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His Life

Missing you

September 2, 2012

Its hard to believe that your gone...not a day goes by that I dont miss you and wish you were still here.....sometimes it seems like you were the only one I could talk to...the one that had no hidden agenda....there has been so much happen and sometimes I have to stop my self from just picking up the phone to call you and catch up....thoughs are the what if you were still here today...but thats only a dream.

Life moves forward theres no stopping controlling thigs only to make choices and live with the ones we make...not to let others force choice and try to live our lives.

In a way your being gone enabled me to  take a chance and "live" life  still workign on the happy part...but it is what it is.....

somehow summer just isnt the same without jsut sitting around a fire and sharing the good ol stories and laughter form one another....but now exist as only a memory.