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Her Life

My 2nd mother

March 21, 2017

Momma Rose. Was my second mother.

She excepted us as her own not step children butbher own.She was always there for my father who.she love so deeple and her children.

She earned hernwings in heaven,and now she watching over us in gods kindom.

We miss you.momma

Love Pricillia and grand kids

Her life

March 21, 2017

MY wife life was her children and grandchildren She was always there to lend a helping hand.She took in feed homeless people.She had a hart of gold.She loved her friends somone she can share a laugh or too.She loved her church.She belived in the lord.My wife found the lord in 1987 when we got together and she has always felt close to.the lord.Today she is in the land of gold no pain no.suffering no worries

Shes makeing plands for the arrival of her love ones.We miss her deeply but she is in the hands of the lord and one day will all soon be together again..