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A Brief, but Cherished Relationship

December 11, 2020
Separated from my Elder bloodline as a young boy, we were all reunited a few years ago. I learned quickly what my Great Uncle Roger was about: Family!

He was adamant toward the idea of keeping families connected, no matter how bad it got. I watched him literally exert every ounce of mental and physical energy he had in him to bring our 2018 Family Reunion to life. I will never forget that. It meant so much to him to make it happen just based on that very important concept of Family, and the joy he got from it will resonate in my heart forever. 

He has given me a new view of family, and the importance of sticking together. Through the good and the bad. Uncle Roger you will be missed....

Day we met

December 11, 2020
On Father's Day, I met Mr. Roger Elder a few years ago and we hit it off right then. I never new someone can talk that much but I put my big boy pants on and hung in there,let's just say I know about fishing now and how to get to Lake Erie . He was a good man I will miss you and now you can fish all day up there just save me some to catch too. Love You man!

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