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November 3, 2023
When I first brought Trickey home 13 years ago, you made me laugh when I mentioned you both were born in December. You said, "Ah! So you already know he's gonna be a handful!" You always called him 'Turkey' which still makes me giggle because I couldn't tell if you were being serious. I remember replaying videos of him running around my apartment for you and how you thought it was so cool he could still run so fast on 3 legs - "He's a roadster!!!" In our early days, I learned he could tell when I was experiencing a heavy emotion when God called you home. He was waiting by the door for me ready to help lift me back up to the spirits you'd want me to be in. He's been the greatest companion I'll ever know in this lifetime and now he's gone home to be with you. We've had an extraordinary adventure together which he'll tell you all about. (Don't believe him if he tries to tell you I'M the handful, okay?;)

I haven't hurt like this since you departed. Someone put it beautifully by saying "he's the personification of [my] entire adult life" so I guess it makes sense to feel like it's the close of an era. When he passed away, I felt the warmth of those hugs only my Grandpa could give fill the room for a moment and I've thought about it all week long. I find peace in thinking you came to get him and am so happy for him now that he gets to live with the Grandpaw he's only ever heard about. You were right, he is a handful - a handful of unconditional love and unwavering devotion. He loved licking my ears, snuggling under big blankets, and playing hide and seek with me. He doesn't care much for seafood or having his paws tickled but loves a good belly scratching and a game of fetch. He'll also be interested in hearing your inner most thoughts and what books you're reading. If you plan on writing something down, have some backup pens - he'll take it, run, and hide it. I know you'll take care of him, especially for your Scooter, and I'm grateful. I'll see you both again one day and am bringing the pizza. Give him a scoop on the snoot for me... He'll know what it means. <3 I love you.
August 24, 2014

You told me you couldn't be happier to have see this day. I couldn't have been happier to have you there with me...

August 24, 2014

She still remembers who her papa is... eating the little gumdrops you gave her just isn't the same.

August 24, 2014

In the bottom right corner of this picture is a yellow tonka truck. You used to laugh at me when I would try to sit in it.

August 24, 2014

I tear up everytime I look at this. It's the background to my computer and it's on my cell phone where I see it daily. Although I don't remember taking it, I still feel the warmth of your embrace to this day.

Taken at Bethany Church

August 24, 2014

I found this picture today amongst some of the things you gave me when you were with us... Grandma said your suit was brown, her suit was lavender, and mom's dress was pink. I told her she has added an even better image to an already beautiful picture. 

June 27, 2012

You will always have a special place in our hearts we will all love and miss you!

Love all your girls,

Jessica, Jenna, Melanie, Nicole, Malena, Stacy, Kim, Tara, Tia, Carrie, Rochelle, Patty

Childhood Memories

June 27, 2012

Growing up with my brother Bob brings a multitude of fond memories. We managed to pull some pranks on each other as kids, but monthly we got to share a lot of fun moments. One that I would like to tell is when we were boys, I took Bob rabbit hunting for his first time one winter in the woods behind our house. We tracked the rabbit into a hollow log. I told Bob, "he's all yours, I'll kick the log & when he runs out you shoot him". Well, I forgot to tell Bob he has to lead the rabbit before he shoots. So as soon as the rabbit came out of the log Bob opened fire with his shotgun at close range. Rabbit fur was flying everywhere and we got hysterical laughing. I still laugh about it to this day.

These types of memories will always keep Bob alive in my heart. I was blessed to have Bob as my younger brother & I will miss him forever. 

I love you brother and will miss you always. 

The Love of my Life

June 25, 2012

You are the love of my life. I love you and miss you so much.....

~Love Janie 

Pants on Fire!!!

June 24, 2012

Surrounded by tremendous sorrow of family and friends, I felt compelled to pen this funny and uplifting story about an experience I had with my dad when I was 9 years old. 

This Saturday did not start much differently than many of the other Saturdays at 3316 Sharp Road, other than, my mom demanding my father take me to the barber to renew my signature “bowl haircut” that had adorned my head since I was 2 years old.  So, after three episodes of Scooby Doo, and a bowl of Fruit Loops, it was time to fulfill my mother’s wishes. 

On the way out of the door, I grabbed a tall glass, Pepsi-Cola bottle from the refrigerator, and I popped the top with my dad’s key-chain bottle opener, as we walked to our electric blue, 1974 Plymouth Scamp.   I swear I can see the white vinyl top glistening in the morning sun, and smell that 1970’s car interior scent as I write this.  Dad started the car, and we backed down the long gravel driveway to begin our voyage. 

As we journeyed westward toward the Jasper Barber Shop, I heard the familiar sound of air rushing into the car from the opening of a small vent window, which was common on cars of the day.  This, of course, signaled the beginning of the driving ritual, which involved my dad unraveling the pack of Camel 100’s from under his sleeve, where I guess it was in-vogue to store them in that era, and then the tapping of the pack to compact the tobacco.  The universally recognizable click of the Zippo lighter completed the sequence, as my dad would take both hands off the steering wheel to cup and light his cigarette. 

Ten minutes into our journey and all was normal: the exhaust smell from a car burning leaded gas, the feel of sweat developing between my legs and the blue vinyl seats, and the sound of Glen Campbell belting out “Like a Rhinestone Cowboy” on AM radio.  This was good living, and I really mean that!

Little did I know that as we made the left turn from Gier Road onto Highway 52 an event would happen that has remained engrained in my memory for the last 33 years.   Perhaps it was just an anomalous gust of wind, or maybe even God telling my dad not to smoke with his 9 year old in the car, but suddenly the wind pattern changed.  I remember it hurting my ears as the harmonics violently swept from negative to positive pressure in the car.  By this time, a respectable bit of ash had developed on the tip of my dad’s cigarette.  In an instant it was airborne like a firefly on a mid-June’s night, with two complete idiots doing their absolute best to ensure it did not land upon them.  After exploring both sides of Highway 52, several times, the ash had chosen its intended victim: my dad’s nether regions.  To this day, I cannot account for the extreme flammability of my dad’s jean cutoff shorts, but needless to say one could have cooked a marshmallow on them!  If one were eavesdropping, he might have thought he was listening to the high-pitch screams of adolescent girls at a slumber party.  But no, it was dad and me trying to rationalize the events that were occurring in the family truckster. 

My father, always the clever one, swiftly reached for my half drank Pepsi and doused the flames that had nearly completely removed all traces of hair from his legs.  Finally, flamous interuptus!  The next several miles were followed by absolute silence, and a man and a boy staring straight out the front window of the car.  As we made the right turn into the Jasper Barber Shop parking lot, dad stopped the car, and turned to me with a straight face, and said: “son, I don’t think we really need to tell your mother about this.”  This was followed by absolute howling laughter that caused tears to well in both our eyes.  For the next several minutes we gasped as we tried to catch our breath from the incredibly funny bonding experience we had together. 

Dad, I have not betrayed my promise to you, until now, but I felt the story needed to be told.  It was just too funny not to share with those who love and knew you well.  Thanks for the great memory, pop.  I love you.  Rob

This is one of the many enduring and fun memories I have of my dad, and I want everyone to know my father, as I knew him.  I encourage you to leave your own memory of my dad for family and friends to enjoy.    

Your little girl will always need you

June 24, 2012
You never said “I'm leaving” You never said “goodbye” You were gone before I knew it, And only God knew why. There are no words to tell you Just what I feel inside The shock, the hurt, the anger Might gradually subside A million times I'll need you A million times I'll cry If Love alone could have saved you You never would have died In Life I loved you dearly In death I love you still In my heart you hold a place That no one could ever fill It broke my heart to lose you But you didn't go alone For part of me went with you The day God took you home Things will never be the same And all though it hurts so bad I will smile whenever I hear your name And be proud you were my Dad.

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