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Embrace  the things we've shared; Revisit places we have been, Keep me alive within your heart and I will never die again.

 This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Richard Spatz, 41, born on June 7, 1967 and passed away on July 20, 2008. We will remember him forever.

July 20
July 20
Today is always hard, no matter the time that goes by 16 years is as painful as day 1 of missing you. I am grateful you took the step to know Jesus as your savior and rest in knowing you are in Heaven with God. We know you had a hand in sending Faelyn down, she knows your name when we say it and looks for you! It's funny/sad how much I thought of you while we were on our trip to South Dakota, Yellowstone and Idaho, how you would have loved to teach the girls to fish and see the wildlife. I hope you feel the love and thoughts of you. Started my memorial Tattoo for you and will add more soon. You are thought of often and missed terribly. I love you Rich...Sometimes I even call the boys Rich, when they are pestering me, lol. I know you didn't really get a lot of time with Shawn...but both the boys have your love of hunting, fishing etc. Capri would love you so much, I wish you could have spent time with her. She loves to fish too. And she can cast her pole like a champ. Just know you never will leave my memories and I will keep you alive in all our lives! Life was hard, but now you are no longer suffering and in the arms of the most wonderful Father ever. I will love you forever and do my best to make you proud of your sister. Love you WeWe
July 20
July 20
It seems like yesterday you went to see the Lord. Continue to look over us all. In reality you are the lucky one living in a perfect world. Love and respect always to you Red❤️❤️
June 9
June 9
Well I am a couple of days late, which you know why, going to the reunion this year spending time with everyone was hard. I miss you, I wish you were here with us and able to celebrate all the special and everyday things with us! It will never get easier and now we have Faelyn, she knows your name and has a little Rex hint to her hair, which I am sure you already know...thanks for sending our beautiful Lil baby girl to us! Capri and I talked about you the other day and she was sad for me/us that you are nor here! You would adore he big beautiful and generous heart! We love and miss you forever Rich!
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023
Little Brother another year in the books and what a year it's been! I so hope you are able to see my beautiful little Grandaughter and how grown up Capri is getting! We were hoping Faelyn would have your Red Hair. Shane reminisced about his love of fishing and hunting because of you! I think I miss you more every day as new events come up and we gain family members! I wish you were here, I wish for one more smile or laugh from you! Love you forever and I will never let your memories fade away until we meet again in Heaven watch over me and my family, we love you!
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Brother, every year I miss you more and more! This year we moved to Heaven on earth and I know you would love it here and spending time fishing and hunting with the boys and meeting Capri and Liz. I wish you were part of all of this, it crushes me that you are not here with us! I will love and remember you forever my Lil Brother! Hope you are enjoying Heaven!
June 7, 2022
June 7, 2022
14 long years we have been celebrating your heavenly Birthday. It never gets easier and I think just harder knowing all the things we didn't get to share together with my kids and Capri, I love you and will forever miss you Rich. I know you see us and are looking after all of us, but it's not the same hearing your laugh, voice your silly sayings, chicken ken gen gen. Know I love you and think of you often!
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
Hey Little Bro, this has been a crazy year! Shane is married and both boys are living their dreams! I wish you could meet Capri, you would love her! I MISS YOU DAILY AND ASK FOR YOU TO CONTIUE TO PROTECT US AND WATCH OVER US! Until we meet in Heaven, know I love you always and forever!
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
12 years today since you left here, I miss you each and everyday! I wish you were able to create the memories we have daily, see Shane getting married next year, watch Shawn at softball and play with Capri. I miss you and love you, please watch over us and continue to be our guardian angel. Gone but not forgotten, until we are together again in our Fathers house!#lovemyguardianangel
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Today, 53 years ago I got the gift of a lil brother, Its been almost 12 years without you now and I wish so much you were here to spend time with us, the kids and Capri and meet Liz. There isnt a day that goes by that I dont wish you were here enjoying all the memories. I love and miss you little brother every day! Kisses to heaven and please keep watching over all of us!
July 24, 2019
July 24, 2019
Your family and friends miss you so much. You’d be so proud of them. I know in my heart you are keeping a watchful eye over them.  Take care darlin’!
July 20, 2019
July 20, 2019
Not sure why they say loss gets easier with time, for me it just gets worse, so many more things I wish you were here to share in, do and see! I love and miss you Brother and think of you often, especially recently we took a trip up to Bishop. Some of my best memories from childhood are when we would go up camp, fish and hike with mom and dad! I love you wee wee!
June 7, 2019
June 7, 2019
Hi little Bother, lol! I just hope you are watching your Nephews from up there you must be beaming with pride they share a love for fishing, hunting, shooting and camping with you! You are missed everyday and thought of often! We love you and until we meet again know we hold you closely in our hearts and memories!
July 20, 2018
July 20, 2018
Another year has come and gone without you here, I hope you are watching over me and my family! I NEED MY GUARDIAN ANGEL! Every year is just a few more years that fall thinking about what could have been, I love and miss you Richie! Till the day we are together again in the PRESENCE OF THE FATHER!
July 20, 2017
July 20, 2017
Like your sister said, it is hard to believe that you have been gone 9 years. I hope that you are surrounded by the love of our family that has also passed on. I am thinking a lot about you and your Dad during these past few days. I hope you are together and dodging Grandma's attention! :) Love and miss you, Ritchie!
July 20, 2017
July 20, 2017
Today makes 9 full years since you left me, my little brother and partner in crime! They say it gets easier as the time increases, but to me it just makes me sad for all the things we didn't get to do! I love you and miss you everyday, your memory will never fade with me! Give Dad some loving for me. Until we meet again my Brother! In Jesus name!
June 9, 2017
June 9, 2017
Lil Brother it's been way to many Birthday's since you have been gone! I miss you so much, it's breaks my heart that we didn't have more time together! Hope you dad and grandma are having fun up there! Please keep watching over my family and keeping us safe! Much love Pooh
June 7, 2016
June 7, 2016
There's stuff I say or do still as an adult that we did as a kid ! We had so.e good time Spatz ! Still miss the hell out of you! My son has a redhead friend that looks like you and yes my son and I call him Richard Jay John Spatz !
June 7, 2016
June 7, 2016
It's that time of year again little brother, Hope you are having the happiest of Birthdays in Heaven free from pain. I wish you were here with me to help with Dad. I miss you! Not having you here pains my heart and soul, I wish you could be with the boys, Skip and Inon some of our adventures and that you see Tarin joined our family this year! Thinking of you always
August 2, 2015
August 2, 2015
I only hope I did you proud at your reunion Rich, everyone misses you! You were a great friend to many and such a great brother. A lot of your classmates are with you in Heaven we felt you all smiling down on us from Heaven! Last day of events and the party is at Joey and Memes house, you best friends forever! See you there and I love you!
July 21, 2015
July 21, 2015
Ritchie, I sometimes find it hard to believe that you aren't with us. You were such a huge presence in everyone's lives. We didn't see each other very much, which is a shame. It breaks my heart to see how much your family misses you, especially your sister. Pop in every now and again. Make sure she knows you are there! Oh, and give Grandma a hug for me! :)
July 20, 2015
July 20, 2015
They say that time heals Loss, so not true! I think I miss you more today then ever! I wish you were here to help me with Dad, I struggle everyday to deal with him with the forgiving heart you had. I miss having you here to talk through it and then laugh together! I wish you were here to see how amazing you Nephews are! I know you are with me in spirit and I want you to know I love you little brother
June 8, 2015
June 8, 2015
Happy Birthday Rich. Your family misses you every day  Hope your celebrating this birthday with Jesus!

June 7, 2015
June 7, 2015
So Richard and I went all through school together. We were always friends and if I was having a bad day Richard knew how to make he smile. Even after we graduated, we would run into each other from time to time and always catch up and and promise to hang out.

I knew him as a cute kid, when he wasn't doing so well AND when he put his life back together. It's just not fair. I will say that his memorial was a true testimony as to the number of people who cared about and loved him. I'll always remember that day and all the love. As we are busy planning our 30th school reunion, Richards name comes up so much. Eventhough you left us way too soon, you truly are missed. Richard my friend, you will always be my favorite ginger. Please visit me in my dreams sometime.
June 7, 2015
June 7, 2015
happy Birthday Rich, it's been much too long since I have heard you sweet voice and amazing laughter. It pains me so that you are not here with us enjoying the wonderful men you nephews have turned out to be! We all miss and love you, until we meet again!
July 20, 2014
July 20, 2014
Oh my Lil brother there is so much I wish your were here for, we all miss you and wish you were here on the Lake with is this weekend!
I am grateful to have had the time with you here on earth that we did, but I look forward to seeing you again in Heaven with no more pain and the love of our Heavenly Father! You are missed terribly!
June 8, 2014
June 8, 2014
Another birthday has come and gone, this never gets easier! I miss ya little bother with your heart and smile full of gold! Wish you were here watching my boys grow up into men and enjoying weekends with us! I love too bunch!
July 20, 2013
July 20, 2013
Brother, it has been 5 years tomorrow since you left me, it really never gets easier! I wish I could just hear your voice again and that laugh of yours, or one of your stupid sayings or noises you used to make! You always had a way of making everyone laugh! Very Simply put.... I miss you! See you again in Heaven, but please stay close until then!
June 7, 2013
June 7, 2013
Miss you my friend. You are missed and loved by many. Happy Birthday.
June 7, 2013
June 7, 2013
Tomorrow is your Birthday, I so wish you were here to celebrate it with us. Your Nephews, Skip and I miss you terribly! Wish you were here to share our lives. I know you are watching over us and protecting us, as that was your nature, always caring about others. I love you little Brother, until we meet again in Heaven, know I love you too bunch!
April 3, 2013
April 3, 2013
Thinking and missing you today! Love you so much and wish you were still here!
July 22, 2012
July 22, 2012
Spatzman you and I were like Brothers doin all kinda crazy shit !! from gettin in trouble on the practice field to the crazy ass "Brew Crew" days !! You were and and always will be my friend my Brother !! I miss you dude you were called to soon we still had more great times to do more crazy ass memories . I still to this day use that saying " come her bop bop "  Randy
July 20, 2012
July 20, 2012
To richard j john spatz.. Think about you all the time with funny memories as we grew up together, Just wish you were still here to talk about them. Miss you alot spatz !
July 20, 2012
My "Ruda", There is NOT a day that goes by that I don't think about you! I love & miss you more than words can ever say! I am grateful that your sister & I Have remained very close... I love that girl,... My sister too. I hope you & Tim are catching up on all kinds of memories... Please give each other a big hug & kiss from Jace & I...... I love you.........XOXOXOXOXO
July 19, 2012
July 19, 2012
Sad to say tomorrow is 4 years since you left me here! We all miss you so much and wish you were still here with us. I hope you and Grandma are having a good time up there in Heaven and watching over all of us! There are so many times that I wish you were here to talk to. This never gets easier and I miss you more each day! Your Big Sister loves you and miss you bunches!~
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
Hey Lil brother, another year has past since you left us! I miss you so much and wish you were here! The boys miss you and wish they had their uncle "Rudda." I hope you know how much I love you! Until we meet again up in Heaven!
March 13, 2012
March 13, 2012
Lil Brother, I miss you so much and how I wish you were still here with us! I know you are with God and watching over all of us. I see your smile often in my mind! You have been to two country concerts with me now...I wear your white Stetson Cowboy hat whenever we go so I know you are with me. Love you! So many people miss you!
July 31, 2011
July 31, 2011
I just dont know what to say, it was such a shock to find out you had left us. As kids I loved you but I didn't understand why you were so angry all the time, as an adult now I know. I hope you have found some happiness. I love you Richie.
July 30, 2011
July 30, 2011
My last conversation with my cousin was on the phone while he was visiting our Grandma. He said he had lost weight and was "the best looking" he'd been in his life. I told him he'd always been good looking. My big, red bear of a cousin. :) Love you, Ritchie!
July 7, 2011
July 7, 2011
I remember Richard was my brother Mike Gore's friend in high school. He always treated me with respect, and always made me laugh. I'm am so happy you accepted our Lord and Savior, Richard, before you went home.
June 28, 2011
June 28, 2011
Where to begin? We did very good and bad things together as kids and adults! The thing I loved most about Rich was his sense of humor and he was a friend that would go back to back with me in any situation if I needed him! That's a true friend!
June 27, 2011
Rich was more than a friend, he was a brother. We had so many memories...From the time we were 12 to the very last. He played such a big part in our lives.there isn't a day that goes by that I don't tell him how much he is missed. I LOVE U MY BROTHER
June 26, 2011
June 26, 2011
Ok, I remember when we were in High School... and I was feeling not so attractive. At Richard told me I was a fox!! I know this won't mean a lot to everyone one. But, never forgot it!! xoxoxo
June 26, 2011
June 26, 2011
I will never forget in high school Rich and I used to play wiffle ball with this guy across the street.We were playing one day and he got mad at Rich and started after him..I jumped on his back and while he was trying to get me off his back Rich star
June 26, 2011
June 26, 2011
At our 20 year Reunion.. I wasn't able to drive home. And Richard said, " You can stay in my room with Shawn Scott". The funny part is he told Shawn I'd be sleeping In his bed!

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July 20
July 20
Today is always hard, no matter the time that goes by 16 years is as painful as day 1 of missing you. I am grateful you took the step to know Jesus as your savior and rest in knowing you are in Heaven with God. We know you had a hand in sending Faelyn down, she knows your name when we say it and looks for you! It's funny/sad how much I thought of you while we were on our trip to South Dakota, Yellowstone and Idaho, how you would have loved to teach the girls to fish and see the wildlife. I hope you feel the love and thoughts of you. Started my memorial Tattoo for you and will add more soon. You are thought of often and missed terribly. I love you Rich...Sometimes I even call the boys Rich, when they are pestering me, lol. I know you didn't really get a lot of time with Shawn...but both the boys have your love of hunting, fishing etc. Capri would love you so much, I wish you could have spent time with her. She loves to fish too. And she can cast her pole like a champ. Just know you never will leave my memories and I will keep you alive in all our lives! Life was hard, but now you are no longer suffering and in the arms of the most wonderful Father ever. I will love you forever and do my best to make you proud of your sister. Love you WeWe
July 20
July 20
It seems like yesterday you went to see the Lord. Continue to look over us all. In reality you are the lucky one living in a perfect world. Love and respect always to you Red❤️❤️
June 9
June 9
Well I am a couple of days late, which you know why, going to the reunion this year spending time with everyone was hard. I miss you, I wish you were here with us and able to celebrate all the special and everyday things with us! It will never get easier and now we have Faelyn, she knows your name and has a little Rex hint to her hair, which I am sure you already know...thanks for sending our beautiful Lil baby girl to us! Capri and I talked about you the other day and she was sad for me/us that you are nor here! You would adore he big beautiful and generous heart! We love and miss you forever Rich!
Recent stories


July 31, 2011

I remember the nights in summer when we were kids, we would play out side till all hours, we made up games, played hide and seek. but I think that was the happiest for all of us because we were away from our parents. I always felt safe with Richie, he was never afraid of anything. He picked on me a lot but when no one else was around he was so sweet and caring. There is a special place in my heart for him.  I thank you for making me feel a little safe in a childhood that wasn't I Love You Richie!!!!

Family film

July 30, 2011

Our Grandma gave me old reel-to-reel films to have transferred to DVD.  When I watched the DVDs, there were some great shots of me and my cousins playing in Grandma's backyard.  I had always loved the pictures of me, Sheri and Wendy as little girls.  We were all just so dang cute!  I was the little brunette, Sheri was the darling redhead and Wendy was the cupie doll blond. 

Well, in these films, we get to see the other redhead!  There's little Richie with his fiery red hair!  Needless to say, he was pretty darn cute, too!  I will always treasure these films that allow me to step back in time.  It is nice to remember a time when all we cared about was playing together in Grandma's backyard, picking apricots and playing in the sprinklers. 

Hugs to Sheri!  Love to Ritchie!  Goodness knows what trouble he's causing now!  :):)



Dinner Laughs

July 7, 2011

I remember one night we were eating dinner as a family and Rich and I were calling each other names across the table, back and forth, back and forth...Finally my dad says thats it he will listen to one more name and then someone is gonna get an ass whoopin...So I say "good its my turn".  We all laughed super hard and finished our dinner!


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