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Thinking of you

August 29, 2022
Hi brother, how are you, so much has changed since you been gone, i really miss you, talk to you via your pic on my wall. The kids are all grown up, can you believe Nik in college, I pray you continue to guide & watch over him, Eli in 11th grade, even lil Ivan started HS. The girls are grown, doing what they do, they miss you as well. I went to go visit MeShawn/KaMailee, they are so beautiful, KaMailee gotten so big, she is so smart & sweet, you would be proud of her and your mini me (MeShaun) is just a little lady. I'm so glad to have them in my life. Someday, I wish you would come into my dream, so I know you ok, but I know I'll see you soon, can't wait, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I MISS YOU EVERYDAY, MY HEART IS FOREVER BROKEN, IT CRYS IN PAIN, but until we meet again, I will continue to be a great mother/aunt/person in this world. I pray you continue to watch over us.
Love Always,
    Your Sis

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