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February 10, 2017
February 10, 2017

'You have fought a good fight, you have finished your course, you have kept the faith: henceforth there is a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the Righteous Judge shall give you on the resurrection more' 2nd Timothy 4:7-8 therefore for this reason I refuse to cry and wail like one without hope because I know that my beloved brother has been called home by his Creator.

You were such a gentleman, so intelligent, kind, charitable and peaceful. You were without guile. You were more than a brother in-law to my husband. I will never forget how you helped us when my son Onyeka was ill, before he passed on. You were indeed a rare gem.

Adieu my beloved brother, Adieu Prof!!!
I know that you are resting in the bosom of the Lord.

Lady Ifeoma Akagu (nee Udezue)
February 10, 2017
February 10, 2017
We lack words to express our sorrow on the demise of our beloved Uncle: so kind and dedicated, many who came across you attest to your charitable and peaceful nature.
Therefore today we want to celebrate the life you lived, your achievements, your calm and friendly disposition, your intellect which you carried with such grace, modesty and dignity.
We are consoled by the fact that you are resting in the bosom of the Lord where there is no more sickness, pain or death.

Adieu our beloved Uncle!!!
Rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Emeka and Adaeze Akagu
(nephew and niece)
February 5, 2017
February 5, 2017

Oh, Dad you were a beloved God Father. A great father indeed. You were loved by all. You specially created by God. Daddy never ceased helping people when you ask him for help. Oh, he never ceased giving me money anytime I come to pay him a visit.

Why did death come knocking at your when I needed you most. I know that you are still smiling at me even in your death.

Good night God Father, till we meet to part no more.

Your beloved God Son,
Kingsley Ehilegbu,
Christ Ang Church,Kaduna.
February 5, 2017
February 5, 2017
Nnaemeka and I were fellow colon and rectal residents under Dr. Herand Abcarian and Dr. Ernestine Hambrick at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. He was a wonderful person and an excellent surgeon. My wife, Roberta, and I mourn his passing. Our prayers are with his family.

Don R. Read, MD.
Chicago, IL USA
February 5, 2017
February 5, 2017
We are very saddened by your very untimely departure, but remain grateful for the pleasure of knowing and loving you---even for a little while.

In all our encounters you were always very fatherly and fun to be around. You shared stories from your vast experience in various aspects of life and it was a great honor to be in your company.You have left in your wake a great legacy that your family, friends and everyone that has met you will hold dear forever-- a legacy of kindness, dedication, uncommon intelligence, honesty and more.

We pray for God's embrace and comfort to all your loved ones as we grieve, and may your peaceful soul rest eternally with the Lord.

Mr & Mrs Sylvan Odobulu
Sugar Land, TX.
February 5, 2017
February 5, 2017
Professor Udezue : You Ran A Good Race, Sir !!!

  I have not known Prof for long. In fact our paths crossed just a few times. Notwithstanding , the brief contact left an impression. I left with an impression of Prof being a serious minded chip off the old block. He did not suffer fools lightly.

  As a lawyer, I have this temperament of playing the other "side" of a debate or "Devil's Advocate". Unfortunately, I tried it with Prof on a subject dear to his heart on our first encounter. Prof straightened me out right away, no need for political correctness. I never messed with him again. It is rare to find straight talkers. Prof was one.

   A fruit does not fall too far from the fruit-bearing tree. Prof's principles, beliefs, hard work and integrity manifest in the family he left behind. I am a believer that one's Heaven starts here on earth. Prof has been blessed immensely . Just look at those he left behind--- productive and a blessing to others. Just like Prof was a blessing to many people through his ministry in the medical field.

   While death is a debt we all must pay, it is times like this that call for deep reflection. As believers, we are asked to prioritise. You may not be familiar with the Eight Gate of Jerusalem often called the Mercy Gate. Several references are made in the Bible ( e.g. Ezekiel 44: 1-3) that the Messiah will appear in his second coming and walk into Jerusalem through this Golden Gate that has been sealed off until then. Across from this Gate, in the Kidron Valley, has risen the most expensive burial plots running into six digits ( in Dollars). People are saving from all over the world to be buried across from the Golden Gate so they will be the first to see Jesus when he comes again.

  Prof did not buy plot in Kidron Valley, he does not need to buy that plot. As we pray for the repose of his soul, we also ask that he pray for us too because it is more dangerous here than were he is. May the Good Lord continue to bless and guide the entire Udezue family during this bereavement time. Amen.

(Prof) Barr. P. O. Chukelu
Ezeamama (Awka-Etiti)
February 5, 2017
February 5, 2017

It is with a heavy heart that I write on behalf of the Nweke’s family of Azumini-Ndoki, Ukwa east LGA of Abia State, to express our condolences in respect of the transition of our in – law Professor Emeka Udezue to the great beyond. May his gentle soul rest in peace.

Dad as I fondly called him in his life time was a rare and unique in-law. I wish that all in –laws are like him. This is a man that never for one day made me to regret giving out my daughter as wife to his first son. Ever cheerful , gentle and calm, Prof was his old self up till the last time I saw him in October, 2015, even though that he was already having health challenges at the time. Due to his carriage, his ever friendly disposition and confidence, I never thought that death will come so soon.

Sadly, like all mortals, my in – law has gone to meet his Creator. I and the entire Nweke’s family will sincerely miss you and we pray that you find peace with your Creator. We love you Prof but God loves you more and we cannot question His actions.

Adieu Prof. Rest in peace, till we meet to part no more.

Constance Edmund Nweke (Mrs)
For the Nweke Family
February 5, 2017
February 5, 2017
Dear Uncle Emeka,

Its still hard to believe and accept you are gone.I knew you for a short period of time but during that time you made an impact. You prayed for me the first time I spoke to you that made me feel welcome and accepted.

You are missed and forever loved.

Adieu Sir. 

Yvonne Udezue
Nephews wife
February 5, 2017
February 5, 2017
As I sit here writing this, it's still very difficult to believe that you are gone. The last time we saw each other was at my wedding. I remember all the words of advice on marriage you gave me, the prayers and words of encouragement. You were always full of life and cheerful, with a contagious smile and laugh that always filled the room. As a child, I remember how you would always give me lots of treats whenever you were visiting Lagos from Kaduna. You would make out time to help me with my math and science, explaining the concepts in such a way that was so easy to understand. It's so funny remembering
how sometimes, I would mistake you for my dad because the two of you looked so much alike. So many memories rush in and my heart feels so heavy.

Uncle Emeka, I miss you. I wish I could talk to you one last time, or even just see your smile or hear you laugh. Heaven has gained an Angel, and I know you are smiling down on us from above. I love you and miss you so very much. Till we meet again, Uncle.

With Love,

Ajulu, Yvonne & Eleanor Udezue
February 4, 2017
February 4, 2017
We are not a people without hope. I was tempted to ask why but I know you are resting in the bosom of our Lord.
I will never forget how you supported FECA(FEDERAL EXSTUDENTS' CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION). Our first organised prayer meeting was held at your Kaduna residence. You guided us , believed in our youthful ministry and also supported us with your resources.
On behalf of FECA worldwide, we are eternally grateful.
Sir, rest in perfect peace
For the Udezues, please accept my humble condolence, and may the good Lord comfort your heart in this trying moment. His grace is sufficient for you.
For: FECA world wide
Engr Gray Willie E
February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017
As a direct beneficiary of this great man with a very large heart, I start by sending my condolences to his immediate family and wishing prof. eternal rest.

I am very fortunate to have drank to fill from the enormous milk of knowledge of prof. I was his student in medical school. I was struck by his simplicity and patience. Thereafter, I was his house officer and subsequently his senior registrar in surgery.

Professor Udezue helped to build in me the confidence of a surgeon that is backed with knowledge. He patiently taught me the art and skills of surgery by the bedside and and on the operating table. Also not forgetting his fatherly relationship to all the doctors and non doctors under him. I am a very happy doctor today to have had the opportunity to learn from him some ideals of life as a doctor and as a surgeon.

He taught me some skills that every day, and for as long as I operate I will keep on appreciating the life of this great man and his services to humanity.


Dr. Abdullahi Onimisi Jimoh
Consultant Neurosurgeon
ABU Teaching hospital
Shika Zaria.
February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017
Tribute To A Most Deserving Inlaw

I did NOT know Prof until about a little over two years ago when his last son, Kez, took my first daughter, Ego, in marriage. But i knew his younger brother, Okey, very well. I also knew his family very well. Every Nnewi person born before and after the gruesome Nigeria/Biafra Civil War knew the Udezues. Pa Udezue (the father of Prof. Nnaemeka Udezue) was an exemplary and visionary Church Worker. A Catechist extraordinaire. A missionary maestro and teacher when the church and teaching meant something special.

As is usually the case, the Apple does NOT fall very far from the tree. Prof. Nnaemeka Udezue, like his other siblings, took after his father. He was, however, a different kind of evangelist. A Medical Evangelist. A man of very few words, he studied Medicine and became one of the best Professors of Surgery that Nigeria had ever produced. He used his medical training and skills to improve the lives of many. Just about two weeks ago, I met a man who narrated to me how Prof. saved his life, free of charge, after a bad auto accident in Kaduna. What a Happy Testimony !!!

Knowing Prof. is a lasting joy and blessing to me and my entire family. And, we'll miss him very very dearly.

Okey Jideofo Chidolue, Esq.
Oduma Nnewi, II.
(For The Chidolues)
In- Law
February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017
To my Uncle Emeka

My lasting memories of Uncle Emeka revolved around his peaceful nature. He always sought to bring together; to make peace. Oftentimes, where there was discord, his was the lonely voice gently prodding and exhorting others to tread a path of peaceful and amicable resolution.
Even as a boy, I realized that although he was cerebrally gifted, he had an aura of simplicity about him. He was easy to approach and confide in. Someone meeting him for the first time would find it exceedingly difficult to realize he was dealing with an accomplished Surgeon and Professor of Medicine.

I also remember him as being totally devoid of capriciousness and covetousness. He had a quiet but abiding belief and faith in The Almighty. I realized this about him as I grew older and became a man.
Uncle Emeka fought the good fight; not only did he successfully raise six children, he also reached the rarefied pinnacle of his chosen profession. Alas, he has gone into that long goodnight, which all of us here today must ultimately succumb to. Our unshakeable faith in God leads me to believe that Uncle Emeka is in a better place. He has found rest and is, undoubtedly, at peace.

Continue to Rest in Peace, Uncle Emeka, until we meet again.

Your Nephew,
Dumeme & Oby Udezue
February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017

I received the news of your demise with shock and sorrow in my heart. It is a great loss to all of us.

By its nature, death leaves a void in our lives especially of one close to us.

You were gentle, amiable, noble gentlemen without guile and very accommodating. Your Christian faith is remarkable.

We shall miss your many gifts but we have solace that you are resting at the feet of Jesus.

Engr. S. I. Ike
February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017

Our brother Prof. Emeka is gone. We received the news of your passing away with shock and deep sorrow in our hearts. we had looked forward to more years with you and your total recovery, but who are we to question God about His creation.

A man of great academic brilliance is gone!

I cast my mind back to year 1975 when I was on a visit to your family in Chicago it was the 2nd day of my visit and the eve of a particular lady’s departure to Nigeria (she had visited her brother in Chicago) at a party, she had described her health issue to Prof. Emeka and he told her and her brother categorically that she would not be travelling back to Nigeria, but should rather come for a checkup the next day at his hospital Cook County Hospital, Chicago. That was how God used Prof Emeka to save the Lady’s life from cancer.

You loved your family and would do everything to make sure that things worked out well for them even at the risk of your health.

A humble, unassuming, amiable gentle man, a man without guile, a noble man.

Your Christian faith was very remarkable, throughout the course of your sickness you maintained an unshaken faith in God.

Adieu and rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Ngozi O. Ike

February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017

Beloved Prof Emeka, our life is but a candle in the wind, yours has been blown out; ours remain but only for a while. One day, oh yes, one day, our life also will end, and then we shall meet in God’s bosom, to part no more.
Oh death, you are only a mocker for you provide opportunity for transition to the glorious beyond (eternity) where our dear brother has gone, according to God’s Word. This happy eternity is reserved for us true believers.
Dear Prof Emeka you were a kind, peaceful, gentle and illustrious man who served God throughout your eventful sojourn on this planet-earth. We believe you have your crown of righteousness which God has promised to all who love his appearing. Sleep on in the lord! Have your well-deserved rest in the lord!
Since it has pleased God Almighty to call you home at this particular time, all we have to say is goodbye. As Shakespeare said years ago that this world is a stage and human beings are mere players. So brother, you played your part and you bowed out, leaving us weeping. However, God’s Word admonishes us not to weep for our departed too much as if we have no hope for the future reunion in God’s bosom.
So, brother, we are missing you tremendously already, but we have hope that we shall all meet on Resurrection Day.
Adieu gentle soul.

Prof C.C.& Mrs Ifeyinwa
Aguolu nee Udezue

February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017
My memories of my late Uncle are few and far between. I was only in Nigeria for 4 - 5 years in the mid 1980s and distance between Enugu and Kaduna meant that I rarely saw him when we came back for holidays etc.

My most recent memory is probably my best - getting to spend some quality time with him in Houston during Kez's wedding back in February 2015. It was the only time that I've ever had to speak to him as an adult and I treasure that memory. From him telling me that the UK is too cold for people like us to live and sitting patiently while I showed him loads of pictures of my children back in the UK. I probably bored him within the first 5 minutes, but he sat there smiling, asking questions...just making me feel that what I was saying was important. And I really appreciated that. Living overseas, the opportunities to interact with family are few and far between and I thank God that I had that opportunity.

May the Good Lord rest your soul, Uncle. Put in a good word with God so that when its our time, we can join you up there with him.

Chinedu Udezue

February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017
Emeka was lovely, buxom, and very active, as a baby, but wont to scream very loudly when not fed promptly, if he was hungry. Our grandfather, chief Abraham Ndubisi specically liked his muscular sturdy build, claiming he was like him. But it was his speed in mastering the Alphabeths - A B C , Times Tables, Arithmetic, and other things taught, that announced to his teachers that they had a special child. This precocious child quickly lapped up everything they taught, and they had to fast track him through four classes in two years--after which our father insisted that there would be no more class jumping for Emeka.

He was trully a gifted child!

He had no difficulty in getting into Government Secondary School, Umuahia--the school he wanted to go to, and ended up in four years instead of five, with WASC in A-1s in all the subjects. Similarly, he was able to get into the UCI medical school, as a college scholar, where he collected myriad distinctions in most of the departments.

Outside the classroom, Emeka was also an accomplished sportsman earnining college shirts for cricket, hockey and lawn tennis at Umuahia and UCI, and Nigerias' national colours in some international events.
Thus it was that during most of his formative years, Emeka was most of the time with peers who were his senior in age. And like the race winner, he was always up front, pacing fast, facing and removing problems he identified, and sometimes constrained in looking back.

But during his military service in Biafra, his medical work at the Chicago Cook County Hospital, the Ahmadu Bello Teaching Hospital, and other hospitals, his great interest in cartering to and assisting family and Kaduna region ethnic constituents, his human compassionateness, and humanism blossomed and shone. In due course ,he had embraced Christian activism, and as an evangelist and lay reader, served in the Kaduna area churches.

Emeka loved his wife and family, and left with a plea that they love one another--the same last commandment of the Christ. That challenge is also for all Udezue who all claim Christianity. We must all obey so that we shall all be smiling when we meet again with our brother, Emeka, the great surgeon extrodinaire

George Udezue, For Chukwudee/Ojinika Family

February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017

This tribute is not the occasion to talk about the academic records you set on your way to becoming a Professor of Medicine (Surgery) nor your sporting prowress on the hockey field and Tennis Courts. Everybody close to you probably knows all of that and more. What they may not know is the ones only your siblings can tell them
You were everything a senior brother could be to a junior brother. You were the uncomplicated one who said it as you saw it, never imputing motives behind what people tell you or do. Willing always to leave the final outcome in any situation to the Almighty, you seemed, even during the anxious periods of your fight to live, not to be as worried as those who visited with you. As far as you were concerned, everything was in God’s hands so, why worry?
You stood out because, you were never one to believe that the measure of a man was in the material things he acquired in his life time. Titles like “Onwanetilora 1 of Nnewi” or “Onye Eji Eje Ogu 1” of Akamili could mean a lot to many but not you. You would rather be known as a man who, because of his profession (a medical surgeon) was devoted to service to all and a worthy ambassador of the Anglican Communion.
I am sure that if the Angels were looking for one of their own in the Udezue family, it probably would be you. You always put God and family first. You questioned anything that seemed to be rooted in non-Christian tenets and you were a true custodian of the values our parents taught and instilled in us. You took insults from people you least expected insults from and never once felt it was necessary to return the favour.
Oh, my brother Obumneme, Nnaemeka! Where can we find another like you? Of the two names our parents gave you, one was a question (Obumneme?) and the other an affirmation (Nnaemeka). Let everybody gathered at your funeral reflect on your names because, nothing is by our power and we all must be thankful for what He has done for us.
I am proud (like the rest of my siblings), that you were not just a brother by name but a brother indeed. I bid you farewell knowing that there will never be another like you.

Okey Udezue
For Neka & Okey Udezue

February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017
With the passing of my dear younger brother Emeka, I feel a candle has been extinguished.

Emeka lived his life to the fullest. My brother excelled at whatever task he took on. He was a good student who worked his way to the top of his medical profession. He was respected by all his peers in his field of expertise and beyond. Because of his nature he was one of those people who never complained and could always be counted on.

Emeka fought a long and courageous battle with this illness, but God decided to call him home at this time and we cannot question Him. We thank God for the life he lived here on earth, the people he touched and the many lives he positively influenced. 

Life feels very empty right now with the void that has been created by this loss. We miss his kindness, his support and humor. We hope that everyone here today will take the time to think about all of the fond memories they had of Emeka. He may be gone but his memory will live on in us forever.

May God continue to comfort Nancy, the children, and us all.

Rest in the bosom of the Lord my dear brother.

Prof. Mrs Julie I Okonkwo and family
January 21, 2017
January 21, 2017
Prof. What a sad day for us all that love you. I received a message from your lovely wife Dr. Nancy, informing me about your demise. It was sudden and unexpected.
True, you have been under the whether for quite a while. But the last time I saw you, though a little bit frail, you were showing signs of full recovery. Was there a relapse Prof; because I am confused. Well, we need not question the ways of the Lord. As children of God, His will must always prevail in our lives.
I was a little girl during the Nigeria-Biafra war. My family had taken refuge in Umunze. By divine coincidence, I met you and your lovely wife Nancy through your younger brother Emma, a medical doctor as well. He was living in the teachers quarters of the school I was attending.
Destiny brought us together again in Kaduna, after about two decades. We all bonded and became close. You became my Uncle and your wife Nancy, my Àunt. I also became an Aunt to your lovely children - the six musketeers - Emeka, Uzo, Kene, Chidï.Uju, Kez.
I later worked with Nancy on an NGO she founded. It soared like an eagle all over Nigeria. Your contributory efforts made it possible. You gave us your all - expertise, moral and financial support. Despite your busy schedules as a renowned Surgeon, you always made out time to attend our programs, except when out of State. You opened your home to all members and ceaselessly provided us with refreshment. Thank you so much for that singular act.
You were well loved by your patients all over. The Slogan then was, if you must do surgery, go to Prof. Udezue. The dexterity with which you carried out your God given talent in Surgery was unsurpassed. I thank you for your services to mankind.
Humanity has lost a gem but God needs you more. Thankfully, by God's grace and design, some of your children have taken after you. Be rest assured that your legacy is alive.
I always admired your confidence, courage, tenacity, boldness with quiet mien, humility and honesty. You chose your words carefully when you spoke. A man of few words.
You will be remembered by your good deeds. Posterity will speak well of you. History will judge you well. Humanity will learn from your legacies.
Although you are no longer around, I know that your spirit lives on in your wife Dr. Nancy, the children and other relations.
We will not mourn you. Instead, we will celebrate you. You brought joy and happiness to many people and homes. Surely, a place is reserved for you in Heaven. Nancy and the children are heartbroken but they have songs of gratitude to God in their hearts.
You have run the race and now it is time to rest. Remember us always up there as we also will continue to pray for you down here.
May your soul journey well into the bossom of the Lord.
May you have eternal rest. Amen
Fare Thee well my uncle. Good night Sir.

(ADAIFE Ifitedunu).
January 21, 2017
January 21, 2017
Tribute to our dearest Uncle, Prof Nnaemeka Obumneme Udezue
Dear Uncle Emeka,
Words cannot fully express how we felt when we heard of your sudden transition. We're grateful to God for the wonderful life God blessed you with. A kind, selfless, thoughtful and caring person; you will always be heartily remembered. You inspired us to be hardworking, strong regardless of circumstances, to follow and accomplish our visions, our dreams, and helped us to see that life can indeed be fruitful. Sleep peacefully. You're forever in our hearts.

Your loving nieces and nephews,
Uzoamaka Akwaeze
CJ Akwaeze
Anwuli Akwaeze-Usoro
Chinedu Akwaeze
January 21, 2017
January 21, 2017
A Tribute to Late Professor Nnaemeka Udezue

Emeka was a brilliant and intelligent surgeon as well as a very kind man. In March 1965, when I was still in a Pre Medical course of an expected 5 year medical degree programme, I received a letter from an Aunt’s husband informing me of a very sick twin new born baby son referred to UCH Ibadan by from Iyi-Enu Hospital, Ogidi. He alerted me to expect them and requested me to assist them in whatever way I could when they arrived UCH. I was in despair as to what to do.
Even without telling Emma, my friend, I got off in a taxi to UCH to trace Emeka Udezue at the clinical students hostel UCH Ibadan. I located Emeka’s room number and signed the Porter’s visitor’s book and ran up the stairs to find him. He opened the door. I noted he was studying as there were large text books open on his table. His final MB BS degree exam was coming up in a few months. I opened up with my fears about my aunt, husband and a sick baby cousin. He said, “Chigbo, sit down, I will dress up and let’s go to the hospital to check and seek them out”. He took me to all the 5 Emergency admission areas for children in the huge hospital. After about 2 hours of detailed enquiries, my aunt, husband and sick baby cousin were nowhere to be found. Emeka consoled me and assured me that they may not have travelled to UCH.

Emeka left his studies and meticulously searched in vain to find a very sick baby cousin and my distraught aunt and her husband. I was touched; my friendship with Emma continued to grow even without Emma knowing what Emeka did for me and my family. I later received the sad news that the baby died en route to Ibadan. My aunt and her husband had turned back to take the dead baby home for burial.

I know all Emma’s siblings; two of them, George and Ogochukwu, refer to me as Emma’s brother. It’s all God’s grace. To all Udezues, including Emeka’s wife and children, I say, let us mourn our loss gracefully. May the goodness Emeka lived in his life console you.

Emeka, you left us too early. A very good human being; God decided He needs you come home to Him. Travel on Emeka, we will meet again. Rest in perfect Peace Emeka, Amen.

From Chigbo Okonkwo MB BS, FRCS; Certificate in Medical Education (RCP Lond). Formerly Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, UNTH Enugu and Senior Lecturer in Orthopaedics and Trauma,
College of Medicine, University of Nigeria Enugu Campus
January 21, 2017
January 21, 2017

What can I say about Emeka? Sometimes I called him ‘Emy boy’ because as we were growing up I heard my older siblings call him that. It was a name from one of the school mistresses who lived near us in one of the stations where my parents were doing their mission work. I wanted to be like him and do well at school when I heard about his double promotions in primary school. Later with Lizzie, we called ourselves the ‘three EOs’ from the initials of our first names. (I did not know then that ‘Emeka’ was really a short form of ‘Nnaemeka’). The three of us, consecutive in the family lineage would go into Medicine with him blazing the trail.

When he was a senior medical student at the University of Ibadan (UI) he encouraged me to take the Entrance examination to the university after my secondary school education, and so saved me a year of schooling as I then bye- passed the two year Higher School Certificate course. That saved year would prove critical for me because it enabled me to reach a natural landmark in the medical course (‘second MB’), before the outbreak of the Biafra war. Not only was he a brilliant student, qualifying with honours and distinction, but he played lawn tennis and hockey, at which games he represented not only the University, but the country as well.

He bought me my first bicycle at UI for easy commute round the campus and the various places where lectures, practicals and games were held. He introduced me to the gentlemen and ladies of the Clinical Students Hostel at the University College Hospital (UCH), which was some distance from the main University campus when I campaigned for office in the Students’ Union elections. Lizzie did the same at the ladies’ hostel in UI, Queen Elizabeth Hall. These introductions proved pivotal because these two halls enabled me defeat my opponent, as we were neck in neck in all the other students’ halls of residence.

I accompanied him on his vacation trip when he was a house officer at UCH in early 1966, and was the first in the family to meet his future wife, Nancy, then a student at Women’s Training College (WTC) Umuahia during that trip. During the Biafra war I worked with him at the 53 BA brigade medical Advanced Dressing Station (ADS), at Umunze. With him I met our father’s first ‘house help’ (who was older than Papa!), when he started his teaching career in the town in 1921; he was then an old man.
He showed himself to be a very quick learner just as he had done at Government College Umuahia which he attended for secondary school - he was one of the first selected to do the five year course in four years. He learnt to ride a motorcycle in one day in order to be able to attend our sister Ogo’s wedding at Nnewi. There was no petrol at the time in our unit, but he was able to get enough bottles from friends to take a Honda 250 motor-cycle to the event and back. I was the best man at his own wedding in Umunze in late 1969.

After the war he went to the USA for further training, and from there he encouraged me to pursue my UK postgraduate training when my plans to go to the USA fell through with my group being the first group of doctors to be pressed into the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). He did not castigate me when I wrecked the car he had left with his wife when he went to the USA.

In later years we interacted more as older brothers, parents and of course medical people, sharing stories and experiences. He was gentle and peaceful, never one to wilfully annoy. He carried these qualities with him even through prolonged illness, never complaining about himself, and always giving a positive spill on his health condition when contacted on the phone.

Emy boy, we love you and will miss your straight forwardness in family circles. I will miss our ‘shop talk’ – medical banters. In your passing, we have lost another one of us. May your soul rest in peace.

Dr Emmanuel Udezue,
Consultant Physician, UK
For his family,


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