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July 11
July 11
Happy Birthday in heaven dear beloved husband. 
Today: I am sadly remembering that you would be 70 years old; starting walking the seven floor on heavens; surround with angels and trumpets singing the happiness of what it is to rest in peace my love.
While me forever will be grateful to you for our beautiful memories. 
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
My dear Randy: this belated message was due to log in; issues in your memory site.

Other friends and families wanted to write message too, but they can't make it . This site asked them to log in, through another social networks and no body like that. So this year it will be me only writing personalized thoughts and prayers.

I will never forgot your birthday because you always will be in my heart, I still love and miss you, so very much like it was yesterday you went to heavens..

I WANT YOU TO REST IN PEACE !! , but I pray for you to keep watching on me and to illuminate me over some financial decisions because the money market is so bad and it will be worse soon. I am doing my best to redistribute and make it safety until we meet again. 
November 1, 2022
November 1, 2022
Ironically the departure of my dear husband 6 years ago; November 1st, is the " Death day" for some in our Latin culture honors that sacred cycle by venerating the dead and celebrating their annual return to the world of the living". In life, death is only the beginning. 

While for me is the most devastating day , broken heart, day to cray, and is time to survive to.!! I have to rescued my self; from this loveless world by watching the trees on the prairies to color my life.  
November 1, 2021
November 1, 2021
Las personas a quienes amamos y se nos van , siempre nos traerán un halo de inmensa tristeza que solo el que la padece , lo sabe.
Tu esposo mi querida Albita , ahora está descansando y bendito Dios por ello.
Solo queda recordarlos como algo muy bello que pasó por nuestras vidas y continuar esta hermosa existencia , que aún con sus bajones sigue siendo hermosa.
Tu esposo te seguirá amando más allá de la eternidad.
November 1, 2021
November 1, 2021
Recordando inmensamente al esposo de mi gran amiga Alba, Randal. Tuve el gusto de conocerlo y compartir con él varias veces y siempre me impresionó por el gran amor y cariño que le tenía a su esposa. Se el gran vacío que dejó su partida. Acompañando a Alba en su recuerdo.
November 1, 2021
November 1, 2021
Today is the 5th anniversary of my dear Randy's departure to heaven. Since then, I have been pretending joy, and surviving.
Time doesn't heal, and there is not magic words to change the sad memories of this tragic day, for only to remember the wonderful moments of joy of our time together. Traveling by exotic and romantic places around the world, though he was quiet and passive, he was charismatic, and every body ended loving him, he was genuine good sense of humor, and always ready for the adventure. 

Though is hard for me to say good bye, so I could heal the sad perspective of his departure, while the time goes by to be infinite in my heart, there is no one day goes by that I don't think and miss him. My heart longs for him, especially at this time of the year.
July 13, 2021
July 13, 2021
Happy Belated Birthday in Heavens dear!! 

Though I have you always in my mind and heart, still is sad and hard for me to letting you go. No matter how hard I have tried. Especially for your birthday celebration when you were here. Now, before July 11, I started to be nostalgic reason why I did not came to post anything until today. 

I found a beautiful song titled " Dance me to the end of love" By Leonard Cohen .. I though about you and me! It sounds like it was our song, but me without you today. It makes me feel grateful for what we live and enjoy together, and it will be to the eternity.
November 2, 2020
November 2, 2020
Recordándote con cariño por los momentos compartidos tan especiales que vivimos.
November 1, 2020
November 1, 2020
In the memory of my loving husband. Today 1st of November 4 years ago
and for our latin culture always we are celebrating the day of the Saints!!

Rescuing the meaning of this sad day for me from the vapid gourds and false cobwebs, I propose a toast for those who are no longer with us. Especially for my dear Randy. For the friend and love that went so far in the afternoon...

He is stardust but he keep his heart in our hearts. also, to each and every one of them, a warm memory and three words: thank you, sorry, I love you.

For those who stopped seeing our eyes and we theirs, for those whose heart failed them and stopped writing notes in the score of our lives. For those who promised to be happy and died struggling to get it, for those who did not and for those who died with a smile on their face after years, and thousands of memories lived.
Let us truly remember them, the saints of our lives.
Happy day of all the Saints!

As an update for what I announced as my recent event posted in this site: 
You could click on the pictures or Gallery to see His Memorial Placement.
his burial plot for both of us
located at : Chalk Bluff Cemetery Dexter MO 63841.

July 11, 2020
July 11, 2020
Randy, you are alive and we, who had the pleasure of knowing you, will always remember you. More when Your beloved Alba, reminds us of how wonderful and great you were. Wherever you are, wishing you the very best
July 11, 2019
July 11, 2019
Happy Birthday dear lovely husband !!...
May the winds of Heaven blow softly
and whisper to your ear.. 
How much we love and miss you!
And I wish that you were here!
In your birthday, I hope from heavens you are smiling watching that I had changed the roof and projects for the house, are completed and you enjoy them, through me.
Thank my love you for save me all the ways!
Thank you for answer and guide me in my doubts..
Thank for save me from troubles, as you used to do it and advise me while you were here!
I wish you a Happy Birthday filled with love, peace, and happiness in heavens!! Loving and missing you more than ever....
November 9, 2018
November 9, 2018
Sadly his website was not working for me in the 2nd anniversary of his passes to post or leave my tribute!, however, all our friends and relatives posted in his Facebook website, supporting and encouraging me to keep going on, because his is watching at me from heaven.

As the song say "I have got you under my skin" When I met my beloved Randy 18 years ago he became alive within me, in my consciousness, memory and emotions like a powerful magnet attracting bits of metal, reasons why, it has being so painful and has taken me 2 years to realize the gap left by him, because part of me died with him 2 years ago.

Although I know is not over and never will, but I will keep myself strong because I know he is with me in spirit, and I will continue praying for him to rest in peace, until the day we'll be together, somewhere somehow when my day arrive, the universe will bring us together again.
November 1, 2018
November 1, 2018
Mi amigo de toda la vida, te extrañan más de lo que las palabras pueden decir. Sé que fueron recibidos con los brazos abiertos por aquellos que fueron antes que ustedes. Son los que quedan atrás los que lloran.
November 1, 2018
November 1, 2018
Hola Mr Randy en esta vida no tuve el gusto de conocerte ni de compartir contigo pero he podido saber algunas cosas de ti y en especial he sabido lo buena persona y excelente esposo que fuiste haciendo feliz a mi amiga Albita. Dios seguro ha premiado tu alma generosa y amorosa y sin duda que descansas en la paz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Que tu amor llene de Esperanza y fe el corazón atribulado de Alba y des consuelo a su tristeza.
Que la luz perpetua del amor divino de Diós brille para ti por siempre.
July 11, 2018
July 11, 2018
I've known Randy since the mid 70's. We first worked together at WPEC CH 12 in WPB,Fl. In 1980 we again worked at WTVJ CH 4 in Miami. Randy was always a kind and caring friend.We shared many good times with fellow friends in laughter and joy. I will forever miss his smile and laugh. Rest in Peace my friend.
July 11, 2018
July 11, 2018
I knew Randy for as long as I can remember. He was always a very special person and I felt privledged to call him a close friend. His mischief and humor were hidden behind such an innocent seeming demeanor that most people were surprised when they realized he was the one behind a practical joke or prank. The sparkle in his eyes when he could no longer keep a straight face sometimes gave him away. He is missed by all that knew him well.
July 11, 2018
July 11, 2018
Today, is the 65th anniversary of my dear Randy birth, his kind and gentle soul had being the inspiration for me to be strong and to survive , his smile looking at me in all those especial memories, will always bring me a smile.
In his birthday as we always celebrate and have a good reason for thanksgiven for the times being together, enjoying life, traveling and working out problems, then yes, we did grow. That is my biggest satisfaction I have today I know he is resting in peace taking care of me from above.
In this second anniversary since he is gone, I have come to realize that all in this life has a beginning and end, therefore, I will live life for him as we planned together, and I will love him even if he is not physical at the present.
November 11, 2017
November 11, 2017
Randy has always been more than a cousin to me. There was a month and a day between us and we were always together. Our mothers were best friends and married brothers that farm together most of the time. Randy was like my twin we told each other everything and we would alway talk things over with each other. I can remember when we were little one of us would have measles and they would check the other and sure enough we both had them the same with chicken pox mumps and whopping cough. But we were alway glad because we always had our playmate. When I got married Bobby and Randy were alway close to. When Randy died it felt like he took a part of me with him but I will always keep a part of Randy in my heart for as long as I live.
November 1, 2017
November 1, 2017
When feeling your loss, and I know it will be constant, then think back on the good times, your travels, all that you were able to share with each other. Randal would want that for you. A good man, they say, is hard to find--and you were fortunate enough to find that man and share many years together. Not enough time, but there never is with a loved one. Alba, replace sadness with good memories as best you can
October 26, 2017
October 26, 2017
I met Randal in February of '83, when Wometco gave me the opportunity to shift from being a news producer at their ABC affiliate in Asheville, NC to being a promotions producer at WTVJ. I LOVED the creative demands of the new job, and Randal was infinitely patient as I asked him to show me all the cool flips, zooms and other effects I hadn't been able to use in news pieces. Over and over again, he would bring my story boards to life. He DID joke about charging me a quarter for each effect -- and that would have made him a VERY rich man! Fun, brilliant, SO talented on the switcher, and just an all-round class act. Miss you, buddy!
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017
Randal Adkins, a special man. When you had the privilege to meet him you knew immediately that you have met a kind and gentle soul. I will always remember his warm smile, a good man. Some say that "it is not the years of your life, but the life in your years". Alba and Randal lived a good life together, they both loved to travel and did. I know Alba misses him dearly, but she has a lot of wonderful memories to help ease the pain of losing such a good man, such a good husband and partner.  We have both lost the love of our lives--my solace is in cherishing the memories! Gone too soon, yet cherish the memories Alba.
September 18, 2017
September 18, 2017
This candle always will be lighting in my heart for the rest of my life in your memory. I am grateful and feel blessed being loved by you, and enjoyed those wonderful years together.

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