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March 5
March 5
Continue to rest in perfect peace on the bosom of your creator.
March 4
March 4
Dear brother, you'll forever remain in my heart! You so much believed in me, hence your ever bailing me out in my days of Jacob's trouble. You were a true replica of our father in your no nonsense attitude. Keep on resting in the bosom of our Lord.
March 4
March 4
It's 7years already. Time thus fly! Rest on Uncle.
March 4
Another memorable day Aburo mi atata.
Continue to rest peacefully in paradise. You are permanently in my mind but I am happy that you are in heaven. Sun ree o Ewuoladubo!
March 4
You continue to be on our minds,our darling brother. May God continue to strengthen and bless your loved ones. We miss you ooo. Segun and Bola Ogunkua.
January 3
January 3
May his soul continue to rest in perfect peace IJMN Amen
December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023
I believe not in wishing the winged ones a happy birthday.

For me, every time I see you in my mind or thoughts or auntie's face, I remember you.

Ewuolaedubo, Omoloni I hope your babies won't see it as an affront.

Rest on soldier, rest in peace.
December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023
Today is supposed to be celebrated  as it is your birthday with friends and your Church groups. However, you are in a better place with angels cheering you up with praises and dancing .
Happy posthumous birthday Aburo mi atata. 
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
6 years plus.

I have missed you.

Keep resting Uncle.
March 4, 2023
March 4, 2023
May you continue to rest in perfect peace IMNJ AMEN
March 4, 2023
March 4, 2023
6 years on angel duty, keep watching over us.
March 4, 2023
March 4, 2023
Six years gone by is like yesterday.
Darling brother, we miss you and your sense of humour especially at this crucial political season in Nigeria.
May you continue to enjoy your rest in paradise. 
Love you and miss you so dearly.
Mummy, as you called me.
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Rotimi mi, you are forever in my heart Aburo mi to şe e mu yangan.
Happy posthumous birthday today, the last day of the year. As you lay peacefully with your spirit in God's bossom, you are forever alive with us. Sleep well, beloved.

December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Another day to remember you.

Sail on, I miss you.
August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
I don't come here everyday.

Today, I have become better. Published. I wish you are here. But I guess that is just what it is...wishes. Our hellos and hi are the souvenirs I have now. Rest on Uncle, Ewuolaedubo, omoloni.
March 5, 2022
March 5, 2022
Darling Aburo, another year gone without you. You are greatly missed. No other brother is as close as you were to us all especially me, your mummy, as you call me.
So dearest, so missed. Rotimi your peaceful behaviour will Grant you the greatest enjoyment with our Lord Jesus Christ in Paradise. Rest on my beloved.
March 4, 2022
March 4, 2022
Continue to rest in perfect peace our dearest one. You are always on our minds..Segun and Bola Ogunkua
March 4, 2022
March 4, 2022
Not a day has in the past 5 years that I don’t remember something you said or did. We miss you now and always
December 31, 2021
December 31, 2021
May your soul continue to rest in perfect peace IMNJ AMEN
December 31, 2021
December 31, 2021
Happy posthumous birthday Aburo mi atata. You were the reason we celebrate every new year's eve because that's your birthday. Drinking and laughing and enjoying your company because you were a joker and proud to be with. But that is gone since 2017. I pray for your sweet soul darling brother to continue to rest in perfect peace. Love you forever
March 4, 2021
March 4, 2021
May your gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace IMNJ Amen.
March 4, 2021
March 4, 2021
My dearest Daddy, it's been four years without you.

I miss you very much. Keep resting in the Lord.

Your friend.
March 4, 2021
March 4, 2021
It's another year of missing you my darling Aburo but you remain in my heart Just like yesterday. 4 years gone.

You are very special to all your siblings. Most especially the Akinyemis. Continue to have a sound and peaceful rest in God's bosom.
Ęwuoladubö sure o!
December 31, 2020
December 31, 2020
Even though you were not big n birthdays, happy birthday, Forever missed forever loved.
December 31, 2020
December 31, 2020
Happy Posthumous Birthday daddy!

Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

We all miss you dearly.
December 31, 2020
December 31, 2020
Today is your Birthday my dear Aburo.
You are forever in my mind and always in my heart. Enjoy your peace in Paradise.
Forever LOVE you.
December 15, 2020
December 15, 2020
May his gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace IJMN Amen
March 6, 2020
March 6, 2020
Continue to rest in perfect peace our dear brother.
March 5, 2019
March 5, 2019
May his gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace IMNJ Amen
March 4, 2019
March 4, 2019
It is two years already. Time thus fly! There's no need for an if anymore, the curtain has been drawn. Have you seen your brother, Uncle Ayo?
There were many things left unsaid, and many an emotion left unexpressed.
The chasm could have festered beyond a gorge or the pain could have been reversed but in all, when I remember you, the ONLY thing that crosses my mind is the look on her face when I came in that night.
Thank you for that lesson, it will live with me forever.
December 31, 2018
December 31, 2018
Time matches on relentless, birthdays merges into eternity...we celebrate your times here on earth with believe that eternity is where you rest...
December 31, 2018
December 31, 2018
Continue to rest in perfect peace our dear brother, Amen.
baba ijo and I really miss you. It has always been " if Rotimi (by baba ijo ) & and "my brother " by Bola,were alive he would have come! at every function we 've had since your demise. Your presence at the St Thomas s church centenary celebrations remains indelible in our memories. Thank you again.
God knows all. Happy posthumous birthday darling brother. May your soul continue to rest in perfect peace and may God continue to strengthen all your loved ones,Amen
March 5, 2018
March 5, 2018
It's been a year of pain in my heart but Praise be to God who is the Healer. Knowing the fact that you are at peace from pains and sorrow gives me happiness. Sleep on my beloved brother.
March 5, 2018
March 5, 2018
I miss you my look alike,every single day.
January 19, 2018
January 19, 2018
What shall I call you? Rotimi Akinyemi or Iba Sayo? The former wrapped up your essence like a label. You were many things to many people, a man of many parts.

Most saturday nights tell my sunday mornings you are gone. The few times we conversed opened my eyes to the fraility of our humanity, and when you passed away, a library disappeared with you.

Your attitude towards responsibility was excellent. You were contented with whatever you had. You were a father with the milk of a mother's compassion, you loved your own with their faults unabashedly.

I sing you like a song anytime your thoughts whoosh through me. I break your name in syllables till I find my way past that gully it has sunk in my heart: Ro/Ti/Mi A/Kin/Ye/Mi, I/Ba/ Sa/Yo. Each syllable duly stressed.

Never knew you will travel out this early, never knew that was the last time I would see you. Perhaps I would have stayed patiently while you finish your conversation with Uncle Felix. Perhaps I could have waited the rest of the night just looking at your face as your got busy with that important job you do.

I never got to write you a tribute. Even if I had, what would I have written? That your love is patient. That your patience roars in the lines on your face. Imagine me writing as if you are still here. Somehow, I have come to the realization that everything about you can't be in the past. At least you still fetch gallons off your sisters' faces.

I am glad our paths truly crossed. And I am grateful for everything Uncle.
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017
Today 31st December was your special day that every member of Our Savior's Church always look forward to because of the celebrations organised every New year's eve. You always keep chilled drinks in your office for everyone that cared to come and wish you a happy birthday. Today we are missing you, your laughter and your jokes. ROTIMI YOU ARE FOR EVER LOVED and MISSED.
August 28, 2017
August 28, 2017
Almost 6 months ago you left to gain your peace and enjoy at God's Bosom in Paradise. But my eyes have refused to stop shedding tears knowing and remembering the lose of the closeness we shared together. There's no òne else to call almost 10 times daily to share and discuss issues. No one to laugh with over Nigeria situation. Your analysis always on point. My prayers now is for the Almighty to give me the heart and strength to enable me shout Hallelujah. To praise Him more with open hands and gladness in my soul and body,

Rotimi, Ewuoladubo, Sun 're. Miss you, miss your jokes. Good night my Aburo.
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
RIP the best father-in-law, Anjola's best friend. Your memories/Legacy will linger on forever.
March 18, 2017
March 18, 2017
So sad to have heard about your demise Uncle Rotimi, we love you but God loves you more.Rest in peace Uncle Rotimi Akinyemi!!!!!
March 18, 2017
March 18, 2017
The sky is not as blue the sun is not as bright without you.
It feels like you have gone on a trip and you will be soon be back.
I am sad but happy at the same time cos I know you are walking on the streets made of gold.
Its not good bye but note note cos I know I will see you in the morning.
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017

The man I knew, a trusted leader/servant, of his family.
As a kid, he was opportune to sojourn in Ibadan, the city that was never conquered by any war. He was at the prestigious "Children Home School", founded by mama Ogunlesi. Unfortunately, I could not meet him then. Being the son of a committed friend of the late sage, Awo & his party, "Non-fee-paying-Council School was just good for me." "Abi o".

When his siblings, particularly the younger ones have a matter in his care, they "go to bed" and await his "direction". Sorry, this, would be, no more.
Very little, I knew of him, because I may not boast of any intimacy. However, from my little personal experiences, and the opinion of my brothers/sisters-in-law, I based my evaluation. This, I think is enough "vox pop".without pretences.
That little of him, known to me, would be just enough to turn around a world like the one I live in, if only 25% of its inhabitants could be so trusted.

I met this man almost 4 decades ago as an elder brother to a lady I admired. Trust, a bloody "arokian", sojourning in Lagos, I could not only be satisfied with a presentable lady, but one from a respectable background. This man, an appreciable member of their respectable family, could be seen as a good ambassador of Bami-David's family. I prayed, (though yet to be reborn) concerning the young girl, but also considered many facts, including the character of the kinds of late "uncle Yo". Apologies to Mr Wale Akinsehinwa, his affectionate nephew.

We never really had any other thing in common, but I could bet, he approved of my humble self, as a suitor worthy of consideration. If he had said NO to the ears of my "babe", then the likelihood of having a wife that the Olokos mistook as one of their own daughters might have been a mirage.

No thanks, to the then NEPA. Some 35years ago, on a certan day, the then young man, had to get up around 4am to iron his shirts, when he was awoken by the shout of "upNEPA". Not a few, wonder, if NEPA was really up. At that pretty morning hour, the young dad of pretty Sayo, now Mrs Alonge, peeped out of his window. He saw his well parked "tear rubber" Peugeot 504 L.This car, daily, "ferried" him to & fro NNPC HQ, Falomo, Ikoyi. Unfortunately, on finally rising up at about 6am, the elitist "mobility" of that age, was, to-be-seen-no-more. The nasty boys have done their worst. This man took the shock very calmly. Oh, he had to jump into taxi for a few weeks again.

Watching him from a distance, I was never in a position to advise him on personal issues but I discovered that he took similar stands as I would have in similar situations.

An appreciably handsome man, he would easily be selected, Mr "Nigeria of YEMAJA STREET".

In his "regalia" as a dutiful warden at "Our Saviour Anglican Church TBS, Lagos", you would feel like coming to serve.

My dear sister, 'Dewola, pretty Sayo, "Prof" & "Pinky", you would never be consoled enough by man, but our Lord Jesus Christ. And this, He would do. Amen.
The Lord's servant - RWA, "Ewuoladubo" omo bami David, omo manager, omo Obateru, continue to rest in peace, till the resurrection morning.

March 10, 2017
March 10, 2017
Good night my dear brother, unbelievable that we're now leaving a tribute for you but in all things we give thanks. Still hard to believe, good night till we meet at His feet.
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