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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Ray Jimenez, 72 years old, born on January 14, 1951, and passed away on November 30, 2023. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him but will live on through his stories and those we share and retell about him.
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
What a remarkable legacy you've created, Ray. I loved the opportunity to learn from you along the way.

Rest in peace, Ray.

I send my condolences to family and friends during this difficult time and pray that the overwhelming joy of knowing and loving Ray comforts you.
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
I was very saddened to hear of Ray's passing. I am relatively new to the Training Magazine Network and attended a few sessions with Ray. I was always grateful for the horizons opened to me by the wealth of knowledge and innovation Ray continued to share with his learners. My sincere condolences to Ray's family, friends and colleagues.
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
I was very saddened to hear of Ray's passing. I am relatively new to the Training Magazine Network and attended a few sessions with Ray. I was always grateful for the horizons opened to me by the wealth of knowledge and innovation Ray continued to share with his learners. My sincere condolences to Ray's family, friends and colleagues.
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
Ray was always on the edge of both innovation, learning and rationale excitement. He moved our industry forward - with care, smarts, empathy and honesty. He is missed already.  Rest in Peace Ray! Elliott Masie
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
Ray was an amazing friend and mentor to me over the past 6 years. I will never forget the last dinner we had together back in February 2020. We gathered at the restaurant that was at the top of the Disney's Coronado Springs Resort on one of the evenings leading up to the Training Network Magazine Conference that year. It was not only an amazing meal, but Ray was also amazing company. I so treasure that I got to have that one-on-one experience with him. He always made each person he met feel like the most important person in the room. While February 2020 was the last time we saw each other in person, we did talk from time to time in other ways in the years since. I have to say that every time I saw a "Ray email with you tube video" instance I immediately smiled. I do hope that his videos are retained on you tube because they are amazing resources to revisit. Ray was a training master and someone we in the training industry look up to and aspire to be. From conversations with Ray, I gather he was also an amazing husband and father. He always beamed with pride when he talked about his family. I especially enjoyed the stories of his son's work at JPL/NASA. It is so rare to have someone in this life that excels at both spheres of their life. Ray was also an amazing dancer, had the best smile, and an awesome sense of humor .

I can only imagine what Ray's families (blood and work) are feeling right now. I know there is nothing I can say to help as you grieve. Thank you for allowing me to share this message and words with you! I hope they, even if it is in a small way, bring comfort to Ray's family and those that loved him.
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
Ray was always on the edge of both innovation, learning and rationale excitement. He moved our industry forward - with care, smarts, empathy and honesty. He is missed already.  Rest in Peace Ray! Elliott Masie
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
My heart is SO heavy right now as I just learned of Ray's passing. I never had the pleasure of meeting him in person; however, I had the ultimate experience with him online during several of his live sessions. What an incredibly smart, funny, and thought-provoking man! I learned so much from him during those webinars that I didn't know how I could possible do everything that he taught during that time. But - Ray was so encouraging and every ready to explain and challenge that it was easy.
God Bless his Family and friends during this time. May everyone who knew Ray be comforted by the peace that only our God can provide.
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
When I was a very young training professional, I attended a class that Ray was teaching. He later invited me to lunch with his esteemed colleagues, I was so nervous and scared but he made room for me at the table. I have enjoyed his teachings for so many years and will be forever grateful to a kind man who reached out to a young man so many years ago. Rest in peace, Ray!
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
When I was a very young training professional, I attended a class that Ray was teaching. He later invited me to lunch with his esteemed colleagues, I was so nervous and scared but he made room for me at the table. I have enjoyed his teachings for so many years and will be forever grateful to a kind man who reached out to a young man so many years ago. Rest in peace, Ray!
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
I was just talking to Ray a couple of days ago! Shocking and sad. Ray was an inspiration and a great mentor of the "micro-learning" concept that he championed. Rest in peace Ray! We will carry on and continue to help young people in learning civility around the world.
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
I was just talking to Ray a couple of days ago! Shocking and sad. Ray was an inspiration and a great mentor of the "micro-learning" concept that he championed. Rest in peace Ray! We will carry on and continue to help young people in learning civility around the world.
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
We are very saddened to hear of Ray Jimenez recent passing.
Yes, Ray was a very special friend and mentor to many of us, just like myself.
I first heard about Ray at Training Mag Disney conference in 2019 through his partner Bill Ryan.
Both Ray and Bill were very helpful to me as I was just beginning to learn what “Training” means. I will always remember!

Following year, I returned and attended Ray’s session and that began years of Ray and I talking, then helping one another.
Right now, I am looking at multiple certificates hanging on my wall. However, Ray left me with ideas much more valuable!

Ray’s passion showed, in the way he presented his webinars and set time aside for others. Now, we have to “Figure It Out.”
That was always what stood out with Ray…his passion to help others. We all felt valued in Ray’s webinar, or in person talks.

Ray’s legacy lives on, through our Micro Learning as we continue helping others in their Flow of Work virtually or in person!
Diagnose, Solve, Apply, Test, became Search, Ask, Discuss …to not be “SAD” with Collaboration and better Communication.

All of our prayers go out to his family, personal friends and extended L&D families!

God bless, Steve Oliver
December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023
I first met Ray in the summer of 2011 in a live story-based learning workshop in Boston. It was a two-day workshop and I remember being so excited about the concepts he was teaching from day one that I went back to my hotel room and worked on applying the ideas to a real example I had from work. When I went back the next day, Ray was surprised and eager to provide feedback on my early attempt to apply his ideas. That began a friendship and working relationship that spanned over 12 years. The same holds true all these years later – Ray was a person of surprise and delight, eager to explore new ideas and provide feedback to make good things great. I will truly miss him as a friend and thought partner.

Jonathan Workman, Mentor, Vignettes Learning
December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023
I met Ray through one of the VL workshops, and after it was done he asked me if I wanted to try mentoring for them. I had never gotten such a high compliment from anyone before, was flabbergasted, but decided to give it a whirl and it was the best decision I ever made. Ray was my boss, my mentor, but most of all my friend over the years. I always called him my "Yoda" because he was so brilliant, wise and always led you towards a solution but ultimately didn't hand it to you. He was a shining star that has been extinguished way too soon. I will miss sharing sunrise and "critter" pictures with him. He always asked how all the wild animals were that visited my house. As Ray would always say, "Time for a margarita." My next one will be raised in his name. Rest in peace my friend; you deserve it since you never slept while here on earth based on all of our correspondence. Love you, my "Yoda". Melissa D. VL's Lead Mentor
December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

I met Ray as a participant in a micro-learning class, and then had the luck to be asked to be a VL mentor. He was wonderful and became a good friend.  He continued his mentorship of me until before his death.

I will miss our talks and seeing his smiling face. I hope somehow the programs can continue, even if he is not there except in spirit, as he still will have a lot to share with the world.
December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023
Ray's the first person to trust me even if I know nothing that time. Until his last day he never failed to see the best in me. He opened so many opportunities for me, motivated me in striving my goals and inspired me in pursuing what I really love.

Ray is my boss, a mentor, and a father; his guidance, his kindness, and his legacy of wisdom and dedication will forever inspire me.
Ray truly lived his life perfectly! He's the best!

I will surely miss his random “kamusta ka?”.
We/I may not say it to him before he left, but we really really appreciate him.
December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023
I remember the last time that I had a meeting with Ray was suppose to be about work, but it turns out that we had a great time telling stories about our personal lives.

On that meeting, first he ask me "How are you, Island Boy?". He always calls me with that silly name because he knows that I am a digital nomad who loves traveling while working and stays from places for long periods of time.

I responded, "I am good Ray, currently here in Siargao. How about you?".

Then he told me his childhood memories, how he used to live in the province near beaches as they play with his friends. He mentioned how he miss those days and riding with boats and ferries.

He ask me if I know beachfront properties that are available. He also considers about the hospitals there. I told him that there are a lot of properties out here that you will going to like. But regarding with hospitals, there is only one and the facilities are not great yet. Few clinics as well for basic medical treatments.

On that moment, I think he had envisioned his retirement. The idea of living again close to nature once and for all. Looking back to how far he had come. Reminiscing the things he had achieved and accomplished.

We are very proud of you Ray.
Thank you for being part of our lives.
We missed you so much.

Austin Dulay [VL member, Dev team]
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
I started my virtual career with Vignettes, with Ray as our leader and mentor. I can’t imagine what everyone who worked under him must be feeling right now. Thank you for all the guidance and learning since 2019 Ray. We are celebrating your legacy here. God has a beautiful reward for you up there for being an admirable leader! May your soul rest in peace.

Mai Leonardo [VL member]
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
For the 15 years I've been working with Ray, he is not just my boss, but, my mentor, a father, and a friend. Ray trusted me with my duties and responsibilities from Vignettes For Training and Training Payback, until Training Magazine Network and SMM, and Vignettes Learning and Situation Expert. I wouldn't be where I am now without him.

When I read back to our recent chat, the very last chat we had he asked for an audio file, a music background that he could use for a video that he was creating at that moment, the day before he was gone. Then I sent him a calming music background, then he liked it and used it on the video. And nothing else that followed on that chat until I received the very bad news.

I will truly miss his line, "Oki Doki!", "Salamat sa malasakit!", whenever we ended our video call.

Ray, I know you are calm now and at peace. I truly miss and love you, Ray.

Nate [VL member]
Erwin Bantilan
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
Ray has played a significant role not only in my career but also in my life. I wouldn't be where I am now without him. Even this morning, I found it very hard to believe.

I'll always keep him in my thoughts and will forever treasure having known him.

Erwin Bantilan [former VL member]
Christine Cloma
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
The reality of Ray's passing still feels surreal to me. One thing that most stuck in my mind is, that he's a great leader, mentor, and a father figure to both me and Erwin. Right after I graduated, Ray showed an incredible belief in my potential, generously offering me numerous opportunities. His ability to recognize my capabilities, even during moments of self-doubt, was truly remarkable. His influence and unwavering support will be deeply missed.

Christine Cloma [former VL member]
Nikka Bacera
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
I am deeply saddened about Ray's untimely passing.
He's a great mentor and has significantly made an impact on my career.
Ray believed in my skills and potential even though I was just 23 when I started with Vignettes Learning. I will forever cherish my memories with him and keep him in my prayers.

Nikka Bacera [former VL member]
Edgardo Diesta Jr.
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
We will pray for his good soul.

Edgardo Diesta Jr. [former VL member]
Derrick Murillo
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
Ray was not just a boss but a mentor and has inspired me in so many ways.

My love and prayers to the family and regards to everyone in the Vignettes team, past and present.

Derrick Murillo [former VFT member]
Cerelino Gabata
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
Dami nya naitulong sa akin..will never forget him.

Cerelino Gabata [former VFT Dev]
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September 2
September 2
Ray was a great guy to do things that made it a better place to be.
September 2
September 2
As much as I have a good story and uplifting memory about every interaction I ever had with Ray, the following is where he lives for me.

Earlier this week I began conversations with a brilliant almost-30 relative I've just met concerning advising and supporting the scaling up of his successful sole-proprietorship into an up-and-coming start-up. In the process of our getting to know each other and revealing our commonalities, I shared a couple of anecdotes about Ray and suggested he look into TrainingMagNetwork and Vignettes, He diligently took to his research, and this is how it evolved:

"Curt. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news and I am sorry for your loss." and he included the link to tbe Training Magazine in-memoriam of Ray. After reading it, I followed the included link to here, and I offer my reply to him.

"As synchronicity works, it was my unwitting eulogy to Ray that I shared with you the other day.

The article is a testament to his life's work, and is his reminder to us of the impact a dedicated and creative teacher can have on those with whom he shares his passion.

He Mentored and Inspired thousands.

What a noble legacy he has left for us to align to, embrace and apply so that the lives of others are positively impacted and their responses are of such deep appreciation and gratitude. 

I'm glad that you and I have met on the level where the spirit of Ray, in his version of deus-ex-machina, has appeared and validated our mutual vision and conversations of what we are up to in this life and why."

Thanks for your presence and the continuing support, Ray.
July 18
July 18
Ray was a game-changer and an inspiration. I've missed his training clips--many which I forwarded to fellow consultants and several of my clients. He was so succinct with full content yet impactful words. I was so shocked to receive a call from him one day last year asking if I would participate in an activity. I couldn't believe I was talking to one of my heroes in real-time. Today I listened to a TrainingMagNetwork webinar, and in addition to that, clicked on the link for Ray's memorial. Wonderful eulogies given with so much deserved love and respect. Gary V. is carrying on the excellent webinars that he and Ray did so much to bring into existence. Thank you and God Bless you, Ray and Gary!
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