I met Paula in 1989. My husband Steve and I moved to Springfield in July of that year. Less than 3 weeks after our move from Litttle Rock my mother died unexpectedly. Thank God I found Paula when I sought counseling. We “clicked “ immediately and became very close friends. We always shared a good laugh when we talked about my first session with her. She thought I was so “put together “ when actually I had sweat running down my back I also had my fee (in cash) all wet and clammy in my hand… Learning about yourself can be tough. When Paula told me I was very competitive I was shocked. I asked her if anyone else could tell and after giggling she said “Honey, everyone can tell!” What a loving and compassionate person she was…. Vacationing twice with her in Mexico was a treat - lots of laughter, great food and sunshine. I’ll be forever grateful that she was my friend. When I desperately needed “mothering “ she stepped into my life. I’ll miss her forever and my heart is breaking, but I know this pain is worth enduring because of all the love and laughter we shared for 35 years.
April 8
April 8
During the years Jamie and I worked together for a previous employer, I heard from Paula on a regular basis, calling to talk to her son. Her voice was cheery, something I especially appreciate; she greeted me by name and kindly asked how I was each time. I found her to be delightful and it's obvious I wasn't the only one. I see so much of her in Jamie and am sure her spirit continues to affect and inspire people throughout her family. My sincere sympathies for your loss.
April 7
April 7
What I loved most about Paula was her zest and enthusiasm for life and her children!!! She was so tiny yet her personality lit up any room she was in.I remember having long conversations with her filled with laughter and tears-she always made time for people. Grateful to have known her. May you rest in peace sweet lady
Much love and peace to the Sivils family.
Love, the Guys ❤️

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