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Rohan- Unfinished Journey's---Kenya - Masai Mara

October 20, 2023
Kenya, a land of diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife, beckons adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts from around the world. Four remarkable destinations in this East African gem stand out as must-visit locations: Maasai Mara, Sweetwaters, Lake Elementaita, and Amboseli. Join us as we embark on an unforgettable journey through Kenya's natural wonders.
Sweetwaters: A Haven for Endangered Species
Our journey begins in Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary, located in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy. This sanctuary is a beacon of hope for orphaned and rescued chimpanzees. Stroll through the lush grounds and watch these intelligent creatures in a semi-wild environment. Ol Pejeta is also home to the last two northern white rhinos on Earth, Sudan and Najin, making it a sanctuary for some of the planet's most endangered animals. The heartwarming and heartbreaking stories of these rhinos' survival efforts are a testament to the commitment to conservation.
Lake Elementaita: A Serene Oasis
Lake Elementaita, a soda lake in the Great Rift Valley, offers a contrasting experience. This serene oasis is a paradise for birdwatchers and those seeking tranquility. Flamingos, pelicans, and other bird species grace the alkaline waters with their vibrant presence. The surrounding landscapes feature acacia trees and striking cliffs, making it a perfect spot for picnics and leisurely walks. The nearby Soysambu Conservancy offers a chance to see Rothschild's giraffes and other unique wildlife.
Maasai Mara: The Wildlife Spectacle
Next. stop Maasai Mara, one of the world's most renowned wildlife destinations. This expansive game reserve, an extension of Tanzania's Serengeti, teems with iconic African wildlife. The Big Five – lions, elephants, leopards, buffalo, and rhinoceros – roam the savannah, while the annual wildebeest migration is a sight to behold. The Mara River crossing, where thousands of wildebeest and zebras brave crocodile-infested waters, is a breathtaking event you'll witness during the Great Migration season.
Amboseli: Majestic Kilimanjaro Views
Our journey culminates in Amboseli National Park, a landscape dominated by the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro. This is where you can witness elephants against the backdrop of Africa's highest peak. The park's grassy plains attract large herds of these gentle giants, making it one of the best places for elephant viewing. The contrast between the lush wetlands and arid savannah in Amboseli offers diverse photographic opportunities and unforgettable sunsets.
As our Kenyan adventure draws to a close, the memory of Maasai Mara's wildlife spectacle, Sweetwaters' conservation efforts, Lake Elementaita's serenity, and Amboseli's Kilimanjaro views will remain etched in our hearts. Kenya's rich biodiversity and captivating landscapes are a testament to the importance of conservation efforts and the sheer beauty of the natural world.
Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply looking for an unforgettable African adventure, these four destinations in Kenya offer a glimpse into the wonders of the natural world and the significance of preserving it for generations to come. Embrace the magic of Kenya and immerse yourself in a journey through its unrivaled natural beauty.
50 lions/lioness sightings, 3 cheethas, 1 elusive leopard, multiple elephants, zebras, rhinos, hippos, bisons, giraffe's
2 successful lion hunts -zebra
1 unsuccessful hunt by lions - wilderbeast
got chased by a mad bull elephant ....

It was a sweet n sour experience for us. A journey that was planned by Rohan in 2017 but had to happen now......
One interesting parting thought- almost everyday in 70 deg weather, we saw a rainbow. It is believed that someone from above said 'thank you for coming'. 

love you bossman........

Rohan's letter to Dad on his 45th Birthday....

December 31, 2022
Rohan had this letter written to dad, but had not mailed it. We found this letter while moving his apartment stuff back home.......

Creme di Violette!!!!!!

May 1, 2023
by Rajeev Thalla on behalf of Eric Grunden
on behalf of Eric Grunden
Story as posted by Eric Grunden- Rohan's high school teacher, quiz bowl coach and much more.....

A few years ago I put out an all-call to my social media friends that I was looking for Creme di Violette and couldn’t get it in NC. A Sunday afternoon not too much later there was a knock at my door and Rohan Rajeev, one of my former RCHS students and quiz bowl greats, had picked me up a bottle from SC where he was in school and dropped it off on a weekend trip home. He also came to visit me at RTHS not long after we opened just to see the place and find out about it. Not even his area of interest—he was a business guy. He was just curious.
His father called me this morning to let me know that he had very unexpectedly passed away yesterday. His loss is a tragedy for the world. He was generous, kind, and relentlessly positive. Statistically I know this kind of thing gets more likely the more students I work with. But this is one of the great joys of teaching: knowing people like Rohan even if for only a brief time.

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