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January 22, 2023
January 22, 2023
I saw this quote the morning after my dad passed and felt it was a simple summary of his mindset.

Your hardest
times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going.
Tough situations build strong
people in the end

Tom & I agree, we were born in a timeframe that gives us a perspective of a lost older generation that were part of a timeframe where you were given nothing while you fought through wars you joined for the good of the cause and lived happily through poverty as they started out. Those of us born in a simpler timeframe know our parents were not perfect but seeing how time and evolution happens to change their perspectives has been inspiring to watch at minimum but challenging also to do the same coming out of a much better timeframe in history. As a parent all you strive for is to make it better for them than you had it. Being tough and honest isn’t a fault it’s a great set up equalizer that in the moment you don’t see but as time goes by those harder times will teach you to manage throught what life will toss at you.
Family is your only honest support group you will have in your journey through life and not everyone in your family will be around as long as you want or need them. So pay attention, learn from those in-front, be inspired to raise the bars that they set and to cherish the time you get with them. As Time is your enemy. The good news today you have so many opportunities to stay close. I grew up with 1 phone everyone had to share. Today cell phones who doesn’t have one? You can text, send pictures instantly & face time.
The ability to use the time you have has never been more available. Don’t waste it utilize it. Life will only eat up all the time you have, so fight for it. Call your parents daily, call your bothers, sisters & friends weekly, stay connected as
that is your strength to combat those hardest of times life will put in front of you

We thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers as we all mourn our father’s passing.

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