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May 23, 2017
People still come to me to talk about you and how you helped them.
They still call your name and remember how you blessed them.
May the peace of God always abide upon your loving soul and memory,
May the light of God never dim on all you left as legacies.
                         ~ Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan
May 22, 2017
In And Out Of Time
by Maya Angelou

The sun has come
The mists have gone
We see in the distance our long way home
I was always yours to have
You were always mine
We have loved each other in and out of time
When the first stone looked up at the blazing sun
And the first tree struggled up from the forest floor
I have always loved you more
You freed your braids, gave your hair to the breeze
It hung like a hive of honey bees
I reached in the mass for the sweet honeycomb there
God, how I loved your hair
You saw me bludgeoned by circumstance
Lost, injured, hurt by chance
I screamed to the heavens
Loudly screamed
Trying to change our nightmares into dreams
The sun has come
The mists have gone
We see in the distance our long home
I was always yours to have
You were always mine
We loved each other in and out,
in and out, in and out of time
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
I know you're happy where you are
And finally at peace
I thank you for the life we had
The prayers on our knees

We have you in our memories
You're fondly in our hearts
You left a trail of legacies
To us, you'll never die.
          ~ Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan
April 5, 2017

“Look to the sky” you smiled at me,
and brushed away my tears
“you will be fine” you said to me
“don’t give in to your fears.”

I’ve held your hand so many times
And called your name as often
Through better days and darkest nights
I’ve learnt what I can handle

I think of you with warmth and love
And miss you everyday
But deep inside you're never gone -
By grace, we'll meet again.
   ~ Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan
March 29, 2017
March 29, 2017
Edi mmi! It's another 29th today and I thank God for his abiding love and amazing grace. We are in El-Shaddai. Rest in peace.
March 2, 2017
"It is in the quiet crucible of your personal private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born and God's greatest gifts are given in compensation for what you've been through. It is well." ~ Wintley Snipps
February 22, 2017
February 22, 2017

Are there words, which can describe you?
Are there songs that men can say
Clearly show the amazing and faithful
God you are from night to day?

Morning wakes us to your blessings
Noon can’t hurt us- you’re the shade,
Evening leads us into caring
Balms that heal, renew, rename

In our thoughts, the gentle whisper:
“Don’t go far, my child I’m here”;
Through our frailties, you deliver
Us – you see Christ’s righteousness

Everyday is such a wonder
Every face we see is you
Nature flaunts you as the Master
Architect, perfect and true

In your words we have the power
That we need to stand in faith
In the blood of our redeemer
There’s no room to be afraid

Your embrace is filled with mercies
Divine guidance lined with grace -
In your name there’s no confusing
Answer – you’re the beginning and the end

When situations shatter meanings
Everything we’ve known as peace,
Your tenderness restores our grieving
Frames in you with comforting ease

There is nothing you can’t handle
For our sakes and for our good
As the Almighty you keep us stable
Help us remember who we are in you

How can we explain you truly?
Words will never be enough
In your holiness and beauty
Is abiding love that conquers all

You’re the music in our spirits
The dancing steps that lift our souls;
The totality of our praises -
Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Lord, for me, there is no other
You suffice in every way;
It’s a privilege to call you Abba
My God, I am, Yea and Amen.
             ~  Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan
February 18, 2017
February 18, 2017
One of your past students from a different institution found me yesterday; and that was an extraordinary encounter. You would have been proud of him as he's a youth corper now. You live forever in our hearts. Rest in peace.
February 13, 2017
February 13, 2017
Hello Daddy. Were now in 2017. Wonderful times await us, and though you're not here with us in the flesh, every day I know that your spirit keeps watch over us. Thank you so much for bringing me up right, thank you so much for loving me and Faith. I wrote the second round of Olympiad some weeks ago. I am also going to participate in competitions. I want to get many scholarships abroad. Mummy will never pay complete school fess for our university fees. Thanks for the 'pocket money' too. We all miss you. Enjoy the dancing and singing in heaven.
February 12, 2017
February 12, 2017
I miss you my darling
But I’m going to smile
To the music that’s playing
In my soul, where you are
     ~Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan
January 29, 2017
January 29, 2017
We talk about you and remember the beautiful memories we were privileged to create together. Thank you for loving us so truly and so well. Rest in peace.
December 21, 2016
December 21, 2016
Happy birthday Prof... Your imprints upon the sands of time remains indelible. You remained a light till you departed and on this day, I just wanted to remind you that you remain special... You taught me for just a semester but it looks like forever... You had this unique way of making even a stonehead receive knowledge. I count it all joy to have known you... Happy birthday Prof I D Akpan
December 21, 2016
December 21, 2016
Words still fail me... but know that you are forever in our hearts.

Enobong Nkanga
December 21, 2016
December 21, 2016
Dear Professor Idorenyin Akpan; you are included in my prayers for the departed faithfuls. Our hope is; may God continue to live with you and all the departed faithfuls including my late mum Mrs Afoma Joseph in His kingdom of heaven. Amen
December 12, 2016
December 12, 2016
We laid you to rest exactly two years today
It still feels like a dream from which I don't want to wake
Your memory is blessed, and will forever stay that way
Be at peace, for you are in your Father's place.

Rest, rest, in peace.
                 ~Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan
December 4, 2016
December 4, 2016
17 years ago, on 5 December 1999, we said "I do." As memories unfold, I know how much we miss you, but I know you are in a good place now and will forever remain grateful for having you in our lives. God is faithfully watching over us; rest my dearest Ediye, in peace.
November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016
Hey Dddy, I'm going to write exams now. Its very surprising that I am in SS1 now. The term is almost finished. I won a scrabble competition!
November 19, 2016
November 19, 2016
Founder's Day today. It would have really Ben noe to see your face. Love, Mimz
November 19, 2016
November 19, 2016
Lots of love, Dad
  Enjoy your time with the Awesome and Wonderful Lord. Mummmy says hi. She's in the front row with the lecturers.
November 19, 2016
November 19, 2016
Your angels are simply amazing. Eagles in every way - just like you were. Rest in peace, joy and pride.
November 10, 2016
November 10, 2016
Dear Daddy,
It's been a long time since I came here. A really long time. I' in SS1 now. I wish you were here, though. it has not been easy-juggling new responsibilities, working harder, growing gradually as a teenager, taking care of a little sister-but I know that in Heaven, you and so many other angels are cheering for me. Rest in peace, Daddy, rest in the lord's bosom.
Mua mua mua,

Have fun in heaven.
November 10, 2016
November 10, 2016
"Look to the light and the shadows fall behind"
                                        BUTLER YATES
November 10, 2016
November 10, 2016
Hey Dad. I'm done now, but I don't think I may have done that well. I got some of the formulas too late! I wish you were here to comfort me. Whatever my score will be, I hope you will be still proud of me. writing this wasn't easy.
Love you Daddy
October 31, 2016
October 31, 2016
it's two years today since you left this sinful world, continue to rest in the bosom of your lord till we meet to part no more. Your role as a dean in the school of Arts and sciences at the AUN is still remarkable. Rest in Peace.
October 29, 2016
October 29, 2016
It's two years now, but it feels like only yesterday. Forever in our hearts Prof.
October 20, 2016
October 20, 2016
There's no day that rises
When I don't think of you
There's no night that closes
Without thoughts filled with you
I miss you, that's forever
But I know where you'll always be:
With the spirit, son and father
Who called you home - Rest in peace
        ~ Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan
October 20, 2016
October 20, 2016
My Prof, though you have returned to meet your creator, you will always be remembered for kindness and service to humanity. May the good continue to grant your soul eternal rest in the bosom of Abraham. AMEN!
September 11, 2016
September 11, 2016
I close my eyes
And see you smile
I hear you whisper
It will be alright
      ~Emilienne I. Akpan
July 30, 2016

Everyday I meet someone
Whose life you changed for good
The stories which they share with me
Remind me so of you.

The tears you wiped
The hearts you calmed
The fears you took as yours
The hopes whose lights
Kept shining bright
The hands you never dropped…

They come to me
And sit with me
Remembering who you were
They smile with me
Or hurt with me
As memories are shared.

You're sorely missed
But God knows best
You'll never be forgotten,
The lives enriched
Before your rest
Will keep your story spoken.
          ~Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan
July 23, 2016
In the music, I hear you singing
Through the preaching, I hear you talk
Hold me Lord through each day I'm grieving
Help me please to carry on.
         ~ Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan
July 3, 2016

When the heart hangs from breaking in so many places
And hope can only hover with nowhere safe to stay
The breath of God opens, gently blowing and releasing
The strength to lean on Him and stand firm through the tears

No one can understand the agony of losing
A trusted soul mate, amazing partner and accessible friend
Unless they’ve been upon this dreadful journey
Of doubts, confusions, pure rage and threatened faith

I’ve reached the depths of raw despair and anguish
Been battered by fierce wilderness called pain
But grace, oh grace, has always brought such mercies
To get me through and pull me out again

Each day brings on revitalized challenges
Nature remains an awesome beauty to behold
And through the frenzy of what some refer to as living
The majesty of God seeps through as peace unfolds

Sometimes I smile; God’s love is overwhelming
I even share a true laugh here and there
I am surrounded by his incredible blessings
The gift of life is first – yea and amen

I hear you deep in worship, movingly singing
And since I cannot climb the stairs to your abode
Down here I’ll open a divine floodgate of music
And dance with God, the keeper of my soul

The will of God is perfect and I know it
I just don’t understand the way it works sometimes
But that’s okay; He’s got me and won’t forsake me
We believed him together, and I still do, especially now.
          ~Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan
June 7, 2016
June 7, 2016
it has been long since i saw you but i know your always by my side

May 31, 2016
Words will never be enough to express a lot of things. We miss you, but also remember you with so much fondness, joy and love.
May 26, 2016
The day that angels welcomed you
My lfie was torn to pieces
There's no day that I don't miss you
And send you love and kisses
             ~ Emilienne I. Akpan
May 4, 2016
Someone you held very dearly spoke about you yesterday and to his comforting words, I had these to say:

'Your kind words this morning reminded me of the daily railings of hope which I hold, as I walk gently forward through the brokenness path I have been called onto and the purpose that slowly unfolds as I move on. I rest my back on these railings when all I can do is sit down on the floor and breathe, and occasionally, I have to hold them firmly for support when my feet seem quite heavy and my heart is too weary. But best of all, as a barrier , they keep me inside guiding light preventing me from falling onto the other darker side.
God bless you and goodnight mon frère.'
May 4, 2016
Music was an integral part of your beautiful soul, and as I listen to Yanni, I hear your voice in every subtle instrument and feel your passion in each distinctive note. You were so happy, and really made the world a better place, because no matter how one looks at it, and irrespective of the prevailing circumstances, your life was truly music in every single way.
I light a candle in my heart for you tonight ; and the flames do not burn, but dance to life, to love, to peace, to rest, to you.
May 4, 2016
'I miss him Lord', I say each day
But I know that he's with you -
And so tonight as I call your name,
I thank you for seeing me through.
           -Emilienne I. Akpan
May 2, 2016
I spent some time with our girls today and a parent at the school walked up to us and started talking about when last she had met them - which was during your memorial service. She said she had flown in from Abuja that day and immediately came to the campus where she joined the candle lit procession to the library. She recounted how kind and accessible you were and how hospitable you were to her and her child. She then wished eternal peace unto your beautiful soul. I thanked her for adding another treasure to our memories of you as we held our hands remembering, feeling and missing you.
April 26, 2016
April 26, 2016
I greeted and he enthusiastically said, "How's Prof?" I paused and and very gently informed him that you were now at peace in your father's home. That was hard for all of us. It always is. You are sorely missed and will forever be. Shalom.
April 12, 2016
April 12, 2016
Remembering you today as always and looking to the light where you are. Nothing will ever be the same again.
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