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Share a special moment from Prince George's life.

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January 17, 2021

I was moved by the testimony of a successful surgeon in which he said something that caught my attention; ' know who you are'. And I think this is key! Hence, I decided to share a little of my story to compliment this great man who refused to accept the tag of failure:

Listen, that grade they tagged on you in school should not shape or define your future, even though that's what it's designed to do; I was tagged the worst boy in the entire elementary school (academically), but my father wouldn't give up on me. He kept the faith and kept pushing me. Even though everybody had given up (all my teachers inclusive), my father saw differently- he saw a future that nobody could see, he never gave in to everybody's assessment of me:

Many times the old man would wake me up early in the morning and would tell me how much he believed in me and in my ability to become excellent in my academics. There were times he would joke about my big head, which he said was an attribute of intelligent people. At some point, I began to believe my father, my lost confidence gradually returned to me, and I pushed through secondary school fairly well.

I gained admission into the university and finished up as one of the best graduating students in the entire faculty. Today, that elementary academic disaster is a PhD fellow! I rejected the tag of failure given to me. I refused to see what others saw as me. I challenged the negative identity, albeit with the help of a good father, who stood by me and believed with me. I am a blessing, not only to myself and my family, but also to my society and my world.

Dare to think differently! Challenge or change that negative perception of yourself today and surround yourself with positive-minded people.

What you believe of yourself is the only motivation needed to get you on or off the track vis-a-vis your life journey.

The impact of the influence of my father in my life is so great. I loved him so much and I will forever keep and cherish his beautiful memory in my heart till we meet again. 

❤️ you Dad!

'Tunde Adeparusi (A Research Fellow)

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