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July 24, 2022
July 24, 2022
As most already know this has been the absolute hardest and trying of times for myself, my daughter, and our family. My wife and life long companion Raquel Colucci who is the love of my life and mother to my child was tragically taken from us way too early. At 43 years young she suffered a type of stroke known as a cerebral hemorrhage (brain bleed) on Saturday March 5th while on a spontaneous trip in Las Vegas. It was a sudden rapid onset that was deep within the center of her brain and there was nothing that could be done due to the severity and location. For several years she has been getting random severe headaches yet nothing abnormal was found until now. My biggest fear came true. I was alone with her for the first few terrifying hours. Fortunately our daughter Melody was able to immediately jump on a plane to be at her side. Thankfully her sister Rita, two of my brothers, her mom and my dad were able to come and offer support in dealing with this tragedy. Melody also had a close friend in town nearby which was extremely helpful. She was officially pronounced on March 9th at 16:47. I greatly appreciate the respect for our privacy as requested and the love given from all of our friends and family while we helped Raquel fulfill her final wish. She offered the greatest gifts and act of selflessness imaginable. Her legacy will live on as a hero and inspiration and I will make sure the world knows her heart. The organ donation process was far beyond difficult and taxing, lasting over a week. This was Immensely draining on everyone as we were not prepared. There were many hiccups in communication adding to the stress. In the end Raquel's generous gifts saved and improved countless lives including helping a blind victim see again! I will share the details in the future when we understand the full effect of her good deed. These actions bring relief, hope and joy to so many families and will have such an amazing ripple effect.

Today is my first day alone since the incident 3/16/2022. It is difficult but I am managing somehow. I am watching videos of her, viewing pictures and listening to our favorite playlist as I write this trying to reflect on the silver lining.
Although our time together was cut short we faced our fears, took major risks, loved hard and truly lived. We went through many tough times but together we triumphed which made the good times even sweeter. So many wonderful memories. I know for sure we were destined soul mates. I am glad to know I had such an impact on her life. I will forever cherish our time together and honor her spirit. It does not end here. Her legacy will be shared to as many as possible in hopes to inspire others to step up and consider organ donation. At the very least be inspired to take actions to just keep LIVIN! I want her story and heart known to the world. She really is the best of the best.

For those who don't know her well, Raquel was the opposite of me being more shy and reserved. The most humble and authentic person I have ever met. Those lucky enough to experience her love and personality know how amazing of a person she is. Literally one of a kind. We met at age 15 and I was blessed to be at her side for 24 years on this wild ride of life. I will forever miss her aura, gorgeous face, generous heart and perfect soul. Her beautiful and memorable smile. Her extremely selfless and caring acts of kindness. Her taste in music. We shared the same dorky, fun sense of humor with years upon years of inside jokes. Her unique laugh and that cute cracky voice which I fell in love with. We knew each other's souls inside and out and helped each other through the darkest of times. Her love and compassion for animals was immeasurable and I hope to find a way to honor that in her name somehow in the future.

We were fortunate to find each other and have such a deep connection. Still madly in love 24 years after our first kiss under the fireworks in Antioch, IL. Our love for each other runs to unimaginable depths. The amount of love and kindness that she radiated was inspirational and contagious. Don't get me wrong. She would immediately put someone in their place if they messed with anyone she held in her heart and would be fierce about it. When the universe allowed her to let loose she was an absolutely firecracker! Simply a super amazing person all around, loved and adored by so many. She was so perfect for me and I can always count on her to reel me in as she was the only person who can actually tame me. Myself and our daughter were always her top priority. Countless acts of selflessness, sacrifice and support to ensure we had the best lives possible. She did such a wonderful job raising our amazing daughter and remained humble to her accomplishments. I will brag for her because the world needs to know. Melody was met with and overcame many challenges the universe presented her. Despite this and with the help of Raquels diligent efforts the kid is absolutely thriving. She received a score on her ACT of 35! For those who don't know, that is one away from a perfect score. She was accepted into her first choice, one of the best rated schools in this country. Barrett the Honors College at ASU! Melody is already making history being a founder of the officially recognised Neurodiverse Devils! The group was able to secure funding through the university to help grow membership to 100 students in its first year. She continues to excel and kick ass despite the many challenges she faces on the daily. Double majoring in Sustainability and Geography with a minor in Spanish. She is absolutely crushing it and just getting started! She is obviously destined to do great things and help change the world for the better. She promised Raquel to reach her full untapped potential and I will be behind her every step of the way to ensure that happens. In addition Melody is beyond driven, creative, strong, armed with her mothers looks, kindness, compassion and sense of humor. She will be an unstoppable force. Raquel recently got the chance to witness Melody perform a solo duet on stage at ASU where she sang and played guitar simultaneously for the first time in front of people to a crowd over 200 people during her choir concert. She was so proud!

While we know Raquel has physically departed, we have already experienced many signs she is with and part of us. She will guide us to carry on. We will honor her memory and make sure as many people as possible are touched by her soul and inspired to spread love, kindness and compassion as she did. The attributes needed most in the world these days. Raquel is a perfect shining example and role model as to what a good natured person is which she portrayed through actions instead of words.

Raquel's Celebration of life will be held July 30th in Chicago, IL. We are not into traditional memorial services but we have a unique idea we will implement and many will be involved if they choose to partake. Details will be posted soon.

Please hold your loved ones tight. Raquel Colucci we love and miss you so much, may you rest in peace.

#raquelslegacy #hero #donatelife #organdonation #RIP #inspiration #love #nevadadonarnetwork #TheGoodDieYoung #rolemodel #nextadvanture
June 6
June 6
~ Happy Heavenly Birthday Raquel ~

Kailei and I are going to the Australian Pink Floyd show today at Rosemont Theater, for your birthday. You and I saw them so many years ago for my birthday. A few months ago I saw that they were going to be in town and knew that Kailei and I had to go.

But we will be thinking of you, as we always do when we do things certain things that we wish you were here for. Time does not heal the pain, that's a fricken lie. The pain does shift to a point were it's tolerable, and you adjust to a different life without that significant person in it. But it SUCKS. I'm not going to sugar coat it. You ride the waves of grief as they come. Sometimes you're gasping for breath and sometimes you’re surfing along. Birthdays and holidays just bring the heartache that is always there to the surface.

At your CoL, I recited a quote that I heard and also included it on your legacy page:

"A candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long"

The selfish part of me wishes that you didn't burn so bright so that you could have burned longer. Because we all know that you burned so much brighter than the rest of us. And because of that, you made a positive impact in this world, and the rest of us just hope to do the same in some way.

When you lose someone so close, you go on because they would want you to go on and live your full life. You go on because others are depending that you go on. But it's hard to go on in a life without that person in it. But you go on, for them and for the people depending on you to do so. Because if you don’t, you put them in the exact same spot that you’re in now. And that's the last thing you want for them. If you're lucky, you go on because you have learned that you need to, have to, live your best life. For yourself and for the people you love, the ones still here with you and the ones who have passed on.

We love you, and miss you like crazy. But I know you are celebrating on the other side. Until we meet again. XO
Gino Colucci
June 6
June 6
Happy heavenly birthday, Raquel! Words can’t describe how much we all miss you. Melody and I are carrying on our new tradition to celebrate your birthday doing something fun together in your honor. Horseback riding in Prescott, a beautiful hike and stargazing in Sedona. We found the perfect place for you. We love you so much!
March 5
March 5
We all love and miss you Raquel. The girls speak of you often and Madi did her ofrenda in honor of you for her class. ❤️ 
March 5
March 5
You've been gone two years. It's still unbelievable and we're still adjusting to life without here. You were gone way too soon. But you helped and saved so many lives, and that's your awesome legacy.
March 5
March 5
It’s been two years since I heard your voice in person. We miss you so much. Thank you for being in our lives Raquel. You are and continue to be an amazing and inspirational woman. At the end of this month we are meeting the woman who received your precious heart and thats special. You are an amazing gift of love, beauty, hope and inspiration to this world. You have made a tremendous impact, especially in our lives. You are greatly missed by many. Thank you for the continued signs from the other side ❤️❤️❤️ #raquelslegacy #raqstarangel #raquelcolucci #donatelife
June 6, 2023
June 6, 2023
Happy birthday Raquel! I miss you.
I remember a few of my birthdays and Raquel was there and she knew that I partied hard so she always try to keep up with me lol. Me and her had kind of a brother sister kind of chemistry she was always giving me crap about slowing down. We may not have been super close but I did know that she cared about my well-being.
June 6, 2023
June 6, 2023
My memories of Raquel are mostly of her laughing. You knew she was in the room because when she laughed it filled the room. So on the rare moments when I made her laugh it automatically made me laugh along with her.
June 6, 2023
June 6, 2023
Happy heavenly birthday Raquel. We love and miss you so much!
May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023
Raquel always had a spunky kind silly spark of light about her. Although in adulthood she’s didn’t know her beyond fb as children we had a group of friends and that’s was our lifelong group, we always all hung out together through out the years till 8th grade unfortunately high school and beyond I no longer got to know her! We lost touch till FB so thankfully I got to see her family and adventure and that spark she always had! Through the last decade or more! I was glad to see she never changed, if anything got soo much kinder if that was possible! Beautiful woman with a beautiful soul
May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023
I remember meeting her at Roulas house when we were parnters on the ambulance. She was really bubbly and sweet. I knew you were in love.
May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023
There were so many things that bonded us together, Raquel and I. From the moment she transferred to our school in the fourth grade, we became instant best friends. We shared countless memories, but one of our favorite rituals was having lunch at my house watching Days of our lives and then after school walking to her house and indulging in the same delicious snack. Twix, string cheese, and Dr. Pepper were our go-to treats. However, what made it even more special was the straw with a bend. Raquel had to have one, and I was always secretly jealous because we never had straws at my house. It seemed like such a small thing, but to us, it was a symbol of joy and friendship.
After finishing our school day, we would rush to Raquel's house for snack time. Her mom was always there to greet us, along with their adorable white, curly-haired dog named Brandy. Brandy's presence added an extra layer of happiness to our afternoons.
Our Friday nights were reserved for our special outings with Raquel's dad. Every week, we would head to Peppes, a local restaurant, and order the same thing: granachos and rice. Before reaching Peppes, we made a stop at the bank and a little grocery store. The grocery store had a distinctive smell, one that I can still remember to this day. It wasn't an unpleasant scent, but rather a nostalgic aroma that created an indelible memory in my mind.
Raquel's dad was always generous and insisted on paying for our meals. I would offer to contribute, but he never accepted my money. It was his way of showing kindness and care, making me feel like a part of their family. Looking back, I often wonder if I even had enough money to pay for our meals, but it didn't matter. Those moments at Peppes were about more than just the food; they were about the companionship and the bond we shared. I'm grateful for those.
Raquel introduced me to Tetris, and I can still picture her room with a television. It was a luxury I didn't have in my room, we spent a lot of time in her room, long late night sleepovers hearing Rita staying up late and hearing Rita laughing and I mean a laugh that was infectious to Jay Leno, and us up late watching Saturday Night live. Our favorite one was Simon, I can still hear her singing “hello my name is Simon and I like to do drawings, come do drawings with me.” And “Pencils”. Nevertheless, we spent hours playing Tetris together, singing laughing, and creating memories that would last a lifetime.
As we progressed through high school, our friendship remained strong, but life began to change. Responsibilities and new experiences pulled us in different directions. Despite the changes, we still held on to the memories of our shared childhood adventures.
One of our favorite activities was going trick-or-treating on Halloween. We would arm ourselves with pillowcases, determined to gather as much candy as possible. We would stay out late, often being the last ones to return home. It was an annual tradition that we cherished, filled with laughter, creativity, and a shared love for all things sweet.
Though life took us on separate paths, the bond we formed in those early years remained unbreakable. The memories of our after-school snacks, Peppes dinners, church activities, summer camp at timberlee, retreats and countless adventures still bring a smile to my face. Raquel will always hold a special place in my heart, the friendship we shared will forever be cherished. I miss and love you Raquel, I will see you again. 
August 14, 2022
August 14, 2022
Just added to organ donor. Raquel Inspired me to do this by her selfless act of sharing her organs. God bless you Raquel. 

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