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March 4
Renee was my therapist for 3~ years at SCCC. She is so special to me. Her compassion and care guided me through my healing journey. I don't know who I would be without her. She is so special to me and I am grateful to have had her in my life. I think of and miss her often. <3
November 6, 2021
I met Renee in the late 80s, both working in casting. We were from very different places, she from Texas and me from New York City abs yet we felt we were very similar. Someone referred to Renee as a Barry whisperer, she was that to him and to many, she cherished people for who they were and celebrated and encouraged them to be their best selves. As years passed and we both left casting and still 
nurtured human spirits, we would see each other at different kid events and it was like time had stood still in away, we can get back in, go deep, laugh and hug and go till the next time. I treasure the moments that make up my friendship with such a beautiful person and I will wear them with me like a stunning beaded necklace.

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