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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Rita Caines, 67, born on June 7, 1945 and passed away on July 25, 2012. We will remember her forever.

July 25
July 25
Unconditional Love: A Tribute to My loving Mum

It's very sad to me that people don't talk to their moms on a regular basis, let alone, not at all. I'm sure things happen and the reasons for not speaking seem viable, but I could never have imagined what my life would be like if I did not have my mom - until now.

On July 25, 2012 at 8:30am my mother left this world and entered into eternity. She was everything to me and so much more than I can explain in 1,000 words or less. I would give anything to be able to hear my mother's voice answer the phone just one more time.

Because of how wonderful my mom was, and what she meant to me, I have felt compelled since her passing to take the time to honor her and share who she was - even though she deserves so much more than what I can give. The best way that I know how to relay the message about my mom is to write it down.

So... Here's to you, Mom - I love you and miss you every day... Continue To RIP 

June 7
June 7
In Loving Memory Mum On Your Birthday Today Memorial

To my mother in heaven, thank you for always loving me and guiding me. Even though you are no longer here with me I can still feel your love guiding me. You are always in my heart. I love you and miss you dearly. A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again. Whenever I am missing you, we also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn't trade those moments for the world. I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. Mom, sometimes I wish you could come back, but I don't want you to suffer again. I know you are with me and I will always love and miss you with all my heart. Until we meet again! Mom, you are the most beautiful memory we kept locked inside my heart. We have an angel watching over me. She is my mom. The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day, but the love and memory of you, shall never pass away.
June 7
June 7
happy heavenly birthday my loving angel mama i missed u so much rest well our beautiful angel ritz
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
In memory of my loving Mum who have passed away to mark 9 years, here are the best missing mom quotes to celebrate her life.
The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day, but the love and memory of you, shall never pass away."
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
The love of a grandma is unique. God must have given grandmothers to us to liven up our lives, to make our lives more complete, to make us well rounded and better human beings. She played a big part in my childhood and I can remember so many times sitting in her kitchen and tasting the dishes, she prepare with special love. She taught me a lot about love and the meaning of family.. She has never been just ‘my grandmother’, but my guardian, my friend and my inspiration.

Still, we can’t believe my lovely Grandma was taken away from us . We will miss our Grandmother, but her spirit and strength, lives on in each of us and in the lives that she touched. She lives on in me and in all those who have been touched by the love, strength, conviction, wisdom, and beauty of her soul.

Love you grandma – You truly were a special, special woman! You may have passed on, but your memories would always live on within us. Thank you for your sacrifices, your care and concern, your love and everything that you have done for me. Wherever you are, I know you are in a much better place. I will be forever grateful and thankful that you are my ‘grandmother’.

Rest in Peace Grandmother...we will never forget you and
we will always love you forever...
June 7, 2021
June 7, 2021
My grandmother in the heaven, it's your B'day today. I hope that you can hear me, as there are things I'd like to say. I really miss and love you, how much you'll never know. You were so special to me, and I wish you didn't go
June 7, 2021
June 7, 2021
If Tomorrow Starts Without Me…

If tomorrow starts without me, and I’m not here to see,
If the sun should rise you find your eyes all filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn’t cry the way you did today,
While thinking of the many things we didn’t get to say.
I know how much you love me, as much as I love you
And each time that you think of me, I know you’ll miss me too.
But when tomorrow starts without me please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand.
He said my place was ready, in heaven far above
And that I’d have to leave behind all those I dearly love.
But as I turned and walked away a tear fell from my eye.
For all my life I’d always thought, I didn’t want to die.
I had so much to live for, so much left yet to do.
It seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays the good ones and the bad.
I thought of all the love we shared, and all the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterday, just even for a while,
I’d say goodbye and kiss you and maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realized that this could never be,
For emptiness and memories would take the place of me.
When I thought of worldly things I might miss come tomorrow
I thought of you and when I did my heart was filled with sorrow.
When I walked through heavens gates I felt so much at home.
God looked down and smiled at me from his great golden throne
He said, “This is eternity and all I’ve promised you”
Today your life on earth has passed but here life starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last
And since each day is the same there’s no longing for the past.
You have been so faithful so trusting and so true.
Though there were times you did some things you knew you shouldn’t do.
You have been forgiven and now at last you’re free.
So won’t you come and take my hand and share my life with me?
So when tomorrow starts with out me don’t think we’re far apart,
For every time you think of me, I’m right here in your heart. I love you and miss you so much mama
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
Noone knows how it hurts mama
The pain we all have just there but we smile so people wont know. You taught us to be strong for a lot of things it hurts we wished you guys were here. 8 years already mama feels like decades your gone away wish you vwere here we love you ma
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
It’s crazy how time flies by so quickly hoping in that time we can forget the pain of losing you. From your soft voice to that beautiful smile the way you loved and took care of us all even sometimes forgetting to take care of yourself but as the years fade by the pain of you no longer being here is still strong and hurts as though it was just yesterday I try to remember you are no longer in pain but I am I’m still hurting inside because your not here I still hurt for your hugs and kiss I still hurt for your warm smile and to hear you say I love you again I still hurt because when you left you took the love with you NOTHING is the same since you been gone I miss you mama and wish you was here to tell me it’s all ok! I will always love you!
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
happy birthday to you my queen hope you enjoy at heavens gate we missed you dearly mama my heart still ache knowing all my Angel's are in heaven wished to see u guys again mama luv u from ur grandchild leah n your 3 greatgrand kids
August 11, 2019
August 11, 2019
hey mama, jus making you that i missing u guys dearly still can't believe u all went away.. how ashma holding up in dr and daddy too i missing talking with you guys i missing going by the bar calling ashma missed kissing daddy on the head mama wish u all was here in person noone will neva know our pain we sooo empty without u guys dr
love u all my love to u angels in heaven mama from ur grand daughter leah with love xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxxx
July 25, 2018
July 25, 2018
She’s in the sun, the wind, the rain,
she’s in the air you breathe
with every breath you take.
She sings a song of hope and cheer,
there’s no more pain, no more fear.
You’ll see her in the clouds above,
hear her whisper words of love,
you’ll be together before long,
until then, listen for her song
you"ll see her in the clouds above,
hear her whisper words of love
you"ll be together
before long,
until then,
ma we just got to listen to your songs
July 25, 2018
July 25, 2018
God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be
so he put his arms around you and whispered,
“Come to Me”
With tearful eyes we watched you
and saw you pass away
and although we love you dearly
we could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating
hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best
July 25, 2018
July 25, 2018
I Miss you Mum Today mark 6 years
Sometimes when I first awake
I think that you're still here,
and for a fleeting moment
The clouds all disappeat for you brought endless sunshine until you went away,
And now I miss you desperately each minute of the day you would not like to see me sad so what I try to do,
Is live a bright and happy life in memory of you Mum for thought I'll alawys miss you Mum
And it's dreadful being apart.
I haven't really lost you Mum you're still here in my heart.
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
I Miss You Messages for Mom after Death: Losing a mother is a pain that cannot be described in words. It is impossible to move on from the memory of losing the woman who sacrificed happiness in her own life so that you could have a better one. A mother’s love is truly irreplaceable. If you are finding it hard to cope with your mom’s death, channel your emotions by seeking solace in the written word.
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
Mom, I know you are listening from the heavens above. There’s nothing that I value more, than your love. No matter where I am or what I am doing, your memories will always keep me smiling. I miss you.
June 7, 2016
June 7, 2016
To the one an only Mum
Birthday Wishes Sent To Heaven Birthday gifts, are being sent on the wings, of the angels to where you went.

** On Your Birthday In Heaven I’m sending a dove to Heaven with a parcel on its wings .. Be careful when you open it as it’s full of beautiful things.

Inside, are a million kisses wrapped up in a million hugs .. To say how much I miss you and to send you all my love. ** Today is full of memories, happiness and tears .. Of birthday celebrations we’ve shared throughout the years.

And though I’ll always miss you the endless joy you brought .. Warms my heart with gratitude and fills my every thought. Where ever you are resting I hope that you can see .. How cherished and important your memory is to me.

I feel that you are with me in everything I do .. So I will celebrate my birthday but I will spend it, missing you. Always in my heart R.I.P
July 25, 2015
July 25, 2015
In Loving Memory of Rita Caines (1945-2012)

A loving tribute to a wonderful mother, grandmother, daughter, sister and friend. I miss you every day Mom!

The loss of my mother has been profound in my life. This was written shortly after her passing but as time goes by, we still feel a big gap for having lost her. I know she is in a better place and that does give me some comfort.

I know I have a very special angel watching over me.
My mother fought two courageous battles with Heart and Kidney failure and was a remarkable woman! Strong in faith and possessing a wonderful attitude despite a lot of medical issues.

My mother passion for people alwaysto helpthem her memory and know that she would want that. She was always such a giving person and careing for everyone.
July 25, 2015
July 25, 2015
A Beautiful Reflection In Memory Of One Beautiful Mom

Do not bow your heads and weep,

My soul lives on, I did not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning's hush

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds circled in flight.

I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not hang your head and cry.

My soul lives on, I did not die.
June 7, 2015
June 7, 2015
Mama worlds can't express how much u mean to mi n I missed u dearly
Mama u bring joy to my life I luv u for dt
But once again
Mama happy birthday to you luv
June 7, 2015
June 7, 2015
We are all in this together, I lost my mom 25-7-2012 it seem like yesterday. Mom was my best friend, I could talk to my mom about anything. She never said nothing to anyone about our conversation. God saw it was time to take mom home, to be with him. Mom I will always love you and keep you in my heart.

Remembering Mom Poem

A daughter looks back on memories of her mother, and hopes that she can give her children what her mother gave to her. She states that as long as her mother's memory is in her heart, she is never truly gone from her life.

Remembrance Mother,
as I walk through the journey of life,
I remember.
I remember how you helped me to grow
with love, truth, and honesty.
I remember how you helped me to choose the right path
with values, morals, and self worth.
I remember how you gave me dreams
with hope and confidence.
As I remember,
I pray to be a mother like you,
to shape my children into strong adults,
full of hopes and dreams.
You made me who I am today,
and I will always remember you in life's passings
for no one could touch my life as you have.

Remembrance in life's passing is the truest form of love one can give, for a memory should never die and a love should live forever in the heart of another!!!
June 7, 2015
June 7, 2015
For my Loving Mum Happy Birthday

As each passing day goes by
A tear falls from my eye
With each day passing me
A memory comes to mind
Without you by my side
Tears and memories compile
Until we meet again
My memories will form a mountain
A mountain unclimbable
My tears will form an ocean
An ocean uncrossable
You are my angel
You are my light
Guiding me through my days
And protecting my nights
You may be gone
But you're not forgotten
You're my angel now
But my Mommy you'll be
Until we meet again
I cry these tears
I release these memories
I shall climb my mountain
I will cross my ocean
One day soon
I will be at your side
I will be in your arms
I shall be safe once more

Happy Birthday Mommy
Love will be on the wings of my angel!!
September 19, 2014
September 19, 2014
We shall light a candle and carry it as ur  year pass us by we all missed u in our heart mama ur love will leave within us forever we all missed u
July 25, 2014
July 25, 2014
Words can not express how much you mean to me; but I will try and hope that my words display the up-most respect I have for you. Your caring compassion was unparalleled, your heart made of the finest and purest of golds. A true angel who helped and gave until you could no longer; and although my heart is sore, God is a jealous God and having you away from him for sixty-seven years I guess he couldn't take it anymore. I hope my words are deep enough to reach the furthest facets of heaven because I know you are there... listening. 
       From your grandson signed and sealed with Love.
July 25, 2014
July 25, 2014
We miss you in so many ways,
We miss the things you used to say,
And when old times we do recall,
It’s then we miss you most of all.
Looking back with memories,
Upon the path you trod,
We bless the hours we had with you,
And leave the rest with God.
Thank you for loving and sharing,
For giving and for caring.
God bless you and keep you,
Until we meet again.
July 24, 2014
July 24, 2014
Death of our loving Mum Poems For U Rita Canes From Your Family

Mothers are faithful companions and confidants even in the most difficult times. Mothers dedicate their lives to caring and providing for their children both physically and emotionally. They always seem to know how to help them to overcome problems and thrive in spite of them. A mother’s love is irreplaceable, which makes losing her to death an incredibly painful experience. While sons and daughters of all ages carry within their hearts a dull and lasting ache where they once felt love and security, it is important they continue searching for the happiness their mother always desired for them.
Family Poems From Dezra John
July 24, 2014
July 24, 2014

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Recent Tributes
July 25
July 25
Unconditional Love: A Tribute to My loving Mum

It's very sad to me that people don't talk to their moms on a regular basis, let alone, not at all. I'm sure things happen and the reasons for not speaking seem viable, but I could never have imagined what my life would be like if I did not have my mom - until now.

On July 25, 2012 at 8:30am my mother left this world and entered into eternity. She was everything to me and so much more than I can explain in 1,000 words or less. I would give anything to be able to hear my mother's voice answer the phone just one more time.

Because of how wonderful my mom was, and what she meant to me, I have felt compelled since her passing to take the time to honor her and share who she was - even though she deserves so much more than what I can give. The best way that I know how to relay the message about my mom is to write it down.

So... Here's to you, Mom - I love you and miss you every day... Continue To RIP 

June 7
June 7
In Loving Memory Mum On Your Birthday Today Memorial

To my mother in heaven, thank you for always loving me and guiding me. Even though you are no longer here with me I can still feel your love guiding me. You are always in my heart. I love you and miss you dearly. A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again. Whenever I am missing you, we also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn't trade those moments for the world. I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. Mom, sometimes I wish you could come back, but I don't want you to suffer again. I know you are with me and I will always love and miss you with all my heart. Until we meet again! Mom, you are the most beautiful memory we kept locked inside my heart. We have an angel watching over me. She is my mom. The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day, but the love and memory of you, shall never pass away.
June 7
June 7
happy heavenly birthday my loving angel mama i missed u so much rest well our beautiful angel ritz
Recent stories

10 Years Anniversary of my queen continue to internal rest in in peace Mum

July 25, 2022
Death Anniversary  Messages for you Mom
In love and memory of my queen continue to eternal rest in in peace mum we all missing you 
Years have passed but the mark my mother left on this world will never fade. Today we mark the anniversary of her passing—and we celebrate the love and memories she gave us. 
Mom, our love for you is as strong as ever. We see your attributes and qualities in each other and in our children and we know you are living on through those you loved.  
It’s been three years since you left us, mother, and you are still in my heart. I wish my daughter could have met you—and loved you, as she would have, as we all did. 
We miss you so much, Mom. I always feel so lucky to have been your child. I miss the way you made each of us feel special and loved. I know we will be reunited again.

wish you was here

August 11, 2019
saying ur name don't bring u back to us i love u ma
daddy and the rest of my family love u guys so much keep watching dwn on us

to my angel my granny Rita. m. caines

July 22, 2018

My heart never felt so much pain
The sky came together and dropped lots of rain
I thought my life was coming to an end
All I know is I will never give in
You were the reason I became who I am
You hold my life in the palm of your hand
You showed me right from wrong
But the day you died everything went wrong
You knew me oh so well
The day you died my heart fell
I will never forget you until I die
Maybe someday we will meet up in the sky
I know the lord took you cause it was time
But he should of let me say the right goodbye
I think of you from day to day
Wondering what you would think of me today.
If heaven had a window and God granted me a view,
of all the beauty it beholds, I'd only look for you.
I'd listen for your laughter that was always music to me,
your beautiful hair and hazel eyes is what I'd wish most to see.
If I could only view once more the smile that warmed my heart,
I'd treasure that moment as long as I live and we must be apart.
Here on earth I search for you and pray to God for signs,
and every day that passes you're still with me in my mind.
I know you're happy in heaven; you've earned your mansion indeed,
I imagine your kitchen table and you waiting there for me.
I love you and I miss you more than words can say,
and what I wouldn't give just to talk to you today.
I hope that you can hear me and listen to my thoughts,
and wherever this life takes me you know I've not forgot.
That once upon a time I was blessed and loved, it's true,
and if heaven had a window I'd only look for you.
The chair where you sat lies vacant and still,
The air so silent, through my body runs a chill,
The sound of your laughter echoes in my ears,
The teddy that you loved brings me close to tears.
Photos of you smiling are scattered on the wall,
The sense that you are here, as I walk through the hall.
An empty bed remains made just as it was that night,
Bedroom left alone, even though you're out of sight.
Your DVD's and music left untouched upon the shelf,
Some of which you didn't get to watch yourself.
The cup from which you drank tea alone behind the door,
Left abandoned like a friend not needed any more.
I looked into the night sky, on that fateful night,
I saw a star begin to flicker, like a fading light.
They say a star fades when a life comes to an end,
But for you God made an exception, that rule he did bend.
He reignited the flickering star so we can look above,
To see that star shining bright, showering us with love.
Stars may fade but the light lives on somewhere,
Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
ma wish u was here two see my kids i knw u wud luv em i always show em ur pics writing this put tears in my eyes knowing that six yrs has cum n u left us heart broken ma we missed n love u mama
25.07.12 i wont neva forget the day god called u home
didnt not get to say good bye to u ma i love u n missed u my queen u left me with noone one to talk to only u i cud tlk to about my ups n dwns ma
i jus hld bckeverything inside n cry it out cause u far away from me 

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