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November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023
I can't believe it's been two years already. RIP, Mitch.
June 12, 2023
June 12, 2023
Happy Birthday Randy! Miss you and wish you were here to celebrate. One of your old Marionberry plants is finally taking off — should have some fruit next year. You would be proud of our garden this year! Next project is to put to good use the old redwood that you saved for many years. I was thinking a deck as flat and smooth as a dance floor! Lol.
June 12, 2023
June 12, 2023
This would have been your 67th birthday. I still can’t believe you’re gone. Each day that passes can’t make it feel real. I frequently find myself wanting to pick up the phone and call you to tell you something that I just thot of, or that’s going on with the kids. My only relief is knowing that you’re no longer in pain. I hate cancer. 
November 25, 2022
November 25, 2022
It’s a year ago now you’ve been gone from me.  As each day passes I know without doubt I will never forget you, our life together and our memories.  I cry less often but when I do I still become overwhelmed with grief as fresh as the first moment you left. You would be so proud of our children and their children as they continue to grow and learn life. Harvey is 18 and will be 19 soon just halfway thru the first year of college. Allie transferred to Eureka High and is finding their way. Ben is so smart and so sensitive and in middle school. Nolan continues to dance to the beat of his own drum or maybe yours, because he is who I gave yours too. I hope you approve. I saw John, Rose and Lacey this week and toured their house. It was the nicest house on the block due to all of Their hard work. I spent yesterday and today with Sara in LA just to help me cope a bit better. I’m in a hotel right now in Mountain View mid way home from LA. Remember the time we helped Sara move here from Santa Cruz when she got her first accountant job and we ate Thanksgiving dinner at Sizzler. Lol. Then she moved back and then she moved again. Thank goodness she figured out where she wanted to live before we got to old to help move her any longer.
August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022
WOW! - I just came across this when I was doing my once a year check up to see what Randy was up to - even though we lost touch over the years I never stopped checking up to see what he was up to and contemplate a reunion. Unfortunately, life got in the way, and it is a serious regret of mine that we didn't get that chance. It has been years since we corresponded - always over email but I never forgot Randy (and Terri) and the amazing 2 years we had together in high school. He (and his family) were probably the one thing that saved me during a very difficult time. I regret having moved away between sophomore and junior years but it was something I had to do. Randy was a special friend, and we did everything together for 2 years, with few exceptions. We loved tormenting Tammy and I miss the entire family a great deal. We got in a lot of trouble together but I'm sure I would have been a great deal more if not for Randy. I have always missed him greatly and think of him often but now it will only be worse. Like Hoop said he was always and will always be Mitch - c ya Mitch and I love you brother.  Tom Mant
June 12, 2022
June 12, 2022
Today is your first birthday since you passed. You would of been 66. I think of you every day and miss you no less with each passing day. What a cruel and unfair fate you were handed. I don’t know what lies beyond your death but I so hope that you are a part of the fullness of nature and the splendid outdoors you loved so much. Forever in my heart. Gone but not forgotten
January 29, 2022
January 29, 2022
Terri -
Luke just came across Randy's obituary last night. We are both so sorry to know Randy departed this world. We hope you will reach out to us when you have the opportunity.  (208) 313-5728
We send your dozens of hugs, our belated condolences and lots of love.
Anita Janis - Luke Rummell
Our stories:
We invited you both over for dinner and to play Rumikub. Randy trounced us big time. He was amazingly talented at strategizing and, if he had to double back and rethink his plan, he was able to put every tile back right where it had come from--amazing. 
He had us all laughing when he was describing his gardening implement--the bucking rototiller! What a super man, so much life and so much love. He is undoubtedly missed by all who knew him. 
January 21, 2022
January 21, 2022
Today has Then Jonathan asked me if I know a Mr. Mitchell I do! Well, I guess now, I did....
Mr. Michelle was my Hippy Haired Math Teacher, for 2 LONG years. Not long for me, but for him. . He wanted me to go into calculus, really bad! I thought he was nuts. He told me, "You are able to pass this class by just doing your test. I have people doing their homework and Still can't pass!"
I had to have driven him nuts! He was kind enough to let me use the graphing calculator he had, because my folks couldn't afford a $75-300 calculator. (Public school for ya'.)
He also had a plan, and I would love to know if he pulled this off. He was saving all of his sick and vacation days, along with working through the summers to be able to retire, I believe, 5 years Early! I hope he was able to accomplish that because it was BRILLIANT!
I remember him having to wake me up in class, as I had turned myself upsidedown in my desk and fell asleep. I can sleep anywhere. 
He wasn't the speller, and someone kept pointing that out in class. He said, "I teach Math, not English. Are you sure you are in the right class?"
He always had us laughing! 
My heart goes out to his family and friends, because this world is short one Amazing Teacher! 
I will truly miss you my friend, and will continue to tell your story for years to come. Thank you for always being there for all of us kids.  
January 15, 2022
January 15, 2022
I am thankful to have known Randy and had him in my life. He welcomed me into the family and I was lucky to have him as a father-in-law. He was a positive influence in my life and will always have a place in my heart. My top 10 favorite things about Randy:
1. Randy was a man of high integrity -- he did what he said he was going to do.
2. Randy cherished and found meaning in seemingly simple things. He passed this on to his grandson, Nolan, who has a growing collection of rocks, leaves, and many, many other things.
3. Randy knew how to have a good time. 
4. Randy's beanie game was strong.
5. Randy had a deep connection with nature and was always happy to share his knowledge.
6. Randy was an enthusiastic story teller and his excitement always drew you in.
7. Randy was a loving father and grandfather and his love was obvious.
8. Randy did not sweat the small things.
9. Randy could eat leftover Chinese food AND leftover pizza for breakfast.
10. Randy had a love for gardening and loved to share the bounty.

I will miss you, Randy, but will not forget you. See you in the stars.

January 1, 2022
January 1, 2022
I'm going to miss Mitch. "Mitch" is the way I always greeted him, and I was always "Hooper" to him. I remember him always having a smile on his face whenever we would run into each other. It was always easy to talk to him and take off from where we had taken off the last time we ran into each other. Maybe it was all those basketball games in high school.
After seeing him do it he was inspirational to me to return to school and get my Teaching Credential.
See you later, Mitch.
December 24, 2021
December 24, 2021
We only talked at family gatherings, but I noticed the way Randy would watch and listen to people, and then make connections to ideas no one else had noticed. And he identified those trees in our yard as cherry trees. He saw things. Enjoy the "other side," Randy. <3
December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
You were and always will be my bestest friend,
We shared a great life and conquered many challenges and obstacles through the years. We had great adventures in our travels, and we both grew to love Hawaii. “No bad days in Maui” you would say. In spite of the warnings from others that we would never make it cause we married so young, we fooled them all and rocked 48 years together in all.
Nobody knew you better than I and and vice versa. I miss you more than words can say and I will always love you ❤️

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