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February 19
February 19
Hi Daddy,I miss you so much. I am a great grandmother now. Tara's daughter Isabella had a baby boy Noah. He was born on the anniversary of Mommy's death. He is so adorable
I am having some health issues nothing major. How I wish I could talk to you and Mommy and Steve. I think about all of you often. Until we meet again I love you MORE .
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023
Hi Pop-Pop,
Happy Birthday hope your having a wonderful day with Nana. Gregory is 19 now and Kayleigh is 9 they are doing well. We miss you and Nana so much but we know you guys are in a better place. Thank you for watching over us. Till we meet again love you both.
July 21, 2022
July 21, 2022
Hi dad just wanted to wish you A Happy Birthday and and many more . You and mom are always in our thoughts and prayers. Well richie and I have made it to our 50th this year . As mom always said the Steigers once married will last our lifetime We are all doing ok just getting older and a bit slower .our 4 grandchildren are getting older to valeries son Gregory graduated high school this year. ryan richies son is 15 and the girls are 8and 4. you and mom were great role models with love guidence patience making the family and taking care or every body. your loved and missed alot by the whole family. until we all meet again .

July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Hi Daddy, Happy Birthday so much is going on we have this covid virus that is making everyone sick. People are passing away like when they had the plague. I had it Arlene had it a lot of the grand kids had it we were all lucky just were very sick. It did affect my lungs a little. I have a little asthma. But I can deal with that. I miss all of you so much. Can you give Mom and Steve and everyone else a hug and kiss for me. Until we meet again I will love you More.
February 19, 2022
February 19, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday Daddy, I miss you so much. I can't believe it has been 10 years since you are gone. I wish I could talk to you. I miss Mommy and Steve also so much. Until we meet again, I love you MORE.
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
Hey there Pop-Pop
Wanted to wish you a very happy birthday   in heaven. Love and miss you and Nana so much. Till we see each other again.
February 19, 2021
February 19, 2021
Hi Daddy, how I wish I could talk to you. So many things here have changed. It is so sad. We have to were masks when out in public, keep our distance from everyone. At least if you were here I could talk to you on the phone. I miss you Mom and Steve so much. Until we meet again. I love you MORE.
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
Hi Daddy Happy Birthday. I miss you Mom and Steve so much. There is this virus here making a lot of people sick. Some are dying its terrible . So many times I wish I could call and talk to you or Mom. I miss Steve so much. Please give hugs and kisses to everyone for me. Love and miss you all so much. Until we meet again. I love you MORE.
February 20, 2020
February 20, 2020
Hi Daddy eight years since you are gone. So much has happened good and bad. I just wish you were here to talk to. I miss you Mom and Steve so much. Until we meet again. I love you MORE.
July 25, 2019
July 25, 2019
Hi Dad Just wanted to wish you an Mom Happy Anniversary in heaven. Plus happy birthday from all of us. The both of you are always in our thoughts and in our hearts. The time just seems to go by so fast, all the grand children and the great grand children growing up so fast and the family is getting bigger still. Caitlin will be having her son in september just a couple months away.. Love and miss you all.
July 20, 2019
July 20, 2019
Happy Birthday Daddy. Another one spent without you. My heart aches to talk to you. I miss you , Mommy and Steve so much. There are tie lately were I feel like there is no one here for me anymore. You and Mommy were always there for me no matter what. I know this will pass but I feel so alone today. Please watch over me and make this sadness go away. I love and miss all of you so much. Until we meet again.
March 4, 2019
March 4, 2019
Hi dad boy the time just goes so fast. your missed so very much and are in our thoughts always. both you and mom are missed , we had so many great times together. last week we went to Capt Ds for dinner but it just wasn't the same without you and mom. Thank You both for all your love and support.
February 19, 2019
February 19, 2019
Hi Daddy, boy I wish I could talk to you . I miss you and Mommy and Steve so much. Everyone is doing well here. Not a day goes by that I don't miss all of you so much. Until we meet again.
December 27, 2018
December 27, 2018
Hi Dad just wanted to let you know how much you and mom are missed. merry christmas to the both of you. the family dinners just are not the same without you.  I finally retired the holiday apron for thanks giving and christmas. Vicki and Dougie and richie jr now do them. richie and I just do News years day dinner. I also finally retired from my job and richie is happy that I did.Thanks for sending the dimes and quarters. I hope you and mom like the flowers. love and miss you.oxox
July 21, 2018
July 21, 2018
Hi Daddy Oh how I miss you. I miss our Sunday talks and how you would tell me that everything was going to be all right, I miss Mom and Steve and all who have passed. I wish I could hug and kiss all of you. I will love you always. Until we meet again.
February 21, 2018
February 21, 2018
hi dad just wanted to let you and mom know that your both always in my thoughts and heart. last year was such a busy year for us. richie had both eye cataracts taken care of , and had some knee issue , but trying very hard to keep him on a good healthy trac.. Hard to due you know how thick he is. richie jr actually got married last year and than in november had another child. you guys have another great grand daugther. the family has been growing. we all love and miss you both, thanks for all the pennies from heaven. let aunt jo know she is also remembered and missed, but her name still goes on. until we see and meet again your presence is always felt around us.
February 19, 2018
February 19, 2018
I can't believe it is six years since you left us. I miss you every day. There is so much I want to talk to you and Mom about. I started dating. His name is Dave. He will never be my Steve but for now he is company. I just wish life wasn't so hard as we get older and that I could share it with you and Mom. I love and miss all of you so much. Give Mom and Steve a hug and kiss for me. Until we meet again.
July 20, 2017
July 20, 2017
Happy Birthday Daddy. I miss you so much. So much has changed for me Daddy I wish you and Mommy were here to talk to. I know you both are watching over me. I feel you around all the time. And Steve is still playing jokes on me. I miss all of you so much. Give everyone hugs and kisses for me. Until we meet again.
February 24, 2017
February 24, 2017
hi dad just wanted to say hello to you and mom. your both missed so much. the time has gone by but our love for you and mom hasn't stopped. your missed so much. just to let you both know theres going to be another great grand child for this year. Bobby will become a grand pa, we are all so thrilled for him and erica and anthony . you would have loved their wedding last year.
February 19, 2017
February 19, 2017
Oh Daddy how I miss you and wish I could tell you all that has been going on in our lives. Some times I need your shoulder to cry on so I just say it out loud and hope you hear me. I miss You Mommy and Steve so much. Until we meet again.
July 30, 2016
July 30, 2016
hi dad happy 93 birthday, thank you for all the nickles and dimes. you and mom know that you both are not forgotten birthdays , anniversarys, and holidays just not the same. hope you like the flowers for the both of you. our love to all of happy anniversary to you and many more xxxx
July 24, 2016
July 24, 2016
Hi Daddy sorry I am late in wishing you a Happy Birthday I had a few issues with this site but now it is working. I like to visit you here because it is like you are with me. It makes me feel close to you. I love and miss all of you so much . Give everyone hugs and kisses for me. Until we meet again.
February 23, 2016
February 23, 2016
Hi dad , the number of years just dont seem to matter, you and mom are missed so very much . Your both are with all of us always. Richie and i went to Harbor freight today, you would have loved the free bees and the sale items.. much love always , until we all meet up again::):)
February 21, 2016
February 21, 2016
Another year anniversary and I miss you Popop and Nana, thank you for the pennies not a day goes by and I think of you both til we meet you both very much
February 19, 2016
February 19, 2016
Hi Daddy as another year passes without you I miss you more every day. I miss Mommy and Steve and every one else. I know that one day we will be together again but my heart still aches because you are not here. Give my love to all. Until we meet again. I love and miss you all so much.
July 21, 2015
July 21, 2015
hi dad just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. I also wanted to wish you and mom a very happy anniversary. your both missed so much, thanks for the pennies and nickles. your forever in our hearts.
July 20, 2015
July 20, 2015
Hi Daddy Happy Birthday I love and miss you so much.I am sure you and Steve had a grand celebration for your birthdays. Tell Mom I could of used some advice the other day. How I miss all of you. Until we meet again. Always on my mind forever in my heart.
February 19, 2015
February 19, 2015
Hi Daddy I can not believe it is three years since you went to be with Mommy. I miss you so much. Mommy and Steve also. I know you are watching over me because I can feel you here with me at times. I find change all the time and I know it is all of you letting me know you are with me. Please give my love to all. Until we meet again.
February 19, 2015
February 19, 2015
Hi dad, we got snow just for you. Love and Miss you. I know your happy being back with mom. your loved and missed by all of us to the both of you.
July 20, 2014
July 20, 2014
Hi Daddy Happy Birthday I wanted to tell you and Mommy that today Tiana is getting baptized FINALLY . The church we go to is Christian and they believe to wait until 7 years old to do this. And I am also getting re baptized. I chose today because it was your birthday and I know that this would make you proud.. I miss you Mommy Steve and everyone who has gone before me.Tell everyone I love and miss them give hugs and kisses. Until we meet again.
June 15, 2014
June 15, 2014
Hi Daddy happy Fathers day I miss you so much there have been so many times I just want to call you and tell you what is going on here. Just to hear your voice. Mom and Steve hugs and kisses for me. Wish Steve a happy Fathers day and tell him how much I miss him. Love and miss all of you there. Until we meet again.
May 11, 2014
May 11, 2014
Hi Daddy I know this is for Mommy but I know that you do not mind. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Mothers Day. I love and miss you so much. Give Daddy and Steve and all who have passed on my love. Until we meet again.
May 10, 2014
May 10, 2014
Missing both you and Nanna, wanting to wish Nanna a Happy Mother's Day. Wishing you were both here to meet Kayleigh. Love you both
February 19, 2014
February 19, 2014
Hi Daddy I can't believe it is two years since you left us. I had a dream about you and Mom last night. And it is said that if you dream of someone who has passed away they actually are visiting you It was so good to see both of you again. It kind of made me feel at peace. I love and miss you so much. Give Mom and Steve a big kiss and hug for me. Give my love to all that are with you. Until we meet again .
November 23, 2013
November 23, 2013
Daddy and Mommy I miss you so much My heart is not in this Thanksgiving without you all here it is not the same. Tell Steve I miss him so much. Give my love to all. Love and miss you.
August 9, 2013
August 9, 2013
Hi Daddy and Mommy I miss both of you so much. There have been so many times when I have needed to talk to you and couldn't. I hope you hear me when I do thought.Not a day goes by that i do not miss you both. Give Steve and every one else my love . Until we meet again.
February 20, 2013
February 20, 2013
Daddy not a day goes by that I do not miss you. Especially our Sunday talks. There is so much emptiness without you.I know you are with me in spirit I can feel you here. Until we meet again. Give my Love to Mom And Steve

July 22, 2012
July 22, 2012
I love and miss you so much Daddy. Give Mommy and Steve a big hug and kiss for me. Let everyone up there know that I love and miss them all. Until we meet again.

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