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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Rohan Rajeev. We will remember him forever.

Behti hawa sa tha woh           
Udhti patang sa tha woh        
Kahan gaya usse dhoondo.   
Behti hawa sa tha woh.          
Udhti patang sa tha woh.       
Kahan gaya usse dhoondo.   

Hum ko toh raahein thi chalati.              
Woh khud apni raah banata                
Girta, sambhalta                                   
Masti mein chalta tha woh                     
Hum ko kal ki fikr satati                         
Woh bas aaj ka jashn manata               
Har lamhe ko khul ke jeeta tha woh      

The full song...

Jab isaan duniya se chala jata hai
Voh noore kudha se mil jate hai ...........

The full song....

Rohan's Top Movies of all time

  • Godfather
  • Rocky 
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Lagaan
  • Pokuri
  • KKKG
  • DDLG
  • Back to the future
  • Space Jam
  • Christmas Story
  • Rush Hour
  • Forest Gump
  • Frost/ Nixon
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Dark Knight
  • 8 Mile
  • Green Mile
Rohan's Top 10 Songs

The complete graduation ceremony

Rohan graduates from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University.

Fuqua School of Business (Duke University) Institutes a new award for Graduating class of 2023

The Rohan Rajeev award for Team Fuqua

Congratulations to Tracey Cheun for being the recipient of the award in 2023.

The award video

August 22, 2023
August 22, 2023
I’ve known Rohan since he was a young boy. His smile was always so bright and his endearing personality was heaven sent! As he grew into a young man, his kindness, humor, love and thirst for knowledge was inspiring to everyone who had the pleasure to experience any time with him. Rohan will always be with us; in our hearts and minds! Bless you young man! We celebrate your wonderful life and legacy with reverence and love!
July 2, 2023
July 2, 2023
I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Rohan too closely, as we mostly knew each other through mutual friends. However, every single time we saw each other in the hallway or out on the town, he would smile, wave, and say hi. I think these small interactions spoke volumes about the sort of person he was. Even for those who didn't know him too well, the act of saying hello with his wide smile brightened our days and made us feel like we belonged.
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
It's been one year mama! But we still believe you are watching us all the time and your are always next to us.
Life will move on with your memories always as you are in our heart forever.
We miss you and we love you forever mama!
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023

You left
Like the shining sun that vanishes
During mid-day, midway

Like a handwritten letter, unposted
A romantic song deleted after the interlude

Like a thought suddenly forgotten
In the middle of an animated conversation

Like a bus full of loud picnickers
That abruptly stops on a busy highway

Yet you are still left,
In them, in every moment that they live
Through the night and day

As if you are walking alongside Banner
On the morning paths, winding and skewed

At the movies as they stare at the white screen
Long after everyone's left, in anticipation

Like you suddenly remembered the keys
And she waits for you on the stairway

You left
And they are left
With your memories.
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
With the 12th month slowly passing, The thoughts of not going to see you or hear your voice or hugging you is slowly sinking in now in my dumb head. The loss of our hopes and dreams for you and now we mourning the happy, funny young man we lost kandamma. Still the visual of you throwing continuous flying kisses while exiting from the cul de sac are etched permanently in my mind. The fear of losing those memories scares a lot nowadays. Feels like I am living in a trance like a walking dead person so helpless. Why? Why? Why?
June 1, 2023
June 1, 2023
My dearest brother,

You are in thoughts and prayers literally everyday, especially today. There's not a day that goes by that I don't remember the light that you were in everyones lives. I know you wouldn't want any sappy message but it's the honest truth. As time goes on, you realize that there was just some people who have a special connection with you and vice versa and as I am sure you shared that with many people. I am just grateful to have been one of those fortunate souls that you have blessed with your presence. It wasn't that we spoke like everyday. There would be times where we would be in different countries for extended periods and catching up on random days. When we were back together man, it's like we never lost a moments worth of love or appreciation for one another. We were always right back where it started, shooting hoops and playing the fool like we were back at Viggys birthday sleepovers in the early 2000s. Miss that feeling brotha. 

What I don't miss is your energy. Let me explain. There's some people in the world that whose energy permeates and is transcendent. Some people you don't have to talk to feel their energy. Akin to your grandparents/relatives in India whom we obviously love but always have the toughest time keeping in touch with on a regular basis (darn time difference). Even though the contact might not be there with them, you never forget your good times that you've had together, you never forget the love you hold for one another, you never forget what it feels like to be in a room with that person. You think of that person and there's a feeling that is just all around special. That is what I feel with you my homie. Though we haven't spoken in sometime, I still feel that you are here. I still feel like you are around. I think of you and I remember the ever smiling, the ever giving, the ever glowing person who used to light up every room that he walked into. That energy is here and it lives on through everyone you have affected. I can confidently say that I and every other person that were blessed to know you, are better people because you were in our lives. Like the famous line from Coach Carter, "And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same". That light is one that has touched so many, even a simple joke or simple act has moved people, as evidenced by these tributes. Whether through your lightheartedness, love for laughter and the way you made every moment one to grasp and live fully, you always showed us how to live correctly. Whether you knew it or not you changed your world on your own accord. People who you have touched through your infectiousness are now doing the same to others like a ripple in a lake and all that has started with, you. Like I said your energy continues to transcend and will continue to permeate, always alive and kicking, just as you were. 
You will forever live on in our lives.
And we all sincerely thank you for that gift.

I love you and miss you. Hope your busting some ankles up there and taking names for us ;)

Much love my brother,

June 1, 2023
June 1, 2023
June 1 is Rohan Jayanthi

Even our Gods have
Bid good bye to their Avatars
We celebrate their birthdays
Krishna Janmashtami
Rama Navami
Buddha Poornima
Ganesha Chauthi ….

So precious and powerful
Are the loving memories!
For us This Day will be

Rohan Jayanthi
(Forever in our memories)
May 16, 2023
May 16, 2023
Rohan was genuinely one of my favorite people. From the first time I met him in 7th grade, to the last time I saw him, he was always genuinely happy to see me and always had such a positive spirit. As someone mentioned on a previous tribute on here, he made everyone feel like their best friend. 

Generally speaking, when you start to get very comfortable with someone, you naturally stop being as polite, and even forget common decency sometimes. This can mean unnecessary rude comments or sarcasm, mean jokes, arguing over trivial disagreements just to be right, not respecting your time and showing up late, or bailing on plans at the last minute. Some or all of which I’ve experienced with other friends. I pretty much never experienced any of that from Rohan, even after knowing him for 15 years. He was as good of a friend and person as you could ask for.

Friendship was very important to Rohan. He was pretty much the glue of our friend group. He put a lot of time and effort into maintaining friendships, and planning trips and getting us all together to hang out.  He was never one to hold back, or hide his frustration or disapproval for things. That’s one of the things I loved about him. Whether it be showing up late, flaking on plans, not responding or communicating well when making plans, being unnecessarily cheap, Rohan made sure to let us know, and pushed us to be better. He always called us out on our bs, of which there was a lot.

The value he placed upon friendship, however, was just a result of much he cared about the people he was around in general. He really was just a loving person all around, especially so with his parents and Banner. I could tell because of how much he would talk about them. Nearly every single time we hung out, he would always mention them, and some interaction they had that day.

There’s a lot of memories we shared together, from the trips. all the times we hung out in Cary, playing basketball and volleyball together during covid. It’s hard to pick what my favorite one was. I just miss his presence. His smile, jokes, infectious energy, and the overall warm feeling I had when he was around.

RIP Rohan
March 28, 2023
March 28, 2023
Like many others, Rohan was among the first people I met at Fuqua. He had that energy that attracted everyone to his warmth and openness.

I remember meeting him at a classmate's house before classes officially began. We both were somewhat overwhelmed by the number of introductions we had to give, so we sat outside on the porch and just talked to each other about our lives before coming to Fuqua and sharing genuine stories about our childhoods--we had a lot in common!

We texted often and even had a small group chat with a few others called 'Rohan Will Answer," which was a play on LOTR (we watched all three movies in Myrtle Beach together--one of my fondest memories of Rohan). He would always check in and make it a point to express how lucky he was to have people as friends. I recall him texting me out of the blue one day to simply say how much he appreciates our friendship.

Rohan taught me a lot. He taught me to be more open and trusting of others. He taught me that everyone's voice matters especially if you assume they have nothing to say. He taught me that you should show unconditional love to those around you.

I love you, Rohan.
April Pradhan
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
I met Rohan in the Station Nine garbage room. It was 100 degrees, I
was sweaty and struggling with 1000 moving boxes. A guy called down,
do you need help with that? I said no out of sheer pride but he ended
up introducing himself, "Hey I'm Rohan, are you going to Fuqua?". We
chatted for a while, and left thinking wow, he was friendly (I had just
moved from NYC and not used to the friendliness of the south!)
Although we were not super close as the year continued, he always
had a smile when he saw me, and was a continuous friendly face on
campus, at parties, I was always grateful to see him.

Roger Sweet
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
I still remember when we first met down by the S9 pool. You were the
friendliest guy and always had the biggest smile. No matter what you
always made me feel welcome. I'll especially appreciate our basketball
sessions on top of S9, even though my b-ball skills were atrocious you
didn't care and always put me at ease. After a long stressful day it was
therapeutic to shoot some hoops and chat about recruiting to work off
some steam. You really helped me out probably without even knowing.
Fuqua won't be the same without you. Miss ya bud.
Jack Dembowski
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Rohan was the first person I met at Fuqua. We met virtually before
school started, during Blue Devil Weekend. He was always a joy to be
around and had a knack for linking people together. He will sorely be
Aditi and Div
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
It's incredible how many positive memories Rohan has made in the minds
of so many people, from such different backgrounds, in such a short span
of time here at FUQUA. His inviting and friendly nature right from the days
of orientation, when so many of us had come in from various parts of the
world, continues to bring back warm memories.
I will always remember Rohan for his kindness and empathy during a
stressful and isolating time... If only I'd had the opportunity to express my
gratitude in person.
His generosity and warm smile will be in our hearts always.
Hunter Rooney
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
"hey dude, hope you're doing ok. hang in there!" "Take care of yourself
big dog"

These were the messages that Rohan had sent me when I was sick
early into the school year and had to quarantine. I barely knew him at
the time, but he went out of his way to check on me and make sure
that I was doing ok. It meant a lot to me that Rohan reached out and
was thinking of me, especially because we had just met. But that was
just Rohan being Rohan. Kind. Caring. Compassionate.

Early this summer, I had run into Rohan at Station Nine when he had
just returned from Florida. He was ecstatic to be back in Durham,
close to his parents and to his home. We laughed about life as interns
and talked about how excited we were for everyone to come back and
for us to be back in school again. Later that week, Station Nine hosted
an ice cream social for everyone on a Friday afternoon. I went down to
grab some ice cream in the middle of the day and happened to run
into Rohan, also en route. I told him about the ice cream social and
that I was on my way, and he said "Oh I know! I planned my whole day
around this!" I thought that was the funniest thing. That interaction
immediately turned my day around. It makes me smile just thinking
about it now. But again, that was Rohan. Continuously offering a
simple funny anecdote or an act of kindness that brightens your day.

Rohan deeply impacted the Fuqua community, and his presence is
greatly missed.
Travis Beech and Jace Prokupek
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Rohan’s kindness was infectious. He never walked by anyone without
saying hello and genuinely asking how they were doing. Whether it was
7:50am before an 8am class or after a late Friday night, we always got
a fist bump from Rohan. He was an incredible soul and his generosity,
grace, and humor will be sorely missed. His family are in our thoughts
and prayers today and each day. We miss you Rohan.
With love,
Olivia Conetta
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
At the end of Fall 1, right before finals, I wrote a card for each member
of our C-LEAD. This was the short message I wrote for Rohan that I
later saw pinned to his fridge.
"My favorite thing about you (besides your willingness to share
blueberries) is that you make sure everyone around you is happy and
having a good day. You're relentlessly positive and try to make
everyone smile when we talk to you. In a stressful period of our lives,
you make every day just a little bit easier."
It was impossible to have a bad day around Rohan. Even when Rohan
himself had a bad day, he'd put a positive spin on it. He once told our
C-LEAD why he wore a watch on the wrist he had injured in the past: "I
tie it really tight to remind myself that feeling pain is better than feeling
nothing at all." Nothing fazed him -- not recruiting, not his wrist injury,
not accounting class. His contentment with being alive despite all the
challenges that come with being human and love of making people
laugh are lessons and attitudes I hope to carry with me for the rest of
my life.
Rest in peace, Big Dog, as you used to call us. I miss you.
Alia Abdul-Samad
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
My earliest impression of Rohan was always thinking “wow this guy is
just so nice”. I barely knew him at the beginning of the year but we all
had to form groups of 3 for an in-class assignment. For whatever
reason I reached out to him and asked if he wanted to join my group
because I thought he was super nice. I remember him being so
touched by the gesture. During the timed assignment, while me and
the other member went down the wrong rabbit hole, he calmly and
quietly finished the assignment and made sure we got it submitted on
time. This was Rohan; the kindest and calmest energy that you felt
immediately upon meeting him. I will always carry with me the image
of his welcoming and infectious smile. RIP Rohan, you will truly be
Adi Samant
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Thank you for being such an incredible friend, Rohan. You made me
and so many of us feel welcome in Durham and at Fuqua, and so
deeply cared for us. We took this picture on the first day when we got
allocated our sections and every moment since then has been
memorable by your side!
I miss you so much brother!!
You’ll always be my first friend at Fuqua!
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
The last Slack message I received from Rohan: My dude!!
Congratulations on the birth of your child!! That is huge news and I'm
amped for you! Wishing a life full of wins for the little dude! Congrats
Rohan celebrated others' successes as his own, he was genuinely
excited for the people around him. He always kept a positive outlook
and took the time to get to know people. He will be missed.
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
I never had a conversation with Rohan where I didn't laugh at least five times. His quick, witty banter was
always needed, especially because he always said out loud what everyone else was thinking.
Rohan was the first person I met at Fuqua. He showed me the ropes of Durham, including the
importance of the sale flyer at Harris Teeter. I never met someone that loved a grocery store as much as
I did. I also never met someone that loved their dog like a human being like I do.
One of my favorite things about Rohan was his sheer appreciation and gratitude. On many, many
occasions he would say how grateful he was to be at Duke, something that other classmates lost sight
of. Several times, he texted me after an event to thank me either for inviting him or just being a listening
ear. And he always spoke so highly of his parents and how important it was to go home to see them.
I will never look at a pizza roll again without thinking about my kind, funny, one-of-a-kind friend, Rohan.
Ben Kessler
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
You were the first person I met at Fuqua. Your open-mind, positive
attitude, selflessness, and caring nature immediately struck me and
stayed true throughout our friendship. When I asked you for RDU
restaurant tips, you didn't just send one name, you sent a detailed
paragraph. When I asked for your help with something, you didn't just
spend 5 minutes, but dedicated an hour. Those little things really
stood out to me. I enjoyed playing basketball with you, going to the
gym together, and seeing your amazing smile at Fuqua. Rohan - your
presence is immensely missed.
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Your ever-smiling face combined with a spicy sense for sass was such
a joyful combo to be around. I will definitely remember our airport
conversations forever.
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Rohan brought life to our class at Fuqua. He was present in every
party and his energy was infectious. He was the first person to help
me at Fuqua and I shall never forget that. Will miss him dearly!!
Marilyn Gund
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Rohan was the type of person you would want to have in any community:
welcoming, gregarious, and always up for a laugh. He was so easy to talk to--
even when the conversation turned to profound or complicated topics, he
always engaged deeply with the topic and was genuinely interested in hearing
everyone else's answers. He was funny, he had an great sense of humor, and
he would go out of his way to help you out if you needed it. Even when we
travelled back from Brazil together--about a 24-hour journey altogether--he
never lost his smile or his willingness to help the group. He shared his books
on the floor of the Rio airport, he offered us his favorite snacks, he let us all
know about a new passport control app that could help us skip the line, he
kept our spirits up with jokes as we waited for our flights and bags and Ubers.
The generous, caring, and loyal spirit Rohan brought to his friends and
community at Fuqua is something we can all only hope to emulate.
Giacomo Vitteri
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Before taking the flight to Brazil I started eating some ham and cheese
crackers Lunchables and everyone started making fun of it saying that
was a school snack, and instantly Rohan said -as excited and happy as
he always was- “THOSE ARE THE BEST! you know what? I'm going to get
some Lunchables too”. And he did.
Very random memory but it's just how humble and empathetic Rohan
Molly Montgomery
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Rohan and I were in the same section at Fuqua. I arrived late to school
mid-way through the semester and didn't know anyone. He was one of
only two people to reach out to me directly to introduce himself and
form plans to get together. It was truly so kind of him because I was
having trouble meeting people and he went out of his way for me. He
made me laugh during stressful times when we were applying to jobs,
and he was such an honest and humorous person. My favorite
memories of Rohan were when he talked about his family. He told me
how much he liked to go home to Cary to hang out with his parents
and see his dog especially on Sunday's. He also said that he enjoyed
helping out his father with his catering business. I knew right away how
important family and relationships were to him and how kind he was
to the people in his life. Rohan always went out his way for people. He
brought Dunkin Donuts for our class to cheer us up through finals and
recruiting and he said making people feel good was important to him.
But I already knew this about him because of how kind he was to me.
I truly think Rohan had one of the greatest smiles I have ever seen. He
brightened up the entire classroom with his presence. We have a
section with 80 people in it, but I would notice if Rohan wasn't there.
He had such a positive presence that stood out and he was one of the
people I would look out for in the hallways because it was so nice and
great to talk and catch up with him. He was without question one of
the most stand out humans I have ever met. You rarely meet people
with such a kind, gentle, and sensitive energy as Rohan. It was an

honor to know Rohan. I will never forget him and will always remember
him as one of the kindest and most caring people that I have ever
Jack Ramsey
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
My favorite memory of Rohan was walking outside of my apartment in
Station Nine and immediately spotting him on the basketball court.
Most of the time he was alone, just casually shooting and dancing to
music on his headphones. It could be windy, cold, even raining. But it
didn't matter. Rohan was out there almost every day with his
basketball, enjoying life. His massive, infectious smile always lit up
when he saw me coming over. Rohan genuinely cared about how my
day was going and where I was headed. Often, he would invite me to a
party or gathering later in the day.
Whether it was in the classroom, on the basketball court, or at a bar,
Rohan was always extremely positive. He was a welcoming person who
made sure to include everyone. As someone who was new to the
Raleigh-Durham area, he was incredibly generous in guiding me on
where to go for a run, see a concert, or take a date out to dinner. As
our Section 1 communications representative, he would often send
out a Calvin and Hobbes comic with an uplifting message that brought
a smile to my face. We would frequently tease one another about our
college football teams, neither of who were very good but both of
which we agreed were always on the way up!
Rohan was one of the kindest, most generous, and sweetest people I
met at Fuqua. He will be missed by his section, the class of 2023, and
the Fuqua community as a whole.
Nick Olindo
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Rohan helped cook pizza at my place a few times and his culinary
school skills always shown through. And when he wasn’t making the
pizza he’d often text me to see if he could have any of the leftovers
haha. He was always such a calming presence and fun person to be
around and had a way of making everyone feel better about
themselves after talking to him!
Shreyas Chandra Shekar
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
You always greeted everyone with warmth and affection and a big
smile! Can never forget how you grilled burgers for all MBA classmates
in S9. I miss talking to you in Kannada whenever we bumped into each
other! You'll always stay in our hearts, my friend.
Sara Wu
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Rohan, thank you for always being one of the kindest souls I know on
earth, for always bringing a smile onto my face when we run into each
other outside of s9/ at gatherings. Rest In Peace
Javier Pastor
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Love you brother - you were such a positive influence on this earth...
you will be missed by many. Rest in peace.
Tracey Cheun
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Rohan was one of my best buddies. He had the rare ability to make
everyone feel like his best friend. His presence was like a big, warm
hug. I will always miss him.

I met Rohan my first night at Fuqua. We were singing karaoke at
Tavern. I didn't know anyone and sang "Hey Ya" by Outkast alone on
stage. He wasn't sure if I was embarrassed and jumped on stage to
duet with me. We made absolute fools of ourselves and loved every
moment of it. From there, we became close pals. He offered to give
me a ride to and from school everyday in Fall 1. We had very
meaningful conversations in his Jeep - about his love for Banner and
his parent, what it means to live meaningfully and more. While I will
miss everything about Rohan, I will most fondly remember the
seemingly small moments we shared together. Getting biscuits from
Bojangles, singing in his car, hanging out with my dog, relaxing by the
pool in Bahia, dancing together at Carnivale, barbecuing in Myrtle
Beach, sending each other daily memes, and more.
Rohan's kindness, generosity and humor never wavered, even in his
toughest moments. I hope to emulate this moving forward.
We love you, Rohan. <3

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Recent Tributes
August 22, 2023
August 22, 2023
I’ve known Rohan since he was a young boy. His smile was always so bright and his endearing personality was heaven sent! As he grew into a young man, his kindness, humor, love and thirst for knowledge was inspiring to everyone who had the pleasure to experience any time with him. Rohan will always be with us; in our hearts and minds! Bless you young man! We celebrate your wonderful life and legacy with reverence and love!
July 2, 2023
July 2, 2023
I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Rohan too closely, as we mostly knew each other through mutual friends. However, every single time we saw each other in the hallway or out on the town, he would smile, wave, and say hi. I think these small interactions spoke volumes about the sort of person he was. Even for those who didn't know him too well, the act of saying hello with his wide smile brightened our days and made us feel like we belonged.
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
It's been one year mama! But we still believe you are watching us all the time and your are always next to us.
Life will move on with your memories always as you are in our heart forever.
We miss you and we love you forever mama!
His Life

The early years....................

December 31, 2022
  • Born in India in a small town of Chitradurga, June 1st 1994 at 7:30pm
  • Moved to the USA at the age of 3
  • First day care- Kinder Care
  • First Elementary School - York Elementary School, Raleigh

Schooling in the USA....

February 19, 2023
  • Moved to Hunter Elementary School, Raleigh
  • Middle school at Ligon Middle School, Raleigh
  • High School first year at Enloe High, Raleigh
  • Next 3 years of High School at Raleigh Charter High School, Raleigh
  • Graduated high school at RCHS

College life...

February 19, 2023
  • Started college at University of South Carolina, Columbia 
  • Double Bachelor of Arts, Global Supply Chain and Operations Management, Marketing May 2012
  • McKissick Merit Scholarship recipient, Capstone Leaders Scholarship Recipient, Vice President of Student Hall Government 2012
  • Resident Advisor 2013-2014
  • Risk Management Chair for Theta Chi Iota Phi Chapter
  • Co-President of Gamecock Bhangra, USC’s nationally competing Indian folk-dance group.
Recent stories

Rohan- Unfinished Journey's---Kenya - Masai Mara

October 20, 2023
Kenya, a land of diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife, beckons adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts from around the world. Four remarkable destinations in this East African gem stand out as must-visit locations: Maasai Mara, Sweetwaters, Lake Elementaita, and Amboseli. Join us as we embark on an unforgettable journey through Kenya's natural wonders.
Sweetwaters: A Haven for Endangered Species
Our journey begins in Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary, located in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy. This sanctuary is a beacon of hope for orphaned and rescued chimpanzees. Stroll through the lush grounds and watch these intelligent creatures in a semi-wild environment. Ol Pejeta is also home to the last two northern white rhinos on Earth, Sudan and Najin, making it a sanctuary for some of the planet's most endangered animals. The heartwarming and heartbreaking stories of these rhinos' survival efforts are a testament to the commitment to conservation.
Lake Elementaita: A Serene Oasis
Lake Elementaita, a soda lake in the Great Rift Valley, offers a contrasting experience. This serene oasis is a paradise for birdwatchers and those seeking tranquility. Flamingos, pelicans, and other bird species grace the alkaline waters with their vibrant presence. The surrounding landscapes feature acacia trees and striking cliffs, making it a perfect spot for picnics and leisurely walks. The nearby Soysambu Conservancy offers a chance to see Rothschild's giraffes and other unique wildlife.
Maasai Mara: The Wildlife Spectacle
Next. stop Maasai Mara, one of the world's most renowned wildlife destinations. This expansive game reserve, an extension of Tanzania's Serengeti, teems with iconic African wildlife. The Big Five – lions, elephants, leopards, buffalo, and rhinoceros – roam the savannah, while the annual wildebeest migration is a sight to behold. The Mara River crossing, where thousands of wildebeest and zebras brave crocodile-infested waters, is a breathtaking event you'll witness during the Great Migration season.
Amboseli: Majestic Kilimanjaro Views
Our journey culminates in Amboseli National Park, a landscape dominated by the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro. This is where you can witness elephants against the backdrop of Africa's highest peak. The park's grassy plains attract large herds of these gentle giants, making it one of the best places for elephant viewing. The contrast between the lush wetlands and arid savannah in Amboseli offers diverse photographic opportunities and unforgettable sunsets.
As our Kenyan adventure draws to a close, the memory of Maasai Mara's wildlife spectacle, Sweetwaters' conservation efforts, Lake Elementaita's serenity, and Amboseli's Kilimanjaro views will remain etched in our hearts. Kenya's rich biodiversity and captivating landscapes are a testament to the importance of conservation efforts and the sheer beauty of the natural world.
Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply looking for an unforgettable African adventure, these four destinations in Kenya offer a glimpse into the wonders of the natural world and the significance of preserving it for generations to come. Embrace the magic of Kenya and immerse yourself in a journey through its unrivaled natural beauty.
50 lions/lioness sightings, 3 cheethas, 1 elusive leopard, multiple elephants, zebras, rhinos, hippos, bisons, giraffe's
2 successful lion hunts -zebra
1 unsuccessful hunt by lions - wilderbeast
got chased by a mad bull elephant ....

It was a sweet n sour experience for us. A journey that was planned by Rohan in 2017 but had to happen now......
One interesting parting thought- almost everyday in 70 deg weather, we saw a rainbow. It is believed that someone from above said 'thank you for coming'. 

love you bossman........

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