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His Life

Simple Kind of Man

May 13, 2017

Renn was a man of few words, but when he did, you could bet your bottom dollar he meant every word of it. My brother was a man of integrity.  He never spoke harsh of anyone without a good reason.

My brother moved in with our Papa after we lost Nanny.  He took care of his every need without hesitation or ever once complaining.  He lived his life to honor him as best he could, putting his needs last.

Renn played the guitar by ear, as most of our family did.  He reminded me of Papa, picking and singing! His only child, Laurie does the same. She was the love of his life.

You could always find Renn working on a car from the age of 16. He taught Auto Mechanics at Crest High for a short period. If he wasn't at the barn, he was at ShadySide Dragstrip.  Renn loved to turn the 6's, without the bottle! He was a true mechanic, working on every inch of the car, from the motor, body work to the paint job.

Growing up, it was just Momma, Renn and myself. We always stood by each others side. I am very BLESSED to be his sister!

My brother lived his life on his own terms and always stood up for what he believed in! He would never complain, no matter how bad things got. He fought with all his might to keep the home built by our grandparents, and today his daughter continues his dream of keeping the house in the family! 

Renn Avery Long came into this world August 3,1970 and he left on June 16,2016 at Shady Side, due to a massive heart attack. I have been told he had a heart attack some time prior to his leaving, and just never realized it. My brother never went to the doctor and never complained of being sick. I admire the strength he had to have been able to run the last race of his life, being able to keep control of his car, while having a massive heart attack!

My precious brother was a organ donor, and I have the honor of knowing that someone out there is able to have their precious family member just a little bit longer, because of my Hero: Renn Avery Long!

Rest In Peace, Kekei loves you with all of her heart!