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July 15
July 15
May his soul rest in peace. During this difficult time, our thoughts are with his family and loved ones. May they find strength and comfort in the cherished memories they shared together.
I am very sorry for your loss. A life well lived and a no doubt he leaves a legacy to be cherrished by the family and friends. My sincere condolences.
June 28
June 28
My deepest condolences Frank! He is indeed a proud dad and an amazing human being to cherish..! May his soul Rest in Peace...May God give your family the strength to overcome the loss.

Peter D'Souza
June 28
June 28
So sorry for the loss of your dear dad! I met him on Facebook and enjoyed corresponding with him over the past few years. He was always polite, courteous, and caring. His writing style harkened back to an era when loyalty and friendships were treasured. I came to discover this personally when I asked him about the years he spent at St. Vincent's School, Poona. Later, I found out that he and my dad had been high school classmates. That discovery helped me piece together memories of hearing about your family decades ago. In fact, the oldest photograph of my father is one that your dad sent me from his collection. I am grateful to God for this friendship with him during the past few years. Thanks, Lucia, for the little vignettes of his life that you shared with us.
June 27
My condolences

I have a fond memory ..

Amb D’Souza had an interesting hobby. He drew portraits of global leaders and eminent figures and got some of them autographed.

When I met him in New York, he gave me the portraits of the presidents of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay and asked me to get them signed by the presidents around 2009. I had got the signatures and gave them back to him. He surprised me by gifting me a portrait of mine..

He shared with me his experience as Ambassador in Panama..and was happy to see that Latin America was becoming important for India..

May his soul rest in peace..

R. Viswanathan
June 27
June 27
Very saddened by the demise of Ambassador Placido Piedade D'Souza. I have had the privilege of having known him since my Probation days residing on Lady Curzon Road, External Affairs Hostel, in Delhi.

He was an inspiration to me. He always wondered why I teased Francisco by calling him Hey Frisco, who used to play under my balcony in EAH. Little 'Frisco' would yell back, I AM NOT FRISCO. Well, Frisco is a big boy. Sadly, I lost touch with Ambassador D'Souza and my last communication with him was on June 22, 2016.

The hallmark of Ambassador was his honesty, direct in his communication, straight talking, minced no word, brave, God fearing, family man, an excellent caring father, a gentleman to the core, and most of all, a very lovely human being, ever helpful, magnanimous, and gave till it hurt. God stopped making such human being. Sad.

In the demise of my dearest Ambassador Placido Piedade D'Souza, I lost a very dear friend and my mentor. I will miss you, Sir. Rest happy forever, Sir, in the Abode of the Ever Merciful Good Lord God. Amen.

May the Good Lord God bless the family with resilience and plenty of strength to live with the emptiness left behind by my dear Ambassador Placido Piedade D'Souza.

Good health to the family through all the years ahead- Muthu.
June 26
June 26
May his soul Rest In Peace. Father is a super hero for all kids.
His guidance shall always be remembered.

Wish God to Shower the Strength to the Family at this time.

Celebrate his life with the remembrance
June 26
When I received the mail from Maria, Placido's daughter, both Urmila and I were, not only deeply saddened, but were shocked. From the day we met in Metcalfe House, the then IAS/IFS training school, we became very friendly which continued till this day. After he settled down in CA we mostly used to keep in touch through E-Mail till about a year back. Even though he was in the US he used to take keen interest in happenings in India and specially in Maharashtra/Goa.
Will miss you dear Placido.
June 25
I deeply regret the passing of Ambassador PP D'Souza. My condolences to his family.

I met him when he was Commissioner for India in Hongkong. His abilities in his chosen profession were well-known to his fraternity. The late PN Haksar, one of India's ablest diplomats, spoke of him in familiar terms. There can, perhaps, be no greater compliment for an Indian diplomat.
June 25
June 25
Vinita and I are greatly saddened to learn about Ambassador Placido D'Souza. He was a humane, down-to-earth genuine person with a very high sense of integrity. I had the privilege of working closely with him when we were posted in Hongkong --he as the Commissioner. We also shared a special bond as he was my tutor when I first started school in Pune. He will be missed. May his soul Rest in Peace and the family have the fortitude to bear the loss.
June 24
June 24
It is with great sadness that I received the notice about Ambassador Placido D´Souza passing. For his children and grandchildren, please accept my condolence. I had the opportunity to exchange with him through a common friend, who passed away some years ago, Professor Hilda Chen Apuy. Both of them worked together in a beautiful project of diffusion of India´s Cultural History in Costa Rica and other countries of Latin America. Placido D´Souza left us a rich legacy in the knowledge about India´s Culture in the West. As a tribute of gratitude to the memory of these two special human beings, I want to share an example of the fruitfully mixture of talents they put together: in a book authored by Hilda Chen Apuy, entitled (in Spanish), “About life, love and friendship. A bridge between cultures”, the front cover is illustrated with a sketch drew by Placido on Professor Chen Apuy. Rest in peace, Placido.
Manuel Araya, San José. Costa Rica
June 24
June 24
Am proud of the legacy Mr Placide Dsouza has left behind
May his soul RIP,Amen
June 24
The bond between our parents led to my friendship with their daughter, Lucia. I fondly remember Uncle Placido and Aunty Susheela, from Kinshasa to Hong Kong. He was a kind-hearted man of few words. May his soul rest in peace, and may his family be granted comfort and strength during this difficult time.
June 24
June 24
Dear Jacinta, Raphael, Michelle, Thierry and family,

With sadness we read the news of the passing of your beloved father, father-in-law, grandfather. We read with great admiration his bio, stories and looked at the many photos. What an adventurous and beautiful life, full of enriching encounters, exchanges, colours and scents. It is clear to us that he passed on his sense of adventure, discovery and curiosity, his warmth, open view, smile and humor to you all. Besides it immediately takes us back to the few times I was able to meet him, and that makes us grateful.
We wish you much warmth and support together to honour and celebrate Placido.

Big hug
Lies, Luc and Hanne
June 24
June 24
Dear Jacinta, Lucia, Francisco and Maria,

We were privileged to have known uncle thru the lovely Aunty Susheela. A man of few words, such simplicty inpite of his stature. It was remarkable to feel the steadfast support towards his wife and family through the small, seemingly insignificant though immensly profound, actions.

Please accept our sincerest condolences. May you find solace in the many wonderful memories you shared together and may His legacy of strength, kindness and joy for life live on through you all.

With heartfelt sympathy,
Mark & Belinda
June 23
June 23
I never got a chance to meet or talk to Uncle Placido, but I could definitely understand about his philosophy to some extent from the way he has raised his children. The values Franc carries and lives with truly speak about his upbringing which shows the kind of formal and informal education he has received from his family. May the soul rest in peace.
June 23
Very sad news. It was such an honour to know someone so genuine, so inspiring. May his dear soul rest in peace. My deepest condolences to his beloved family.
Veena Gomes-Patwardhan
June 23
June 23
This is a irreparable loss. May God give enough strength to the entire family to bear this heavy loss. May his soul rest in peace. Om Shanthi...
June 23
June 23
My wife Lavinia and I mourn the passing away of our dear friend PLACIDO, Our friendship goes back to the early 1970s when Placido was posted at the Indian Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and I worked at USAID (the American Foreign Aid Program). I always considered Placido to be a great man and a great human being. May he Rest in Peace.
June 23
June 23
Sadened to hear the death of Placido D'souza. He was a strong supporter of my newsletter XIT-KODDI (e-Newsline of Bahrain Goans) and always assisted in improving this newsletter. You will be missed Placido - My sincere condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace.
June 23
June 23
Please accept my deepest sympathies and sincere condolences on your Dad's passing away. May his soul rest in peace. Amen

I live in Letchworth Garden City, 165 Glebe Road, Hertfordshire, UK.
I used to work with Filos, Muranga(Fort Hall) Kenya - 're : Victor and Camilla D'Souza.
June 23
I pray the departed soul rest in peace and the Almighty gives the family the strength to bear the irreplaceable loss.
June 23
June 23
Deeply saddened to hear about the sad news of dear Placido passing away. His was a life well lived.
We were close friends of both Sushila and Placido for years. He was a very talented man with a great sense of duty and integrity. Humour and wit were his hallmark. Everyone was kept laughing at parties. Making skillfully hand-sketched portraits of eminent personalities whom he interacted with during his years with the Indian Foreign Service, was his passion. These were autographed by these persons. He has captured so many personalities in this collection of his. We are privileged to have a copy of his true-to-life portrayal of Mother Theresa which he so kindly framed and gifted to us. It enjoys a special place in our home and is admired greatly by everyone.
All his children who are creative and gifted as well are a testimony to his many talents.
He valued his roots as a Goan and loved Goan culture.
Our deepest sympathies to the family he leaves behind, his dear Sister, and all his children, Jacinta, Lucia, Frank and Maria
With love from Lila and Allan Cordeiro
June 23
June 23
I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Placido in the final months of his life. While his cognitive abilities were not what they had been, he still had the intensity and seriousness that would come to define his work as he represented India to the world. His personal drawings of some of the most prestigious leaders of our time were a testimony to the respect the international community had for him.  My thoughts are with his remarkable kids and grand kids.
June 23
June 23
Kalpana and I are deeply distressed to hear that dear Placido is no more. We send our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.
Though almost a decade my senior at St.Vincent’s and in the Indian Foreign Service, I was privileged to know him as a close friend, particularly during my ambassadorial assignment in the US.
His was a life fully lived, as a distinguished diplomat, as an editor and author, as a talented portrait sketcher of global luminaries and not the least as a prolific writer of limericks which reflected his deep empathy for his fellow human beings. We will miss him.
May his soul rest in peace
June 23
June 23
Sincere condolences to all the family. I have pleasant memories of conversations with him and his dear wife in New York. I had enjoyed his books.
   Best wishes. Eric Pinto.
June 23
I am deeply saddened to hear about the loss of your father. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. May you find comfort in the cherished memories you shared.
June 23
June 23
Dear Jacinta, So sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences to you & the family.

Those we love don’t go away,
they walk beside us every day…
unseen, unheard, but always near,
still loved, still missed and very dear.

May his soul rest in peace.
June 23
Frank, I am truly sorry for the loss of your father. I know how much he meant to you and how he shaped you. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family for this great loss.
June 23
May your soul rest in Peace.
Your contribution to India is unforgettable.
Salute from all Indians.
Jai Hind
June 23
So sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Placido D'Souza. A life well lived, and an inspiration to many.
We got to know him in the mid or late 1990s, when he joined an online social network which some of us were associated with, called Goanet. Though he was born in East Africa (like quite a few in the Goan Daizpora world) and spent time in Poona and so many other parts of the world, his heart lived in Goa.
He would always encourage and comment on some new (even small) initiative going on here, and connect us with others he thought we'd be interested in.
For instance, in Jan 2019, he wrote: "I have been spending a few days in Cayman Islands, and was pleasantly surprised to find a number of Goans more or less settled here. I met two of them working in a local hotel and was pleasantly surprised to see that they spoke fluent Konkani and showed the usual nostalgia for Goa and things Goan. They had even invited some teatrists from Goa and provided entertain at get-togethers after the celebrations of St. Francis Xavier etc. I thought I should let you know as you have always been interested in Goans abroad."
A blessing to have had out paths crossed, met and learnt so much from an inspiring personality. We'll remember your 'New India Digest' too!
June 23
My heart goes out to you for the loss of your Dad I hope your happy memories will help you and your family through this difficult time.
June 23
June 23
So sorry to hear the sad news.

Ambassador D’Souza has been a good friend. I had the privilege to work with him very closely when he was India's Consul General in New York in the early 1980s. After his retirement, when he was bringing out the India Digest, he used to send me a copy. When I was bringing out newsletter for our organization, Global Organization of People of Indian Origin, he volunteered to do the final proof reading of the same before it was being send out. He did help for a couple of years. That is the kind of personality he was. Always ready to help for common cause. The last I met him was at the Indian Consulate over 12 years back for a program when he was staying in New Jersey.

I had kept in touch with him for some time. Whenever I met Frank, I always enquired about him.

He was a very kind man and a very able and capable diplomat for India.

On behalf of community organizations, I convey our heartfelt condolences. We are offering our prayers for the bereaved family members.

Thomas Abraham
Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO)
Stamford, CT, USA
June 22
June 22
Dear Mr Frank, pls accept my heartfelt condolences. As the incumbent Consul General in NY, a position Sir served many years back, and as a former High Commissioner in Tanzania, where he spent his childhood, I feel a strong connect with him and have deep regrets that I never got a chance to meet him in person. He remains very well respected in the foreign service fraternity. May God bless his soul. Binaya Pradhan, Consul General of India in New York
June 22
Great loss. May GOD give all the strength to you and your family. May HIS soul Rest in Peace
June 22
June 22
Deeply saddened to learn of dear Placido D’Souza’s passing. Not only was he a friend but an enthusiastic supporter of myself and my mother Indrani’s dance performances: arranging memorable tours for us in San Juan, Puerto Rico while he was Consul General in New York, and while he was High Commissioner, for me in Trinidad, Tobago and Barbados. I will remember him as a gentle soul who kept up a friendship after he retired from public life. A life lived to the fullest. A privilege to have enjoyed our association both personal and professional. My deepest condolences to you, Maria, and to your family. May his soul rest in peace.
June 22
June 22
Deeply sad to hear about the passing of Ambassador Placido D'Souza. My husband Jackie Melwani and I first met him with his family in Kinshasa, Africa where he headed the Indian Mission. We met again in New York and I remember the wonderful exhibit ' Portraits of Power' at the UN which I wrote about.
His was a life well-lived and his kindness and integrity impacted everyone.
May his hand of blessing always be on his family
June 22
June 22
Our sincerest sympathies to you Frank and to your family. We are never prepared enough for this moment but, your father's luminous presence and giving spirit will always be with you. May his soul rest in peace.
June 22
June 22
May your spirit continue to guide your family, even in your absence.

May his soul rest in peace!
June 22
June 22
Frank, So sorry to hear the passing of your leading light, your father. He obviously make a great impression on you and guided you on your life and career. We are always in debt of our fore fathers for their wisdom. May his soul rest in peace.
June 22
What a life! No doubt, Ambassador D’Souza brought his ‘artist eye’ to his diplomacy, forging creative solutions to vexing problems in challenging places. Rest in Peace Servant of Love. Warmly, Doug
Ambassador J. Douglas Holladay
June 22
A great loss for everyone .. I learned to love you and respect you a great character who was a pride to spend these years by your side... Thank you for the pride of serving you .we will start living without you... my admiration for the man you were. Soul test in peace
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