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October 8, 2022
Good Afternoon Everyone, 

Ryan Nelson was one of the most positive influences in my life. During the time where I was at my lowest he would check up on me constantly to make sure that I was ok. I felt a genuine vibe from him and he was always spreading love and positive energy throughout everyone in the group. Everyday I express the gratitude of being able to have met someone like Ryan. I want to share my condolences to Ryan’s family and also thank them for raising a compassionate human being, because without Ryan I wouldn’t know how my future would end up. I would look through our previous messages and I would cry because I lost one half of myself. Even through spirit, continues to bring the bonds between friendship closer. We love you Ryan and you will continue to live on within family, friends, and memories. 
September 21, 2022
One time we were having a family dinner, this must have been 2016 or 2017, I was listening to an artist who was pretty underground at the time. I was playing the song quietly because it was not the most family appropriate song. And Ryan said " oh you listen to ghostmane?" A was so struck by how he new that song. I never thought he listened to the same music I did. He gained so much respect from me that day. I remember thinking my lil step bro is legit! I respect how modest he was. He knew so much and never flaunted his brilliance. He had style I envy. Everyday he looked fresher and fresher. Much love and respect to my lil bro. Always clean. Always 100.

Bad dad jokes

September 20, 2022
I was just thinking about one time we were in the car going somewhere and Dida was driving and Ryan was in the back seat. Ryan and I were taking turns making up bad dad jokes. I wish I could remember them. What I do remember is how we were driving his mom crazy. (In a fun way).  That was a great day. 
I really miss you RJ.

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