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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Rachel Peretz, 32 years old, born on September 30, 1982, and passed away on September 8, 2015. We will remember her forever.
September 8
September 8
Rachel truly tried helping me when I lived in the Holy Land.
She never met me, nor did I meet her.
Still she put in unwavering effort.
Her holy neshama should be uplifted for all her good deeds.
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Rachel was one of my closest friends in High School, we went to LHS together. She was a year ahead of me. Unfortunately for me, she moved away, and although we stayed in touch, I haven't spoken to her in many years, though I miss her always. I am heartbroken to learn of her passing. She always had and always will have a place in my heart.
September 22, 2022
September 22, 2022
Miss you so much Rachel, your smile, your sweet and funny personality. I’ll always be proud of you,
especially your kindness. Love you forever, my world. 7yrs too long.
Your mom,
September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022

On the seventh year yahrzeit of Rachel and Yaniv z"l

Rachel radiated a light, that is how I remember her, a light that shined from her holy Neshama, a light that reflected the light and goodness of Hashem. Remembering Rachel, and her Ayin Tova, her good positive way of looking at people, her positive speach, her Emunah and acts of kindness, are a reminder of the boundless love of Hashem to his creations, and his infinite goodness.

Rachel and Yaniv z"l were "Meilitzei Yosher" , they saw and spoke only of the good in others, they sought to bring goodness to people, both spiritual and physical. I am sure that they took that with them as they moved on to the next life.

May their memory be a blessing, 
תהא נשמתם צרורה בצרור החיים.

September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021
I will always remember your beautiful smile
and zest for life.
September 30, 2020
September 30, 2020
Happy heavenly birthday Rachel
Your mom,
September 16, 2020
September 16, 2020
How special Rachel was... When most matchmakers, almost all, had given up on me when I moved to Israel to find my soulmate, Rachel never gave up and would continue and continue and continue and continue and continue to try and help me, tirelessly and around the clock sending me ideas and suggestions. I never had the merit of meeting her in person, and even still she invested so much in me, without anything in return - it was the highest form of kindness. Rachel and Yaniv passed away the day of my English birthday, and a day before my Hebrew birthday. People like Rachel taught me to not despair and keep going. Eventually, I moved on from Israel and got married just over a year ago, in my mid thirties. Rachel certainly gave me strength to continue, and she definitely brought me closer to where I am today. Thank you Rachel, may the souls of Rachel and Yaniv be blessed and continue to reach higher and higher heights in Gan Eden.
September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020
You will be forevermissed. Such a nice and caring human being as you; hard to find. Lots of respect and regards for you.
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
You helped me find my zivug, may you have eternal reward in shamayim
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
Rachel and Yaniv' s yahrzeit is upon us, on the 21 of Elul. 
It is time to remember this cherished couple.
I like to summon up the memory of Yaniv and Rachel greeting singles at their events. Rachel's tzniut and warmth and smile, and Yanivs warm outgoing welcome.
I like to remember their dedication to helping the singles
and being really proactive, encouraging and reminding lots of shadchanim to come up with ideas, to try, to think out of the box, but yet to respect the needs and sensitivities and privacy of each person. 
Let's remember her diligence of continuing to send out names and profiles, and organizing events. Those were opportunities for all of us to forge lasting friendships.. between other matchmakers and a stepping stone to really getting to know the singles. Many of these singles we are still in touch with, and the only time we met was actually at Rachels event!

Remembering Rachel and Yaniv is pulling at the heart.. and painful. but I also like to think that Rachel continues to pray for her children, just as our Mama Rachel, and I hope this gives us the strength to continue and pray and be "mishtadel", and not forget all those seeking their zivug.

Yihi Zichram Baruch, and may their nishamot continue to rise up and beseech Hashem for the ultimate Redemption, may their neshamot have nachat from the families they helped build. May we merit to continue in their beautiful holy path.

Tihei Nishmatam Tzrura Btzror Hachaim.
September 21, 2019
September 21, 2019

As I sit here with your love and memory burning brightly in my home, I can only reminisce on your words and the pictures of you in my mind. You are the first member of my family that was chosen. Not a sister or sibling but you were to me, my older sister, who always looked out for me, who was there to nurse a broken heart or provide guidance when I was lost. 

It's been 4 years now that I've had to miss you, and everyday I hope to do a mitvah in your honor. Because it was you who taught me that the greatest gift we can do for one who we love that can't do mitvahs for themselves is for us to do them on their behalf. 

It hurts everytime I have to light your candle on the 21 of Elul, though last night, when I had to light your candle with our shabbas candles, I was reminded of how we invite god's light and love into our home on every shabbas, and this past shabbas, you were here to join us. Brings a tear of joy, but a longing memory of the last shabbas we had together, in the home you and Yaniv made together. I remember our last phone call, the night before shabbas, and the silence after it. 

I never told you, but the morning after I had to say goodbye, I wasn't able to sleep so I got up early and stood before the aron kodesh, as I did my morning prayers, through thick tears, I prayed, and I hoped, not for myself..for you.

B'H', soon I am to be a father, and know that everytime I teach my c hild Torah, it will be because of your guiding friendship and unyielding sistering. My child will know of their Aunt Rachel and how she never gave up on the ones she loved and cared for, how she did so much for others. How she accomplished more in shorter years than most will do in a lifetime. I will tell my child how you are an example of a true tzaddik.

You are loved, you are missed, you are with me, and I hope to make you proud.
September 9, 2019
September 9, 2019
Dear Rachel was my cousin. She was a beautiful person with many talents and had so much to live for. I am much older and knew her all her life. As a young adult, she reached out to me and my family and got very close to my son and his family. For several years she visited my son and family in Harrisburg during Passover. I saw her during those visits and got to know her better.
We were all heartbroken when she died. She is greatly missed.
September 8, 2019
September 8, 2019
Rachel was a wonderful friend and is missed greatly. My her pure soul live on eternally and may her family and friends have consolation. 
September 8, 2019
September 8, 2019
This is now the 4th yr since Rachel passed.
I miss her more than ever and I will always have a heart that is broken. We were so close. I hope there is a heaven and she and her husband Yaniv are happy. They say a soul never dies , so I am very proud of you my baby. I hope you can hear me.
Mom Sherry
September 30, 2018
September 30, 2018
My beloved Rachel,
Today is your birthday and a day does not go by without thinking of you. I love you with all my heart and you were such a gift in my life. You are my inspiration to do my best and to try to be kind.
Your Mom,
September 2, 2018
September 2, 2018
Rachel was a unique person. always doing something new , always living somewhere new . She had an adventurous side , in some ways like her mother who earlier in life could be anywhere in the country at any given time.
A young soul in search of happiness. I believe she has found it and god had bigger plans for her than mere mortality
September 1, 2018
September 1, 2018
Rachel....on this day, we honor and remember you and your amazingly curious spirit. You were always full of interesting stories and adventures. I always enjoyed hearing about your latest success and accomplishment. You were taken way too soon but your memory will live on forever. Watch over your Mom and may you always rest comfortably and in peace. Xoxo, Caryn and David
September 1, 2018
September 1, 2018
Rachel was my cousin and is sorely missed. She had so many talents and an amazing curiosity about a lot of things. Every time I saw her she was doing something new and excelling at them all. I was always so impressed with her thirst for life and diversity of interests. 
She left us way too soon but for me is a reminder to try and live every day to its fullest and take as much from each moment as you can. Rest in peace Rachel
August 31, 2018
August 31, 2018
To Rachel with love,
There are words that were left unspoken and experiences that were left unlived, but to say that you didn't live life to the fullest would be discrediting all you have accomplished, all the love you have brought into this world, and all the people who lives are better because of you.
It is easy to look back and see what we missed, but you taught us to look forward and see the change that can be. That there was nothing holding us back but ourselves, and that HaShem is always with us. You saw the good and the love in people even when they couldn't see it themselves. Like a craftsman who had mastered their art, you would work with your friends and others till they shined with the beauty you saw.
I have had the privilege to watch you grow from a girl, to a young woman, to a lady, to a wife, and then finally into a true Tzaddik. You are an example to us all. I am honored to be your friend, and someone who you never gave up on. You kept my soul's importance always in your heart, and always help me to achieve something beyond what I was at that moment. Time and time again, across time and across oceans you always knew when to call, when to be an ear, when to be a teacher and when to be a friend. During some of the darkest moments on my journey, Hashem's light shined through you and help lead the way back to the path. I know I am just one example of your love, as I have met many more of your friends along the way. I feel i must also mention the joy you brought to others, the love you help forged that became marriages, and the lessons you taught by living them for others to follow. 
I will miss the days of us sitting in our rooms testing each other's memory, our late night walks through the park between our homes, the adventures we shared, and most of all I will miss of the few people in life I consider a best-friend.
Even though we may miss you, you are here and will be with us always as a kind-hearted tzaddik, a best-friend, an amazing daughter, and a loving wife.
Thank you Rachel.
I Love you.
Your Dear Friend,
August 29, 2018
August 29, 2018
Rachel's neshama should have an aliyah. I miss her and remember her dedication to the path of Torah.
August 22, 2018
August 22, 2018
HI Everyone,
Next Saturday on Shabbos 9/1/18 is Rachel and Yaniv's Yartzeit. It will be 3 years since their death.
If everyone could do 1 Mitzvah anonymously in their honor I know that would make Rachel & Yaniv smile from above . Also maybe take a half an hour and learn that would be a plus. During my darkest hours if I can be of help to anyone or just want to talk, call me, text or e-mail. I am always available. I make it my business to be there for anyone that loved Rachel and for all those Rachel loved
Thank you everyone for your support.
Sherry 732-996-0454 USA
December 28, 2017
December 28, 2017
רחל, היית מאוד מיוחדת. אני תמיד אזכור אותך, ובטוח שאת נמצאת במקום טוב
October 1, 2017
October 1, 2017
Were missing you Rachel!
September 8, 2017
September 8, 2017
Hey sweet girl...
I think of you often. Sometimes I see a young girl that looks like you and I wonder if it's you for just a moment. I think of you when I remember the super late tennis matches that usually featured you with your tenacious backboard style of play. Anyway kid ... you are always a beautiful teenager in my mind. ..that's it.... Love Coach
September 15, 2016
September 15, 2016
Rachel left an impression on me from the first time we met in Berlin. Such honesty, care for another, motivation and purity of speech are a rare find. May we all be inspired to adopt from her good traits in their merit.
September 13, 2016
September 13, 2016
May Rachel's memory be a blessing
September 8, 2016
September 8, 2016
Dear Mrs Sherry Guimoye, as today is the first Yohrzeit of Rachel, if I'm not mistaken, I wanted to leave a short note to you as her mum. I am sure that many people miss Rachel a lot. My husband once told me that the Talmud says, a neshama that had to leave this world still knows what is going on with the family, friends, relatives. There are many things you still can do, so that your daughter's neshama gets up into even higher spheres. Maybe there are ladies in your kehillah for example, who organize a monthly Rosh Chodesh Meeting for the women, where all the women bring various kinds of fruit - pri ha adomo, pri ha etz, mezonot, grape juice and besomim and answer "Amen" after every brocho. One can set up such an "Amen-Meeting" under the motto of - le iluy neshama of Rachel bat (name of the father), so that her soul might even reach higher levels. This might be also something that consolates you and gives you lots of chizuk b''h. Please, whenever you might want to visit Germany, get into contact. We would be very happy to invite you for shabbos or simply for a cup of coffee. I know that there are still young women here who knew Rachel personally from the girl's seminary. Maybe you might even have a chance to talk to them as well.
All the best, with a big hug, Riwka V., B., Germany
August 17, 2016
August 17, 2016
This is Rachel's mom Sherry Guimoye. I just wanted to give a brief synopsis of her life . I knew I would have a special child before she was born. I sent her to a Yeshiva and felt pressured to send her there by a higher power. I did not have much faith , but I wanted my child to have faith. So she ended up having pure faith in Hashem, like no one I had ever seen . Before she passed her and her husband were so pure, so kind. I loved being with them. Everything Rachel did she excelled , but she told me Hashem was most important to her. I know there happy in heaven and hopefully I will join them someday.
August 10, 2016
August 10, 2016
i'm Rachel's mom. I haven't been able to get into this site, but i.m here now. She was the love of my life, my only child and she's gone in a minute. if anyone needs me I'm in the usa. Call me 732-996-0454

Sherry Guimoye
July 15, 2016
July 15, 2016
I'm very sorry. I had known Rachel in Germany and she was the first person to tell me about saying "Mode Ani" in the morning and to tell me about the concept of lashon hara.
Her path in life is a big inspiration.
She was a unique person.
June 28, 2016
June 28, 2016
I knew Rachel only from sight, actually have never spoken to her I think, but I knew that she was a student in the jewish girl's seminary in B. for a certain time. When I once went to Munich, it must have been in winter 2011 or 2012 I guess, and had lunch in the restaurant in the community center, I saw her also ordering a meal there, but I did not go over to speak to her, which I felt sad for afterwards, but I did not understand why. When I heart last year that she tragically had to leave this world together with her husband, I suddenly remembered this episode in Munich and regretted not having gone over to her and spoken to her on this day in Munich. I was really sad to read what had happened. She had a wonderful smile and very positive, warm aura. For some reason I remembered her today, when I found old email messages, where her name was mentioned. Then I found this webpage and am grateful for it.
March 6, 2016
March 6, 2016
Hello, dear friends!Who created this site??Very nice, you did it!
I remember Rachel a lot, she was my close friend...She was very special, and I miss her very much!!!But I think for her soul, the best is to do a lot of Mizvot and to think, it goes to "ilui nishmata" and her great husbands. The Shabat she went, we planed, they come to us, to Haifa, and I just wasn't enough organized, to plane it, and thought to do it next Shabat...

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September 8
September 8
Rachel truly tried helping me when I lived in the Holy Land.
She never met me, nor did I meet her.
Still she put in unwavering effort.
Her holy neshama should be uplifted for all her good deeds.
Recent stories
September 30, 2016

I, Sherry Guimoye was staying with Rachel and Yaniv at their home in Israel in 10/14. It was one night . The phone was ringing off the wall wanting to talk to Rachel about being matched up. Rachel starts singing I'm so popular. It was very funny. Today is Rachel's birthday and I miss her so much. I am very sad, but I will try to make it a happy day in honor of Rachel. She was a wonderful person, so brave and understanding of other people. When people were cold and didn't seem to care she didn't take it personally . She accepted people and cared about them anyway. Happy birthday to my beloved daughter Rachel.

With All My Love,her mom Sherry

It was 

Rachel the tennis player

September 11, 2016

I was Rachel's High School Varsity tennis coach.

She was a talented and tough athlete.  Never gave up and her matches sometimes kept us waiting til the sun set because she could get every ball back.  She was quirky, funny and warm hearted.  I'll never forget her.

March 6, 2016

We went with Rachel by bus, we entered, and it was some problem with my ticket, I don't remember now. I was sure, the bus driver is not right, and tried to argue.
She told me, very nicely, she thinks it doesn't make sense, and it's better to think, making "kidush H-m, and judging him to .... don.t know how to say it in english ("ladun lekav zhut") to think good about him.
And she told it with a lot of warmth, and without critic. It was a very special moment, I appreciatad a lot, Rachel told me this!!!And understood at this moment, I have a very very special friend!

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