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July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
You will be missed but don't worry about Tia, she is well taken care of. We will see each other eventually. You are probably arguing with grandma right now and having a beer with grandpa. Love you.
July 8, 2017
What a great man and friend of our family. Rudy was one of the best friend of my father in law TT Tony Torres. Many stories I could tell you of his kindness and his love for all his friends and family. A caring man, a man that loved his family as he showed it as he spoke of them every time he spoke of them. May God bless the family and remember that we have a promise from God that SOMEDAY WE WILL SEE HIM AGAIN...
July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
Tio Rudy was a generous human being. Helpful on a few garage sales and bringing food and drinks for myself, Tim and Tia Connie.
We did have a beer on occasion and Tim got a chance to help Tio Rudy at his ranch. An experience that Tim will never forget.
Tio Rudy, you lived life to the fullest. You will be missed but remembered in our hearts.
July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
You are an example to me and I hope one day I will see you again. Thank you for always being kind to me. I will take care of your nephew. Your time here is done and all your work here is done. God has made you a new home in heaven. Memories of you will never go away when they touch the heart. Forever a part of the Ramirez and Gomez families. 
Love you Uncle Rudy - Tim

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