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Margaret "Peggie" Rombach was born August 7, 1929, and passed away on May 24, 2020 (at 4 AM of course!) It was time to get up and get going! She lived an extraordinary life. This memorial celebrates that life "well lived." Peggie gave us 90 magical years. Thank you for loving her too! She will be missed!

Click LIFE in the green menu bar above to read Peggie's life story. We invite you to add content about her. GALLERY shows her life in photos. Add a fav pic. Share a favorite story in STORIES or read those of others. Click the speaker symbol to hear some of Peggie's favorite songs. Write a tribute or note below, light a candle or lay flowers!
August 7, 2021
August 7, 2021
Happy Birthday, Mom.   Love you. Always.
I didn't write here last year, or on your deathday, either.
Now, on what would be your 92nd birthday (Sh!! Under threat, I'm never supposed to tell!  ;-)), I wanted to share with all your friends and family a bit of your last-days story.
You were amazing. You had always told me, "Kim, I just hope I can go to sleep and not wake up." Though there were surprises, blessings, and wallops along the way, and it took a bit longer than you'd planned, you did just that. Congrats, Mom. Never leaving the independence of your own home, you were able to heed "The Man Upstairs" calling to, "Come Home" in a timely and graceful way (OK, maybe also with some randomness, and some raucous asides [I'm grinning at you, Mom]).
You died as you lived. With verve. With intention. With Faith. With Love.
Thank you. For a lifetime of You. --Kim
August 7, 2021
August 7, 2021
It's been a year and a bit since our Mom left us. We, her "kiddos," want you to know: she enjoyed you all so much. For twenty plus years her morning ritual was to get up at 4:30, make a "pot of" coffee, organize according to her magic Dates spiral notebook, drink more coffee, maybe turn on the heater--probably not, write special occasion cards to you (with the date to send under where the stamp would go), all the while drinking more coffee. Later every morning, off she would go, driving her city of Upper Lake loop, being sure to drop a bundle at the post office. Every afternoon she drove just under a mile to pick up mail at her rural mailbox. Her connections with you all enlivened her days.
May 24, 2021
May 24, 2021
Miss you mom! Here's to the 1 year anniversary of your passing. Took your ashes to your fav places today. Thank you, Grandma Mike and Unc Chuck for crow-barring me out of my stuckness. Sometimes it takes a forest fire burning everything you own to do it. Thanks for giving me the gift of gratitude. It finally took root and even comes with ease. Thanks for the advice to care for myself. And thanks for the incredible sunsets. You guys out did yourselves!
September 17, 2020
September 17, 2020
I knew Peggie since I was a young girl starting high school. She and my dad, Ken Ingraham were teachers at Novato High. She and I bonded from day one, same sense of humor and orneriness !!!! She was one of the most thoughtful and loving women I have ever known, so strong in spirit, she is surely missed, a true blessing to have known her! Loved her laugh, we could get that party started always!
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
15 years ago this incredibly tough, call it like she sees it, you know where you stand with her, formidable woman came into my financial planning office. I immediately liked her and we forged not only a business relationship but also a friendship. Over the years, we spent hours talking and I loved hearing stories of her love of track and field, the Olympics, adventures in teaching, her family, and the importance of enjoying the beauty around her. She was tough as nails and believed without a shadow of a doubt if you're going to do something do it right. Even to the point of going out every morning and hand turning over hundreds of bales of hay in the field so they wouldn't get moldy before they could be picked up. One of my favorite Peggie stories came to be many, many years ago when we started creating a quarterly newsletter to send out to our clients. She called me one day after receiving it to let me know that she had found a spelling error in the newsletter and that we really needed to do a better job editing our documents before sending it out. Well, I had learned to always be on my toes with Peggie so in a quick thinking fashion, I responded to her "well congratulations Peggie! You, um, won the contest for this quarter in that were the first one to call in with the blooper that we, um, intentionally put into the newsletter!" I don't think she was totally convinced but we did send her a gift certificate for lunch at a local restaurant. There was born our quarterly newsletter blooper contest that still runs today (and yes, she called in every quarter like clockwork :-)) Peggie lived her life with a sense of humor, never took herself seriously, wouldn't hesitate to call you on your stuff but also wouldn't hesitate to give you the shirt off her back but most importantly in my opinion - walked her path with a grace and class that we all can only aspire to. She is missed so much but I am thankful that she was in my world - the lessons I've learned from her over the years will stick with me a lifetime and for that I'm eternally grateful!
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
I was so sorry to hear of Mrs. Rombach's passing. Every Christmas, her's was the first card I would receive. How I will miss that. Mrs. Rombach was my PE teacher, mentor and friend. She was always fair, firm and compassionate. She would push all of us to try a little harder and we would. She was always professional and kind. I think of her often and will continue to think of her example for the rest of my life. Much love to her and her family.
June 6, 2020
June 6, 2020
Peggie Rombach was one of those constants in my life. I have known her since the day I was born. Peggie was one of my first visitors when my parents brought me home and she has always kept in touch with me. I always received a birthday card and anniversary card every year. She was a blessing to me and I will never forget her.
June 5, 2020
June 5, 2020
I first met Peg in the late 1950's. I was a student at San Francisco State. Peg was an instructor at the college. Fast Forward to 1960, I was teaching at Novato High School. Peg was teaching at Hill Middle School in Novato.
In 1966/67 Peg joined our staff in the Physical Education Dept. at Novato High. For the next 20+ years, we taught together as well as coached our Girls volleyball & gymnastic teams
I can honestly say at no time during our many teaching years did we have an argument. At times, we had disagreements but always talked them through. It was a pleasure to go to work. Peg was a wonderful, caring plus a fantastic teacher. She was always looking out for the other person.
One morning I remember walking into our office and heard Baa Baa sounds coming from our dressing room. Peg had brought a new born lamb to school. After loosing his mother, the little guy has a shaky start. At work, Peg bottle fed him through out the school day. As word got around campus, we had many students visit the lamb.
I certainly remember my friend's special manner of making adjustments to her eye glasses! During some school meetings there were times when somewhat controversial changes would be suggested by the powers that be. I would look over at Peg, who offered that great big smile. Then she would adjust her glasses. I got the message on what Peg thought!
Peg was not only a great asset to our P.E. Dept, she assisted the total Novato High Faculty. When other faculty members had challenging problems or concerns, they would go to Peg. In turn she would go to the Administration on their behalf. The problems would be worked out.
Peg was a wonderful friend, coworker and one amazing Christmas fudge and Persimmon Pudding Cake maker! She was a pleasure to have as a part of my life.

June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
I was lucky enough to have your mother as my PE teacher at Marin Catholic from 1954-1958. She took a shy, awkward girl who didn't like sports, and by the force of her personality and love of teaching, turned her into a lifelong "jock". She ran a" tight ship", and we loved her for it! Tell Mrs. R you didn't like a game or didn't want to play...NEVER!!! Appear for roll call out of uniform? Wrong socks? NEVER! Later when she and I both taught in Novato, I would think of her as I led the class in their warm up drills, and smile. Thank you, Peggie, for affecting the course of my life in the most positive way imaginable!
June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
The years from 1950 to 1956 Mrs. Rombach was my teacher and mentor. Peggie gave me the future of my life. Coming from a family of 10 brothers & sisters and being child #8 I felt like I was always being pushed to the back of the line. I loved sports and you “found” me and I moved to the head of that line. You gave me the confidence and strength to play, play play. You kept in touch throughout the years and I will miss you. I felt honored that you allowed me to watch Kim when you lived in Larkspur. Thank you Peg for sharing your life with the Marin Catholic HS Class of 1950-1954 - the first full class to graduate after 4 years. My twin sister Lucile Kortuem Payton sadly passed away in July 2019. Please give her a hug from me.
Cecile Kortuem Tescallo
June 3, 2020
June 3, 2020
This tribute is from Coach Al Scott and Linda Kay Scott. Coach has known Peggie since 1964 and holds many wonderful memories of their teaching time together! Al says, "Peggie had her hands full, with trying to keep himself and Jerry Colletto in line!" Peggie came into my life in 1974, as our neighbor on Christopher ct. in Novato. I too, have many wonderful memories of her friendship and warm hugs! We enjoyed her many birthday cards over the years. Rest in peace dear Peggie, with much love from us.
June 3, 2020
June 3, 2020
Peg was my Gymnastics coach since I was probably 10. I would work out with the high school team. Every Christmas she would take me to Sacremento for a Gymnastics clinic.  Finally I got to High School. I broke my leg vaulting 1976. She always stood at the Vault. My Dad is also 90. They were good friends and he trusted Her to take care of me. I loved her!!!!  All my Aloha
June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
I met Peggie when she joined Clearlake Road Riders. I thank Chuck Gillingham for having her as his passenger because otherwise I would have missed the opportunity to have this awesome woman in my life.

Always helping. Always fun to be with. I learned so much from her.

I so enjoyed listening to her talk about her life. . .never bragging about the things I see here.

I remember when she had cataract surgery and she shared that she found a 2 inch hair on her thigh and had I noticed it when we'd been swimming! (She'd not be happy I shared that!)

She was my friend and I shall miss her.
June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
My mom (Barbara Martin Thompson) went to school with Peggie & remained lifelong friends with her. We would see her occasionally at my grandparents home, the last time was several years ago. She was always one of the nicest people I knew. She NEVER missed sending me a birthday card, even up thru my high school years. It was so nice to read so many fun things about her, tho I wasn’t surprised at all!! To the family & closest friends; I am so sorry for your loss. Thankfully she lived a very full life. She was as nice & as happy & she was beautiful. My condolences,  Renee Katches
June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
The world has lost one of the most amazing women I've ever met. Peggie Rombach was in every sense of the word A FORCE TO RECKON WITH.. Peg and I met when my husband and I went to Witter Springs to buy hay. Rarely do I meet a person (especially another woman) who I instantly connect with. Peg was one of those rare people. With a handshake and steady eye contact, one knew EXACTLY who they were dealing with. I so enjoyed our visits when we came to Lake County for hay!! A welcome and interesting get together each time. Peg NEVER forgot to send me a birthday and Christmas card, and I loved getting that Christmas letter once she moved to Ashland. I will miss that great smile and warm hug. 
June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
My wife Shirley died Jan 19 1919. Shirley and I loved to get together with Peg at our Tamalpais H.S. reunions. There were several but the last one at Dear Park in Farfax was the best. This is such a great tribute I thank the family for their creativity.
June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
Mrs. R….too much to say, too little space to capture her big spirit. Phys Ed Teacher extraordinaire. My four years experiencing her teaching and coaching in various sports was pure joy. I have often wondered how many times over the years her body had been bombarded by young women flying haphazardly over the gymnastics vault, or uneven parallel bars. Ouch! And, did she get as sick of the mustard yellow gym suits we had to wear (1966-70) as we were? How many complaints from those of us stuck with first period swimming and the resulting hair disasters? She could be no nonsense but she was always fair. She set parameters of behavior and class expectations, treated everyone fairly and was patient with those who were PE challenged.  How many cards did she send over the years to former students? I think she kept Current in business and the USPS!  I have great respect for Mrs. R and confess to always being a little jealous of Kim for being better than I was on the trampoline. (Dianne Lamb)
May 31, 2020
May 31, 2020
Where to start? Such memories of Mrs Rombach. I will pick one particular memory. I remember with mixed emotions our yellow gym socks. We were expected to have our initials on the socks and wear them EVERY day! My friends always thought it was hilarious to hide mine. For each day i was without my yellow socks I got a mark in her grade book.   Well eventually I had so many marks that my grade was descending and descending until she said , " you know Melodie you are getting a D on your card." Magically every Friday they appeared at the end of PE. i took them home to be washed and Monday brought the start of the lost socks.
Report cards came and I got an F! Not only was it an F it was a RED F!
My parents were beside themselves! "Your brothers went to MC and never, never did they get an F!" My other grades were very good if I do say so myself>
When I asked her why a RED F she said , " Oh you were way beyond just an F . i decided to make it red!"
I finally wised up and kept several pairs of yellow socksmin my book locker.
I loved Mrs Rombach and knew it was the beginning of the Christmas season when her card arrived. The first year it didnt come I knew all was not well.
I treasure that Sandy Rosso and I visited her in Lake County. We had a wonderful, treasured visit.
She was such an important part of my MC years. I will miss knowing she is not in this world. RIP .
PS I have not worn a pair of yellow socks since 1960!
May 31, 2020
May 31, 2020
What an amazing and beautiful tribute to a wonderful woman! I was one of the many girls during the 50's and 60's at Marin Catholic who were fortunate enough to have Mrs. R. as an influence in our lives. Not only did I have her as my PE teacher, but also for the volleyball and basketball teams. Whenever we'd have an away game, we'd all want to ride with Mrs. R. On our return, we'd all meet at King Cotton for a celebratory snack. Another fond memory was bowling at the old Marin Bowl. She was so much more than a teacher. I was lucky enough to be invited to her house where I met Kim and Kit and later even held Rex as an infant. In the ensuing years, besides keeping up with birthday cards, Kathy S. and I would try to meet her for lunch on her birthday. I was fortunate enough to have accompanied Kathy to visit her and Kim in Ashland about a year and a half ago. Oh so many happy memories, your mom, Mrs. R, Peg, will always reside in my heart!
May 29, 2020
May 29, 2020
Ever a shining light in my life. Peggie met me in 8th grade when she substituted. What a shock when I got to Marin Catholic and she greeted me by name. My life was never the same... my mentor, my cheer leader, my FRIEND.
May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020
What a beautiful tribute! I got to know your Mom really through Kim and Rex, pictures, stories and glimmers of her when she would be present. I saw a bit of the classy and smart-assy :) in her final months. This tribute made me cry, smile, say WoW look at those legs! Love, laughter, moxie (is that even still a word?), smarts, dedication to family - it is all here. Thank you for allowing me to be a tiny part of her life and yours.

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August 7, 2021
August 7, 2021
Happy Birthday, Mom.   Love you. Always.
I didn't write here last year, or on your deathday, either.
Now, on what would be your 92nd birthday (Sh!! Under threat, I'm never supposed to tell!  ;-)), I wanted to share with all your friends and family a bit of your last-days story.
You were amazing. You had always told me, "Kim, I just hope I can go to sleep and not wake up." Though there were surprises, blessings, and wallops along the way, and it took a bit longer than you'd planned, you did just that. Congrats, Mom. Never leaving the independence of your own home, you were able to heed "The Man Upstairs" calling to, "Come Home" in a timely and graceful way (OK, maybe also with some randomness, and some raucous asides [I'm grinning at you, Mom]).
You died as you lived. With verve. With intention. With Faith. With Love.
Thank you. For a lifetime of You. --Kim
August 7, 2021
August 7, 2021
It's been a year and a bit since our Mom left us. We, her "kiddos," want you to know: she enjoyed you all so much. For twenty plus years her morning ritual was to get up at 4:30, make a "pot of" coffee, organize according to her magic Dates spiral notebook, drink more coffee, maybe turn on the heater--probably not, write special occasion cards to you (with the date to send under where the stamp would go), all the while drinking more coffee. Later every morning, off she would go, driving her city of Upper Lake loop, being sure to drop a bundle at the post office. Every afternoon she drove just under a mile to pick up mail at her rural mailbox. Her connections with you all enlivened her days.
May 24, 2021
May 24, 2021
Miss you mom! Here's to the 1 year anniversary of your passing. Took your ashes to your fav places today. Thank you, Grandma Mike and Unc Chuck for crow-barring me out of my stuckness. Sometimes it takes a forest fire burning everything you own to do it. Thanks for giving me the gift of gratitude. It finally took root and even comes with ease. Thanks for the advice to care for myself. And thanks for the incredible sunsets. You guys out did yourselves!
Her Life

A life well lived...

May 25, 2020
Margaret “Peggie” Rombach, born August 7,1929, left to meet God on May 24, 2020, at 4:00 am...of course.

She was a resident of Larkspur and Novato in Marin County, California, Upper Lake in Lake County near Clear Lake, and more recently Ashland, Oregon.

Peggie was proceeded in death by ex-husband Marcel and her long time beau Don Mills. She was the mother of Kim Rombach Smith-Harpham of Talent, Oregon, Kit Rombach of Enumclaw, Washington, and Rex Rombach (and Jane) of St Helena, California. Peggie was also the beloved Grandmother of Chris Rombach (and Adrienne) of Cary, North Carolina, Kelly Rombach (and Sherrie) of Vacaville, California, Josh Smith (and Ingra) of Weaverville, California, Meghan Smith-Moore (and Dave) of Phoenix, Oregon, Joy Harpham (and Devin) of Tillamook, Oregon and Danit Hubbell Hudson (and Stephen) of Aurora, Colorado. She was great-grandmother of Melody, Ian, Owen, Kaia, Jenna, and Emily.

Born to the adversity of the great depression, Peggie did the cooking, cleaning and bill delivery at age seven while her mother worked and attended cosmetology school. As such, she decided early to take action that would ensure a productive future. Peggie obtained her degree at eighteen and her Masters degree at age 20 after attending UC Berkeley and San Francisco State. She began teaching and coaching at 18 - only slightly older than some of her students.

Known to many as “Mrs. R”, Peg taught at Marin Catholic High, Hill Jr. High and Novato High School before retiring in 1990. She was a PE teacher, coach, mentor and friend. She influenced countless students to become teachers and coaches themselves, as well as to be the very best version of themselves. Mrs. R never forgot a name and knew every one of her student's names by day two of class. It was always important to her that the quiet, shy or "invisible" kids got a smile, hello or wave as she spoke their name.

She loved the outdoors and travel. The Rombach family often hunted, fished or camped with friends in Mill Creek, California, or went for summer drive trips - once to Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Arizona. Peggie was a member of the International Track and Field Association. With them, she traveled the world and attended nearly every summer olympics since 1972.

In 1987, Peggie was inducted into the San Francisco State University Hall of Fame for Athletics. She remained a staunch supporter of the Women’s Physical Education scholarship program.

Her lovely singing voice graced church choirs and congregations in Novato (Novato Presbyterian) and Upper Lake.

Like her mother Martha before her, Peggie was an avid animal lover and caretaker. She cared for many cats (Puttie, Brat, Miss Calico, Tom Tom), as well as dogs (Jack, Susie, Don, Breu, Jack II) . She fed many a “momma” or Tom cat that showed up on her properties - always catching them to get them spay or neutered on her own dime. With her predeceased partner, Don Mills, she raised sheep - at one point over 1,100 of them - that grazed the hills above Terra Linda to help with fire control and her property in Upper Lake.

Her beau Don passed on shortly after Peg moved to Upper Lake. But in typical "Peggie" fashion, she embraced her new locale. She made many close friends. She began to ride along with the Lake County Road Riders motorcycle club, where she would participate in their annual Christmas Toy ride for charity. The Sheriff’s Dept. will always appreciate Peg’s volunteering to organize the files and reports room. The Lucerne Senior Center was grateful for her volunteering to help serve lunches 3 days a week. And she always volunteered to work the polls on election day.

Peggie was always quick to laugh, offer some keen wit or push up her glasses with that certain finger.

Anyone that knew Peggie knew she could be tough if necessary. She was fearless, but she was always humble, generous, ready to serve, assist or offer support. Remember those 15 minute Peggie visits? Were you familiar with Peggie's famous 3x5 correspondence cards with over 400 names and dates? To the amazement of many she always sent friends and former students timely birthday cards and congratulations for life events. In turn, her home was filled with hundreds of cards sent in return--at Christmas on every table top, shelf and lampshade. When she could no longer address them all, she asked for help from her “Visiting Angels” caregivers and also from her granddaughters. Some also recall that many-a-holiday Peggie baked persimmon pudding and delivered them to neighbors far and near. Peggie was always there for a friend in need.

Both Peggie and her family are extremely grateful for the loving care provided by her “Visiting Angels”, Bridget, Shyannah, Leslie, Maureen, Shannon and Nayomi, as well as Hospice of Jackson County Oregon and Hospice experts Holly and Syl.

We are so happy you have visited Peggie's memorial website here at - Please share your best Peggie story or post a favorite photo.

Due to Covid-19 circumstances, no services are planned at this time. Donations in Peggie's memory can be made to a charity of your choice - may we suggest Animal Friends Rescue Project begun by none-other-than Doris Day or geriatric research, or___? Condolences may be sent c/o Kim Harpham, 992 Golden Aspen Pl., Ashland, OR 97520
Recent stories

A boatload of moxie...

May 26, 2020
Anyone that knew Peggie, knew she wasn't afraid to say what she thought. She rarely needed to get angry to do it either. She was just matter of fact. Right? There was no doubt regarding her position on the subject.

Peggie was a pioneer in an era where men were automatically in charge. She faced a lot of adversity. Direct, "take-charge" men were praised...while a strong, attractive, capable woman was often considered a you-know-what. Yet Peggie didn't "hide her light" or let that stop her.

She was determined that no one, and certainly no man, was going to control her destiny. So at 18 she earned her Bachelor's degree and at 20 her Masters. She began teaching at 18 - barely older than some of her students.

And though her marriage ended a few years later, leaving Peggie a single mother with three children, a full-time job and coaching obligations, she met each challenge with determination and grit. There were times when each child had to put their shoe in the circle and the one with the worst shoes got the new ones that month. There weren't a lot of frills, but there was always enough. The refrigerator was full - even with teenage boys that ate like horses. She taught us that we were no worse than anyone else, and no better either. And though she must have been so stressed, I don't ever remember her complaining about it.

That was Peggie - never afraid of hard work - always glad to lend a hand - always attending to the needs of others before her own.

By the time she retired from teaching, she had transcended her roots. Born during the great depression, they sometimes had little to eat for the day. Peggie spent wisely, saved up enough to build build and sell a couple houses, hired a wise and loyal financial manager, and with her guidance, made strong investments. Peggie was successful, secure and humble - a true self-made woman and success story.
June 9, 2020
     My family met Peggie when she and Don moved to Bachelor Valley. As so many testified to, each of us were remembered at every birthday and special occasion. Peggie's Persimmon bread would mysteriously arrive every Christmas.
     Peggie was genuinely interested in what we were doing and we kept up mostly by the walk byes. As my mother says "Peggy would rarely come in for coffee but she would invite me in for coffee and we had conversations sitting at her table. I will miss her."  My children took animals to the Lake County Fair when they were involved in 4-H. Peggy and Don were very helpful with advice for the sheep. One year we had a situation where my youngest daughter needed help getting her lamb sheered. It was late and I called Peggy. She said bring the lamb over and I will get some coffee down Don. They saved the day!
     Thank you for sharing Peggie's life story. An incredible person that will surely be missed.

Generous With Walnuts

June 7, 2020
Peggy was my neighbor just down Bachelor Valley Road at Witter Springs.  When we first moved into our house there in 1987 we had the 4 walnut trees in the front yard removed because of my wife Kathy's intense and severe allergy to the pollen from these trees, but missed having access to the nuts.  For many years I just gleaned the nuts I could find along the road going to waste from other trees.  Peggy had several trees that were good producers, especially the big one by her barn, but had no apparent interest in picking them up and cracking them herself, as she told me having spent many hours of her childhood getting her hands stained dark from handling the husks.  Eventually I got around to asking her permission to gather the nuts from her trees and received a most hearty invitation to take all I wanted.

For several years her trees provided most of the walnuts I picked up, cracked, and preserved in Mason jars after toasting in the oven at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour.  The nuts made great gifts and people began to sort of expect they would get some from me at Christmas, but they were really from Peggy.  Walnut pie became my standard contribution to potlucks, again, all credit due to Peggy's generosity.

Peggy knew I was the local high school biology teacher and always on the lookout for interesting specimens to show my students, so one day was not surprised to get a call from her to come on over and collect an especially fat black widow spider she had found in her pantry. 

With all her friendly contacts in the community, she was the first neighbor I called when I was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2017, knowing she would spread the word that I would not be home for a few weeks while being treated in Santa Rosa.  Peggy recruited me into the local chapter of the California Retired Teachers Association, of which she was membership chair, and drove me to a few of the meetings before I had to stop attending in order to substitute teach.  I think everyone of the neighbors here at Witter Springs misses her direct, sometimes even blunt, manner and certainly her outgoing helpfulness in getting through rough times.

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