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March 15, 2017

Grandma Ruth was the nicest lady I have ever met, she was strange had that sort of twinkle in the eye. I know that's a cheesy way of putting it but that is what I saw, Grandma loved Coca Cola, Angels, and Elvis. I remember seeing all the vintage Coke stuff she had. She would Babysit me when I was younger sometimes I'd be there late so she would take me to run errands. Go to sees candy for the free peice of chocolate and a Sucker. Stop by JC Penny's she would spoil me and get me a toy haha, take us to the Golden crown. For Chinese's food and Orange Sherbert. She really was family you know. I'd stop by in the weeks with friends and she would invite them in and catch up. Usually we would wait there till the our movie time was coming. We would sit in the living room or the kitchen and discuss stories. Let's us raid the fridge for sodas and snacks cause we were her growing boys. She was truly a remarkable woman. 

These were some of my special memories of her 

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