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March 17
Bob, it is your birthday, the day I best like to remember you. We all miss you so much. In your honor, again, we eat your favorite chocolate chip cookies and hot dogs and a few tuna sandwiches washed down with Diet Pepsi. I miss our "drop of a hat" road trips and travel abroad, your curiosity, your infectious laugh, your wisdom and love of life. I must add that, in this season, I especially miss you doing our taxes and not me!!.... LOL Love you. Betsy
March 8
March 8
It’s been 10 years since you’ve been gone. So much has happened but the biggest one was that I got married 11,4,2023. I truly believe you were with us in that moment. You also have three grand dog children! Chloe (11), Archie (7) and Gabi (5mo). I know they would have loved to give you kisses and play with you! They remind me a lot of you! They love playing with a tennis ball and always find one on a walk. You don’t know this but at one point in my grief, I asked you to show me a tennis  ball to signify how you are with me in moments in my life. Well, I feel like you’re with me on every dog walk when they find tennis balls, and it’s your way of saying you love those little babies!  I love and miss you so much, dad!

March 18, 2023
March 18, 2023
Hi...Happy birthday. I know that's the last thing you'd want to be remembered for but it always gave me another opportunity to call you and check you always did with me. I miss those phone calls that started with "Did you see that game last night"? And a half hour later we solved Arco's and our problems and of course the world's.
What a kind and generous man! If he believed in you as he did with his family and me there was no better friend, father, son-in-law, and husband. They don't come any better.
Still waiting for that doubles tennis game. You only wanted to rely on yourself. And you were good at it too. Happy Birthday, Bob
March 8, 2023
March 8, 2023
Bob ,
I miss you and your friendship for so many years, since 1956 !! I have used up my many stories ! But when Frank Sarubbi called me on March 9, the day after your passing, I just cried !! We had a visit planned in Southern California!
Not to be and after calling Betsy and our mutual friends , this had to be a very dark day ! We lost Frank last year , I hope you both can share stories in heaven !
Your dear friend , Tom
March 8, 2023
March 8, 2023
How has it already been 9 years?! Even though so much time has passed, I still feel you guiding me through all my journeys of life since you’ve left.

Guess what! I am getting married in November of this year!! I wish you were here to walk me down the aisle. I wish you could see me in my dress and I wish you could have met the man I am marrying. Knowing what I know of you in my short span of being an adult before you passed, I KNOW you would approve of this man.

I love you dad! I hope you’re hitting slice shots and making everyone you play tennis with in heaven pissed and whack the ball out of the court because you’re so darn good at Tennis!!! I may have done this once or twice
March 9, 2022
March 9, 2022
You were the best person I ever knew and I was so blessed to know you for 23 years.

So many things have gone on in my 20s and now 30s I wish you were here for. So many times I wish I could call you for your advice and wisdom.

I love you and miss you, Dad!
March 8, 2022
March 8, 2022
Very few days go by without my thinking of you and the days and nights we spent together working and playing. What I wouldn't give to be walking into the Scottsdale tennis stadium at 7 a.m. carrying our rackets onto the court. The first time you brought me there you realized I was nervous. And in typical Bob style you turned to me and said ," Don't worry about anyone in the stands. They won't beat you. I will." And so it goes.
March 8, 2021
March 8, 2021
I miss Bob every time the subject of an event at Lafayette comes up!
He was such a good guy, fraternity brother at the Phi Psi house. Bob got me
out of pledge week as a freshman, the excellent freshmen basketball team has 7 scholarship players, including Bob . They needed ten players to scrimmage every night. . Bob asked me to join the team as a walk on, .I did,
the team went 10-0 at home and 7-1 away , setting the school record of 17-1
permanently.  Thanks , Bob for that experience , playing ball with you!  Tom
March 8, 2021
March 8, 2021
I think of you very often and all the good times we shared. When ever I have a tunafish sandwich, you pop into my head and of course St. Paddies Day !
March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020
Happy 80th Birthday Dad!!! You’re missing a crazy day in age this year with this Coronavirus and people hoarding toilet paper even though there’s not a symptom of the runs HA...Anyway, I love and miss you every day and I know you’re watching from above on all of the people that you’ve loved and laughing along with us at craziness of this world right now. And I really wish you here because I need your advice and guidance. I love you!
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
It hit me a that he's been gone for six years. I am about to get married to the perfect woman she's a social worker. I'm about to graduate from college. I wish he knew where I was and how I was doing. I wasn't at my best at the time and Andy Anderson told me the day he passed . "Scott you are your father's legacy. You are all that's left, its your job to take care of your family now".
Robert Kauffmans shoes are hard things to fill but I find comfort knowing how proud he would be now.
Dad you truly are forever missed.
March 8, 2020
March 8, 2020
Bob, I sent another message, I miss you and all the wonderful experiences we shared from 1956 to 2014. So many yerars with you in high school, college ,and in California and Arizona. You were such an intelligent, man , excellent athlete, father, husband and best friend.
I am so gla you met Betsy and enjoyed life with her and the family, Love, Tom
March 19, 2019
March 19, 2019
Bob was a best friend at Upper Darby High School, a star basketball player and honored at graduation.
A roomate , fraternity brother and a basketball star at Lafayette
College He reminded us like a Jerry West jump shot that help him set scoring records at Lafayette He graduated as Fraternity President, Tau Beta Pi in Chemical Engineering.
On to the Wharten School at Penn, while employed by Air Products, to help pay for the fees. to receive an MBA
Bob, Betsy ,Nancy and i had several decades of socializing and playing golf and tennis. Betsy was the love of his life!
Bob was very competitive all those years before he passed.
We were setting up a golf game in March of 2014 after his surgery
when sadly he passed
Our friendship spanned 58 years, We really miss you, Tom and Nancy Burns
August 13, 2018
August 13, 2018
For years I used to tease Betsy that Bob didn't really exist, we only showed up at events he missed and vice versa. Lo and behold! One day at the Y there was Bob in the flesh with Kelly. He was worth waiting for. I especially remember some good times down in Rocky Point and at our respective cabins. We miss this very lovely man
March 17, 2018
March 17, 2018
In recognition of Bob's birthday we toast him with his favorite chocolate chip cookies or if you are the Petits, with a tuna sandwich and coffee or the Castros's with M&M's. Miss you so much.
March 17, 2018
March 17, 2018
It was only couple of days ago when I was going through my old albums, and suddenly found few pics of Bob, Betsy, Minoo and I. It was a good reminder and happened just at his anniversary. God blesses his soul, I miss him very much.
March 11, 2018
March 11, 2018
I have such fond memories of Bob’s great stories and his wonderful laugh as he cracked himself up. He and Ed shared such witty repartee. It was a pleasure be with them when they got going.
We had so much fun on our trips to New Zealand and to the Lake District and Yorkshire in England.
He was a true friend to me when I lost Ed and loyal to all lucky enough to call him a friend. You always knew he had your back. No matter what
Jo Lawson
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
miss you very much Bob specially when a business decision needs to be made. You had one of the most brilliant minds.
you are always alive in my heart.
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
I miss you dad, it's hard knowing all of the wisdom I never took advantage. I miss you and am still trying to do by right by you. Love you faf
March 18, 2017
March 18, 2017
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dad!! I love and miss you every day!!!
March 8, 2017
March 8, 2017
I can't believe another year has passed. I think of you often always with a smile and knowing your are in good company with the rest of the Kauffman clan. Rest In Peace Bob. Love Janie
March 18, 2016
March 18, 2016
Bob was a very loyal and wonderful friend. He and my husband, Hal,
and Randy had many adventures together. I enjoyed being with him
and Betsy many times and I also remember when Kelly was a
newborn and I held her and how proud and happy Bob and Betsy were.
He is missed and I am sure Bob and Hal are laughing and telling
stories together in Heaven.
March 17, 2016
March 17, 2016
You had a big heart. One of the kindest, most generous and helpful people I have ever known.
you will never be forgotten.
March 9, 2016
March 9, 2016
Thinking of you, Betsy. I wish we had known Bob better, but am so glad to have spent a little time at Big Elk and in Memphis with him. He made you so happy and that made me happy for you! I hope your memories of him can soon make you smile instead of making you sad.
March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016
Always think of Bob and what a fabulous friendship he and Ed had for so many years. Meant so much to both of them. I miss his sense of humor and the great stories  My boys miss him too
March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016
I still think of Bob often.Remember sitting on the beach with him reading his book or talking in the hot tub later in the evening. Good golf buddy and just a solid friend.
March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016
Bob was always a joy to visit with. He was the oldest of the three brothers (Uncle Bob, Dad, and Uncle Dick) boys and always made time for my parents. I remember my parents visited them in Scottsdale and sent pictures. I have often been close by but thought I didn't have time to veer off the beaten path (I-40) to go and stop by. I no longer think that way. I take the time. Sorry I never made it Bob. You'll never know or maybe you do.
March 18, 2015
March 18, 2015
Bob, you were one of the brightest men that I have ever met in my life. You were a great boss when we were working together, and also a wonderful friend. Although your departure was too early but men with good names never die. You're always with us. Best, Essi
March 17, 2015
March 17, 2015
We have many wonderful memories of our travels together with you and Bob. The first was about 25 years ago when you came to Brazil with Chris and Bob Pettit and stayed with us in Rio. We also shared lots of laughter and camaraderie in other places like Sedona, Manzanillo and Cuernavaca. Bob's easy-going personality and wonderful droll humor stand out as highlights of our times together. We sure do miss those happy times.
March 17, 2015
March 17, 2015
Happy birthday Bob
I miss you
Your support of me after my divorce was so kind and appreciative
Job search coaching
What a wonderful. Kind and loving friend
Carole nelson
March 10, 2015
March 10, 2015
Bob was a great friend. We met in the early sixties at Smokey Joe’s on the Penn Campus. I have many great memories and he surely is missed. He was indeed a great person.
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
Bob Kauffman was a damn good man that I miss every day. A friend that I trusted and a friend I enjoyed spending time with. I especially miss his laugh. Men like Bob are rare. Rest in Peace my friend.
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
1 year ago, my life was turned upside down. One minute life was normal and the next it changed forever. I love and miss you so badly Dad. You are forever in my heart and forever on my mind.
It hurts for me to think that you are not here any more. But I cannot help but smile with tears in my eyes to think of how we cherished each and every moment of our lives together when you were alive. I miss you dad. 3/8/14 until we meet again
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
Bob may make it to the 2016 Olympics! We were thrilled to receive a very thankful note from a tissue recipient whose knee (yes knee!) was repaired because of Bob. How cool is that. It's a young woman who competes internationally in Taekwondo both the sport and the gender might tweek him a bit. The irony that he with his knees repaired her ACL is amazing! If I hear from them again and gain permission for sharing her name and she competes we will have to all follow her.

It gave me a huge lift and an opportunity to smile receiving their note. How kind of them to send it. I of course sent some of Bob's basketball history and a photo of him flying through the air to make a basket.
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
It has been a hard to believe. I had the pleasure and honor of knowing Bob for a brief 30+ years. He was a very special friend, one that comes along once in a lifetime if you are lucky. Losing Bob was, and continues to be, painful. I was blessed to have had so many wonderful times with Bob...skiing with Bob and Hal, fishing with Bob and Hal, golfing, basketball games, trips to Sedona and Seabluff and so many more. I loved Bob and miss him dearly. I pray that God will comfort Betsy and his family and friends. As is evident from the many tributes, Bob left his mark on so many people.
March 8, 2015
March 8, 2015
Thinking of you and the kids today. Bob was such a wonderful friend. He and Ed had such a close relationship  They were both so loyal and proactive about friendship. Such a lovely quality and rare. Bob made such a difference in many peoples lives including Ed's and mine. 
He and Ed had a rare gift for humor and repartee and no one enjoyed it more than they did.  However we had the pleasure of being the lucky audience for that amazing wit. I will never forget some of Bob's stories and the way he told them cracking himself up. A terrific raconteur  My kids and I really miss him. I like to think that he and Ed are somewhere now cracking each other up with fond memories of some earlier escapade
March 8, 2015
March 8, 2015
My good friend I miss you. After a year I imagine you are somewhere watching the world with great intellect and humor as you did in life. Love, Barry
April 27, 2014
April 27, 2014
Bob was a great person. We had known each other since the mid l960's when we were both chemical engineering interns in Philadelphia. Our careers and relationship continued throughout the years.

Bob was a leader in industry. He had a major role in creating and mobiliznng the global solar energy industry. My heartfelt condolesences to Betsy and their family.
April 25, 2014
April 25, 2014
I'm just now able to acknowledge my coach, mentor and wonderful friend is no longer here to help provide insight to life's ups and downs. I will forever miss his infectious laugh, which was so quick to spring forth! He was the poster boy for the "Hail fellow well met"! His tastes and deep appreciation of literature, film and the arts were the basis of countless discussions, arguments and agreements. Bob had a brain like a steel trap making him the opponent that always brought out your best "game". Bob never stopped being curious about so many things and I believe this accounted, in a major way, for his ever present youthful ebullience. Upon Bob's passing I was reminded of a line from a poem by Robert Burns: When a sod falls from the cliffs of Dover England is the less...we are the less! Rest secure my dear friend and know we are all richer because you touched our lives!
April 12, 2014
April 12, 2014
clem and Joyce have loved you all since before you were married.He was like a brother to me....Love and hugs to you all..Joyce white
April 12, 2014
April 12, 2014
Our hearts are in pain. I choose not to believe he is gone from our lives. Bob not only was a great friend but a great mentor and support. Will never be forgotten.
April 11, 2014
April 11, 2014
What a shock.. Although I haven['t seen Bob for years due to me being in Boston and him in Arizona, we would talk from time to time. Bob and I have been friends for over 50 years and we had alot of fun in those days that I['ll never forget.From the Jersey shore days to a certain hang out and all the other stuff we did. He was so alive with busines, sports and life in general, this stunned me as I talked to him just before.I and after his surgery and he told me he felt fine..I['m so sorry I couldnt get to the funeral as I['m recovering from two surgeries , but I['ve been thinkng alot about Bob and what a good friend he was and how much I miss him. May God bless you Betsy and your family.
April 10, 2014
April 10, 2014
Heartfelt condolences to you and your family, Betsy, at this sad time. The photos you posted delivered such a warm testimony of Bob's life. Thank you for sharing a part of your dear husband. Please know we are thinking of you, and wish you comfort.
April 10, 2014
April 10, 2014
I knew Bob as long as I knew Hal. They were best friends and
"brothers". He was so loyal and caring to Hal and they had such
wonderful times together, especially on their "guy" trips.
I'm sorry I couldn't attend his funeral, but this memorial is such
a beautiful tribute; it made me cry. He will be missed.
love and xoxo Linda Hersh
April 10, 2014
April 10, 2014
We met in 1974 , since then we have been brothers.
Love you, miss you , will never forget you.
April 10, 2014
April 10, 2014
Dear Kauffman family- I am so very sorry to hear of Bob's passing. He was a great man. Know that he is waiting for you at God's table when you are called home. Love to all-Amy Lozinak Buckley and family
April 9, 2014
April 9, 2014
Thanks for the all you were; a great man, a wonderful husband, awesome Dad, successful business man. You were the one that made the Kauffman name something I could be proud of. I know you are up in Heaven with Uncle Dick and Aunt Helen and your Mom and Dad having a great time. I will never forget your contagious laugh. I will miss you! Love, Janie
April 8, 2014
My uncle was the first man to bounce me on his knee, tickle me, and buy me a dozen red roses. He was known by me for his great smile, hilarious jokes and killer tennis swing! I love you uncle Bob! You will be dearly missed!

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