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Heave Heart

June 17, 2023
Ronnie, I lost the love of my life on 27 Sep 2021 after 36 years.  You would have liked her.  She was very loving and caring, and she was always good to me.  I hope you two get to meet each other in paradise.  I love and miss you always, rest in peace, my dear brother.

The Lord's Prayer

June 16, 2022
Ronnie, remember grandmother getting you to teach me the Lord's Prayer?  I love and miss you, and I pray you are at peace, my dear brother.
June 16, 2021
Ronnie, I miss you more than I can express.  I think of all the times we laughed together and you telling me Mom Mably jokes. I pray you continue to rest in peace.  I love you, dear brother.    

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