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His Life


July 27, 2017

In April 1982 I began work as Program Secretary For the Lane County Summer Youth Program.  As it was a temporary position I decided I was going to get married In Reno on September 11th.  I had no one in mind--just that I was going to get married.

My friend and I used to Love to go out dancing,  No drinking or picking up guys--just dancing.  Denise met this guy who wanted to date her but as we didn't know him that well she wouldn't go out alone.  So he asked me if I'd double date with him and my friend with this guy he worked with.  I said sure and we met at Bev's Steakhouse on August 3rd.  We sat in the car prior to going in while i Prayed out loud:  "Dear God.  Don't let him be a Woof Woof!"   Denise and I walked in and there was this muscular hunk with a beautiful smile sitting with Steve.  We were introduced and Bob proceeded to talk to Denise!!  When I asked him later why he seemingly ignored me he said he was shy and was thinking:  "WOW!  My luck just changed!"  We went to Lyons for dinner and the guys ordered steaks for all of us.  Mine was tough and I couldn't cut it so Bob cut mine for me.  He endeared himself to me with his humor when, upon cutting one piece for me, he looked at what he'd just cut and remarked:  "Hmm.  This piece looks like it's already been chewed!"

We were planning on going to a movie but couldn't decide which ended up going up on Kelly's Butte to look at the lights.  Bob informed us he was going to take a vacation for the first time in years.  I asked him when he was going and where and he informed us he was going to his mom's who lived down by Reno and he'd be going September 11th!!!  Denise and I just cracked up as I'd decided back in April I was getting married in Reno on September 11th.

We walked around Kelly's Butte admiring the lights when he suddenly asked me if I would like to get married.  It just seemed so natural and I said "yes."

The next day I was thunderstruck that I had said yes.  He called and we talked and he came over.  I was afraid to get married again as my first marriage was a disaster.  So I tried scaring him off by first telling him "I go to church 3 times a week."  His response was "Good!  I'll go with you."  "But I have 3 kids and my oldest has been living with his father and he has problems over our divorce and he wants to live with me now."  That's OK.  We'll raise them together and work through any problems together."

Long story short:  We got married in Reno on September 11th, 1982.  As we walked out of The Heart of Reno Wedding Chapel a parade went by, church bells rang, and the Blue Angels flew over.  It was the week-end of the air show.  Bob's mom remarked:  "Bobby, all this is for you and Kina."

And that is how I met my Best Friend and Love of My Life.

Home from the wedding

January 6, 2018

When we got home from Reno you carried me over the threshhold and I was amazed at how strong you were.  But I was much smaller then.  I prepared a horrid dinner that I so wanted to be perfect for you.  The fried chicken was good but the mashed potatoes were like cement and the chicken gravy like water.  The vegies were Ok.  I felt like such a failure but you were so good and didn't make fun.  As the days went on your wisdom and love towards the kids amazed and blessed me.  Greg had anger issues from his treatment at the hands of step mother # 1 and the pain of the divorce,  He kept fighting and hitting Kristi so you decided to play Judge Wapner with them.  The perps would sit at each end of the kitchen table and you sat in the middle.  You set forth rules that each would get to speak their piece but the other had to remain silent until the speaker was finished.  Then it was the others turn.  This taught them respect for each other by listening and then discussing with you, the judge, a resolution.  And it always worked.  You had told me before we got married that you had made a promise to yourself that you would never treat your wife or kids as your abusive father had treated your mom and you kids. And you kept your word.  I also loved how, as a family, we would hold hands at dinner, Walton style, and say grace.  And when we all were on the same schedule and went to bed at the same time, we'd say "Good Night" from each bedroom Walton-style.  I can still hear the voices pealing "Good Nigtht, Daddy Boy!"  "Good Night, Kristi Boy" and all the way down with everyone saying good night that way.  That is a precious and dear memory I've tucked into my heart.  I'll write more in another chapter later.  I love and miss you so much my Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love.