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December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023
Happy birthday Papa. Miss you and love you. Hope your sunning yourself with Auntie Donna. RIP Papa. Love you ♥️♥️
December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday Dad, life still goes on but wish you could still be here , Anthony turned 4 yrs.old today same birthday as you, We moved and loving it, we’ll have a chocolate donut on me till we meet again Love you Dad ♥️
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
Papa. I can't believe it's been 6 years. You are truly missed. Hope you are enjoying the sun. Miss you and love you Papa ❤️❤️
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
What more can I say, I Miss You Terribly and Love You sooooo Much
Patti Saladyga
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
Well it’s been 6 years without you old man, you are so missed and loved. Love you dad ❤️
December 7, 2022
December 7, 2022
Happy birthday Papa
Truly miss you so much. Hope your celebrating your 90th with Auntie Donna.
Miss you so much. Wish you were here.
Love you
Happy 90th birthday Papa
December 7, 2022
December 7, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday Dad,
Today is your 90th birthday owe how I wish you were still here it would have been a party like no other But God has taken you to be in peace and no pain, But we will celebrate you with all your funny stories, Till we talk again LOVE YOU now and always.
December 7, 2022
December 7, 2022
You would’ve been 90 years old today and we would’ve had a huge celebration with all the chocolate you could eat! But instead we will remember you with laughter and tears. Happy Birthday Dad, I love forever and miss you always.
March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022
Papa, I can't believe it has been 5 years. Time goes by too fast. Miss you bunches. You would love Analise and Dutch. Maybe you can raise a glass, lay out and get a tan with Auntie Donna. Love you and miss you. Til next time Papa.
March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022
5 long years I miss you more now than ever, we have another addition to the family another boy his name is Giovanni such a beautiful little boy you would love seeing all these boys in my family, Well Dad till next time keep watching over us I do feel your presence
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021
Hi Papa, I miss you so much and love you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA. We love you and miss you so much. Nonnie isn't doing to good. Everything is not the same. So sad. Miss you and love you. Fly high Papa. Lay in the sun and have some cake. <3
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021
Happy Birthday Dad this Christmas is much more harder than any other, I think it’s because mom isn’t doing that well but we’re always there for her ♥️ U
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021
Hey Dad, Well another year of you being gone. I think this year is hitting me the hardest. Sometimes I feel like it’s a dream and you are still here, mommy misses you so much she just wants to be with you. You would really hate seeing her this way, it looks like her but she isn’t there anymore. Happy Birthday until next year. Love you and miss you.
August 30, 2021
August 30, 2021
Always thinking of you, me and Nick were just saying your quote is( Just punch him in the face) ♥️U forever
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021
Well today is 4 years since you left us so suddenly not a day goes by that I’m not missing you, they say time heals all but I’m not healed!! Wish you we’re hear to see Anthony he’s the most beautiful baby boy I’m in aww every time I’m with him God has blessed us he’s healthy and such a happy boy, well for now keep smiling down on all of us ♥️U
March 30, 2020
March 30, 2020
Hey Papa--- 3 years today. Its been a long time since we have talked. :(
But now we have another Dec 7th date worth remembering with Dante's baby boy. We will be sure to have a piece of chocolate cake set aside for you. Love-D
March 30, 2020
March 30, 2020
Three years gone, I love you and miss you Dad. You would’ve had a field day with what’s been happening in the last few months. We would’ve had daily conversations about it. I miss that and your voice
December 8, 2019
December 8, 2019
You have a new great-great grandson, Anthony Lorenzo Brindisi, born on you’re birthday! I wish you were here to see him. Love you Dad
December 8, 2019
December 8, 2019
Hey Dad, as I always said on this day “Happy Pearl Harbor Day”. You would’ve been 87 today, it’s sad, Mom vaguely remembered, she sometimes thinks you’re still here, it’s sad. I love you and wish you were here to celebrate, give you scratch tickets, chocolate and money (you’re favorite gifts) but maybe you’re pulling some strings. Possibly today you’re great-great grandson will be born. Keeping our fingers crossed that it’ll happen, it would be wonderful to have another December 7th birthday to celebrate with yours! I love you always and forever!
March 30, 2019
March 30, 2019
2 years has gone by and my heart still is I still wonder why God took you so soon we had a lot of things to do together, I want to have a dinner with everyone and make stuffed cabbage hoping it comes out like your but I doubt it, love and forever missed
March 30, 2019
March 30, 2019
You left us two years ago today...ugh. We all still try to replicate your sarcasm and quick witted comments to whoever was in the room but its not the same. I miss hanging out on Hamilton St and hearing your old stories of serving in the military. I joined the Air Force bc of other reason.... Lov ya.... Derek
PS remember that time at Uncle Jimmy's you put a pitchfork to the chest of the next door neighbor bc he grabbed Vinnie by the neck? So awesome……..#growingupwithpapa
December 7, 2018
December 7, 2018
Happy Birthday Papa! Eat all the cake you want! We all love and miss you!
December 7, 2018
December 7, 2018
Happy Birthday Dad, I love you forever and miss you til the end.
March 30, 2018
March 30, 2018
Hi Dad, it’s been 1 year since you’ve been gone I dream of you a lot at night your picture is beside me in bed, today at 3:47 is when I found you lifeless on your bed my life hasn’t been the same since, I hope your pain is gone and your resting peacefully now forever in my heart, Love you Dad
March 30, 2018
March 30, 2018
Hi Papa, it’s been too long since I’ve heard your laugh or one of your jokes. I’ve had some dreams of you, you had the biggest smile in one of them. I was even reminded of you when I was out one day, I smelt your cologne on a stranger that walked by. Everyday I walk by your picture, Lilly reaches for it. Yesterday she touched your picture and laughed, what joke did you tell her? Or what face did you make? I can only imagine. It’s all wonderful but none of it compares to having you here. We all miss you so much. I’m thankful for you and absolutely everything you’ve done and I’m happy that you’re finally at peace and without pain. I love you deeply, Papa.
March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018
Good morning Dad well mommy has been doing great with going to the Summitt she’s at my house and Rachael house week at a time sure do miss you lots keep thinking of the things we were going to do together but never did , but I’m doing them for you the movie you wanted to see, going to the beach that’s on my list for this summer and just being with you from time to time miss you so much till we talk again love you so much!!
January 17, 2018
January 17, 2018
Hey Dad it almost midnight can’t sleep thinking about you always still having a hard time with you being gone, Christmas was quite and sad with you not there, they say it gets better with time but it doesn’t I’ll always have your smile in my heart, if I had one more day with you just to sit and talk, We’ll good night
December 30, 2017
December 30, 2017
Happy New Years Dad, Christmas was very quite and it sucked with you gone I’m doing my best to get through this but it’s so hard, give Donna a hug and kiss for me, till we talk again love you more than you will ever know
December 25, 2017
December 25, 2017
Merry Christmas Dad, I can’t give you a present but I can give a gift from my heart, I love Dad and miss you so much, my heart breaks to hear your voice again. Give Donna a kiss for me
December 7, 2017
December 7, 2017
Happy birthday Papa. I recently wrote a letter to Olivia for her church retreat where I reminded her of how much we all miss hearing your voice. love ya. Derek.
December 7, 2017
December 7, 2017
Happy Pearl Harbor Day! That’s what I said to you every birthday, you’d chuckle and say those damn Japs ruined my birthday, it was our routine. I missed that today and forever. So I’ll just say “Happy Birthday Dad, I love you and miss you forever and always. “I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)”
December 7, 2017
December 7, 2017
Happy Birthday Dad you’ve been gone for almost 9 months and still it feels like yesterday, but my love for you is forever and always you were the first man in my life and that’s never going to change fly free and we’ll talk again soon
August 9, 2017
August 9, 2017
Hi Daddy I'm missing you like crazy, I can't stop thinking how much of a hole you left behind. I've been researching your ancestry, or I should say trying. We found where Uncle Gig is buried, I hope your hanging out with him now. Brothers forever, partners in crime.  I found the letters from your mom, she truly loved you, you were her little boy, so I hope you two can fix whatever was broken now, finally. So much I wish you would have shared with me, no one would have judged you. You had a hard upbringing but it changed when you married Mommy. Whatever you felt you didn't get or were shorted didn't matter because you had a ton of love you gave to us! None of us felt slighted. I wish I had told you so much more that I loved you. I wish you could come back PLEASE come back to us please just come back Daddy
June 18, 2017
June 18, 2017
Hi dad it's Father's Day, but I'm not happy about it at all wish you could be here celebrating with us all having your steak the way you like it and eating all the sweets you want well I'm sure your celebrating with Donna today till we talk again love you to the moon and back
June 1, 2017
June 1, 2017
Hi dad as I lay here in bed constantly looking at your picture my heart hurts I think your just in the hospital getting better but your not you'll never be back with me and I'm sad every friggin day I cry when I'm in the shower, when I'm alone you should be here dad not gone I keep seeing you lying in your bed that day and the image doesn't go away I'll always love you you to the moon and back
May 27, 2017
May 27, 2017
Hi Dad, well this is our first Memorial Day without you, and it sucks. I miss you so much, I know we didn't talk a lot and I didn't visit a lot. But I still miss you like crazy, the last day I saw you, me and Taylor took mommy to the doctor and she asked how your appointment went and you said clean bill of health. Don't know what happened from that Tuesday to that Thursday, and we never will. You will always be my favorite veteran. Love and miss you
May 27, 2017
May 27, 2017
Forever and for always, I love you Dad. It's Saturday and I miss you, I saw you every Saturday, so this day is always the hardest for me. It was my day, our day, to be cocky smartasses, to talk politics, mostly to shit talk politics! What the hell, you left and didn't say goodbye!!?!?!?!?! Everyone said you're in a better place, fuck them, Fuck Them, you're not with us, with Mommy!!! Dad I Miss You Every Day, so screw the "he's in a better place"! I Love You Dad, come back
May 27, 2017
May 27, 2017
Good morning Dad,well it's Memorial Day and I'm so proud that you served your country wish I could come to the apartment to pick you up and take you to Grampa's grave with me today I'll be putting flowers on your grave and his today I'm still having dreams about that day I found you can't get it out of my head, just know mommy is doing good every day is better for her but for me it's going to take a long time we'll bye for now always love you to the moon and back
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
Hi Papa, just stopping by to say hello. Also want to say it is very hard without you here, but definitely feel your presence and have to take it day by day. miss you very much. Hope your laying in the sun and getting a nice tan. Talk soon Papa. <3
miss you and love you very much.
May 18, 2017
May 18, 2017
Hi dad, it's been a couple of weeks since I sent you a message, but I'm always thinking of you my heart still hurts since you left us today was a good day for mommy we took her to the beach she enjoyed herself but I thought of you all day just enjoying the hot sun I wish I had one more day with you I'd take you everywhere you wanted to go the beach, the movies, and most of all to get your sweets, well for now good night love you to the moon and back
May 17, 2017
May 17, 2017
Hi Dad, It's a hot one today, I can see you now just sitting outside in the sun. You would love it. Mommy is most likely complaining of how hot it is. Lol. I miss you so much, not a day goes bye that I don't think of you. Some days I just don't know what to say, I can't find the words. Even if I can't say what I want doesn't mean I don't miss you, you meant the world to me, even if I didn't say it or show it. But you were my hero. Love you dad so much, till we talk again. ❤️
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
Hey Dad, yesterday Taylor got married you would have been so proud of her she looked beautiful Nick sang a song for you and the other veterans there brought tears to my eye wish you could have been there, Saturday went to church I made it through the mass but I did cry thinking of you it's 2 in the morning can't sleep your always on my mind I'm trying to be strong but it's going to take awhile for that to happen love you with all my heart
May 2, 2017
May 2, 2017
Hi dad, well mommy told me today that last night she cried her self to sleep thinking of you, I know just how she feels I kind of do the same thing just thinking of you not being here telling you it's time for a shower, cut your nails I only did that because I think you were forgetting something's you had to do today for me wasn't very good,out shopping and could not stop thinking of you, I hope your dancing up a storm with Donna and feeling better love you with all my heart ❤️❤️
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Hi Dad, it's been a month and a day, since you pasted. I can't remember what you sounded like I can't remember your voice. I want to hear your voice again, hear your laugh, i miss you so much. I would give anything for one more day. Love you and miss you
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Good morning dad, well it's been one month since that horrible day I found you and still today I can't get that image out of my head Mom seems to be doing good I'm doing my best for her and everyone else, but I want to still be able to visit you and it's not possible,but in my heart I know your not in pain anymore I have pictures of you all over the house I will never forget the father, papa, uncle you were you'll always be my hero love you to the moon and back ❤️
April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017
Dad one month has passed I think of you everyday I keep a picture of you in my truck ,I talk to you on my way to work so after all you did get a ride in my truck . love you and miss you Dad.
April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017
It has been one month and 20 minutes since I received the call from Rose "Ray, Dad's not breathing, he's not moving, I think he's dead". I yelled at her at first, I kept telling her to shake you and yell your name but she had been doing that before she called me. Everything changed after that moment, for Mommy especially. Life goes on but right now it's been one month and 30 minutes, an eternity since I looked at your face. I love you Dad
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
Hi dad, well Tuesday night Derek was driving home and a car in front of him slammed on there brakes and he went into a tail spin from one side of the highway to the other, The strange Thing was not one car hit him and he came to a stop car totaled, my boys mean the world to me,I know in my heart it was you there protecting him from harm thank you, you are our guiding angel I know you'll always be there love you to the moon and back ❤️
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