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Uncle Bobby I love you

June 18, 2017

So I remember when we had a birthday party at my house for Brandon's birthday. It was a swimming party!!! Uncle Bobby brought his best pair is speedos!!! Mind you all of my ex husbands uber religious family was there!!! Here comes uncle bob in his speedo and both pierced nipples!!! My exs side about met Jesus that day!!! Thank you Uncle Bob for that great memory!!! Mom and I still bring it up now and then!!! You were a great Uncle!! Hate that both my Uncles are gone now but I know you'll be watching out for us all!!! Love you!!!

It is shocking...

June 14, 2017

So my dad always showed me how to work on cars. My first car had issues. Seemed like every week. Something was needed. This one time..  my father said well we should see if it has spark. Handed me the spark plug wire and the ticked the key.. yes that was a live I can laugh now. Dad got a kick out of it.. guess I learned two things. About cars and about electricity. I will say I tried this on my daughter. She wasn't as gullible as me..

My brother Bob

June 11, 2017

I will miss my brother.  I hope he is now at peace I've always loved him he was my big brother. I remember that he broke his elbow in high school throwing a football as far as he could and he had a truck tire fall on him and broke his leg. The first car he drove was mom and dads Pontiac he painted it blue and put deep dish rims with baby moon's lol He will be missed by his little sister.

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