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September 30, 2023
September 30, 2023
Hey Pete Mac as you celebrate your day up above anything you can do to help our US Ryder Cup team pull off a miracle will be appreciated! ⛳
September 30, 2023
September 30, 2023
Today, Peter would have entered his seventies. He had always previously enjoyed things in the seventies whether it was his anytime score on a golf course or the era of dancing under the disco ball. Undoubtedly, he would have very much enjoyed brutalizing all of us as we aged through our seventies while maintaining his own younger look and energy… albeit with longer and more frequent naps!

You are clearly missed as our memories of you have not faded.
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
As I think about spending my first Christmas without him in our world; so many thoughts and feelings run through my mind causing so many unique emotions. Just the other day I was clearing my voice mail messages and as I scrolled down to the bottom, I noticed one was from Peter Mc. I was thrilled to know that I could hear his voice again but also nervous as to how I would react. But I didn’t hesitate to press play and listen. It was an old message dating back to when Jen & Alok got married. He wanted to make sure that Katie had a ride back from Maine to Logan after the wedding weekend. His voice sounded wonderful, calm and normal. He ended it by saying I hope you’re doing well as he had always done. Not sure why I kept this message on my phone but I’m so glad I did. I have so many wonderful memories of growing up with my brothers and some great ones of our holidays together. Our parents tried hard to make them special for us! 
But I miss him. And even though we lived far apart, we always cared deeply about each other’s well being and families. As with Brian and his incredible way of letting Peter and I know that he was always there for us in so many extraordinary ways. I am slowly learning the process of losing a sibling; there is so much nostalgia involved along with the heartache. But what I’ve learned so far is if you’re lucky enough to have great ones, what a special gift to go through life with. 
Merry Christmas Pete!
November 2, 2021
November 2, 2021
I was a teammate of Peters at BC, on coach Carroll’s golf team. One year we played the NCAA TOURNAMENT at The Yale Golf Club in CT and Peter was my roommate that week. Not only was Peter a good player, a great team captain (on and off the course) but a great guy and friend.

RIP my friend.
November 2, 2021
November 2, 2021
I first met Peter at a Boston College varsity golf team reunion match in Marblehead in 1975. We played together in the Tedesco Country Club annual tournament every year for 30 years. It was a very special time being with Peter in 1986 at the Augusta National, the home of the Masters. We played 18 holes the first day, stayed overnight in the Eisenhower Cabin right off the 10th tee and played an additional 18 holes the next day. That was a thrill of a lifetime! Peter attended all three of our daughters’ weddings in Marblehead. We have been in contact every four or five weeks for the last 30 years. Such a fun and pleasant individual and he so loved his daughter Katie and twin sons Michael and William. An extremely close friend for over 45 years. There are dozens and dozens of wonderful memories of Peter McNamara to cherish in the future.
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
I first met Peter while working as assistant professional at Carolina Country Club and we had many great days of golf over the years. He was a great help with my career but even a better friend. I have not seen him in years but have great memories of our time spent together. My thoughts and prayers with the family.
October 17, 2021
October 17, 2021
As many others who are leaving tributes, I first met Peter in my younger years when TK Tripps was the happening scene, both on Falls of the Neuse and on Ridge Road. Peter was always in the midst of it all with his handsome looks, big smile and deep laugh. Our paths also crossed at St. Andrews church, where I was able to watch the three of you grow up and mature into the incredible adults you are today. Monty and I enjoyed many good times with Peter and Marsha and will always cherish those memories. Our heartfelt sympathy for your loss.
October 16, 2021
October 16, 2021
I also worked with Peter at the Ben Hogan Company. It was a special group of people. Peter was one of the best. He was good about keeping in touch and sending a Christmas card with a picture of his family. One of the funniest people I have ever met.  Rest in peace Peter. You'll be missed. God Bless your family. Pete Santora
October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
I will forever have the urge to call you...Peter brought many things to me. He would drop by say "Hello" with presents for holidays, crazy birthday gifts which included an assortment of lottery tickets, can cokes, bubble gum, paddle balls, puzzles and many more, a variety of nicknames but sometimes just because it was Monday.! More importantly he brought his ear, a great listener with no judgement. He brought laughter, we had many inside jokes. He gave me hope and confidence. Peter looked out for me from the moment that we met. He constantly would reach out over the phone or message me to see how I was but, his compassion did not stop with me. His empathy and friendship touched my daughters and siblings life as well. Peter was present, a supporter of optimism and purpose. He was a very proud man and kept his personal life to himself, most of the time. He always expressed the love most eminently for his beautiful children and grateful for the life that he was given. His infectious smile and mindless dry humor will be truly missed...until we meet again, my dear friend. 
October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
I first met Peter when I moved back to Raleigh in the 80's, and through him I got to meet some of my lifelong friends. Peter was handsome, athletic and one of the funniest people I have ever known. Our friends would frequent TK Tripps, Winston's and Sunday night dinners at Peters townhouse; he keep us together. We were young, carefree and loving our lives. After he and Marsha married, he still entertained us with all the animals he and Marsha got, like chinchillas and a tiger cub.

Peter adored his kids and was always talking about their accomplishments. Katie, William and Michael: Always remember your dads smile and sense of humor- I'm sure he has someone in heaven laughing right now. I'll miss Peter, but I am grateful for all the good times we had together. Rest in Peace my friend. 
October 14, 2021
October 14, 2021
Deepest sympathies to the family of Peter.I met Peter during my 42 years
at BC as the Associate Athletic Director. One of my assignments was the Golf Coach and that's where I met Peter, along with some of his friends- Peter
Dalton, Tom Riordan, Tom Murphy, Terry Frechette, & Brian Smith. There was
never a dull moment when Peter was around, regardless of his score in a match. There were many great characters on the golf team over the years, and
Peter was at the top of the list.      Peter, Rest In Peace.   Eddie Carroll
October 14, 2021
October 14, 2021
Peter was a great friend of my Dad. I loved when he would visit and always felt very supported. He will be missed. Sending so much love to his family.
October 14, 2021
October 14, 2021
Peter Mac was one of those guys you wanted to be around. My brother Kevin, Mike Shea, Terry, Charlie, Joe, JQ, Rochie, and Peter Mac were great role models and looked out for us “younger kids” in Cedarwood. I envied Peter’s love of life. He was always smiling and pulling pranks on anyone he came across. But he had that Eddie Haskell quality too so of course my mom loved him. I remember Peter’s innate ability to be good at whatever sport was being played whether it be at the playground or in organized leagues. On behalf of the Kelly’s of Waltham we send our heartfelt condolences and prayers to Peter’s family and know that we will remember him like a brother. See you on the other side Mac!
October 13, 2021
October 13, 2021
I worked with Peter for many years at the Ben Hogan Company along with his dear friends Peter Dalton and Terry Frechette. Had so many great times with him and memories that will last a lifetime.

Wish the best for his family....let's not cry that he is gone but instead smile that he was here.    RIP
October 13, 2021
October 13, 2021
I worked with Peter at Ben Hogan. He was on one of the best sales forces I have ever been associated with. Peter was talented and loved by us all. Peter was one of the funniest people I have ever met. He will be missed.
God Bless Peter and his family
Terry zmurphy
October 13, 2021
October 13, 2021
I was a friend of Pete's back in the roaring 70's, a Waltham connection. We golfed, caddied, playground hoops & occasionally would tip a few cold ones!
He was Hollywood handsome, great competitor, natural jokester. Boy could he get laughing, enough to make you cry. I am saddened to learn of his passing, but the pictures posted here again make me smile. It was an honor to call you my friend even if it was just for a short time. My condolences to his family, I know you will carry on his traditions.
Rest in Peace Pete
October 12, 2021
October 12, 2021
Pete gave the best hugs and always had a smile on his face. He leaves behind a wonderful legacy in his 3 amazing children. You will be missed dear friend…. my only regret is I didn’t get to say goodbye. Prayers to family and extra big hugs out to Katie - William - Michael. Love you guys so much!
October 12, 2021
October 12, 2021
A friend who will truly be missed! Peter gave me my first Staff agreement with Ben Hogan Co.  He let me stay at his home in Raleigh while I was transitioning to my new job at RCC and looking for a place to live. One of his trademarks – he would always ask me to throw money in his den caddy golf bag to support Katie's college tuition. If you walked the aisles of the PGA Merchandise Show with Peter, everyone knew him…he was like royalty! He was a fixture at the Peabody’s lounge following the Show and if you wanted to be in the "in Crowd", you better be hanging out with Peter. So many great memories and so many good times. Save me a spot Pete, because I'm sure wherever you are, there's a party going on!
October 12, 2021
October 12, 2021
I have known Peter for a little over a year now. He used to come by the pub that i worked at, he’d order a sprite and hang out with us. Every single day he had a smile on his face, and was such a happy person to be around. We would share jokes, scratch off $1 lottery tickets, and sometimes tell stories. I personally am missing him a lot right now, but I am so happy and thankful that I got to meet him and be a part of his life.
October 12, 2021
October 12, 2021
One of the good guys!! Thankful to have known Peter! Praising God for sharing him with us. John 14: 1-3 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
October 12, 2021
October 12, 2021
Dear Family of Peter, unfortunately, I did not have the great pleasure of knowing Peter as many of his friends did and of course neither enjoy of his charm and love for his family as you received from him.
However, I am joyful that I could administer the Sacrament of the Anointing/Final Rites to him while you were present there and I could experience and atmosphere of love and care by you, his family. 

I know this must be a difficult time for you his close family and your family in general. As we keep you in our thoughts and prayers, please know that I am sending love to you and your family during this trying time.

In times of great sadness, look back and take comfort in all of the beautiful memories you made. Again, my prayers and thoughts are with you during your time of loss. May God’s mercy give you comfort knowing that your father’s suffering has ended, and he is at peace.

Your father left a permanent imprint on the hearts of everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him. He will be greatly missed. The lessons your dad taught you, the love he gave, the way he cared for people… all those good things live on in you.

May you see your father’s wisdom in all that you do, and recognize his kindness in your own heart. May you always feel him with you. You were blessed to have a father so special and caring. His memory will live forever in our hearts.
Father Alex Gonzalez
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
October 11, 2021
October 11, 2021
Peter was my wonderful, giving friend with the gift of seeing the humor in any situation. He would always make me laugh at myself, sometimes by making up clever and spot-on (but usually unprintable) nicknames. Regardless of how much time had passed between our conversations, if I had a problem he would jump right in and offer his help. He rarely talked much about what was happening with him but happily shared stories and pictures of his children that he loved so dearly. I will miss him, and my thoughts and prayers are with his children and his family. 
October 11, 2021
October 11, 2021
Young adulthood in Raleigh, NC hold many of my fondest memories, with Peter and Marsha (and the gang) right in the middle of it all!  Peter, always with a smile, and a phone to his ear, kept us all together and "in the loop".  Peter is loved by all and will forever be remembered for the life and love he shared!
My prayers are with you all as you grieve the loss of a special brother, husband, father, friend.
October 10, 2021
October 10, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with Prince and all of his family. He was a special guy who made friends easily while at BC. He was charming, witty, kind and loyal, a true friend. Rest In Peace ... you were a true Prince.

October 9, 2021
October 9, 2021
Peter -aka Prince to your BC friends- you will be missed for your friendship, loyalty, sense of humor and so many other qualities! I loved hearing you talk about the loves of your life Katie-William and Michael and how proud you are of them! RIP my dear friend .
October 9, 2021
October 9, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Our family has the most wonderful memories of Peter that will last forever!!! You left us way too soon.

Rest In Peace my good friend!!

The Shea Family
October 9, 2021
October 9, 2021
We are always thinking of you all and will forever cherish our memories with your Dad ♥️♥️♥️
Nicole McGann

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