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Pictures, Videos, Robby's rap: in Gallery menu, click on photo to view full non-cropped pic

Listen to Robby's voice:   
After clicking below link, then click arrow > to play it    
Robby's rap song he wrote lyrics / performed
or to play it you can click above gallery menu, then audio menu, then click arrow to play.

Robby did this 90 second audio rap tribute that he wrote the lyrics for.  
It can also be played by clicking Gallery tab above, then audio tab,  The music part of the rap is from a rap song that he liked by artist Haystack ("My First Day" on album Portrait of a White Boy)  His prophetic lyrics are about a rehab friend William that a while after he got out of rehab he later overdosed in 2010.  Robby's rap song also ended up becoming prophetic by describing some of his own six year personal struggle with substance use-disorder. 

New website with Robby's story and essential info for parents and friends 
"Parents For Opioid-Free Children"   
Empowering parents with quick and essential opioid addiction information with options, resources, tips, use of evidence-based treatments, detox, rehab facilities, & lessons learned.
If you have ideas for website improvements, changes or corrections, contact Robby's father George.  

Photos and Videos of Robby, friends and family:
Viewing these photos, videos and audio is a good way to remember some of the times you once shared with Robby.  Share a story with another friend when you think of him. 

Click on Gallery tab, then either photos or videos or audio for his rap song.  Then click on the actual photo to see the entire full size photo not just the cropped thumbnail version.   
There are a few very short videos of young Robby also. 
You can now add gallery photos, songs and videos directly from your phone or tablet. You can download a photo you like to keep or share on Facebook etc. by double clicking on photo to see full size then right click for options.

This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Robby Andrew, who was born on December 30,1990 and died on June 2, 2013. We will never forget Robby. We will love and miss him forever.

The Services were held on June 8th, 2013 at: 
First United Methodist Church of Winter Park
125 N. Interlachen Ave.
Winter Park, FL  32789
       Thank you all for showering us with your warm thoughts, love, and kindness as we grieve over the sudden loss of our precious son, Robby. Please post any stories or memories you have of Robby. If Robby's life or death influenced your life, your story would be a great comfort to us and others that loved him.  Thanks for calling, writing or visiting us.   
     George, Theresa, & Sarah 

  407 592-6026 

June 2, 2018
June 2, 2018
What would Robby say to each of us today? Reflect for a while, you might hear his voice. A light-hearted quip, friendly encouragement or a reaffirming hug seeming to say "peace". I am working towards peace you spoke of. Your 22 years of life's experiences and relationships are remembered as I try to reflect and incorporate them into my daily life.

Although we cannot change the past, the present and future can be in part determined by our reactions to challenges by how we channel these devastatingly painful losses such as Robby. 

His life and death highly motivated me to do something to slow down the national opioid epidemic. I recently created and launched an organization and website entitled “Parents for opioid-free children”. Its purpose is to empower parents with quick and essential opioid addiction information. 
It also recounts some of Robby’s story.

If you know any parent or friend of a person that is newly addicted to opioids, they should check out the website. I hope it will be helpful with intent to save some young lives. or 

I also placed my new business card on the photo gallery for anyone that has a need for opioid substance-use disorder and addiction information. It is based what I have learned through research and experience. 
Robby's dad, George
*To hear Robby's voice again, click the Gallery tab button at top-then click audio, then click on > . A 90 second Rap tribute he wrote and performed about a friend that overdosed in 2010. Also there are a few short videos of him.
June 2, 2018
June 2, 2018
Hard to believe it’s been 5 years little cousin.... not sure why this story has been playing in my mind recently, but keep thinking of this funny Christmas Eve at a new church of our grandmothers when the lights went down and actual live cirque du soliel dancers came from the sky dancing on ribbons..... we clearly couldn’t stop laughing hysterically. I imagine nothing would have changed now as adults if you were here... I know we would still be laughing hysterically.
June 2, 2018
June 2, 2018
Robby, your absence is felt at every family gathering that is, and in my mind and heart, at those (to honor you), which should have been. Your premature passing has impacted all who knew you. We will never be the same. You are loved. The deep love of your immediate family for you has been like a candle for us all, reminding that the darkness will not completely snuff out the light. They have shown us a path that we too can choose in times of unimaginable sorrow, the path of courage. May your sweet soul rest in peace. Aunt Colleen
June 1, 2018
June 1, 2018
It has been five years. I often think about what your life would have been like if you had not died. I wonder about the career you might have chosen. You had talked about being a chef, maybe opening your own restaurant. I imagine that restaurant. I wonder about whether you would have gotten married, and the person you would have chosen—would she be a combination of the girls you once dated? Would I love her like a daughter? I think about your being a father. I think of how your kids would adore you and want to be like you. I think of how I would adore your children. I think about the wonderful life you could have had, the life you were meant to have. I miss you, Robby. 
Theresa Andrew
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017
Thinking of your family, wishing them peace and happy memories
December 30, 2017
December 30, 2017
Happy birthday, Robby. If you had lived to be 95 as Grandpa Leif did, you would still have 68 years of life left. Your loss is the one that counts, not mine. You lost your whole life. I still have half a life. I think of you every day, Robby. Dad and Sarah will probably watch videos of you today in celebration of your birthday. I'm not ready to see them yet. I love you and miss you. I always will.
December 30, 2017
December 30, 2017
Happy 27th Birthday. Wish you were here to celebrate with your family. I know they miss you every day. We were able to celebrate with you for many years now we can just remember who you were and how much fun you were to watch grow up. Your life forever touched ours and we miss you. Your parents are missing you every day but they are doing all they can to educate other parents so they don't experience a loss like they will never be over. May you be looking down and watching over your family. I pray for them constantly. Love you Always. Cindy
December 30, 2017
December 30, 2017
It’s hard to believe that Robby would have been 27 today! I so wish I could meet the 27 year old Robby. I imagine him as quiet, thoughtful, intelligent, handsome, and so funny. That is the Robby I knew before he died and how I will always remember him.
June 3, 2017
June 3, 2017
Yesterday was four years since you passed. We all still miss you. I know your family will never go through a day that you are not missed. I just spent time on a cruise with my brother nephews and nieces. It reminded me to cherish every minute we have each other because we never know when another will leave this life into eternity. I pray for your mom dad and sister always remembering them and living without you. Until we meet again.
June 2, 2017
June 2, 2017
Robby, you are missed so very much. I sure could use your help here at the lake. So much fun we shared "working" together in Dothan. You would be very proud of Sarah and her traveling adventures. We hope to see her at the lake sometime on her "world tour". Oh how I would like to go boating and fishing with you, find me a good spot and I will be looking forward to seeing you again. Love ya buddy.... UJ
June 2, 2017
June 2, 2017
In an hour from now, it will have been four years since the paramedics attempted to revive your irretrievably dead body while those around you prayed and cried. I was 1300 miles away from you, peacefully driving to church—feeling such hope about your recovery and your future. But you were already gone. I miss you, Robby. As time passes, my memories of you fade, and the best of you is lost. I remember little things, such as your telling me about how crazy the Christian cell block at jail had been: “Mom, it was like Vacation Bible School gone horribly wrong,” or how you would tell me a tall tale and I would say, “Really?” and then you would laugh and say with a mischievous smile, “No, Mom, not really.” I miss your laughter, your love, and your sensitive spirit. Someday, when I am strong enough, I will read the journal I started on the day you were born and ended the week that you died. Most of my best memories of you are there. I am not strong enough to read it yet; I fear the pain it will trigger. Schopenhauer once said, “The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost.”
June 2, 2017
June 2, 2017
It has been four years since we had our last conversation. I try to continue to include you in my life by asking how you would respond; what would you say or think about this situation? I focus on the memorable moments with you that I now hold so dear. If given the power, I would wave a magic wand, and you would be here again in an instant, healed, happy with a sparkle in your eyes to share with all. But I can only think of you in small increments of time since the pain and sorrow still fills my heart.
June 2, 2017
June 2, 2017
Four has always been my lucky number, but this, the fourth anniversary of your death breaks my heart. As I always told your mom and Aunt Jen that each of them held a special place in my heart, you will always hold the honor of being my firstborn grandchild, long anticipated, deeply loved, never to be forgotten.
January 1, 2017
January 1, 2017
Robbie, I was thinking of you on December 30th. Happy Birthday. We miss you and I still remember seeing you on the day you were you were born and your Mom and Dad so happy and your dad making the comment that you made the best financial decision by coming into the world at the end of the year instead of waiting until January. Your family I know misses you so much and so do we. As I watch my son grow up I can't imagine life without him. I pray for your family constantly as I know losing you has forever changed their life. We love and miss you.
December 30, 2016
December 30, 2016
Robby, you would have turned 26 today. Your whole family misses you dearly, especially when we gather together for the special milestone events of our lives. You have missed living through so many changes that have happened in the family this year. After living at home for almost two years, Sarah is once again Brooklyn bound. Grandma Mary turned 90 this year. Grandma Wiz and Sal once again enjoy spending weekends together and going on adventures. Aunt Sue and Uncle Jerry built a lake house—you would have loved to spend time fishing on the lake with Uncle Jerry and cooking what you both caught. Emily is married to Eric. Uncle Steve and Aunt Colleen love Eric like a son. Maureen is engaged to Seth. Eileen bravely moved out to Colorado at 18. Max is about to start college soon. Franny is driving. And Ceci has become so much like Aunt Jennifer, with her sharp, curious mind and her sweet, gentle spirit. Your father is excited about the new self-driving Tesla he is getting soon. I love working at the resale shop where I used to buy clothes for you. 

Today, instead of celebrating your 26th birthday with you, Sarah will write an elegiac remembrance of you, making us all weep. Grandma Wiz will have a mass said for you and faithfully attend it with Sal. Dad will visit your tree today and reflect on the son he loved dearly. Your other family members and friends will remember you in their own ways. And I will cry until there are no tears left in the hours before work, so that I can be the welcoming shop girl whose loyal customers have no idea the pain that hides behind my smile. Colby, who was like a brother to you, will not be coming by today to bring a birthday cake in your memory, as he did after you died. He is in Viet Nam now, buried with generations of his family.

I miss you, Robby! I would give anything to have just one more day to be with you. How about today? We could celebrate your birthday together. Just. One. More. Day.
December 30, 2016
December 30, 2016
Remembering Robby's birthday and sending love
December 30, 2016
December 30, 2016
I was thinking of you a couple of times this past week. I was able to get your Dad to do a couple of spin classes with me which can be quite painful when you haven't done them in a couple of years.

I thought of you almost every class when I used to spin several years back which I quit about the time you went north to rehab. Needless to say I was thinking of you again since your Dad was with me in these classes recently. I used to think my struggle was nothing compared to yours and somehow hoped if I worked harder in my workout, you would get stronger.

Now I just miss you and wish you had been with us at Emily's wedding to see her get married and Dance with us all. Yes, even your parents and sister were able to shake it up a little. I can see the look on your face now!

Miss you and will not stop thinking of you every time I spin !
Love, Uncle Steve
June 2, 2016
June 2, 2016
TOO SOON you departed Robby. I miss you so much !! Love ya UJ
June 2, 2016
June 2, 2016
Robby, I still miss you every day. It’s been three years since you died, but the world is not as you left it. Sarah, your baby sister, is now older than you. You would have had fun teasing Sarah about her beating you once again in the sibling rivalry game. You would be amazed that her hair color is brown—just like mine used to be. Mine is much lighter now, mostly gray. I know you would encourage me with, ‘Gray is the new blonde, Mom.’ I remember you bought Grandma Wiz a T-shirt with that declaration for her 70th birthday when we went to Alaska together. My favorite picture of you is from that trip. You would not believe that your father is close to retirement. I remember when you nicknamed him ‘Mr. Work’ and drew that wonderful picture of him working in his office. You would think it ironic that your best friend from Lake Silver now works there. You would feel so honored that there is a beautiful oak tree in Dartmouth Park—where you and Sarah and all your friends used to play—dedicated to you. You would be amazed to know that medical marijuana is legal in most states. I am sure you would argue with everyone that if marijuana had only been legalized sooner, you would not have moved on to opiates. No doubt you would have a medical marijuana script on file at CVS. As I think of the hundreds of changes that have occurred in our lives since you left us, I must face the truth that change is constant and inevitable. The one thing that will never, ever change, Robby, is how much I love and miss you. You will always be my beautiful boy.

‘To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.’

— Thomas Campbell
June 2, 2016
June 2, 2016
As I replay and listen to your voice on the rap song 
that you wrote the words to about missing a friend that overdosed, your 2010 song ironically became much about your own story. You comfort my sorrow with your dear voice that is so missed as well as your remaining pictures and videos. As we all watch your memorial tree planted in Dartmouth Park grow, so does our focus on our fond memories we can begin to more freely share with one another as a reflection and tribute to you. I can locate a smile by piercing through the unwelcomed fog that sometimes clouded the old Robby we all knew so well.
June 2, 2016
June 2, 2016
Remembering my first grandchild on the 3rd anniversary of his death -
I see his pictures every day on the moving photo frame given to me by George and Theresa. I'm so glad we had the family professionally photographed 3 years ago. Precious memories, bittersweet but so poignant. Rest in peace, dearest Robby.
June 2, 2016
June 2, 2016
There is a film over my eyes that projects you throughout the day, every day, unexpectedly. I find you in the strangest places. It is usually not an image, but a feeling. This feeling stills me as it arrives. It is familiar and foreign. I often forget it is you saying hello, waking me up, keeping my soul intact. It is three years today. There will never be a more harrowing pain.
May 28, 2016
May 28, 2016
Robby, with each birthday and holiday, we miss you so much!
You would have loved staying with us in the cabin on the
the river in North Carolina last month. I can imagine your
happiness in fishing there. You and your grandfather loved to
fish. You would have teased me unmercifully about my hitting a
deer. You had exceptional hand-eye coordination—you would
have easily avoided the collision. You would have loved the
Grove Park Inn, and you would have talked about wanting to be
a chef there. Most importantly, you would have been with
Sarah when she really needed you the most. She reminds us
that we are old and will die soon, but she will miss you for
a lifetime. And yet, every day without you is a lifetime to
those of us who truly loved you. During this Memorial Day
holiday, we will remember you as a soldier who bravely
fought in a six-year battle against addiction. We will never
forget how truly brave you were.
May 28, 2016
May 28, 2016
I thought of you early this morning, Robby and put on my purple bracelet as a way to feel connected to you and your precious family! Time changes, as does our loss, and our grief, but one thing never changes and that's how much we loved you and miss you!

Always your, Aunt Sue
January 23, 2016
January 23, 2016
Robby, we named you after my father to honor him and to give him hope. He was in a deep depression at the time you were born. He loved you, his precious namesake, beyond measure. I often wonder what different circumstances might have saved your life or saved my father's life. I have to remind myself--sometimes daily--how critically important genes are in determining destiny--that DNA trumps everything. Darwin's explanation from chapter one of The Origin of Species reminds me to stop searching for that magic environmental wand that could have saved you or saved my father: 'Seedlings from the same fruit, and the young of the same litter, sometimes differ considerably from each other, though both the young and the parents...have apparently been exposed to exactly the same conditions of life; and this shows how unimportant the direct effects of the conditions of life are in comparison with the laws of reproduction, and of growth, and of inheritance; for had the action of the conditions been direct, if any of the young had varied, all would probably have varied in the same manner.'
January 7, 2016
January 7, 2016
We are so very grateful to Tyler Bedle for contacting the City of Orlando and organizing a gofundme campaign to have an oak tree planted at Dartmouth Park in memory of Robby. We were truly honored to have so many of Robby's
friends gather to celebrate the planting of Robby's tree. Although Robby died before he had a chance to live a full life, his tree will live longer than all of us. Many thanks to Tyler and to all of Robby's loyal friends.
December 30, 2015
December 30, 2015
Happy Birthday Robby. 25yrs ago today I proudly stood at the hospital window looking at my nephew. I stand today for you with pride and thanksgiving for each day we shared. Always UJ.
December 30, 2015
December 30, 2015
Hi Trac and George,
I remember this awesome day 25 yrs ago when Robby was born and today I will be thinking about all the great Robster memories.
December 30, 2015
December 30, 2015
Praying for you all today. As you said in an earlier post, I'm sure as parents, family and friends we never get over the loss of a child. However the good news is that you all are leaning on the promises of God our Father and your Faith in Him will free you to live and serve. Pray often and with confidence and know you will hold Robby again. God promises.   God Bless you all.
December 30, 2015
December 30, 2015
Dearest Theresa and George,

25 years ago you gave me the gift of my first-born grandchild. I wear his memory band every day and I will cherish his memory in my heart forever.
December 30, 2015
December 30, 2015
Happy Birthday Robbie. You are truly missed by all who had the opportunity to know. I continually lift your parents and sister in my prayers because I know how much they miss you.
November 15, 2015
November 15, 2015
Thinking of you Robbie. Remembering your kind, warm smile, and your genuine nature. You are so missed. Love always - emily
August 31, 2015
August 31, 2015
Today is International Overdose Awareness Day. When Robby initially overdosed after five months in rehab—and survived, I never imagined he would overdose again. I believed that Robby would overcome his addiction to opiates. I did not understand the power of addiction. Now that I do, now that I am the parent of a son who died of an opiate overdose, I try to warn everyone in my path that pain pills are synthetic heroin, that opiate addiction is often deadly, and that anyone can become an addict. No one is immune.

The reality of death—especially for parents who bury their children—is something that most people are not prepared to accept. As I learn to accept the reality of Robby’s death, I am better able to focus on the life he lived and the love I had for him. Although I have no true words that are comforting about death, I do think that death forces us to cherish and embrace life. Our time on earth with those we love is brief and precious. Tell your kids how much you love them. And tell everyone you know about Robby’s life, death, and the deadly nature of addiction.
June 6, 2015
June 6, 2015
Vladimir Nabokov puts it best in “Pale Fire”:
I’ll turn down eternity unless
The melancholy and the tenderness
Of mortal life; the passion and the pain;
The claret taillight of that dwindling plane
Off Hesperus; your gesture of dismay
On running out of cigarettes; the way
You smile at dogs; the trail of silver slime
Snails leave on flagstones; this good ink, this rhyme,
This index card, this slender rubber band
Which always forms, when dropped, an ampersand,
Are found in Heaven by the newly dead …
June 2, 2015
June 2, 2015
Remembering our nephew "Robby, Robster, Rob"..........

Dear George, Theresa and Sarah
Nothing takes away the LOVE we share for Robby for he too gave us LOVE. We still miss him greatly and hold close so many wonderful memories of his laughter, mischevious fun going humor and his special visit with us. Most of all we LOVE you and though we still grieve we celebrate the BLESSINGS of Robby's life. In Faith Hope and LOVE..........we never walk alone.......Jerry n Susan.
June 2, 2015
June 2, 2015
“Words of Discomfort”
(a poem by Robby's mom, Theresa)

I’m sorry for your loss
I really feel your pain
Your faith is being tested but
you’ll see your son again.

It is not ours to reason and
we dare not ask God why
He did not spare his only Son
who also had to die.

God needed another angel
It’s part of a bigger plan
It’s not your place to question God
Some day you’ll understand.

God really healed your dear one
If you could only see
God stopped his life on earth so he
could live eternally.

You wouldn’t want him back, would you?
He dwells in perfect peace
Just trust in God and read His Word
Your troubles soon will cease.

What do you mean you wonder if
you’ll see your son again?
If this is all there is—well what’s
the point of living then?

This life itself is just too short
to be the only one
You must believe there is more time
to see your precious son.

I’ve got to go because our son’s
in town to visit us
I’ll keep you in my prayers and
I am sorry for your loss.
June 2, 2015
June 2, 2015
Two years ago I learned the dreadful news that my only and precious son, Robby, would never again be able to have a conversation, spend some time, or share what’s on his mind with me or anyone else.

In my pain and wrenching sorrow, I have tried to think on the good times we spent together and have shared a memory or two with those of you who also loved him dearly and knew him as a loyal friend or caring family member. The hole in my heart now ever present, I am told will slowly heal with time. 

His quiet smile and gentle approach is now noticeably absent at family gatherings, special occasions, and even in my day to day routines. On a recent occasion, I think he might have said, “Way to go, Sarah” on her recent NYU graduation.

I appreciate your calls, emails, visits and thoughts posted on his memorial site. I thank all of you who shared some of your love and time with my Robby.

*To hear Robby's voice again, click the Gallery tab button at top-then click audio, then click on > . A 90 second Rap tribute he wrote and performed about a friend that overdosed in 2010. Also there are a few short videos of him.
June 2, 2015
June 2, 2015
How fleeting is life, so precious and gone too soon. I am sad, as I near the end of my life, that my first-born grandchild never had the chance to experience all of the joys that life can bring. How proud he would have been to see his beautiful little sister as she graduated from college two weeks ago. All the firsts he will miss: marriage, the birth of a child, that child's first step. We who mourn him grieve his loss and cherish his memory. R.I.P. dearest Robby.
June 2, 2015
June 2, 2015
It doesn't seem possible that it's been two years since Robby died or even possible that he is not still a little boy. We'll always miss his quiet, sweet, funny soul and we'll do our best to keep his spirit alive forever.
December 31, 2014
December 31, 2014
may every gentle breeze that blows send happiness your way. happy birthday and new year Robby.
December 30, 2014
December 30, 2014
Robby, today is your twenty-fourth birthday. We miss you! You live on in our hearts and in our minds; George, Sarah, and I think of you every day. We will tell people about you for the rest of our lives. We will keep you alive in the only way we know how--in our memories of you. Happy birthday, Robby. I love you! I will always think of myself as Robby's mom.
December 30, 2014
December 30, 2014
Happy Birthday Robby. Thoughts and prayers for peace and healing for your family.
December 30, 2014
December 30, 2014
All day today I've been contemplating how or what I can to do express happy birthday to my cousin and still at 8:30 with the night almost ended, i can't fingure out the proper way to honor his 24th birthday. And that is simply because there is never a "proper way" to address a birthday of a loved one that is passed. It's simply sad. But in the same token, it gives me peace to think that it is his birthday in which he is most likely having a ball up there in heaven. And since we are stuck here on earth with the sadness of missing him, excepting and embracing that peace is all we can do. It's quite obvious that i miss him, for Pete sake I'm posting my emotions on a website haha, but I think it's what we make of it that matters not that we confess how much we miss him. But anyway, I miss you and love you just as any day Robby happy 24th birthday.
August 31, 2014
August 31, 2014
Today is International Overdose Awareness Day. It is held on August 31st each year to raise awareness of overdose, to spread the message that overdose is preventable, and to remember those who have died or been permanently injured as a result of drug overdose. Robby, my handsome, smart, charming, funny, loving, and loyal son, died from an opiate overdose on June 2, 2013, two days after leaving a drug rehab center in Rhode Island. He was only 22. He battled with an opiate addiction for six years. Addiction won.

Today, in memory of Robby, I will post some drug awareness information on the internet. I will wear Robby's purple band. I will tell everyone I talk to that more Americans now die from drug overdose than from car accidents, that 105 Americans die daily from overdose, and that 7 Floridians die daily from overdose. I will also tell them that prescription pain medicine is highly addictive---it is essentially synthetic heroin---and it can kill the people that we love the most. And I will tell them that naloxone should be made available over-the-counter in every pharmacy because it can reverse an overdose and save a life for $3.00. I hope all who read this post will also spread this information.

I want people to be aware about overdose, even for only a few minutes, before they go back to their normal lives--like the lives that we lived before Robby died. If you think you understand opiate addiction, you don't. If you think you know what you would do if you or your loved one became addicted, you don't, because the odds of beating an opiate addiction are slim to none. All doctors, nurses, and health care providers need to wake up and use their medical knowledge to try and stop our country's opiate epidemic. Overdose awareness is the place to start.
August 25, 2014
August 25, 2014
When I went outside this afternoon, I noticed how exceptionally windy it was. It reminded me of an afternoon I spent with Robby three years ago. I went back to my journal---the one I kept from the day Robby was born until the day he died---and read this entry from March 30th, 2011: 'Today I underestimated the power of nature. I wanted to go food shopping at Walmart, even though Robby said he thought it looked like it would rain. Well, right when we were driving back home from Walmart, the wind picked up like a hurricane. We saw branches in the road. Robby actually said, “Well, Mom, if this is it, I just want you to know that I love you.” We came home, and Robby pulled the basketball hoop down. Then the power went out, so he manually closed the garage door. Meanwhile, smart Sarah is out standing in the yard, experiencing nature, clueless that a snapped limb could impale her at any moment. We told her to get the hell inside! Robby amazed me---he is so good at acting calmly and quickly in an emergency. I told him he might want to think about being a paramedic or firefighter, since he is cool in a crisis when everyone else panics. No harm done to the house in the storm, and the power came back on pretty soon afterwards.' Robby had talked about becoming a firefighter. He would have loved it.
August 25, 2014
August 25, 2014
I posted a photo today of the lovely memorial garden that Steve and Colleen planted in their yard in memory of Robby.
June 5, 2014
June 5, 2014
A year of time passing....yet the loss is still very real and painful. I am so sorry and I keep you all in my prayers. I have enjoyed looking through the photos, the happy smiles on your faces. Thankful for the good times you had together. I read a book by Randy Alcorn titled "If God is Good". It helped me wrap my mind around the question of pain, suffering, and the tragedies of life.
June 4, 2014
June 4, 2014
I loved Robby. He was my heart. I got clinically depressed last year because I blamed myself for Robby’s death. I felt that I was being punished by God for some mysterious reason. With the passage of time, I can now clearly reflect on my relationship with Robby. I was a good mother to Robby, and I tried to do every logical, reasonable thing I could to save him from a deadly addiction. I spent an inordinate amount of time and money on doctors, counselors, rehabs, hospitals, detox, and medications for Robby. And I even sent him to jail more than once. But all my efforts failed, and my son died. Addiction to opiates is stronger than medical intervention, rehab, willpower, prayer, NA, surviving a deadly overdose, or even a mother’s unconditional love. Robby was my heart. I always came from a place of love when I interacted with him, even when he was out of control. Six months before Robby died, he was the worst I had ever seen him. He was violent, coming off of a cocaine high. Although I was literally in fear for my life, I went up to him and tried to embrace him. I touched his cheek and kept saying, through my tears, “Robby, I love you. I am your mother. Robby, I’m your mother. I love you.” My love was not enough to save my beautiful boy. Now that a year has passed since Robby died, I have accepted his death. Life is filled with loss---family, friends, jobs, health, hopes and dreams. My loss is small in comparison to Robby’s. He lost his one and only life for a moment of pleasure. Comforting words about an afterlife, a greater good, free will, God’s will, or fate---none of these concepts mitigate the tragedy of Robby’s lost life. If I could have written the script of our lives, I would have been the one to die and Robby would have been the one who lived.
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June 2
June 2
This sad anniversary breaks my heart. I waited so long for my beautiful firstborn
grandchild. I loved seeing him grow into a fine young man. He looked so much like his grandfather at 16. And when Robby turned 16 everything changed, and his life, which began with such hope and promise, ended tragically too soon. How
do you go on after such a loss? Tova answers correctly, in "Bright Creatures." You
must move on. You move on for the sake of all the others who loved Robby, especially Sarah, the little sister he left behind.

Grandma Wiz

June 2
June 2
Like title of this site: FOREVER MISSED! Nothing could be more real than the longing for Robby’s presence. UJ
June 2
    “How did you, like, go on?” He looks down at her and swallows hard. “I mean, he was here one day and gone the next. How do you recover from something like that?”
    Tova hesitates. “You don’t recover. Not all the way. But you do move on. You have to.”

            Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

    Our only son, Robby, died on June 2, 2013. George and I are so grateful for all the words of kindness Robby’s family and friends have expressed on this memorial website over the past eleven years. Going forward, although we will no longer be posting the thoughts we have of Robby, we will always treasure this website and the people who helped make it a wonderful tribute to our beautiful boy.

                         Theresa and George Andrew
Recent stories
June 2, 2014

Dear Robby,


How has a year passed by without you? I guess it doesn’t feel like an entire year because I really haven’t been without you at all. I still talk to you, feel your presence and see you everywhere. When I pray, I pray that you have met Chris’ dad and that he is guiding you and that you walk together, laughing and telling stories about us on Earth. When I’m really having a bad day or missing you guys, all I have to say is, “Robby and Ronnie, I really need your help.” And an instant peace will come over me. Then a memory will enter my head, something funny that makes me laugh out loud. For instance, I will remember you being a total goofball and doing anything just to get a smile out of me. And instantly you are there, wherever I am, I feel you next to me. I am so grateful for the time we had together. You are the only close friend I have ever lost. However, I want you to know that I will never say goodbye.


I love you and I miss you everyday,



A Naloxone Kit Could Have Saved Robby

January 28, 2014

Dear Dr. Kolodny, 

We are writing to you because our only son, Robert George Andrew, died of an opiate overdose on June 2, 2013, two days after finishing the drug abuse treatment program at Phoenix House in Exeter, RI. Our son Robby was handsome, smart, charming, funny, loving and loyal. He should have had a very bright future and a wonderful life. If an inexpensive, easy-to-use naloxone kit had been provided for our son when he left Phoenix House, Robby might still be alive today. Please take a look at Robby’s memorial website and try to imagine our loss. This letter is posted there. 

When you were the Director for Special Projects for the New York City Department of Health, you saved many lives by implementing a naloxone overdose prevention program. Now that you are the Chief Medical Officer of Phoenix House, we hope that you will implement a naloxone overdose prevention program for everyone who seeks treatment at the 123 Phoenix Houses for which you are responsible. By building on the success of your New York City program, you could create a lifesaving legacy and profoundly transform the outcome of drug abuse treatment at Phoenix House and beyond. 

Thousands of teenagers and young adults, who in previous generations would never have become addicts, are being given opioid painkillers for sports injuries or wisdom teeth extraction, only to become hopelessly addicted. Young people who successfully complete drug treatment in rehab or prison are at high risk for deadly overdose once they are released. Providing naloxone overdose prevention kits to these recovering addicts can make the critical difference between life and death. A dead addict cannot be rehabilitated; only a living addict has the chance to fully recover from addiction. Robby will never have that chance. But others could have it.   

Miriam Hospital in Providence, RI, 30 miles from the Phoenix House in Exeter, does have an overdose prevention program: Preventing Overdose and Naloxone Intervention (PONI).  This program is in partnership with many organizations that help addicts. It should be in partnership with the Phoenix House in Exeter. A naloxone kit distributed by PONI costs around $15.00 and can reverse five overdose events. 

You have shown exceptional leadership as the president of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing. We support your courageous effort to change the labeling require- ments for painkillers which will help reduce opioid abuse and overdose. In addition to this important cause, we hope you will consider the tremendous good you could do if you build on the success of your New York City naloxone overdose prevention program and champion naloxone overdose prevention kits for Phoenix House. Think of the countless lives you could save. 

Respectfully yours, 

Theresa and George Andrew 









The Trampoline

January 2, 2014

    I remember back when we had the big king size trampoline in our backyard and we had a family party for who knows which birthday. All of us kids, Sarah, Emily, Maureen, Robby, and I (the littlest and most forgotten) were all jumping on the trampoline and i loved tickle fights back then so i pocked the girls and they clearly weren't interested. So i bounced over to where Robby was and drove my finger into his rib cage, tickling him, as he showed his cute, fun smile laughing and chuckling. His laugh and smile always made me smile and laugh. It was one of those where you couldn't help but laugh too. So anyway, i kept pocking him and he never once said stop or "EILEEN YOUR ANNOYING STOP" like other people sometimes did, he just kept laughing and trying to fight back poking me. I will never forget that smille and squinted laughing eyes Robby had that night back when we were all so little. I miss you Robby, not a day goes by that i somehow don't think about you and your affect on me. You always understand me, i love you.
Love, Eileen 

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