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October 19, 2023
October 19, 2023
Although, I missed leaving a tribute in 2022, I did not forget you, Mom. You are truly unforgettable by those who knew you. I have such wonderful memories.

Today, you would have been 101 years old. So much has changed since you left this plain to join the Lord, our deceased relatives and loved ones.

Those of us still on earth have wonderful memories of our lives with you. You were always genteel, never indelicate. I wish I could say the same about myself. I probably made your life hell at times and for that I'm sorry.

I've mellowed but still have that fire, truly a Jersey-girl, but I miss you as much as I did the day you left us.

I truly hope there's peace and love when it's my cross over and join my family once again.

I love you Mom, always have, always will. You were the best mom anyone could ask for and you baked the best pies.

Your daughter, Susan
November 1, 2021
November 1, 2021
Well, ten years have passed but it seems like only a short time since Mom died. How I wish I could go back fifty years; I would have been a better daughter. It seemed like Mom would live forever but in reality nothing lives forever except memories and thank heavens, at 74, I still have a good memory.

One of the funny stories I remember of my mother.....(this was before I was born) Mom and Dad were sitting at the kitchen table where Dad was reading the newspaper. Mom kept trying to talk to him but he was more interested in the news.

Mom was pretty creative. Without his knowledge Mom reached out and took the pack of matches laying by the cigarettes Dad always smoked and quietly set fire to the newspaper in Dad's hand. THAT got his attention for sure.

I love you Mom and miss you every day. I know all my dogs are surrounding you and being loved by you in my absence. Thank you for everything, you were a kind and loving mother.
October 20, 2021
October 20, 2021
So hard to believe my mother would have been 99 yesterday, She's been gone just shy of 10 years and wow, have those years flown by. There are so many things I remember about mom all adding up to a wonderful mother gone too soon for my liking. God Bless You, Mom.
October 21, 2020
October 21, 2020
Happy Birthday Aunt Ruth! You were always so free to smile.....I'll forever remember the good times when we would all be in LBI together!
October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020
Happy Birthday, Mom! Mom would have been 98 today and how I wish she was still with us. Mom left this world when she was 89. I thought she'd live forever. I miss her so much.
October 19, 2019
October 19, 2019
October 19th, Happy Birthday, Mom! Had you lived today would be your 97th birthday. Dan sent me old negatives many of the pictures I'd never seen. Frank bought a scanner and was able to print them. I'll add a few to this page for you.

I love you, Mom. You were the best mother anyone could ever have and you're dearly missed by all that knew you. My friends were so jealous because you were also the best baker in the neighborhood and I have the girth to prove it.

I sent Betts a few of the newly discovered photos; some were of Aunt Bucky in Vermont.  We're all getting older but Betts is still kicking in Florida. I can't believe I'm 72 now, where did my life go?

I hope you're at peace and now have Eileen with you and the rest of our family.

Thank you for being such a wonderful mother. 

All my love, forever. Susan
October 19, 2018
October 19, 2018
It's so hard to believe Mom has been gone seven years and would have celebrated her 96th birthday, today. And hard to believe that my sister, Eileen, and Uncle Jack have also been gone a year. God bless them all. They are all dearly missed.
My heart breaks knowing they're gone but I also believe they're with me each and every day, along with Dad and my grandparents.
We'll meet again someday.
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
So many things left unsaid. So many unanswered questions. How I miss my mother and wish she was still here today but I know she's watches over me and still loves me as much as I love her.
November 3, 2014
November 3, 2014
God looked around His garden
And He found an empty place.
And then He looked down
upon the earth,
And saw your tired face.
He put His arms around you,
And lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful,
He always takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering,
He knew you were in pain,
He knew that you would never
Get well on earth again.
He saw the road was getting rough,
And the hills were hard to climb,
So He closed your weary eyelids,
And whispered "Peace be thine."
It broke our hearts to lose you.
But you didn't go alone,
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.
November 1, 2014
November 1, 2014
It's 3 years today and still I miss you Mom.
I love you.
October 19, 2013
October 19, 2013
Mom, I love you today as much as I have loved you all the days of my life. Thank you for loving life enough to bring me into the world as your first child.
Please take care of my pets. I believe you will be seeing Tank very soon. I know you'll love them as I do. I miss you, Mom.

October 19, 2013
October 19, 2013
When God called you home

When God called you home, it was a birthday celebration in heaven.

For the angels rejoiced to welcome you. Your family and loved ones were there to greet you. Most of all, Jesus was waiting with an outstretch arm.

In His gracious mercy and love, He welcomed you home. It was the day you were born unto Heaven.
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
Well, it's been one year since Mom's passing and not a day goes by that I don't think of the last visit we had just six short weeks before her death. I was so lucky that she waited until I could make the long trip to WY. to see her again. The first day I saw her was rough. She was sitting just fidgeting and staring blankly.The following day she said, "I love you, too, Susan" ! Thank God!
December 2, 2011
December 2, 2011
Ruth, I wanted to personally Thank You for everything that you have done for me. You were a very special person in my life. I think of you as my adopted Mother. You were also kind enough to give me your daughter’s hand in marriage. I always enjoyed our many conversations together. I will keep you in my prayers. Susan, Dan, Eileen and Sheila: I am very sorry for your loss. Mike
November 21, 2011
November 21, 2011
Being at the lake with Ruth when I was a kid was a terrific time. She was always so patient with me and I really looked up to my pretty cousin. Those were good days that I'll remember forever. Be at peace, Ruth.
November 12, 2011
November 12, 2011
Dear Susan (and Danny, Eileen & Sheila), My deepest sympathy to you on the loss of your mother. No words can express the sadness that we all feel right now. But, as time goes by, you'll feel your mother's presence still there with you in your heart more strongly than ever and you will draw a great strength from this. It is a strength that you will find hard to believe was ever possible.
November 12, 2011
November 12, 2011
I have a lot of happy memories of Mom Mom. I remember how much Mom Mom loved music and dancing. She would help me learn my dance moves from dance class and how to keep with the rhythm of the song. I also remember all of the beautiful dresses that Mom Mom and my mom would make together for me when I was a little girl. I always loved looking at all of her glass birds that she collected :-)
November 6, 2011
November 6, 2011
When I was a child growing up in Elizabeth I always thought Aunt Ruth was so beautiful with her dark hair and her smile. She was such a nice person........I can't remember ever hearing her raise her voice.
I got to spend some time with her when she came East after Tiny's death. She worked so hard getting that house ready to sell. I will miss her.

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