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April 11, 2023
April 11, 2023
We think of Rachel often and will never forget her shy smile and infectious kindness. She left a deep impression on those that loved her.
April 11, 2023
April 11, 2023
When I think of Rachel, I can still see her shy sweet smile, hear her voice, her lovely way. I know she is deeply missed, and continue to wish her family and friends comfort. 
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
I'm thinking about Rachel on this second anniversary of her passing, and marveling at the lovely pictures. What a kind presence she had! I'll be thinking of you.
October 14, 2021
October 14, 2021
I have been thinking about Rachel a lot recently. I didn't know her long, but she meant more to me than she knew and more than I can put into words. We bonded in the first weeks of the first year of college, and I treasure those memories and that friendship.

I miss you and love you, Rachel.
May 30, 2021
May 30, 2021
I'm thinking of Rachel on her birthday, and wishing you all peace.
May 29, 2021
May 29, 2021
Rachel was a regular part of our family through her deep friendship with Emma. And we will always remember her. We loved having her calm energy and easygoing nature in all our family activities. We mourn her loss and wish you, Mary peace with her passing. We know the ache and feelings of missing her is deep. Take care of yourself.
April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
I think about Rachel often. It was such a pleasure teaching her, and I still think of specific moments in the classroom of her brightness, kindness, and curiosity. She was a wonderful spirit, and my heart goes out to you on this anniversary.
April 11, 2021
April 11, 2021
Dearest Rachel, I know how much she is missed. May she continue to rest in peace in God's loving care. 

May 4, 2020
May 4, 2020
I have a memory of Rachel from years ago- an image of her at one of your long ago Christmas parties; dressed up, sweet smile, hanging out with the other kids all elementary school age, happy and waiting for Santa to make the party appearance. That sweet, kind young and healthy version of Rachel I will keep in my mind always. The world mourns her loss, and My heart aches for your family, Mary and Michael.
May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020
Though we hadn't been in contact for a long time, my childhood memories of playing with Rachel on the ranch at Gateways are some of my fondest. She'll be forever missed.
April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020
Mary and Michael, I am so sorry for your loss. Rachel brightened my life like nobody else I have known. No matter how tired I got, I loved our late night conversations about college, TV, and life in general. Even when life was hard for her, she could always make me smile with her enduring sense of humor. I will miss her sorely, and I will always count myself lucky to have been her friend.
April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020
I was heartbroken to hear the news about Rachel, and I send my deepest condolences to Mary and Michael. I have very vivid memories of teaching high school French to Rachel, whose intellect and openness were truly remarkable. She went from a shy, retiring young girl to a confident young woman, able to give presentations to classes and to the advisory with a combination of humility and confidence. I remember her joining choir, simply for the challenge of doing something so beyond her comfort zone. She and I got to perform "Forget about the Boy" with the choir one time, when Dr. Fresolone invited faculty to sing. The song was hard for me, but I was inspired by Rachel, for whom performing on stage took a lot of courage. She was always kind and thoughtful, and beloved by her classmates. The concussion suffered her senior year had long-lasting effects, but Rachel had the courage and tenacity to make it through the entire graduation ceremony, and later to go off to college. I am so sorry that she continued to struggle with illness. She had a positive impact on the Gregory School community, and I will always remember her, and be glad in my heart to have known her.
April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020
I received the very sad news last night. Mary and Michael, my heart is broken for you and I imagine that your hearts are broken into a million pieces. I am so sorry that you lost Rachel. Take care of yourselves and each other.

I have read and re-read Rachel’s excerpt on feminism. It reveals much about her kindheartedness and intelligence. I look forward to people sharing more stories about Rachel so that she may live on in our hearts.
April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020
My mother and I send our sincerest condolences to Mary and Michael— I’ll never forget us watching Downton Abbey, playing board games, and wearing tiaras together. Thank you for the memories, Rachel! We will miss you.
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
Micheal and Mary, we are deeply sorry to hear the news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. 

Love Scott and Kim
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
Rachel, you were such a pleasure to know in this life. I will remember your kindness, your intrinsic drive, your quiet wit, and your love of horses and science. My love and thoughts are with the Gloudemans family.
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
We remember Rachel as being one of the nicest kids at the barn. Prayers for your family.
Mary and Catherine Kolsrud
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
Thank you, Solaine Carter for sharing the excerpt from the piece Rachel wrote on feminism. It was a gift for me to be able to hear her words today. I am missing her so much. Her loss is really hitting me hard, and being able to read her words was like having her back for a few minutes.
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
To Mary and Michael...and all who knew and cared for Rachel, I am deeply saddened to hear the heartbreaking news of Rachel's passing.
 I had the privilege of helping in her riding instruction when she joined us at Santa Paula Stables years ago.  I remember meeting Rachel in the cross-ties at the barn. She seemed quiet.. perhaps shy, and I was so happy she and Mary had come to join our training program.  I have many memories of Rachel and the lessons i gave her. She was a wonderful student, everything you could ask for: she listened, tried very hard, and loved her horses!  I remember best a horse show we went to at Pima County Fairgrounds. I believe we just took Rachel and her friend, Mackenzie. We were blessed with a safe and wonderful day...the girls doing so well!  I enjoyed my time so much with Rachel, and appreciated her interest and efforts and love when it came to horses and to her riding.  She was kind, lovely, and will be deeply missed. 
  I am sorry for not being in touch in recent years, and deeply regret that too often the "things" of life get in the way of what really matters ~ people and connecting with those we care about.  Fortunately, there are many beautiful memories. 
  My deepest sympathy and prayers for you, Mary and Michael, as well as for all who cared for Rachel.  May she rest in peace in God's loving care. 
                          Sincerely, Julie
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
I spent a beautiful weekend with Rachel and Mary in Boston the summer before Mt Holyoke. We walked and talked for hours. Rachel talked about her life, her friends, her wonderful brother and mother, and the excitement of going to college. I looked forward to having her closer to me and having her come to Maine for her vacations. She was a beautiful person -inside and out, so sweet, smart and loving always. I will remember her shy smile. I am so sorry for the loss of Rachel from our lives way too soon. She was a shining star and will be missed forever. 
April 13, 2020
April 13, 2020
An excerpt Rachel wrote in UNIDAS...
Circa January 20th, 2105

In recent years the concept of feminism has become nebulous and unclear as it has struggled against the negative stigmas of popular media and culture. For those with unclear definitions, the very mention of the word elicits feelings of discomfort and even, in the most severe cases, disdain. Feminism is not man-hating. It is not unreasonable. It is the belief that men and women, regardless of the gender identity or sexual orientation, deserve equality. For years, I have understood this base concept, but only recently have I come to understand that feminism is neither nebulous nor unclear. I believed, like so many others, that all feminists were fierce, disdainful women who despised men, and I was reluctant to count myself amongst their ranks. Then, I was asked to define feminism, to give a concrete meaning to a word that is interpreted in so many different ways, and I realized that the things I considered essential to the word aligned with so many of my beliefs about equality. I decided, in that moment, that the word feminism is not discomfiting. It is inspiring, and it’s not for women who hate men, but rather people who love equality, the same kind of people who have encouraged and influenced me my entire life. Thanks to these women, these feminists, I have never been afraid to pursue my dreams, never felt limited by my gender. My aspirations to pursue a degree in science have been met by encouragement and enthusiasm on all sides- from my mother who challenged gender expectations to become a doctor, from my aunt who believes I am bright and capable, and from my teachers who have never expected less of me because I was born a girl. My passion for horseback riding has been met with similar support. I was never told that riding a sometimes capricious animal over jumps was too difficult or too dangerous for a delicate female. When, in 9th grade, I expressed an interest in learning self-defense I was supported, not limited. My friend and I were the only girls in the class, but our classmates and our Sensei greeted us with open arms, pleased to welcome girls into their midst. Not once did they treat us as though we were any less capable than out male counterparts. These are but a few examples of the encouragement I have received from those who believe that all people, regardless of gender, ought to be equal in all ways. I have only recently accepted the word, but I have been influenced my entire life by feminisms and feminists who always believed that I am capable of anything and everything.
Rachel Gloudemans
April 13, 2020
April 13, 2020
Rachel would talk to me about my horse and watch me ride. I loved how she would always approach me because I was shy at 12 years old and she was a teenager. One of my first memories of watching Rachel ride was in the indoor arena and she was jumping. I admired the way she handled and rode her horse, Lucy. At my first horse show, I didn't have a jacket and she gave me hers and then told me to keep it. Rachel was talented yet unpretentious, and always kind.
Love Ellie and Rebecca
April 13, 2020
April 13, 2020

I just heard the news. As a fellow rider, I watched Rachel grow up before my eyes at the barn. We rode at two different barns together, so that covers a lot of hours of time in the grooming stalls together, in lessons together, and time around our horses together. (One thing I’ve always appreciated about riding is that it brings together women of all different generations, because not many other places give you that shared bond of friendship with people who are 7, people who are 70, and people of every age in between. I got to know Rachel in her teen years.)

Rachel was always a breath of fresh air because she was appreciative, gracious, and kind. (I'd add that in riding, a sport that is known for featuring a high proportion of privileged children, this really stands out in a positive way.) When I saw that she was at the barn, it always made me smile because she was the kind of person you enjoyed having in a shared space like the barn. She was a good person, a good soul, a good human. She had all the right ingredients that I’d want someone to have if they were my own child.

Rachel was perceptive, deep, reflective, and thoughtful. Her intelligence was obvious. She wasn’t one for meaningless chatter, rather she thought, spoke, and felt deeply. She was centered, grounded, and intellectually curious.
In all the years we rode together, I didn’t ever see her in a bad mood. (And I remind you that I knew her through all her teen years, so that’s pretty much superhuman on her part). Either she didn’t have bad moods, or she had a way of carrying herself such that you’ve never guess anything was bothering her.

She was dedicated and hardworking, in her riding and in her studies. She was a good rider, and yet humble about her accomplishments in and out of the saddle.

I’d describe her as an “old soul” the type of person. She always reminded me of an adult even in her teen years, in the sense that she was very mature and seemed to have skipped the phase where teenagers are supposed to be annoying and obnoxious.

To her family, I am so sorry to see her young life cut short. I can’t imagine your pain. She had so many amazing gifts to share with the world. While I know that the world operates such that bad things can and do happen to good people, I wish that it didn’t work that way. It feels like Rachel being such a good person should have kept her from having to go through this. Mary, you did an amazing job raising a truly wonderful person. I am heartbroken at our collective loss of her.

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