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Celebration of Life

June 30
On June 23, 2024, we had a wonderful celebration of life for Dr. Richard Carr (aka Unc). Thanks to his wife, Michele Gibbons Carr, we celebrated in Chestnut Hill, MA with over 100 people! Kimmie Jackson, niece, shared how Unc didn’t want a funeral, so having a celebration months later with family members and close friends felt like the right thing to do. And it was!❤️

Kevin Cohee, nephew, shared many stories about the amazing impact Richard had on our lives including that the expansion of OneUnited Bank, the nation's largest Black owned bank, was Richard’s idea! Erin Cohee shared how she and Unc were so happy playing in the yard when the Cohee family was house hunting 30 years ago that they get full credit for choosing the Cohee family home in Chestnut Hill! Kevin Cohee Jr. shared how Unc went to every one of his games his entire life and instilled in him the importance of excellence.

Dr. Gary Gibbons, brother-in-law and cardiologist advisor, shared how Richard helped him and his wife Sharon, as a young couple, obtain their first home. Ahmara, niece, shared how happy she was that he approved of her future husband, Elvin Ross and Elvin shared how they bonded over the importance of treating everyone with respect in his legal practice and Richard’s dental office.

Marian Carr, neice, shared stories about how her dad, Richard’s older brother David, contributed to his life including his great KC BBQ skills. Aunt Lillian Carr, David’s wife who met Richard when he was in college, shared the family’s commitment to education and excellence. 

Ayanna Carr Brown shared how much her dad loved his grandchildren Nyla and Jaden! ❤️❤️

In addition to family, many friends and colleagues shared stories including Kevin Bowman, a fellow Bachmar, who shared how he and Rich bonded over poker and grilling and specifically barrel charcoal grills shipped from Texas. Many staff and dentists shared stories about working for Dr. Carr and how he mentored them.

Although most stories were celebratory, an emotional moment came when Dr. Diba Dastjerdi shared how as a young woman working in his office, Dr. Carr helped her get her visa, then her green card, then go to dental school and eventually many years later buy his dental practice! Wow!!!

Bravo Dr. Carr/Unc!!! An amazing life, well lived! ❤️

Super Bowl!!! Go Chiefs!

February 11
2024 is the first time we’re watching the Super Bowl without our football guru. Unc! No better person to watch sports with. He even has his own chair in our home. Missing him dearly. #GoChiefs The Cohees

Everything About You

February 11
by Akil Gibbons on behalf of Gary Gibbons
on behalf of Gary Gibbons
"Everything about you, your smiling face
I know you want us all to be strong
Really gonna miss you
I know you're gone to that magic place
Singing you a brand new song" - Smokey Robinson

James E. Cofield, Jr. - My Friend Richard D. Carr

January 23
by Akil Gibbons on behalf of James E. Cofield, Jr.
on behalf of James E. Cofield, Jr.
Richard and I met and became friends in the early seventies, and we were good friends the most of 50 years. Richard was a highly respected professional, a professional that many of us entrusted our children to in his dental practice. And while you could see a little of Richard’s oversized, engaging, personality emerge through his professional posture, he really became alive in his social interactions.

Richard was fun to be with. He was smart, informed, engaging, trustworthy, witty, and just plain funny. He was loving and caring. He could take a joke and was well-equipped with a personality that enabled him to throw it back your way.

Family meant a great deal to Richard. You had a sense that Richard and Michele were made for each other. They worked well together, they respected each other, they had fun together, and they enjoyed being together. Richard and Michele loved their daughter, Ayanna, their son-in-law, Mark, their grandchildren, and their extended family.

I remember going on a trip to Atlanta in the early seventies and meeting one of Richard’s old college friends. When he learned that I was from Boston, he called Richard by an old college nickname. Within a few days of my return to Boston, I ran into Richard and called him by his old college nickname. He was shocked and stunned to say the least, but he never told me how he acquired this nickname.

Lastly, I am delighted that I was able to spend some quality time in North Carolina with Richard and Michele. We enjoyed each other’s company on the Outer Banks and in Raleigh. I’m sure that Michele will never forget the trip the three of us took to Portsmouth, VA to a Boule Summer Outing a few years ago. Richard was front and center, and without knowing it, he displayed his old football skills as a blocker from his old college years. We laughed all the way back to the Outer Banks that evening. Indeed, I look forward to continuing to share time with Michele.

It is my thinking that Richard lived a good, productive, and loving life -- enriching the lives of others. And with that, may you rest in peace My Friend.

James E. Cofield, Jr.

Uncle Richard, the Man Behind Our Smiles :)

Many of our happiest childhood memories were in Boston, where we lived in the 90s. It was a really special time in our lives, living in such proximity to family. We were intertwined in such a beautiful way, always showing up for each other. Uncle Richard was even our dentist! As a little kid going to the dentist is usually scary, but we felt so safe, cared for, and special in Uncle Richard's hands. We'd all spend so much time together. We were always at someone's house, usually Aunt Michele and Uncle Richard's house, or Aunt Teri's house. We remember the smell of food in the air, hearing the raucous conversations and laughter of the adults upstairs while us cousins played downstairs. Uncle Richard would pop downstairs and chase us around as we screamed and laughed with delight, the thrill of being playfully chased around by our beloved gentle giant Uncle Richard. Uncle Richard always put a smile on our faces--as our dentist ensuring we had beautiful smiles, and as our beloved uncle, who had a unique duality to him: he was THE MAN--we could recognize that even as young kids, not even knowing his resume of accomplishments at the time. He was big, strong, confident, emitting strength and power. But he also emitted warmth, kindness, and softness. Uncle Richard will always be The Man: the man behind our smiles, and the man that lives on forever in our hearts. We love you so much, Uncle Richard.

The Carr Family: Food, Laughter, and Love

January 15
by Marian Carr on behalf of Lillian L Carr
on behalf of Lillian L Carr
Happy Birthday Richard! I reflect back with a smile, to sixty five years ago when David brought me to meet you and the rest of the Carr family. Since that day you always made me feel like family. I remember when you would bring football players home from Lincoln University to spend the holidays with the Carr family. They were treated just like family. They even ate out of platters like the rest of us. The food was always plentiful and good! Siblings teasing each other was something that I had get use to, being that I was an only child. The family's laughter was strong, hearty and infectious.  You would always ask David, "how many children are you going to have."  It was the running joke between you and David because we had the most children out of the siblings. David, You, and Jim were the brothers who believe in education, success, and love for others. I have always felt David's love, your love.......the Carr family love.  The children; Marian, Alena, David Jr(Juno), Angie and myself wish you a Happy Birthday and sending it with Carr family love. We will miss you.

Love your sister, Lillian and the children.

Director - OneUnited Bank

January 10
Through Richard Carr's relationships, Kevin Cohee and Teri Williams bought their first bank, Boston Bank of Commerce (BBOC) in 1995, that led to OneUnited Bank, the largest Black owned bank in America. Richard introduced Kevin and Teri to the previous CEO, Ron Homer, who was seeking capital for the bank. Their investment launched BBOC on a path that included acquiring and combining 3 additional Black owned bank - Peoples National Bank in Miami, and Founder National Bank and Family Savings Bank in Los Angeles. Without the introduction as well as the approval of the Board of Directors, who knew Richard well, their investment may not have happened. Richard served on the Board of OneUnited Bank for almost 30 years, providing steady guidance that supported the Bank's success.

A Rich Memory : A Nurturing Commitment to Family

January 10
One memory/story about Rich that is indelible for me is how his generous heart helped me and my wife Sharon begin our household at the early stage  of our marriage. First of all, we were married and had our modest reception in Rich/Michele’s home. At the time, I was at the beginning of my career, still getting training as a cardiology fellow at the Brigham in Boston. If you counted the hours worked as a fellow, my income was close to the “minimum wage” scale in actuality — and we were struggling under the heavy weight of school loans. The notion of owning our own home as a new couple with our first child on the way seemed like an impossible dream. And yet, it was Rich’s kind heart and generous support that helped us qualify for our first home mortgage. Over the years, Rich (and Michele) have enriched our family in so many ways that we will be eternally grateful. My memories of Rich will always include his impish smile/laugh as well as  his loving, nurturing spirit andhis dedicated commitment to “family”. Rich will live on in our heart forever. 

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