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Share a special moment from Raquel's life.

Write a story


June 17, 2023
I recently finished writing a song for Raquel. It starts off reminiscing about the night we got together as a couple. It was the Fourth of July 1998. We were at a party in Antioch, Illinois where my band played a private show. We were 20 years old. I asked her friend Debbie to invite her. I was showing off on the drums to try and impress her because I know how much she loved music. Anyway, every guy was after her that night it seemed. Somehow I was the lucky one. We came together and kissed under the fireworks for the first time. It was funny because we clashed teeth initially. That gave us something to laugh about for years to come lol! I never felt anything like that before, it was incredible, I was in love for sure. I knew right then that was a life-changing kiss. I started this song with that moment in mind. While looking for inspiration on the third verse my phone sent me a notification. An old classmate of hers messaged me out of nowhere with a quick story about Raquel. He literally explained she was one of those you could never forget. She had an amazing smile and personality that can get you through a Taft day. Taft was our high school and it was horrible lol! This came at exactly the right moment and instantly inspired the third verse because it is true. The world is darker without her smile. Anyway, here are the lyrics and I hope to record this song soon. I may have to tweak the lyrics a little to fit the melody, but this is the first draft. The posted photo is where I finished writing the song.
I can still feel our first kiss.We clashed teeth when we nearly missed. Fire in the sky, reflected in your eyes. Never felt anything quite like this. Rhythms collide,  our souls alive.You are the best part of me.
Now you’re my Raq-star angel. Raquel I’ve been so lost without you. Even though it’s painful, I know you’re still a part of me and I feel you guide me through everything I do.
You are the most amazing mother. I feel your soul is with our daughter. Just like you, shes like no other. She’s got that fight.. she has your light. So rest in peace my love, she will be alright.
Your my Raq-star angel. Raquel I am so lost without you. Even though it’s painful. I know you’re still a part of me. I’m forever grateful and in love with you. 
This world is darker without your smile. Forever admired for your selfless style. Kindness inspired, compassionate gifts of life
I hear the lyrics and see your signs 
I know we’ll be together, when it’s my time
Now you’re my Raq-star angel
Raquel I am so lost without you
And even though it’s painful
I know you’re still a part of me
I feel you guiding me through. 
And I will LIV for you.

Raquel's Memorial Tree

June 6, 2023
Last June we bought a memorial tree in honor of Raquel. We planted it in our back yard in September. It is a Tricolor Beech tree. The color of it’s leaves when it is mature is unique, just like my sister. We planted it with some of her ashes where we used to have a birdbath. I thought that the flowers that Rich had planted around the birdbath would be a nice compliment to the tree as it gets bigger. Here is what it looks like today. It made it through the winter nicely and bloomed its pretty leaves right about the end of May. I bought solar powered butterflies to go around it that change different colors at night. 
Today is her birthday and she would have been 45. I wanted to share her memorial tree on this day. There were two memorial poems that stuck out that I wanted to share in this post:

Plant a Tree
Plant a tree for me.
So the whole world can see.
Watch it grow and smile.
It will take a while.
Let it grow up big and tall.
But even if it's small.
It's a reminder of me.
And for you to be happy.

Like the Wind

Like the wind,
Memories move around us.
Ruffling out leaves.
My soul is free.
Riding on the wind.
Lightly swaying in the night.
I light your way.
Guiding you to the warmth.
Silently holding your hand.
With you, I will always be.
Because I'm part of your memory.
Until it's time for us to meet once more.

A Few of Raquel's Favorite Things (as a Kid)

June 5, 2023
As a kid, Raquel had a huge sweet tooth. Her favorite go to candy for a long time was Sour Patch Kids. She always had a box of those or Twizzlers. One time she ate so many Sour Patch Kids, she was scared that her taste buds were going to fall off!

As she is 5 years younger than me, we had a slight difference in TV shows that we watched and enjoyed. She liked Punky Brewster, Full House, Saved by the Bell, The Wonder Years, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to name a few from the 80s. But the ones we enjoyed together were all the Saturday morning cartoons, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Thunder Cats, Different Strokes, Knight Rider, Cosby Show and so many more. But one of the shows we loved most was Saturday Night Live, especially the era that had Eddie Murphy. Of course we loved his Gumby and Stevie Wonder characters. But our favorites were his Mr. Robinson and Buckwheat characters, and most of all, James Brown – Too Hot in the Hot Tub skit.  She (and I) would laugh and laugh at all of his skits, even as adults when re-watching them together.

As with TV shows, we shared the same favorite movies. I know she loved, loved, LOVED Gremlins as a younger kid along with Goonies and Never Ending Story.  When she got a little older her favorites were The Lost Boys and Terminator.

All of us at a young age are forced to listen to the music that our parents listened to.  But when we get old enough, we branch out and listen to what’s popular on the radio stations and what our friends are listening to. Along with almost everyone in the 80s, we loved Michael Jackson, Madonna and Prince with so many others. I remember we would go in my parents’ bedroom with a small “boom box” and record our favorites on blank tapes from the radio stations. We would sing along with a fake microphone and dance around. 

As I got into 8th grade and especially high school, I was exposed to Ozzy, Metallica, Iron Maiden and other heavier bands. Since our bedrooms were right across from each other, she was exposed to them too and listened to them with me. But our musical tastes changed forever when I heard Pearl Jam’s Ten album my first year in college (in ’91). A friend of mine said that I had to hear this band. So I put on his headphones and listened to the first 30 seconds of Once and was hooked. I don’t remember how soon after I got the cassette tape, but as soon as I got it home, I told Raquel she had to listen to this band. She was 13 at the time and the rest is history.  As I said in another post, I influenced her musical tastes when we were younger.  But as we got older, she introduced me to music that I may have never been exposed to otherwise, and I am so grateful for that.

It's so hard to pick which memories to share of her when we were younger because there are so many good ones.  Love you to pieces Raquel, and miss you so so much.

It's not a weapon, it's a snack.

June 3, 2023
Im going to guesstimate the year was '94 or '95, I'm not 100% sure of that detail, i do recall clearly the 2 undercover cops who would constantly "supervise" (aka harass) everyone who hung out at Foster Park and Scott's house. Now, they knew they couldn't get us when we were at Scott's house, since that was private property, but as soon as we all got on to the Foster park property, the unmarked  cop car  would roll up without fail. They'd have us line up against the fence and it was time to get frisked. Normally, nothing, and we all knew they'd never find anything, Cuz we knew to leave th good stuff in Scott's house in the basement. But then a few newer kids came and joined, and we weren't sure if they knew how Carol and Lou worked. So the day came, the newer kids were with us and we are going to hang out at the park, we brought a guitar, we are going to have an acoustic jam sing along, smoke cigarettes, and just be the cool kids that we were, but as they pulled up, we weren't sure if we had explained the rules about leaving all contraband back at Scott's house.  The undercover cops? I think they could sense that we were a little nervous, and I think they started to get excited because they FINALLY found something on one of us other than cigarettes and a tiny bit of weed. Carol motions to Lou that she thinks she might have something, and it almost seems like they're getting ready to cuff Raquel. Carol reaches into Raquel's pocket, a look of equal triumph and concern, because I'm not sure they ever knew what to do if they caught us with something, and pulls out a baggie with a big ass pickle, most likely from Elliott's or somewhere, like the big ones from that giant barrel they had. They just asked her what the hell it was, and she said "a pickle," then they asked why she had it, she just said "I like pickles and I get hungry" I don't think I will ever forget that.  

Forever remembered

June 1, 2023
We didn't spend a lot of time together in the big picture, but during our days at Taft... Boy did we have some very fun times together! I don't remember exactly when or where we first met, but we used to hangout at Foster Park all the time! I remember wander around the neighborhood together, hanging out at big top, and having sleep overs at Kelly's place. I remember when it looked like Raquel had a hickey on her face too I remember Raquel and Debbie going to like ALL the pearl jam shows. My biggest memory of Raquel is what a sweet, but fun chick she was. We all know the experience you got when you were with her. I will never forget what a sweet, genuinely good person she was. 

Arms Raised In A V

May 28, 2023
Raquel was a cousin I didn't get to see very often. Maybe once a year. But, all that changed in 1995 when she moved in with my sister, parents and I to finish her last year of high school in Kentucky. It was almost like an episode of Lost In Space or Green Acres for her at first im sure leaving the metropolis of Chicago and stumbling into po-dunk Pike County, Kentucky. When I close my eyes and envision her in my head I still see her in the same outfit she favored that year. Brown courdoroy jeans and a Nine Inch Nails tshirt. The heaviest music at that point that I was familiar with was likely Bon Jovi (I blame my sister). That changed drastically as the days and weeks went by with Raquel under our roof. She showed us much more than music. She taught my dad what a vegetarian was even if he was confused why someone would be a vegetarian for weeks. She was kind and was immediatly loved by everyone at her new school. I even recall a friend of mine being like "hey, your cousins seems so cool, hook me up." However, I held Raquel in high regard and that wouldn't happen. 

My room was right next to the room her and my sister shared. In that room is where I first heard The Smashing Pumpkins. Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails, and slews of other bands. I remember going to school one day just singing "Lemon yellow sun, arms raised in a V" over and over all day because its the only lyrics to the song I knew. Music changed my whole life, and she was the sole person responcible for getting me into music, albeit to her unknowingly at first. Fast forward to 2003, Raquel and Gino actually helped me navigate Chicago and make it to my first large music festival. (Summer Sanatarium, Metallica, Linkin Park, Deftones, Limp Bizkit and Mudvayne) Since then i've seen 1000s of bands and hundreds of music festivals. Even started my own music website reviewing and interviewing bands etc. I still feel like I owe it all to her for helping me fall in love with music. 

Raquel was a once in a lifetime person, she was always sweet, caring and interested in what you had to say. I've been an organ donor for 20 years, but I do so now with a very different feeling. She saved several lives in her final act on this earth, but we will never be able to count all the lives she touched during her time on this earth. Thanks Raquel for helping make me who I am today.

I love you Raquel, hug dad for me. 

A real sweetheart

May 28, 2023
Never got to spend much time with Raquel, but every time I did see her (usually at Jimmy’s) she was super sweet. I know she was a good wife and a good mother. Rest in Peace Raquel

Gym Class

May 23, 2023
Looking back on my high school years, I can't help but think of a special friend I had in gym class. Her name was Raquel, and while she may have been quiet and withdrawn at first, she possessed a remarkable talent for conversation. She stood out with her calm demeanor. She preferred observing rather than actively participating in the chaotic gym activities.I still remember those moments when we would find ourselves sitting on the sidelines and talking nonsense or having small chit-chats.
As time went on Raquel gradually opened up in her adulthood, revealing more of her vibrant personality to the world. But I will forever cherish those moments in gym class, where she showcased her gift for conversation and allowed me to glimpse the depth of her soul.

College Years and Music

May 17, 2023
I started Pikeville College in 1996. I was rooming with 2 of my best friends but our room had room for 4 more people. Raquel was one of the new girls that we didn’t know. As we soon found out Raquel was one of the most funniest, loving, giving and music loving person we’d ever met. I felt by her like she’d been our friend forever. That’s just how easy it was to be Raquel’s friend. And a good friend at that. This was our college years so needless to say they was a lot of going out. Lol. We’d be out in her car and during these times she loved Fleetwood Mac Chains. I heard that song so much it’s hilarious. I remember coming into the dorm room and she was blasting Nine Inch Nails.I had never heard them but I’ve loved them ever since she introduced me to them. When I hear these songs to this very day I’m reminded of my sweet friend. Since yesterday when I found this memorial I was thinking about those nights and one came to me and I remember it like it was yesterday.  All of us girls were in Lisa’s room watching I believe it was the music awards and P Diddy sang for the first time ever as a tribute to his friend Notorious BIG,”I’ll be Missing You.” That’s been a long time ago but to know my memory of that particular song and Raquel being in that same memory says all it needs to say. Me and Raquel left college in 97 I think and lost touch afterwards like a lot of people when they get out of school but we talked sometimes on Facebook. It’s been around 25 years and I still hear her silly laugh and I hold those days dear. RIP girl. Gone but Not Forgotten

Releasing Raquel in Turks & Caicos

May 12, 2023
I was lucky enough to go to Turks & Caicos earlier this month, specifically Grace Bay Beach in The Bright Settlement. My friend of 25+ years (and my sister’s as well), MaryEllen, and I stayed there for a week. This beach is amazing and has been named one of the best beaches in the world. The sand is white, and the water is crystal clear. I took some of my sister’s ashes with me since it is a place that she has never been to.

My plan was to release her ashes further out in the water instead of right off the shore to make sure that they stayed out at sea. As I said, the waters are crystal clear. When I swam out to the spot that I decided on to scope it out before releasing her, I looked down and could see the ocean floor. It looked like I could touch it with my toes, but it was too deep. I decided that the spot was far enough out and deep enough to release her ashes.

On another note, the whole time we were there, we never saw any fish when we were wading in the water. We went in several times a day to cool off and I mentioned to MaryEllen how odd it was to never see any fish as clear as the water is. Usually you see some smaller fish at least, but we didn’t see any. When we went out to release Raquel’s ashes at the spot that I chose, right before getting there, a fish appeared. It was one fish, I’d say about 10 inches long, and I can’t tell you what kind of fish it was. I tried shooing it away but it wouldn’t leave. So we swam back towards shore for a bit in hopes that it would leave when we decided to go back out. When we went back out, I literally thought the coast was clear and prepared to release her ashes. But then that fish appeared again! So I moved over a bit to avoid the fish and released her. No other fish around but this one!

When coming back to shore, I was looking down at the sand to try to find some decent shells to bring back home. All of them for the most part are white in that area. Before getting out of the water, I saw something that looked like a dried-up leaf, it was rusty brownish color. I almost just left it but decided to pick it up and it was a piece of a shell! Different looking then all the others I picked up. So I have that shell with her picture and ashes that I have on a shelf at home as a reminder of one of the places she has been released.

I’m not sure if the fish or the shell was any of my sister’s doing, but the whole thing was unusual. I am sharing a picture of the place where she was released. I hope she enjoys the scenery as much as I did. Love and miss you Raquel, so much.

Memories of My Sister

November 21, 2022
My first memory of my sister is when my mom was pregnant with her. I was 5 years old, and I remember sitting on the couch and my mom asked me if I wanted to feel the baby kick. She put my hand on her belly and I felt the baby kicking. From that point on, I was so excited and could not wait for the baby to get here. I remember asking my mom, “when is the baby coming?” several times. Finally, my sister was born. I remember when my mom brought her home, there was a lot of people in the apartment. My mom had me sit on the couch and she put my sister in my arms. I remember thinking how tiny she was, and I loved her immediately of course. I also remember a cousin of mine wanted to hold her too, but I didn’t want to let her go.
As years went by, I was very protective of her as all older siblings are. I also teased her, a lot, as older siblings do. I believe the meanest thing I did was tell her that she was really an alien and that her real alien family would come back for her when she turned 18.I know, I’m terrible. When we would hear police sirens, I would tell her to hide because they were looking for her, and she would hide. She eventually figured out that that story was fake. But when we got older, I apologized several times for all the mean things I did to her. I do still feel bad, but I have been told many times by other people with siblings that it’s all a part of growing up. Raquel would just laugh about it when I would think back on those times and apologize. She would say that it was ok and not to feel bad about it, that she turned out ok. But I do still hold on to a little bit of that guilt. Anyways, in 2010 I was shopping for a birthday card for her, and I found one that had a UFO on the front with aliens and it said that her “real” family was here to celebrate her birthday. I got the card and labeled the aliens as her real aunt, real sister and real dad. It was pretty funny. When she opened it, she laughed so hard. After she died, I was going through her purse looking for something for Gino, and in it, she had that birthday card. It was all beat up and faded, but there it was. I had no idea that she carried it with her. So I guess the being from an alien family story didn’t traumatize her like I thought it did. It was bittersweet to find it in there, but I am glad I did.

We are the Champions

November 14, 2022
  One of my favorite memories still to this day is Mrs.Colucci blasting Queen on the radio while she grilled outside. I haven’t really heard of Queen or any 80’s rock band until I came to the Colucci‘s house to hang out with Melody, and the family. When “We are the Champions” came on, she would belt out the lyrics or gently hum along to it. When the Beatles started playing, there’s one part of “Yellow Submarine” that she would always harmonize with with her humming.

  For the first time in years, I heard those two songs back to back today on the radio. I was driving to college, when all of a sudden I started to hear something very familiar. I’m not sure what I would call it, but I felt some wave of emotion crash over me, it was very bittersweet. Those two songs are now going to be listened to as much as I can, because they are not only very underrated in my opinion; but they were Her songs to me. It means a lot that I have something tangible in terms of a song. Reminds me of such richer times when I was younger and hearing Mrs.Colucci buzz around in the back deck while flipping chicken legs. (She also introduced me to one of my favorite foods.) I guess “We are the Champions” will be my new victory song.

Fade into You

November 13, 2022
Fade Into You by Mazzy Star performed by Melody Colucci as a tribute to her mother during her celebration of life ceremony. My amazing wife, Raquel suddenly passed away from a brain aneurysm, at the young age of 43 this year while on vacation. We’re both huge music nerds, that’s how we connected 24 years ago. Raquel was a bigger music nerd than I and now the torch has been passed down to Melody.  This was the greatest way we could think of to pay tribute to her… Melody and I with the support of some close friends, performed some of her favorite and other meaningful songs at her celebration of life ceremony.  This is only the second time, Melody ever sang and played guitar in front of an audience.   Fortunately,  two weeks before Raquel passed, she got to witness Melody sing and play guitar in front of a crowd of around 200 people at ASU. Her performance was heart warming and she knocked it out of the park! I am so happy she got to see that and I know she was smiling down upon us at her celebration. Special thanks to Scott Adwan, Jason Guerr, Mike Vivo and Rita Wilke for backing her on this. We love you all

The reason Mazzy Star was chosen is because I feel Raquel has been communicating to me through music, which makes perfect sense.  Raquel was an organ donor hero.  With her final selfless act, she saved five lives and helped a blind person see. The process was long, drawn out and painful.  After over nine days in the NICU  we left the hospital in Las Vegas to drive home through the mountains in her honor to the Phoenix Valley . We were accompanied by my brother and sister-in-law.  I know Raquel was with us. We were in a five passenger vehicle. The only open seat was in the back middle. Raquel  is a very selfless person.  If she was physically with us, this is where she would’ve sat.  There was absolutely nothing in the seat yet the car was sensing somebody was, it would not stop the warning chime until the seatbelt was fastened! Any  other vehicle I have ever been in with this security measure, only did this, when it was some kind of weighted object on the seat.
As we were driving, we didn’t have a signal for a while. As soon as we got near the Arizona border, we got a signal and meaningful songs played back to back. It was definitely a message from her, especially with what was going through my mind at the time..  Don’t Follow by Alice In Chains and Fade Into You by Mazzy Star. Both saw those are exactly what I needed to hear in the moment, and she made it happen.  For this reason I asked Melody to play this song. I knew this was something she would be able to do it.  I know Raquels is super proud of Melody. We love and miss her so much. ❤️

St. Pedro's Day

October 23, 2022
by Bob GH
A big coincidence that Raquel and I share is not only are our birthdays one day apart, but our fathers birthdays are also one day apart. When we were kids, we would make fun of our parents as every teen does, cracking jokes at their expense. Not fully appreciating or understanding the sacrifice they made for us at the time.     

When we got older, Raquel would tell me how much she adored and admired what a good man her father was. We would get a reminder of this on Raquel's facebook feed every fathers day and October 23rd. Having a daughter of my own now, I admire how much Pedro impacted Raquel. He not only raised one of the best human beings I ever met, but also set an example for other fathers like myself.

In Raquel's memory, I'll do my best every October 23rd to remember to pour a little liquor out for her old man. To a great father, who raised a great woman, I salute you. From this day on, I declare October 23rd, St. Pedro's Day!

I find solace in the thought of them being together and at peace from this world and its conflicts.

Cabin by the Sea -Her favorite Dirty Heads song

October 2, 2022
We performed an acoustic version of Cabin By The Sea from the vand Dirty Heads as a tribute to Raquel during her Celebration of Life ceremony. This was Raquel's favoite Dirty Head song and usually kicked of the weekends listening to it. This is the first time I sang in front of an audience. I am a drummer not a singer but my good friends an I learned this song to honor Raquel and my daughter Melody sang backup ❤️.  Thanks to all who made it to the celebration, you made the event extra special and full of love! Special thanks to the rest of the band. Mike Vivo, Jason Guerra, Scott Adwan and of course Melody Colucci. Sound run by Rita Wilke. Thank you!!!

Listening to New Music for Raquel

September 14, 2022
I know that when we were younger, I had an influence on Raquel's musical tastes. But the last two decades it has been the other way around and she introduced me to new music that I probably never would have listened to on my own but I love so much. One of those introductions was to Dirty Heads, which is an American reggae rock band from California. As everyone knows, she passed away unexpectedly and way too soon, 6 months ago on March 5th. So when the new Dirty Heads album, Midnight Control, came out late last month, I couldn't bring myself to listen to it right away without her being able to listen to it first. But today, I had to concentrate on some reports for work and I do that best with music (of course). So I made myself look up their new album on Spotify and played it on shuffle. They have done an amusing remake of Joe Walsh's Life's Been Good, which I think would have made her smile. 

But then I heard their song Live Your Life, I had to go back to Spotify to see what the title was because I loved it immediately and I know my sister would have too.  And then I heard Shade, and I was so overcome with so much emotion. I am listening to it again for the 4th time as I write this and still bawling. Such a perfect song for where I am in grief right now. Then I heard Little Things, a more lighter easy going song. I felt that it was a nice way to bring me back to a happier mood to listen to the rest of the album. I feel that Raquel put these songs in this particular order for a reason. A song we are both familiar with that was remade (which we both usually don't like remakes lol), then a song that explains itself, then a song that hit me like a punch in the gut, and then another to bring me back to a lighter mood. I feel like she listened to it with me. I love the whole album, probably one of my favorites from them so far.

So I am sharing Shade here on her page and with you. Hopefully make some new Dirty Heads fans.

"Sun gonna rise, On my face, Wash away, My mistakes, Wrap my heart, Up in sage, Let me sleep, In your shade"

Melody Performs Raquel's Favorite Coldplay Song @ the Celebration of Life!

August 29, 2022
I know Raquel felt the LOVE! This was Melody Colucci's second time playing guitar and singing for an audience. Only 2 rehearsals to get it together since we live in another state. Her first full band experience. What a beautiful tribute to her mother! Special thanks to the band members Jason Guerra, Michael Vivo, Scott Adwan for backing her and Rita Wilke for running sound!

Raquel's Celebration of Life - Butterfly Release

August 16, 2022
A candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long.

Raquel burned twice as bright as the rest of us. Extremely sad to lose her so soon. What a great example to strive to be like. 

Young The Giant

August 12, 2022
This picture triggered a great memory. Melody and her roommates were supposed to go to the Young the Giant  concert at Mesa Amphitheater but they had the quarantine for covid. Raquel Colucci had the idea to go to the concert and FaceTime her during Melody's  favorite songs! ❤️ #Raqstar #raquelslegacy #raquelcolucci #donatelife


August 12, 2022
Organ donation is something I have always been ignorant and reluctant to learn about until recently. Something changed. My soulmate Raquel was an organ donor, that was her heart and always has been.  Her selfless act is truly inspiring. The work and intricate details behind the scenes of the gifting process is simply amazing the way it all works. Literally the stars, moons, planets and everything need to align for things to work out but when it does many lives are touched in a profound way. Her gifts saved five lives and helped a blind person to see. All recipients are reported to be doing well! Her tissue will be used for years to come to improve the lives of many more in the future. I hope to share her story with as many people as possible and Inspire more to do the same. I was definitely inspired and I am now an organ donor. It literally took less than 5 minutes to register online! #raquelslegacy #Raqstar #raqstarangel #organdonor #donatelife #hero #raquelcolucci

Pulp fiction

August 10, 2022
One memory I’ll always cherish is Scotty, Raquel, Matt who is also no longer with us and I all went and seen pulp fiction the day it came out at the norridge theater. RIP Raquel you will be missed.

Agave Syrup and the little things

August 2, 2022
   After a fun-filled sleepover, me and Melody would wake up with hair like a rats nest and sleep-rumpled pjs. And there, waiting on the table, would be Nutella-filled pancakes. Hot, steamy, and fluffy, these are what I looked forward to eating when waking up. And there stood Mrs.Colucci, spatula in hand and a bright smile. 

“Good morning, girls!” She would always chime, chipper and full of sunshine. 

   After her notorious delicious pancakes, she introduced me to agave syrup. Similar to maple syrup, it was a lot sweeter and rich and became one of my favorite additions to breakfast food. To this day, I always go to multiple stores, hunting for it and am overjoyed when I find it. Mrs.Colucci taught me not only to try new things, but to try them even if you are already satisfied with your favorite breakfast condiment. (At the time maple syrup, but now agave syrup)

   And there are the little things that Mrs.Colucci taught me that still stuck with me for years.

-She taught me it’s okay to show emotions, even when Melody teased her because she was crying at, (sorry, spoiler!), Dobby’s death in Harry Potter.

-She would compete against me in video games, shoving, playful grin on her face as she would beat me time and time again at them. She gave me the open friendliness that so many parents lack. Mr.Colucci would always egg her on, his eyes always so soft when looking at her. She presented to me that that was the relationship I wanted, the open affection and candid moments of pure joy.

-She taught me to celebrate the little things, when she would do a little dance because she would flip a pancake perfectly, Melody made some art or the chicken legs turned out perfectly.

-She taught me to be open in affection, her and Mr. Colucci would snuggle together, do kisses as the pass by, or sway together in the kitchen.

-She taught me to be gentle, she loved each of her dogs, cats and the Guinea pigs, with such reverence and fragility they would always preen at.

-She taught me what being healthy looked like, eat when given food, appreciated the people around you, and parent gently with your kids.

-She taught me care, dipping her finger in the hot tub making sure it wasn’t too hot for me and Melody. She would always make sure we were satisfied with our food before digging into her own. She would always make sure I had enough blankets, food and make water bottles for me to make sure I drank whenever I stayed over.

-She taught me to be proud of what you have. Making a water slide with the hose and tarp on a hill? Genius. A piano that was out of tune at times, but she would gleefully pluck whenever she passed by it? Child-like joy. A TV that would crackle out and static at random intervals? She would thump it and it would go back to normal. She knew what it meant to be innovative and create fun with the resources you have.

-She would invest in Melody’s interests, which really showed the love she had for her. She taught me what playful banter is like, light jokes and being a listeningparent really was like.

-She would always sing when she would clean the house. At times running into the room me and Melody would be in, belting at the top of her lungs the lyrics of some grunge, rock and roll song. She taught me to have fun, even if people looked at you oddly. She taught me to enjoy myself for myself.

-She gave me love in terms of her bountiful hugs, praises and compliments whenever I accomplished even the smallest things. 

-She would laugh gently at times, reminding me of a butterfly landing on a leaf. And then she would burst like a firework when a joke would land, when Happy would beg for a treat or Mr.Colucci would nuzzle against her. 

-She gave the gift of getting to know her, and to see and appreciate the little things because that is what matters. She knew grand gestures were great and all, but she showed me through the years of knowing her that the little things add up to the greatest gesture of love. 

Thank you, Mrs.Colucci for giving me what many parents failed to give. Lessons in love, life and what it means to be alive. She was always happy and I always strived for that in life, and it was through her and her family that taught me that. I will miss you.

-Miadora Bilanicz

Pearl Jam concert for 50 cents? Yes please!

August 2, 2022
One of my favorite memories with Raquel was in July 1995. Pearl Jam (our favorite band) was playing at Soldier Field and neither of us were able to get tickets. We showed up anyway with cash in hand hoping to get tickets from a scalper once we got there. We were wandering around the parking lot yelling, "Anybody have tickets for sale? We need two!" and eventually this really drunk, slurring girl stumbled up to us and told us she didn't have tickets but she knew where we could get some and if we gave her a dollar she would tell us. So we gave her the dollar and she told us to go to Will Call and say our name was Mary Doneski and that we had two tickets waiting for us. I decided to be Mary since I look far more Polish than Raquel (because I'm actually Polish), told the clerk I was Mary, and she handed us two 2nd row tickets. We couldn't believe it worked. We were sitting right in front of Mancow (the DJ). Apparently Mary won tickets in a radio contest and wasn't going to go. It was a great show and easily one of the best times I had with Raquel. 

Sorry I Couldn't Make It

July 31, 2022
by Bob GH


July 30, 2022
…As a mother of 3 teenagers I teach my children that there are a plethora of people that will come and go in your life (moving, job change, school change, change in circumstances, a falling out, etc…). I teach them that as you meet these people you will learn by their actions, heart, and soul that some you should keep at a distance, some a little closer in your social circle, and then there’s a few that are called ‘KEEPERS’. ‘KEEPERS’ are the ones that when you meet them you never let them go, and you stay friends with them for a lifetime,  regardless of the circumstances. From the time I met Raquel & Gino13 years ago I knew they  were ‘KEEPERs’; and my daughter felt the same about their daughter, Melody. We stayed friends after the move out of state all these years….
Please look around you and recognize who are the ‘KEEPERS’ in your life, give them a hug, and never loose touch with them…. After all- Perhaps you’re  ‘A KEEPER’ too.  By- Tiffany Asta & daughter Miadora

The Great Mousecapade

July 28, 2022
by Bob GH
It was the summer of 97 on a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon. Raquel had just moved back from Kentucky and we were hanging out with a random group of knuckle draggers. Of course being 19 yrs, we were looking for a cool place to drink. The plan was to go to one of the beaches on the Northshore, but those elitist jerks kicked us out. So we ended up hanging out at one of the knuckle draggers dilapidated studio apartment in Old Irving Park. He had a python in a fish tank and while we were there, he threw a mouse in the tank to feed it. Naturally, Raquel with her bleeding heart for animals felt so bad for the poor little mouse. So we concocted a plan to snatch the mouse out of the tank. This was a hard task considering there were about 7 of us cramped into a studio apartment. The basic plan was, Raquel would distract the fellows, while I snuck in and grabbed the mouse.  Since Raquel was the only girl there, she easily got the guys attention. I was then able to swoop in and grab the mouse without fuss.  The plan was going smoothly until we tried to put the mouse in her backpack. The mouse ran out of the bag before it could be zipped closed, which left us scrambling trying to grab the mouse before the other guys noticed. Luckily they were stoned out of their minds and didn't take notice. We eventually caught the little guy and put it safely in her bag. 
About 20 minutes later, one of the stoned knuckle draggers walks up to the tank and is like "whoa man, the snake ate the mouse" then the other 4 guys walk up and are just as amazed as any blasted group of teenage boys would be. The funny part was when they were pointing out the "bulge" in the snake where the "mouse" was. It was hard for Raquel and I to keep a straight face, but we just played along and acted just as astonished. When we left I had a shoe box in my trunk that we punched some holes in for the mouse. Raquel took the little guy and found a nice home for it. I think she gave the mouse to Debbie?
Remembering this story, brought back fond memories and reminded me of what a beautiful soul Raquel was. She even felt bad that the snake had to go hungry. One of the kindest and gentlest human beings I have ever met. Her acts of kindness are too many for me to speak of in one post.
I miss you my dear old friend. You are gone, but will never be forgotten! Thank you for the memories

My Favorite Weekend Getaway with Raquel in the Campervan

July 23, 2022
Most don't know Raquel and I started a youtube channel mid Covid 19 due to boredom. It started off as a way to easily share videos with family yet strangers were actually subscribing! I converted our minivan into a campervan for long weekend camping and road trips in order to fight the depression of being new empty nesters. We kind of became obsessed lol! Anyway this was one of our favorite weekend getaways when we upgraded to a full size campervan. This was a trial run with the new to us campervan to see what what worked and what we wanted to change with the setup. I still have multiple videos to edit from the last year which were all amazing. It hurts that all of our future plans will never be... I am hoping to edit and upload videos from the last year if I am able to so please subscribe and turn on notifications so your will be alerted if and when I do. We actually got the channel monetized weeks before she left us and since we lost Raquel's income it helps if you watch the videos all the through, let the ads play, like and comment. Her is a link to thechannel

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