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Happy Birthday

May 15, 2020
Happy Birthday tia another year has gone by and it’s still hard because you loved being spoiled on your birthday. Things haven’t been the same because when I need you the most I have to talk to you through prayer when I just want to be able to call you and go on those car rides with you I know you would’ve made it better I miss you tia I pray that you are dancing in the wind it’s suppose to storm tonight I hope it does so we can dance together again I miss you love talk to you later and will be seeing you soon

Happy Birthday

May 15, 2019

Happy birthday tia I miss you so much I wish I could just call you and talk to you I know how much you loved to celebrate and tonight I'll put on some music and dance for you. I wish you were here I know I can still talk to but to be able to have you hug me and tell me everything will be ok I just need you tia I hope you are having a beautiful birthday watching over all of us I love you tia 


March 8, 2017

I remember one night I was mad and sad pregnant with Olivia I was sitting on the bed crying and my Tia comes inside I tried to act like nothing was wrong I told her what was going on she told me to grab a lemon or lime and roll it around in my hand that will help make me strong after awhile of calming down she put on tejano and began showing me how to dance now everytime I dance tejano I look up and smile hoping I'm doing it right I can hear her laughing and telling me to just follow the music I still keep that in my mind I miss being little and watching my Tia put on makeup thinking to myself wow that is where my love for makeup comes from being a lil girl watching her Tia putting it on I just wanted to share love you Tia 

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