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His Life

Personal Background

October 25, 2017

Randal Dean Adkins Born in 1953 and High school graduated 1971, Bernie Missouri. 

Since 1983 move to Miami stay, and married in 2005, making this city and called home.

2009 he went back to the University and gets his Bachelor degree in Organizational Leadership from Saint Thomas University of Miami. He passes in Bogota Colombia when he was on vacation he had and stroke and 9 weeks after he died.   

His life experience at the workforce began and ended working for NBC in the beginning as a cameraman, editing, later on, as technical director to become a team member for sports and news production for N.B.C Channel 6 Miami.  In 1992, earned the George Foster Peabody Broadcasting Award for significant meritorious coverage of “Hurricane Andrew: As it happened” by Henry W. Grady Colleague of Journalism and Mass Communication of theUniversityofGeorgia. Also, worked in major international multi-sport events such as the Olympics; he earned 5 Emmy Awards for the Olympics of Seoul, Korea, 1988, Barcelona, Spain 1992, Caracas Venezuela, Atlanta Georgia 1996, for the year 2000 in Sidney Australia.

 In 1992 earned the broadcasting Award “George Foster Peabody Winner presented to “For 1992 -1996 Randal won the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for Distinguished Service, as well the Centennial Olympic Games, Atlanta 1996.

Besides of work in 1989 the Super Bowl, also had covered numerous major rock concerts, had met a multitude of national and international personalities. One of his favorite stories was for him to be able to cross the board of North Korea; by walking around the table when he went to cover Seoul Korea Olympics. 

 Randy did have a health scare event 23 years ago with his heart, the amazing story was he drove himself to the hospital in Miami. Next day his parents came and took him to the Hospital inSaint LouisMissouriwhen he had to have a bypass heart surgery in 1989 since then he started to be under cardiologist care.

 In 2001 Randy met and married his wife Alba. With her traveling around the world learned new costumes, food, and languages. He tries to learn Spanish with no success, but with his charming and sweet personality, he conquered everybody overseas. He knew how to cook his American traditional meals, to eat gourmet international dishes, and to dance. Visited museums, read history and watched fiction movies (his favorites) and crazy fun for baseball.

Randy’s wonderful and lovely family is missing him and we will be missed forever by his brothers, Ronald Adkins, Kenneth Adkins, and his prince's Sister: Sherry Gregory, his lovely nieces Ashley Nicole, Samantha Reilly, and Shawnta Michelle. His favorite Cousin Debbie, Robyn and Randy, and uncles, also our dear Randy had a long list of dear friends from his hometown Bernie, Dexter, and others all from around the world, they are too many dear friends from work to name them here, and for me to letting them know how much they were and how they made his a life a meaningful place and time to live on this earth.