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July 7, 2023
July 7, 2023

I am privileged to have known Mummy Pauline as a virtuous woman, full of Grace and love for her children and Grandchildren.

I remember her smile, captivating, reassuring and disarming, I miss the way she calls me with her fraternal Guyanese accent "Toneee". She was a paragon of beauty and had choices of who her man would be, though soft in looks but disciplined in actions. A mother everybody would have wished to have; she was blessed with a daughter whom she nurtured to becoming a woman of substance, a son-in-law and many awesome grandchildren.

May our good memory of her be the consolation factor as we will always remember her good deeds as our sweet mother nurse.

My only problem with Mummy PAULINE is that there is only one of her.

Adieu Mummy!
Rest in Peace. Amen.

Tony Ohifeme Ezekiel (oxon)
July 7, 2023
July 7, 2023
Dear Mom Melville,

Your story resonates more than ever as I read through the memoirs from family, friends, loved ones. Your love, your smile is a replica of my own Mom - I always thought you two were sisters!! Guyana and Memphis Tennessee gave us Angels, and now, both of you are in that Special place Together. It was a blessing to have met you Mom Melville, thank you for giving me Titia, and Isi and O.C and Ivade!! Greet my Mom for me too, i love you, till we see again! ❤ Nmadili and G.C. Okwumabua Family.
July 6, 2023
July 6, 2023
Dear Auntie Pauline we will miss your beautiful smile and your funny one liners you we were always laughing with you around rest in perfect peace beautiful lady❤️
July 6, 2023
July 6, 2023
I loved my Auntie Pauline and here's one reason why.

I was about 7 and my mum had gone out to work on a freezing, wet, November night leaving me and my brother, Kevin at home alone. We had strict instructions not to open the front door to ANYONE. 

With this ringing in our ears, the doorbell rang. It was Auntie Pauline, who'd travelled miles by bus and just missed mum. I recognised her but, told her we couldn't let her in. Instead, I offered to keep her company until mum came back and I talked with her through the door and even offered biscuits through the letter box. But I was not going to let her in. I knew there would be consequences!! My childish chatter cannot have been distracting her from the cold and Auntie tried, charm, reason and humour and eventually persuaded me to let her in. Instead of telling me off, she gave me that megawatt smile and the biggest hug and praised me for being careful.

What a wonderful human! I'm thrilled to see that her open-hearted humanity lives on in her children and grandchildren and is an inspiration to us all. Long may that continue. 
July 4, 2023
July 4, 2023
A Tribute to a Remarkable Soul,

As I find the words to pay tribute to such a remarkable soul, I am reminded of her infectious smile, as warm as a summer's day, which could light up even the darkest corners. Her smile wasn't just an expression, it was a silent conversation, exuding love, comfort, and reassurance.

I'll never forget her empathetic spirit, always ready to lend an ear. Every conversation with her felt like a balm to the soul, as she listened with an open heart and responded not just with words, but with her entire being. Each interaction was a testament to her wisdom, kindness, and genuine care.

Thinking of her, the term 'mother' resonates deeply. Her maternal instincts extended beyond her own family, making everyone around her feel safe and loved. She provided a comforting embrace to anyone in need, an unfailing source of love and kindness.

Ever accommodating and always caring, she was ready to extend a hand to anyone in need. She was a beacon of hope, a source of strength, and an inspiration to all. No matter the situation, she was there - offering help, guidance, and the reassurance that one was never alone.

Whilst her physical presence may be gone, the love she bestowed, the lives she touched, and the memories she created will continue to live within me. Her influence resonates like a beautiful melody, a song of love, care, and enduring strength.

Her legacy is woven into the fabric of my life, and I aim to honour her by continuing to spread the love and kindness she so freely gave.

I remember her today, not in sorrow, but in gratitude - for the life she lived, the love she shared, and the indelible mark she left on my heart. Here's to a life beautifully lived, a legacy wonderfully left, and a soul forever remembered.

In loving memory.
July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023

Aunt Pauline to us is many things. She is one of the last members of the “village” that was part of our growth, development and welfare as children. She was one of our mother's (Enid Dorway)cousins. They had many fond memories and adventures together and whenever they got together there was always fun, story telling and joking with each other. Aunt Pauline as a member of the village was always interested in our welfare. She was aware of our development and accomplishments in school, graduation from college, employment, marriage, children, etc. She is the godmother of Crystal, one of our children. 
Aunt Pauline loved to travel and wherever we were, in Pennsylvania, in Florida, in Guyana she always included as stop over and visit as part of her travels. She also loved to entertain and whenever we traveled to Guyana she insisted that we go to Linden to spend some time with her and Uncle Wally. She always rolled out the red carpet for us. One of the things she always did was to brew tea from tea leaves (not teabags) and served in teacups (not mugs). Her and Anne insisted that it tasted better that way. It made no sense to argue with either of them.  She loved to shop.  You could take her to the mall and leave her there.She would shop all day and was never ready when you got back for her. Her super power was always knowing where the bargains and sales were. She loved coming to Florida. She spent many summers visiting various parts of Florida. We have fond memories of her accompanying us on a cruise to the Caribbean.  If you were wearing a dress that aunt Pauline liked she would always say in that low sweet talking voice “ Girl, that dress would look good on me you know” and suggest that you hand it over to her. Mom used to say, “But Pauline why are you like that?”  Aunt Pauline LOVED Publix Fried Chicken. As soon as she arrived in Florida, the first thing she asked for was that chicken and if you did not get it fast enough she would be sitting there saying “Publix, Publix” 
Aunt Pauline was always happy that we adopted Titia as our sister; however we will forever be grateful for the way in which she took my mother into her home at a critical time in her life, when she became sick with cancer and we she was not able to travel. She took care of our mother until we received the ok for her to travel. And for that we are truly indebted to her. But again she was a part of that village that was always there looking out for us. Our hearts are sad because a part of that village has departed but we will forever remember and be grateful in our hearts for who she was, and always will be.

Lynette, Mike and Annie
Philip Simon
July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023
Today I pay Tribute to a Very Special Lady, Pauline Melville, fondly referred to as Sister P.
God has seen fit to call Sis. P home at this time. She has fought a good fight and has finished her course, hence
a crown awaits her in her heavenly home.
I met Pauline in 1972 when I worked for the Chase Manhattan Bank in Georgetown, Guyana. Seem our spirits took to each other and she would come into the bank give me her bank book to take care of her transactions and collect them at sometime later.
At that time neither of us knew we were connected by a family relation.
Pauline's cousin Fitz Dorway was my uncle-in-law. They both lived in Republic Park and one day while I was visiting Fitz, I ran into Pauline. That is when we both found out the family connection.
Our relationship grew even closer when years later I would marry Pauline's cousin Lynette.
Our relationship was a very special one On our visits to Guyana we always went to Linden to spend some time with Pauline and Walter. When they were in the USA they stayed with us in Florida.
We had planned to visit England this year to see Pauline and other family members but due to unforseen circumstances we did not make that trip. Unfortunately, we did not get there before Sister P's passing.
Rest my dear cousin until we meet again. Gone but will never be forgotten.

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