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September 7, 2015
September 7, 2015
mom its sept 7th, returning to your site has been with missed feeling, the pain of not having you to talk daily is excruciating. there's an emptiness that will never be fulfilled until i sleep permanently. lov u mom, love u.

Blessing. State of New Jersey
July 5, 2015
July 5, 2015
Grandma, nnenne bu nwanne, the memory of how we stay, chat and pray together lingers in my heart at all time. We celebrated you on earth on 18th & 19th April, 2015. The angels are celebrating you forever. Love you the girl, love you nnemne bu nwanne. Sleep on until we meet to part no more.
April 12, 2015
April 12, 2015
Mama the Mama ,Amaka Baby you will be missed. Jee nke oma!!!
Ijeoma Nnamdindu, USA.
April 12, 2015
April 12, 2015
Mama, Ezigbo nnenne, as the burial ceremony approaches, the mystery of life registers more in my heart. So nnenne, nwa bu nwa nne, so you are really no more. I take solace that I was with you till death, your legacy must be followed. Mama you lived a good life. Woman of substance jee nke oma. Greetings to my aunty....Ego Becky. Bye until we meet to part no more. Dr Ego Okeke, Enugu, Nigeria
April 10, 2015
April 10, 2015
Mum truly that good fruit which you sowed while on this planet earth will never! never!! never!!! die by the grace of God. We will always remember them. You have done your work very well and we will continue from where you stopped till we meet to part no more. We missed you dearly mum.
April 10, 2015
April 10, 2015
Mum of All Mums, Your live here on earth bring a great joy to your children, grand-children and great grand- children.And also change
the life of so many people. Therefore that good fruit which you sow here on earth will not die. We love you but God love you most, continue to enjoy and sing Allelulia song with the Heavenly Choir in Heaven.Amen. Uche"s friend. Your grand daughter
April 4, 2015
April 4, 2015
I thank God for giving me the opportunity to know you. You were a devoted mother and always there for your children, no matter what. I vividly remember our last talk on the phone in January, 2015 when you were so excited to hear my voice. As technology has their way of letting one know that "unless I give you access, you won't get through," we could only talk for few minutes before the line went dead. I made one more attempt, the same happened and then I decided to call back in a week's time which never happened, as I was hit with the news of you passing away to the Lord. I wish one is clairvoyant, I would have continued to try to make attempts to reach you on the phone same day. Adieus, you will be missed. As much as your presence will be missed, you have been released from the heaviness of life and pain to heaven where there will be no more pain. Greetings to Rebecca and tell her I miss her.
April 4, 2015
April 4, 2015
Hey mom, am at work, just to say hello and that i love you, missed ur ph calls.

April 2, 2015
April 2, 2015
When I saw your face on the web, Becky comes up. We are not mourning your departure but celebrating your long and well spent life. Guess what, in that very harsh environment called Nigeria, 85 years is a very difficult milestone to reach. I know that not many people get there., but you gracefully did.
Farewell and rest in peace.
Uchenna umeweni & family (philly usa)
March 29, 2015
March 29, 2015
Mama Ego,
I am curious about this thing called death !!! I know that you are not dead but have made a pleasant and joyful transition to a better place. I know in my heart that the new peaceful abode elicited a quiet smile and a sense of fulfillment from you.
You knew the time had come. As you had fought the fight with all your might , you peacefully passed on . There was indeed nothing left but to pick up your crown of glory.
Mama , please send my warmest greetings to Ego. We are still inextricably tied as we would all make that transition some day and fervently pray that the crowns will also be ours.
Mama, we miss you dearly. I cling to our amazing conversation on the eve of your departure. I am also happy that though Ego was gone , your incredible daughter , Cecilia, your baby , Blessing and the rest of your family , grand children and great grand children inclusive, kept the touch of care, warmth & love for you ,alive like fire.
Fare thee well our indomitable Amazon !!! Jee nke oma !!!
Ije Jidenma
Lagos, Nigeria.
March 29, 2015
March 29, 2015
Mama Ego,
I am curious about this thing called death !!! I know that you are not dead but have made a pleasant and joyful transition to a better place. I know in my heart that the new peaceful abode elicited a quiet smile and a sense of fulfillment from you.
You knew the time had come. As you had fought the fight with all your might , you peacefully passed on . There was indeed nothing left but to pick up your crown of glory.
Mama , please send my warmest greetings to Ego. We are still inextricably tied as we would all make that transition some day and fervently pray that the crowns will also be ours.
Mama, we miss you dearly. I cling to our amazing conversation on the eve of your departure. I am also happy that though Ego was gone , your incredible daughter , Cecilia, your baby , Blessing and the rest of your family , grand children and great grand children inclusive, kept the touch of care, warmth & love for you ,alive like fire.
Fare thee well our indomitable Amazon !!! Jee nke oma !!!
Ije Jidenma
Lagos, Nigeria.
March 26, 2015
March 26, 2015
words cant express the feelings of those who knew you or came in contact with you in your glorious life time here on earth.. you were simply a role model and an epitome of a virtuous Christian woman.. Adieu great amazon and daughter of zion till we meet to part no more Bro Nicholas igbokwe
March 24, 2015
March 24, 2015
Mama after sending tribute this morning, I spoke with your first daughter- my Mum Mrs Cecilia Ezeonu, she said that as she run around preparing for your celebration of life, her heart is heavier this morning, the reality that you are no more is registering the more, she said that all she prays for is for God to give her the strength to give you a befitting burial which is what we all pray and look forward to. She find it difficult to send tribute to this website due to the pains of your death. Mama you tried for her and everyone of us. Jee nke oma, Ads Jesus. Dr. Ego Kate Okeke, on behalf of Cecilia Ezeonu.
March 24, 2015
March 24, 2015
Grandma, "the girl" Woman of God,ever prayerful, your faith in God is next to none. I always feel your presence around me. Throughout last Sunday, I lied on your bed at Enugu, visualizing how we use to sit and lie down together, how we talk or you gist and thought me on how to go about earthly things. More importantly how to grow more in ways of the Lord. Mama nnukwu, Nnemne bu mwanne, Ada Zion, fearless, outspoken and God fearing woman, I love and miss you. Sleep on. Dr Ego Kate Okeke, JP
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
Oke Ada, Ada ukwu, the Girl, Christ Amazon, Ochie dike, Her Children's umbrella, Nne, Mama, its your daughter, jee nke oma.

until i breathe my last, i love you.
March 20, 2015
March 20, 2015
love you mom, missed you a lot, the pain is aching, words cannot express it. it's unbelieveable that your voice can be still. you were tough and strong.
Pls come see me tonight in the dream, want to talk to you.
Mt Tabor Greetings
Blessing (USA)
March 20, 2015
March 20, 2015
Rest in the bosom of the Lord mama. The Lord knows the best and took u at the appointed time, but your legacy lives on and reflects the godly woman u were in the lives of your children. Adieu mama!!!!

Remi (USA)
March 16, 2015
March 16, 2015
Mama was the word extra ordinary.. I call her Mama Igbokwu. She was strong, happy, loving, giving and caring. The last time I saw her, She gave me, my sister and my father a long prayer that will not be forgotten... I miss you Mama and I love you.. Rest in Peace..
March 14, 2015
March 14, 2015
The love of my great grandma is unique. God must have given great grandma to us to liven up our lives, to make our lives more complete, to make us well rounded and better human beings. I can remember the gist we had together, the little time we spent together, how you always ask me about school and how you always gives me encouraging words. You taught me a lot about how to work hard and be a man. Nwa the girl, you are not just ‘my great grandmother’, but my guardian, my friend and my inspiration. Still, can't believe you are gone. We will miss you great Grandma. You're truly a special woman. You may have passed on, but your memories would always live on within us. Thank you for your love and care great grandma. I will be forever grateful and thankful that you are my ‘great grandmother’.

Rest in Peace Great Grandma (Nwa The Girl)...we will never forget you and we will always love you forever
March 13, 2015
March 13, 2015
Just like the speed of light, you zapped to great oblivion without a chance to say goodbye.
Great Granny a.k.a. De Girl. You were given this sobriquet not only because of your elegance but also because of the youthful energy you exhibited even at old age. De Girl, you were one of a kind; one of such that put God and family first over anything. A God fearing woman and strong believer of the bible quotation "spare the rod and spoil the child". This helped you to bring up children that are your carbon copy in character and reasoning.
I hardly visited (because of school activities) but when i did, was overwhelmed with the open arms and smiling face you welcomed me with, and the kind of hospitality i enjoyed.
De Girl was so skilled in the kitchen that when she cooked the regular, it tasted extraordinary (superb).
De Girl, i know the little accident that fractured your leg, ate deep into you; due to you were not the type that liked staying at a place without doing anything. you were hard working and neat till death.
De Girl, if i hadn't learnt anything from you, i learnt to put God and family first and also that laziness is not an option even at old age.
De Girl, we are not going to cry for you like people without hope, because we know on the resurrection morning, we shall meet to part no more. Adieu Great Granny! Adieu Mrs. Pauline!! Adieu De Girl!!! Je nke oma. We love and miss you so much.
March 13, 2015
March 13, 2015
Just like the speed of light, you zapped to great oblivion without a chance to say goodbye.
Great Granny a.k.a. De Girl. You were given this sobriquet not only because of your elegance but also because of the youthful energy you exhibited even at old age. De Girl, you were one of a kind; one of such that put God and family first over anything. A God fearing woman and strong believer of the bible quotation "spare the rod and spoil the child". This helped you to bring up children that are your carbon copy in character and reasoning.
I hardly visited (because of school activities) but when i did, was overwhelmed with the open arms and smiling face you welcomed me with, and the kind of hospitality i enjoyed.
De Girl was so skilled in the kitchen that when she cooked the regular, it tasted extraordinary (superb).
De Girl, i know the little accident that fractured your leg, ate deep into you; due to you were not the type that liked staying at a place without doing anything. you were hard working and neat till death.
De Girl, if i hadn't learnt anything from you, i learnt to put God and family first and also that laziness is not an option even at old age.
De Girl, we are not going to cry for you like people without hope, because we know on the resurrection morning, we shall meet to part no more. Adieu Great Granny! Adieu Mrs. Pauline!! Adieu De Girl!!! Je nke oma. We love and miss you so much.
March 12, 2015
March 12, 2015
We are what we repeatedly do. 
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit “. This dictum summarizes the life of Nwa de Girl, because Excellence is what she radiates consistently.
Nneka Ibeli-Alio
March 12, 2015
March 12, 2015

Alive! Alive!! Alive!!! Mummy is still active;
Carling! Carling!! Carling!!! Still she will be;
Loving! Loving!! Loving!!! She still is;
And we love you too.

At a time like this we remembered you mum;
Your kindness can never be compared;
Understanding you demonstrated;
We love you mum

Even when you scolded us, was still love;
The love you have for us was immeasurable;
Having you as mama was a privilege;
We are proud of you, we love you.
March 12, 2015
March 12, 2015

Alive! Alive!! Alive!!! Mummy is still active;
Carling! Carling!! Carling!!! Still she will be;
Loving! Loving!! Loving!!! She still is;
And we love you too.

At a time like this we remembered you mum;
Your kindness can never be compared;
Understanding you demonstrated;
We love you mum

Even when you scolded us, was still love;
The love you have for us was immeasurable;
Having you as mama was a privilege;
We are proud of you, we love you.
March 12, 2015
March 12, 2015
Hey mom, today i feel overwhelmed, a little bit naked. some days are good but some days are not. Will i be able to cut the placenta ?, U ask God to give me strength. Tell Becky, Ego Oyibo that its 8yrs and 1 day today.

Hasta Pronto mom.
March 11, 2015
March 11, 2015
Mama, grandma, nwa de girl, there is no second that passed by without my thinking of you, your usefulness to our family.... Cecilia Ezeonu's family, your first child/daughter. I was very small when we lost our Dad that I thought we were celebrating Christmas as the condolence was going on, but you stood strongly by my Mum and all her children. We lived with you growing up especially for one year Mum mourned my Dad, at all time you never allowed us suffer in any form You fought like a lion to ensure that we were not humiliated by any person,shape or form. That was why I told you while on your sick bedhumiliated ( when you said you don't want to suffer me) that it gives me joy to take care of you, be with you especially at this period, and that there is nothing I can't do for you that will be compared with the sufferings you underwent because of us. Mama, I am glad I took care of you. My love as I pour down the thoughts in my heart, I begin to feel bad again. It's 12:48am Nigerian time, Your thought woke me up. I love and will forever miss you. Nevertheless, I give God all the glory for a faithful life you lived. Sleep on with the Lord Grandma.
March 11, 2015
March 11, 2015
Our Hearts are broken as we celebrate your home going. Mama we love you so much but God love you best. You did your assignment. I know the angels are rejoicing and you Father in heaven is pleased to say Well done my good and faithful servant.
Mama you have left a vacuum in our hearts that no one can ever fill. We will miss you so dearly. But the good news is we know where you are going and on THAT DAY we shall all re-unite. There will be great joy and celebration.
Mama farewell. I know you don't want us to cry because you are in a better place, but no one is here to take that name of yours "Mama".
May your soul rest in perfect peace until we meet again in paradise.
Alice Abah and family.
March 11, 2015
March 11, 2015
My loving Grand Ma, Not that I don't know that one day one will say Adieu but its so heavy for me to say now, it came so sudden. Great Grandma that was with us when we were helpless, Nma stood by us when it seems gloomy, Nnennem you encouraged us and prayed for us fervently. A woman embedded with wisdom and understanding. You were a woman of God to the prime. You never absented your humble self in making house of God a comfortable place of worship.
How will I say adieu when I strongly believe that you are still around spiritually by us. I know you have made it to heaven. Sleep on Nne di Nma. Nne Ora, Nne obi oma, Nnenne bu nwannem till we meet to part no more.
March 11, 2015
March 11, 2015
Grandma, as i woke up this morning, i rushed to your room to chat with you as i conventionally do, the reality of life came to me, tears gushed out of my eyes. Mama, the girl, nne nne bu nwanne, it is true that you have gone, I am consoled because I know you are seated at the right hand of the Lord. I love and miss you forever. Bye Granny
March 11, 2015
March 11, 2015
Our strong and wonderful mother, what can i say? there is always a time to come and a time to go! You did your best and we all saw your strength of character.Such will forever sustain us your children, family and
innumerable friends. God rest your noble soul .We will forever miss you. Rest in peace.
March 11, 2015
March 11, 2015
Its 2am on wednesday morning mom, am at work in the hospital, and its usually the time you call. I wish you can pick up your cell phone one more time, just one more time.

with every heartbeat, lov u.
Blessing (USA)
March 10, 2015
March 10, 2015
Adieu mama!! great woman even in old age you still look very beautiful, thank God for life well spent.good bye miss u
March 10, 2015
March 10, 2015
Mama the mama I met you once but you left an indelible mark a woman of virtue a strength to draw from. Sleep with the Lord he loves you more. Adieu safe journey home to the best place ever in God's bosom may your gentle soul rest in peace.
March 10, 2015
March 10, 2015
Mama the great! May your sweet soul rest in the Lord God Almighty.. Amen!
I became very close to mama in 1995 when she came to nurse her grandson Somtochukwu in Lagos. Mama was full of vigor and strength.
A woman of love.
A woman of good counsel.
A woman of virtue.
A woman of laughter.
A woman of joy.
A woman of great faith.
A woman of God. Bye mama! For your life was a testimony in honour of God.
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
We Will You.

A precious one from us has gone.
A voice we love is still.
A place is vacant in our hearts
which no one else can fill.
After our lonely heartaches
and our silent tears,
We will always have beautiful memories
of the one we loved so dear.
Servant of God, well done!
Rest from thy love employ.
The battle is fought, the victory won.
Enter thy Master’s joy

Re. Seth Z. Taylor Sr.
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
its monday morning mom, the 9th of march, and am at work, just to say i love you.
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
Mama a.k.a 'the Girl' was a positive force to be reckoned with. Barely 5'feet tall, she was 'small but mighty'. Even in old age, the few times I and my younger sister went home to visit, mama would go into the kitchen and make us this mouth watering porriage yam and dry fish with good ol' firewood... she was very active with life and church and even her not-so-recent leg injury didn't stop her from living life to the fullest. Mama was a strong woman, who loved God and always had a kind word to render regardless of arising situations.
She lived a good life indeed....and we'll miss you..

Blessing N. Chinweuba-Longe. (Grand-daughter)
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
Forever in our hearts De Girl Good Night

Dr Geraldine
(Kate's Sweet-heart)
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
De Girl, good night. you lived a good life and I pray God to welcome you back home. God be with you till we meet again.

Rest In Peace
Dr Geraldine (Kate's Friend)
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
Being able to call Mrs Paulin Umeanuka my Grandmother was and is nothing short of a blessing. Throughout my time with her she nurtured me with her love, educated me with her wisdom, and taught me with her spirituality. Mama i love you, and will never forget you!
March 8, 2015
March 8, 2015
Love you mum, miss you, but the indestructible in you remains.

With every heart beat, love you.
Blessing (USA)
March 8, 2015
March 8, 2015
We kept waiting inpatiently for your visit, to play with us on the icy snow. Little did we know you were making a better choice. Sincerely, you will be, 'Forever missed" but we aknowledge that you have gone to fight the fight of the just for us just like Jesus did. "WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU" 

Uchenna (USA)
March 8, 2015
March 8, 2015
Grandma, Ada Jesus, I love you. I feel your pretence around me. Miss you forever.. Sleep on the girl
March 8, 2015
March 8, 2015
My love and thoughts are with you during the time of your loss. I will truly miss her. I will continue to keep the family in prayer.

Love Always
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