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His Life

Spanish Eulogy

May 18, 2021
Ricardo “Ricky”, como lo llamamos todos los que lo conocíamos y amábamos, era el joven más dulce, cariñoso, divertido y trabajador. Tocó los corazones de todos los que lo conocían. El día que Ricky vino a este mundo, sus padres, Elida y Alvaro, estaban muy emocionados porque su primogénito se había unido a su hermosa familia. Poco sabían que Ricky iba a ser un niño llorón mientras crecía. Le tenía miedo a todo cuando era niño, pero nada le asustaba más que las moscas. Ricky gritaba y lloraba cuando uno se paraba en él. Desde pequeño, Ricky era un niño aventuroso. Su mama siempre recibía llamadas de su maestro, no porque fuera un mal estudiante, sino porque era demasiado sociable y hablaba demasiado. A Ricky le encantaba ver luchas de WWE. Tenía todos los cinturones de la WWE y salía de su habitación fingiendo ser John Cena, menos los músculos. A Ricky le encantaba ver el programa Drake y Josh cuando era más joven. Siempre tocaba la canción principal, I Found a Way ”una y otra vez cantando mientras pretendía tocar su guitarra de juguete. Ricky quería crecer tan rápido. Aprendió a conducir tan pronto pudo. Era un adolescente inteligente, pero un poco procrastinador. Saco a varios de nuestra familia en ese sentido. Asistió a Independence High School en Wasco y quería mucho al personal de allí. Ricky siempre decía que eran muy amables y atentos con él. Gracias por hacerlo sentir que él importaba. Aprendió a lavar carros y a partir de ahí decidió empezar su propio negocio, Compitas Auto Detailing. Continuamente el trato de aprender de otros que estaban en el negocio para poder ser mejor. Ricky estaba motivado y tenía sueños ambiciosos. Estaba trabajando duro para lograr todos sus sueños y metas. Gracias a todos los que apoyaron sus sueños y su negocio. Muchos de ustedes apreciaban el trabajo que el hacia y como dejaba sus carros bien limpios y brillosos.
Ricky fue muy especial para sus padres Alvaro y Elida. Siempre fue cariñoso y dulce con sus padres, incluso aun cuando lo castigaban o regañaban por algo. Estuvo muy atento y se aseguró de que todos los días supieran cuánto los amaba. Había empezado a gustarle el golf y estaba empezando a enseñarle a su papá Álvaro como jugar golf. Sus padres extrañaran su risa y su sonrisa. Su mama extrañará los momentos en los que Ricky se sentaba en sus piernas y le decía que él era el más guapo. Sus padres también extrañarán sus mensajes de texto. No pasaba un día sin que él no enviara algo al chat de el grupo familiar. Extrañarán sus bromas y sus bailes locos. Su mamá lo extrañará llamándola su "mamá fuerte", pero ahora ella ve que en realidad él era mucho más fuerte. Su noble corazón y su espíritu aventurero los acompañarán para siempre.
Para su hermana Michelle, Ricky era la persona más dulce, respetuosa y genuina que conocía. Siempre fue muy amable y ayudaba a cualquiera que lo necesitara. Animó a los que necesitaban. Michelle siempre recordará que cuando Ricky regresaba a casa después de lavar carros iba directamente a su habitación para molestarla o simplemente se acostaba en su cama y miraba Tik Toks a todo volumen. Sus recorridos en la noche para agarrar comida eran uno de sus favoritos. Siempre que tenía hambre, Ricky la llevaba a comprar comida, pero sus viajes en automóvil nunca eran silenciosos. Ricky ponía su música a todo volumen y cantaba a todo pulmón como si estuviera dando un concierto.
Su hermano Alvarito también lo extrañará muchísimo. Siempre se aseguraba de que no pasará hambre. Si tenía hambre y Ricky no estaba cerca para llevarle comida, pedía Door Dash para él porque así era Ricky, Él siempre se preocupaba, ayudaba y amaba. Ricky también llevaba a su hermano al trabajo para que pudiera comenzar a aprender a lavar y detallar autos. También lo llevaba cuando iba a la casa de sus amigos para que pudieran ver los autos juntos. Ricky fue el mejor hermano mayor de Alvarito, excepto en el momento en que accidentalmente le quebró el brazo, pero esa es otra historia. Su hermano recordará a Ricky por la persona asombrosa y maravillosa que era.
No hay suficientes palabras para describir quién era Ricky y lo que significaba para todos y cada uno de nosotros. Fue una verdadera representación del respeto, la amabilidad, el cariño y todo lo bueno. Tenía un gran corazón y siempre estaba ahí para ayudar a quien fuera. Cuando entraba a cualquier lugar, la llenaba con su sonrisa y su presencia aventurera. Capturó los corazones de muchas personas simplemente por ser quien era y con su naturaleza amorosa y cariñosa.
Ricky, de parte de tus padres, hermana, hermano, abuelos, tías, tíos, primos y amigos, nos dejaste un gran vacío en nuestros corazones, pero lo llenaremos con todos los hermosos recuerdos que nos dejaste a todos y cada uno de nosotros. Todos te extrañaremos, tu sonrisa y tu corazón amoroso, pero vivirás dentro de nuestros corazones para siempre. Aunque la vida no será la misma sin ti aquí, te llevaremos con nosotros y trataremos de vivir nuestras vidas de la manera que hubieras querido que lo hiciéramos. Hasta que te volvamos a ver. 


May 18, 2021
Ricardo “Ricky” as all of us who knew and loved him called him was the sweetest, most caring, funny, and hardworking young man. He touched the hearts of everyone that knew him. The day Ricky came into this world, his parents, Elida and Alvaro, were so excited because their first born son had joined their beautiful family. Little did they know that Ricky was going to be a cry baby growing up. He was afraid of everything as a child, but nothing scared him more than flies. Ricky would yell and cry when one would land on him. Since he was little, Ricky was somewhat of a wild child. His mom would always get calls from his teacher, not because he was a bad student but because he was a little too social and talked too much. Ricky loved watching WWE. He had all of the WWE belts and he would come out of his room pretending to be John Cena, minus the muscles. Ricky loved watching Drake and Josh when he was younger. He would always play their theme song, I Found a Way” over and over singing along while pretending to play on his toy guitar. Ricky wanted to grow up so fast. He learned to drive as soon as he could. He was a smart teen, but just a tad bit of a procrastinator. He took after a big part of the family in that sense. He attended Independence High School in Wasco and he loved the staff there. Ricky always said that they were so nice and helpful. Thank you for making him feel that he mattered. He learned how to wash cars with great detail and from there decided to start his own business, Compitas Auto Detailing. He continuously tried to learn from others who were in the business so that he could be better. Ricky was motivated and had ambitious dreams. He was working hard to achieve those dreams. Thank you to everyone that supported his dreams and his business. So many of you praised his work and the detail he put into leaving your car just the way you wanted.
Ricky was very special to his parents Alvaro and Elida. He was always caring and loving with his parents, even when they got him in trouble. He was very attentive and made sure they knew how much he loved them every day. He had started taking a like for golfing and was starting to teach his dad how to golf. They will miss his laugh and his smile the most. His mom will miss the times where Ricky would go and sit on her lap and tell her that he was the most handsome. His parents will miss his text message. There was not a day that would go by that he wouldn’t send something to their family group chat. They will miss his jokes and his random dancing and we do mean random. His mom will miss him calling her his “strong mom”, but now she sees that in reality he was much stronger. His kind heart and adventurous spirit will carry with them forever.
To his sister Michelle, Ricky was the sweetest, most respectful, and genuine person she knew. He was always so friendly and would help anyone who needed it. He encouraged those who needed uplifting. Michelle will always remember Ricky coming home from washing cards and go straight to her room to bug her or just lay on her bed and watch Tik Toks with his volume all the way up. Their late night food runs were favorite of theirs. Whenever she was hungry, Ricky would always take her to get food, but their car rides were never quiet rides. Ricky would bump his music and sing at the top of his lungs like if he was giving a concert.
His brother Alvarito will also miss him tremendously. He would always make sure that he didn’t go hungry. If he was hungry and Ricky was not near to take him food, he would order Door Dash for him because that is who Ricky was caring, helpful, and loving. Ricky would take his brother with him to work so that he could begin learning how to wash and detail cars. He would also take him along when he was going to his friend’s house so that they could look at cars. Ricky was the best big brother to Alvarito except for the time when he accidentally broke his arm but that is another story. His brother will remember Ricky for the amazing and wonderful person that he was.
There are not enough words to describe who Ricky was and what he meant to each and every one of us. He was a true representation of respect, kindness, caring, and everything good. He had a huge heart and was always there to help whomever. When he walked into a room, he filled it up with his smile and adventurous presence. He captured the hearts of many people just by being who he was and with his loving and caring nature.
Ricky, from your parents, sister, brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, you left a big void in our hearts, but we will fill it with all of the beautiful memories you left each and every one of us. We will all miss you, your smile and your loving heart but you will live inside of our hearts forever. Although life will not be the same without you here, we will carry you with us and try to live our lives the way you would have wanted us to. Until we see you again.